What is the Most Profitable Money Maker for Each Skill in OSRS?

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now a few years back I made a video detailing the best money makers for each individual skill in old school RuneScape now that was back in 2020 and ever since then quite a bit has changed in certain cases it's simply brand new content that is outclassed older stuff or simply for other reasons the best money makers have really switched around a lot in the last couple of years now starting off with one of the skills that has been impacted the most in the last couple of years and that is going to be combat now I'm grouping together all of the combat skills here but I am given a separate section for magic because it has a ton of utility and I think it deserves its own category but if we're considering combat what is the current best Money Maker for those skills so as of March 2023 that is now tombs of a mascot the tombs of a mask has been out now for half a year but it still Remains the best combat money maker and potentially just straight up the most profitable money making method in old school right now that the amount of money that you can make with the tombs of mass get varies wildly based on your invocation level invocation is a scaling difficulty system that allows you to increase the difficulty of the raid up to realistically 500 raid level if you are skilled enough to solo 500 raid level tombs of mascot runs you can currently earn up to around 20 mil per hour this is mainly due to the fact that your drop rate for purples at that point is extremely common and the prices of the uniques are still quite valuable another worthy mention is definitely got to be next but even though NEX has been out for over a year it still has remained by far the most consistent high level Money Maker in the game ever since his release still up to this day earning about 15 mil per hour assuming you do it in a Duo so compared to 2020 combat is way more profitable thanks to mainly in part some very high level bosses that have been released somewhat recently so next up here is a really interesting one and that is the prayer skill now historically there's been pretty well no way to make money with prayer you just bury bones in the ground or you pay for something to get prayer experience there's been really no way to actually make money with the skill but that actually has changed ever since the beginning of 2021 with these shades of Morton rework nowadays you're able to cremate shade remains to gain prayer experience but also earn money at the same time that's due to the fact that the shade remains provide keys that you can use to open up chests within the shade catacomb and in some cases you can actually profit money over the cost of your supplies the best option in this category is cremating urium remains which is the highest level shade and that can earn you up to about 600k per hour while you cremate The Remains you're going to be getting mainly firemaking experience but you're also getting 60 000 prayer experience per hour which is a notable amount and really the only way to make money while actually training in prayer the only drawback is this requires 95 fire making to get started it's very click intensive and although I did it all the way to 99 Fire making the money per hour is not quite good enough I would say to make it super worthwhile but there's no doubt it is the most profitable method now like I mentioned I have separated magic into its own category magic has three different spell books all offering many non-combat spells so I think it's definitely worthwhile putting it under its own category now one magic spell has remained one of if not the most profitable magic training method in the game for years is actually the tan leather spell now 2023 it's no different I believe it is the most profitable Training Method that's at least somewhat consistent there might be some other Fringe cases but but casting the tan leather spell on black dehyde can earn you up to 1.3 Mo per hour while also getting you a 130k magic experience per hour as well this does have moderately High requirements requiring 78 magic the lunar Spellbook and the framic hard diary but it is more than worth it if you want to train magic while making some money now runecrafting is a skill that has changed a lot in the last couple of years but the top and highest grossing method hasn't actually changed it remains wrath runes crafting rathers can earn you up to about 2 mil per hour but has a caveat of being the highest requirement Rune in the entire game requiring 95 runecrafting and the completion of dragon slayer 2 just to be able to craft them now one thing that has changed is the experience per hour from wrath runes has actually gone up a bit thanks to the removal of the delay when you were crafting runes uh which is better runecraft training across the board now you can actually get up to about 50k per hour while crafting wrath runes which is quite a notable Improvement now one thing that is worth mentioning is that crafting blood runes is very similar profitability earning about 1.7 mil per hour but having a much lower requirement of only 77 runecrafting and in addition to that blood runes have hit pretty well their floor price which means they can't really go much lower which means the profitability of blood runecrafting probably won't change very much in the future where the profitability of Wrath runes still has the potential to go down but regardless runecrafting Still Remains one of the most profitable Skilling money makers in the game now next up here we have construction an interesting one because as far as I'm aware there isn't really a way to actually make money while training construction but there are a few construction related money makers as far as Emma were the best construction Money Maker is a very odd one and that's constructing toy cats toy cats are made in your house and requires 42 construction to be able to make them alongside 85 crafting making the toy cats can earn you over a mill per hour but doesn't provide any construction experience and is somewhat of a niche method it's very inconsistent but in the realm of money makers that involve construction this is really the most profitable one the only other real option would be providing Services by running bones for people which is construction related but not something you do on your own and you're not really producing anything so in 2023 there isn't really a way to make money with construction yet but using a crafting table in your poh is probably the closest you're gonna get okay so now moving on to agility now I'm happy to report that the hallowed set Booker has remained very profitable ever since his release when I last made this video the hallowed Sepulcher was quite fresh but looking at it today it Still Remains one of the best Skilling money makers that can earn you still up to about 2 mil per hour assuming you have access to the highest level floors it also provides the most competitive agility experience rate as well allowing you to get well over 75k per hour agility experience if you know what you're doing the drawback is that it still has a very high requirement to get access to all the floors requiring 92 agility to get the fifth floor which is really where you're going to make most of your money but yeah it's pretty impressive that a piece of content that is now nearly three years old still has remained consistently this good money now another skill that has seen a bit of change over the last couple of years is Herb lore in 2023 there are now actually a few new herb lore money making methods now thanks to the release of the Kingdom divided Quest back in 2021 herbalor has a new money maker and it involves the new spell d Grime D Grime is a new spell on the reworked Arceus Spellbook that allows you to instantly clean a full inventory of herbs all in one spellcast this is a more realistic way to clean herbs and is way quicker and way more profitable than the previous method which was manually cleaning them by hand which was terrible so don't ever think of doing that the grime requires 70 magic a kingdom divided and access to the archaeus Spellbook but currently if you cast the Grime on renar Weeds you can get over a mill per hour in profit at the cost of your sanity and your arms and wrists but we're not factoring that in over a million profit while also getting you about 60k herbalore experience per hour if you want to hedge towards more experience and less money you can also clean something like grimy cadentines which will still get you over a mil per hour but will get you closer to 100K herbalore experience instead so a very good option the one main drawback to this method is the amount of herbs you clean per hour is kind of a bit restrictive you can clean over 15 000 herbs per hour which means if you want to do this for a full hour with renar weeds you're going to need a 90 mil cash stack just to afford the herbs for that hour so it's not realistic to do for a long period of time and you do need a fair bit of money to get started with it but it's kind of a daily activity it is definitely the best purple or money maker and we'll also train your magic a bit at the same time so it's kind of an interesting new method the next Super we have the thieving skill and 2023 the most profitable way to make money with thieving is pickpocketing elves now similar to the hallowed Sepulcher I'm quite impressed that this method has remains so profitable for years now this method was released with the song in the elves Quest back in 2019 so it's quite old content at this point yet today by pickpocking elves you can still earn yourself well over two mil per hour while also getting reasonably good to even experience as well realistically up to about 160k per hour thieving experience now the money you earn mainly comes from the enhanced Crystal teleport seeds which still have retained a very good value now this does remain a very high level method which means you need at the minimum 85 thieving to even be able to steal from them but even the higher levels recommended to get the optimal rates you'll also need access to a Grand Master Quest song of the elves but these high requirements probably have helped keep this method so profitable now coming up next here we have the crafting skill now though crafting is a Bible skill there is still ways to make money with it in 2023 the most consistent way to make money with the skill is by crafting bracelets or sometimes other jewelry items you can start doing this at as low level as realistically 29 where you can craft the Jade bracelet which right now will earn you about 500k per hour GP while getting you around 80 000 experience per hour in crafting so it's a pretty good option other high level bracelets also work as well which will earn even more experience and sometimes you can do amulets depending on the prices now pretty similar skill is Fletching once again Fletching is often very expensive because it is normally considered a viable skill yet there are still ways to make money with it definitely the method that is the most profitable if a little inconsistent is Fletching Dragon bolts you can easily earn over a mil per hour Fletching Ruby Dragon bold diamond dragon balls and even more recently sapphire dragon bolds the Sapphire Dragon Bolt has been popularized by the new Phantom muspa Boss so all three of those are pretty good options to craft any of them you will need 84 Fletching so it is a pretty high level method and the one main drawback is the amount of bolts you can craft per hour exceeds the buying limit for the required items which means you can only do this for around half an hour at a time but the effective hourly rates can be very lucrative earning well over a mill per hour quite often you do need a fair bit of money to get started with this but if you're trying to make money with Fletching and don't mind a daily activity this is definitely the way to go now making money with the Slayer skill is incredibly popular and in 2023 the Slayer monster that provides the most money per hour hasn't changed since its release back in 2019 we're talking about the alchemical Hydra the alchemical Hydra still offers a ridiculous 3.5 mil to even 4 mil per hour and that's pretty much entirely just in its consistent resource drops this has remained the most profitable Slayer creature for over four years now mainly due to the fact that has such a high requirement to kill requiring 95 Slayer to be able to attack it on top of requiring a Slayer task to kill it so there's a lot of requirements but if you can meet them all then it's one of the best methods in the game providing around 30k Slayer experience per hour competitive combat experience rates as well while making just a ton of money Hunter is another skill that hasn't changed too much in the last couple of years assuming you don't keep pk'd every 10 minutes you can earn over 800k per hour hunting blockchain champas now personally I've never found it worth the effort but there's no doubt it is still a pretty good method it requires a minimum of 80 Hunter to get started and at the higher levels can provide up to 90k per hour experience making it by far the best hunter method just one that you know can get interrupted from a lot now the mining skill is one that doesn't get that many updates but one pretty big one that came back with the proof Dennis update is volcano now it's debatable whether this is even considered a Training Method because you get such low mining experience per hour but there's no doubt that this is the best way to make money with the mining skill participating in the volcano Skilling boss can earn you up to 1.3 mil per hour which is pretty damn good considering the content's been out for four years now and many resources in RuneScape have been heavily devalued now to participate in this you do need 74 Mining and the completion of the song and the elves making it a pretty high level method like I mentioned you're not going to get a ton of experience per hour only about 15K per hour mining experience which means the levels are going to be incredibly slow but you are going to be making a ton of money along the way now next to prayer we have another Bible skill and that is smithing now surprisingly smithing has quite a few ways to make money with this skill it's not really an expensive Bible skill like it has historically been but by far the best way to make money with smithing is by smelting Rune bars at the blast furnace if you're doing this somewhat efficiently you can get over a mill per hour around 1.2 mil per hour to be precise and over 100K per hour smithing experience making it a really good method for both money and experience it does have a high smithing requirement of 85 Plus you definitely will need access to the coal bag as well which adds another dozen hours or so to your prerequisites but if you're looking to get a very profitable and somewhat quick 99 99 smithing through night bars will give you a ton of money to work with unfortunately the fishing skill in 2023 still doesn't really make you any money that's kind of the case with most resource Gathering skills but fishing is one that is pretty outdated when it comes to making money with it sure we did see tempuros but I'm pretty sure the best Money Maker for the skill is actually fishing sacred eels this is something that you can't start doing until 87 fishing and after you've completed the regicide Quest the reason that it is moderately profitable is because you actually get Zora scales from the fish that you catch thanks to that you can get about 300K per hour from this method that said for a Training Method it is pretty slow you're only going to get about 20K fishing experience per hour but it's super chill super AFK and definitely the best option for making money with fishing now cooking is a pretty interesting one for the most part you don't make a ton of money with cooking anymore but there is one exception to that and that is one tick cooking crumb ones this is not only the quickest cooking Training Method and one of the quickest training methods period in the entire game is also the most profitable if you learn how to win tit Caron blondes you can get about 500k per hour in profit while getting a whopping 800k per hour or even more in some cases cooking experience it's a really crazy method and the only downside is it is super click intensive but if you're willing to put in the work it is definitely the best option for cooking now historically winter tot has been the most profitable fire making method in old school but that actually changed thanks to the shades of Morton rework which added in the ability to burn shade remains we already talked about this and not only is it the only profitable prayer Training Method it's one of the only profitable fire making training methods like I mentioned cremated Nerium remains earns you about 500k per hour in profit but it also gets you well over 200k per hour fire making experience it is primarily a fire making Training Method after all so it's actually pretty competitive like now like I mentioned I went all the way to 99 with this method there are a lot of positives to it but the downside is is very quick intensive compared to Winter tots and the money per hour isn't really that good to really justify all the extra effort but it is definitely the best option if you want to make money with fire making woodcutting is another resource Gathering skill that really hasn't seen much change in the last decade when it comes to making money with it anyway unfortunately logs have just been heavily devalued throughout the years to the point where the most profitable log is one that you chop at level 35 woodcutting the teak log really this comes down to the fact that teaks are still somewhat valuable and very quick to cut and even though this is the most profitable wood cutting method it's still not that profitable you only get about 200k per hour GP in profit while getting about 90k per hour woodcutting experience so it's a pretty good Training Method now as far as locations you would do this then two options I'd recommend you could either do it in proof din is which gives you a low chance of getting a crystal Shard which gives you just more money per hour or you can do it on fossil island in the farmable hardwood patch because it's very close to a bank and it will reduce your banking times but the reality is if you want to make money with wood cutting you should probably just do a different skill to be honest foreign skill we have here is farming now farming is a very good money maker there's honestly a ton of ways to make money with the skill obviously the most well-known and effective way to make money while actually training farming is doing herb runs you can get an effective two mil per hour while farming most herbs although the lowest level one you can do is for Nars at 32 this will get you some experience per hour but not a ton maybe about five to ten thousand but it is something in the money per hour is very good now if you want to look a little bit more outside the box something that is farming related but doesn't provide any experience is is creating saplings with this you can make up to three or even sometimes four mil per hour depending on the sapling which is incredibly good but it's really dependent on the margins on the day and it is very quick intensive and provides no experience solo farming is kind of more of a viable skill it does have a ton of ways to make money with it in a ton of variety and it's why it's one of my favorite skills to make money with so there we go that is the most profitable Money Maker for each skill in 2023 looking back at the last three years quite a few things have changed but some things never change like wood cutting not being profitable anyway thanks for watching and I'll see you next time now before I go here I want to give a giant thank you to all of my members over on YouTube but thank you so much to Alejandra Mitch reinders the hybrid and Kush Patel for all being subscribed at the dragon tier you guys are awesome I do really appreciate it also thank you to kapersky yoyosub89 and ndm0001 for being subscribed at the Rooney tier thanks everyone again and I'll see you next time
Channel: FlippingOldschool
Views: 249,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: osrs, oldschool runescape, runescape, money making osrs, best money maker osrs, most profitable money maker for each skill, best money maker for each skill, Most Profitable Money Maker for Each Skill in OSRS, osrs most profitable money maker osrs, osrs most profitable skills, best money making method osrs, best money maker for each skill in runescape, runescape best money maker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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