What Is The PERFECT Square For Each Chess Piece? ASMR

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chess always starts like this but why and why not start chess like this or like this and why does it have to be symmetrical Why not start just like this and if you could freely choose how to deploy your forces which setup would be the best in order to answer these burning questions I reached out to my dear patrons who support me on this channel and ask them to send me their best setups or deployments as I'm going to call them going forwards according to these rules you can freely deploy your normal 16 chess pieces on the first four ranks in any way you like castling still works but only if the king and the relevant Rook start at their traditional square and you can have no pawns on the first rank I then use those deployments to solve these questions using science sort of okay so we want to find out if say this is better than say this another way to ask this question is if they were to play each other and they could play with perfect strategy which side would win and that is what we are going to find out and I can already r reveal that we are going to learn something deeper about Chess along the way here's what I did my first step was to build a really powerful PC so we could do some serious number crunching then I went and got some professional chess software and this is chess space a program used by chess Grand Masters to keep track of their games their opponent's games and apparently all other games of Chess as well and they need to do this for I guess serious chess reasons the program does come with its own chess AI but I of course wanted the absolute best so I kicked Fritz out and went and got stockfish 16.1 stockfish is an open-source chess evaluation program and it is the best in the world so if we use stockfish through chess space to have the deployments play each other will we then learn the absolute truth no but close and here is why chess is not a solved game nobody knows what the perfect moves are but stockfish is the strongest chess playing entity in the world meaning that there is currently no way we can disprove the results it comes up with so how strong is stockfish its expected score against world number one Magnus Carlson is 99.99% meaning that Magnus would score one point out of a possible 10,000 according to this math at least I configured the software to utilize all of the available RAM and all of the available CPU power to really squeeze out that sweet sweet science juice I then went and gathered the deployments submitted by my patrons made one myself and also through the standard starting position in there for LS I mean for control as a control now for the hard part getting the program to determine which deployment is really the best first of all we have to understand that the strength of a given deployment is nontransitive that means that just because a beats B and B beats C it doesn't mean that a also beats C in fact it is just as likely that c beats a I therefore decided that all deployments should play each other in a round robin tournament so we can see what deployment performs the best against the field on average of course it must be a double round robin so that each deployment has both white and black against all opponents we are going to create a database of our deployments getting rid of the stand starting position and getting to the deployment positions using this very intuitive and aesthetically pleasing tool right here we are took some time but now we have a database of all the deployments playing against their round one opponent twice once with white and once with black it is now 32 hours later and my computer has calculated 922 million possible moves to come up with the results of round one and here we have it in the first game we have Addison with white against Knight with black and this is Nots let's take a look Addison has deployed her Army in three sections there is a castled king there is a snipers nest and there is the main Strike Force in the center Knight has done something very very different there is a double team of snipers here but then we have a artillery a barrage of Rooks here in the center and alone and possibly heroic Knight but it is over here that we really see the main idea there is a huge Pawn Mass here that is shielding the king it is a super bonger this is of course an extremely original and interesting idea by night and the key to understanding this matchup is to understand this giant Pawn Mass so before we see the game I'm going to remove all the other pieces and then I will put the move number on the screen right here and I'll speed through the game looking only at these pawns and as you can see they don't move a lot and when they do they sort of slowly just disintegrate so with that pattern in mind let's go back and take a look at the actual game we just saw that Knight's main idea with the deployment this super bunker didn't really work the question is why and what can we learn from it this game is 90 moves long 92 Moves In fact and uh it is best understood through a couple of key moments that underlines and shows the strategy that stockfish came up with with white to win this game and the first key moment in this game is interestingly already on move one from the start stockfish is playing to win with white no draws here and the first move is very interesting stockfish plays Bishop takes Bishop to which the black side replies Pawn takes bishop and what is that about if we look at the main Army not the Bonker but the army of black here then we can see that when these Bishops have been exchanged we are left with the queen backing up the sniper Bishop but they are looking directly into this Pawn that is very very well protected by all these pieces and the same goes for these two Rooks they are biting on granite they are looking directly into this a very strong Pawn now let's jump just a little bit ahead to the first key moment which is here on move s and already here on move seven we can see it going quite a bit wrong for black because black has not been able to do much of anything just Shuffle their pieces around a little bit whilst white has been able to exploit this extremely strong Center Pawn control and uh establish a Outpost Square for this Knight the problem is that black doesn't really have anything to do with these pieces there are no Pawn breaks that can be used to destabilize White's position so black is now forced to play with the super Bongo over here we see Pawn to a E5 then E4 by white A4 B takes A4 and B takes A4 so now let's jump quite a bit forward since there is a lot of shuffling of pieces in this game strong chess AI like stockfish they do this shuffling of pieces to really maximize the utility of the pieces before they cash in so let's go to move 35 which is here and we can see white continuing with this strategy there is a failings of Pawns here that has been building throughout the game and there's just no way to break through without any pawn breaks and that again forces black to strike out using the super bnga we see Pawn to B4 here C takes B A takes B and then a takes B and now we can really see how the strength the pride and joy of Black's position has been destabilized it is starting to seriously disintegrate and black has been able to make no progress so let's jump ahead again and see how white is going to exploit these weaknesses of black and um this right here is the position at move 51 white has activated the king traded off a bunch of pieces and once this the threat of this super BN over here was gone started pushing their own pawns down the board and the point is that they are going to make a new queen that they can use to Checkmate and from here on out the game is very easily winning for white let's Jump Ahead just to see the end of the game so now white has their extra Queen trade off everything that is dangerous on the black side and can checkmate with the bishop like this but what happens when Knight gets the right to play with white so we change our perspective we jump into chess bace and look at the same game but now with the colors reverse first and we are again focusing on the Super Pawn mass that Knight has come up with and this game is where it truly gets fascinating from the starting position stockfish believes that this is going to be a draw but it isn't so let's understand why stockfish starts out by playing Bishop takes Bishop the exact same move that Addison's deployment used to beat Knight's deployment with white but what is different what is different here is that with the first move Advantage Knight now has time to actively start clearing the way as you can see for the pawn mass and we speed through the game looking at these pawns and all this time stockfish believes that this is going to be a draw we see an exchange of queens and white gives up the exchange Rook for Bishop here but now the path is clear for the pawns and up all the way to this position stockfish is convinced that this is going to be a draw but after this move something changes it can now see just a little bit over the horizon to the ultra late end game it changes its mind completely and it says that white is losing so what is it we speed through more moves and we see the pawns going forward they are threatening to make the Queens but black is also making progress and here we have it there's a check another check and a queen but black queens as well and black queens with check and there's something about this end game there's something here that was misevaluated initially by stockfish because somewhere along the lines black is making more progress than white and we end up in this position here in this late game Ultra Ultra late end game where the black pawns are suddenly Unstoppable and we see a Checkmate occur on the the board like this so the first match ended 20-0 in favor of Addison in the next matchup we see two completely new things that can only occur in this type of chess with white we have Planet Ceno squaring off against Dr blueberry with black and these two players have chosen to deploy their p pieces in a very similar manner where we see Rooks and queen for white influencing direct control over the center and likewise for black and we also see white using Bishops and knights to exercise control over the center from the flanks and similarly for the Bishops and knights for black and also very similar King positions what is very very different is the porn structure because white has chosen this porn structure that is immediately immediately aggressive in the center we see this very very different PN structure from black relinquishing control in the center focusing instead on the flanks and on open files for the battery of Rook Queen and rook and on the first move of this uh game we see this first new thing that can only really occur in this type of Chess and when Planet Ceno's deployment has white against Dr blueberry's deployment the game is effectively over on move one because the deployment can simply just come in and capture this Knight on the very very first move being even protected by this other Knight and and now black is simply a piece down which is a disadvantage from which black never can recover in this game and the game is over in only 23 moves and we can see here how stockfish with white is very confident opening up the center trading Pieces Just dominating the center here and the game ends already on this particular move where black quite simply resigns the game and that is because in this position there is just no way for black to defend anymore these pawns over here are going to fall they are a full Bishop down this Pawn can go down the board and promote to a queen so this is easily winning for white at this point so 01 but but what happens when we reverse the colors now we are going to take a look at this second new and interesting thing that happens in this particular matchup we jump back into chess space to see how the tables have turned both literally and figuratively because given the advantage of the white pieces Dr blueberry can avoid losing this Knight straight away by first capturing here with ch check and once the Knight is recaptured the other Knight can jump in and capture this Pawn right here the Knight is recaptured by the bishop Pawn takes the Knight has no good squares to go to so Knight D4 and now we can really see the central idea of Dr blueberry being this extremely powerful artillery that he has chosen to not hide behind pawns which makes the following sequence possible white sexs The Exchange Rook for Knight Pawn takes but we can see the awesome power of the remaining battery of rook and Queen Bishop takes pawn pawn takes Bishop Rook takes Rook with cheick Rook takes and queen takes and that is check the queen is blocking and already we can see that white is easily winning this game and why is this winning well we have Queen for Queen and Bishop for Bishop but we have one 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight pawns all the pawns for white and only one two 3 four five six six pawns for black so black has lost two pawns a human player in this position would probably just exchange the Queens to avoid falling for any tricks but since computers don't fall for tricks we see this stce where computers in mysterious computer fashion is moving around shuffling shuffling shuffling to maximize the utility of the pieces before cashing in and now we get the exchange King comes up and all the pawn Falls and stockfish of course easily converts this makes a new Queen and checkmates like this so here we have a case where both deployments win with white Dr blueberry had chosen a very provocative setup that was very very vulnerable and with black he lost a piece on the first move but with white he was able to use his awesome idea of having these cannons just exercising a lot of control down the center so this is our first match where both deployments W with white so the match ended one one this next matchup is about to hammer a point home about chess in chess we say that it is an advantage to take up more space more territory on the chess board and in this matchup we see that Concept in full effect we have farron with the white pieces against the standard starting position with the black pieces and farron has supplied me with some notes on why they chose this particular deployment so here's what they say I want my king to be safe from immediate long range stacked attacks both vertically by Rooks and queen and I aonly by Bishop and queen I want as few pieces as possible to be immediate targets to facilitate playing both black and white and I want my immediate weaknesses the light squares to be offset by placing most major pieces on dark squares or with quick access to dark squares so these are some very great and interesting insights provided by Farr and they are in stock contrast to what we saw in the earlier game where there were not those defensive measures being taken resulting in the loss of a piece as when playing as black for Dr blueberry straight out of the opening now let's see how white is going to use space B advantage to actually just crush the starting position because very quickly this turns into this already on move seven and we can see here that there is Fen ketto sniper position standard development trying to get castled but white is just coming at black and there's opened a line here for the Rooks and we see an exchange of the Rooks Rook takes Rook then Bishop takes rook and now black is out of moves white will take an additional 14 moves shuffling the pieces around in typical computer fashion to get to this position before white is really able and ready to cash in the great Advantage so now here at move 21 we can really see white is just squeezing black completely stifling their development 100% and black is now toast and white is ready to cash in white starts out with Bishop takes Bishop defended by the Knight Knight takes bishop and then white crashes through C6 with an attack on the Knight Knight F6 getting out of the way D6 opening up the scope of this sniper Bishop C takes D6 and C takes B7 the bishop is trapped here and has to give itself up for the B Pawn Bishop takes B7 and then Bishop takes bishop and now white is up a bishop for no real compensation because these are AI playing the game last for another 50 moves with a lot of shuffling around but this is a story we have seen before one side develops some kind of strategic advantage in this case the space Advantage then caches in for a material advantage being a hit on pieces from there on simplifies the game game and wins in the endg game by making new Queens what happens though when we reverse the colors when the standard position has white they actually have a chance to get in the game a little bit and we see the first nine moves take us from this position to this position where white has actually developed their pieces a little bit but black starts so far ahead that black side can use the next 12 moves to turn this into this where we can see that black has been forcing white back again and now it's time to cash in a little bit black plays Pawn to C3 attacking the Knight the Knight captures this Knight and a little tactic Pawn to C2 with an attack on on the Knight and the Rook this Knight jumps back Pawn takes Rook promoting into a queen but that Queen is immediately recaptured by the Knight but now the black side has won the exchange and goes on to press that Advantage by turning this position into this position where black has now infiltrated with the Rooks and are about to to deliver a deadly tactic because here with the Rook Queen and Rook infiltration going on stockfish with black come comes up with this tactic Knight to E4 attacking the queen attacking this Knight and here white has to give up the queen otherwise this Rook will penetrate and we will have a checkmating attack with the Queen checkmating the king therefore Knight takes Knight which of course hangs the queen Rook takes Queen with a winning Advantage for black so we saw that the standard position was able to fight a little bit against Faron farron's deployment but in the end it ended 20 Z because the space advantage of farun deployment was simply too great to combat for the standard starting position so that match ended 20 in favor of Farr every single pairing has something unique and interesting we have now reached the final matchup between Maya Maya and myself ASMR ches and Maya Maya has done something that no other participant has done first let's take a look at the setup we have a sniper nest on the king side and a symmetrical sniper nest on the queen side in the center we have the center Pawn duo with the Knights backed up by the queen but the really interesting thing is that the king there and the Rooks are on their traditional starting squares meaning that Maya Maya retains the right for her deployment to Castle on either side I have had a very very different approach and this is what I came up with I wanted Rooks on the open files one of them I have backed up with this queen and I put a bishop and a bishop here to influence some of the longest diagonals the reason that I chose this setup with the pieces off to the sides is that in chest they say that it is good to control the center so this is what I did I put all my pawns like this just to say I am not relinquishing power over the center I put the knights here so they can sort of throw H grenades over the the pawns and influence uh the center on my opponent's side of the board I didn't know exactly where to put my king So in lack of anything better in lack of any genius ideas I put him here and this game is extremely interesting in particular because of Maya's decision to be able to Castle so let's jump right into jpace and look at this amazing match up and see what we can learn just look at all the potential energy in these two deployments they are both like compressed Springs just ready to shoot out and crash through to the opponent's king the plan that stockfish comes up with with white here is to destabilize and destroy the center for black but it is black that is pressing and just look at these four Knights how cool is that and we go through the game and white has been successful you can see here in destroying the center Pawn mass of black and it is still black that is pressing though the Knight has to jump back and we reach the most interesting position with this Knight sacrifice device that is captured and now we get a reestablishing of the Cent porn Mass really taking control over the center this key Concept in chess and it is at this position that we must stop and appreciate what Maya has done because it is black that is pressing here and this Pawn Mass here is just about about to crash through the real threat here is actually not Pawn takes Bishop it is as the red arrow indicates pushing this Pawn to E3 with an attack on the Knight when the Knight moves it will no longer defend the Rook the queen can come in Snag that Rook with a check on the king and that will mean the end of White's game but there is one move exactly one move that can keep the balance in this game and that is giving up the bishop and castling and that is what white does the bishop is lost but white can fight on and we just see this liquidation and now we reach this end game and my my deployment is still a pawn up here but the Superhuman power of the AI is able to perfectly defend this for white there's no way you can see black is trying trying trying to make progress but there's no way in finally the pawn is pushed trying to make that Queen but at this position white offers a draw the engine can do that and black accept it because from this position black has nothing better to do than repeat moves that is if white only repeats moves and white has no prospects to win so white is going to repeat moves there will be a three-fold repetition and the game will be a draw so we have our first draw of this tournament but now my deployment has white against Maya Maya and can castling save her this time or will this awesome Pawn mes be able to crash through and win the game Let's Take a Look starts immediately with an attack in the center gaining space exchanging some piece but this is okay because there is a plane and we will see the plane come to fruition in just a few moves this Pawn is going down the board that is not really a problem because we have our plan for white which we see here and now we can see how the Central Pawn mes has been transformed into these four pawns this is too strong there's just no way we can really defend that with black so black is of course making a bunch of threats keeping the game alive for as long as possible but we do reach this position and we can see that the Central Pawn mes was able to break break through and now we are just about ready to make a queen and the game does end like this bishop drops back attacks the queen push the pawns we give up one Pawn but it is of no consequence because we can play Pawn to f8 and make a new Queen we now have two queens and this is too much and black resigned the game so the game ends one and a half to 1/2 in favor of ASMR chess before we look at the standings after round one I want to say that this is probably a great time for you to get subscribed so you can catch the next video where I am going to give an overview of the rest of this tournament and do an indepth discussion of everything we have learned and of course we will also find the winner and give the prize in that video if you want to actively participate in the ASMR chess fun like this deployment Auto chess tournament you can also consider joining the patreon here which of course also supports my work on the channel now for the results on a shared first place we have Addison and Farr in third place we have myself with one and a half point then we have Dr blueberry and Planet Ceno they had a one- one match so they have one Point each then in sixth place we have Maya and Maya with half a point and sharing seventh and eighth place we have Knight and the standard starting position how will it go when we go to the next round and the next round and the next round and what deployment will emerge as the winner and who are you rooting for and do you have your own suggestions for an interesting setup that could maybe beat all of what we have come up with thank you so very much for watching I hope I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: ASMR Chess
Views: 37,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DERLP1w0Hyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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