A Complete 1-99 Slayer Guide for Oldschool Runescape! [OSRS]

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hey guys and welcome to my 1299 slayer guide now slayer can be a little bit intimidating at first but don't worry fundamentally it is a very simple skill now leveling up the slayer skill can be extremely rewarding not only is it one of the most profitable skills to level up due to the high level bosses and monsters it unlocks but i would argue it's also one of the more fun skills in the game that said it is also ranked as one of the slowest skills in the entire games so as you get more comfortable with the skill it is ideal if you can try to implement some more advanced strategies to speed it up but don't worry we're going to be starting with the basics now why exactly would you want to level up slayer well as i already mentioned there are a ton of powerful slayer exclusive monsters for example skeletal wyverns gargoyles brutal black dragons but some of the best money makers in the game do require you to level up slayer to unlock the monster there are also slayer exclusive bosses that can only be fought with a higher slayer level for example cerberus the alchemical hydra the abyssal sire any thermonuclear smoke devil and by far one of the biggest benefits to slayer is it allows you to train multiple skills at once for example while you're leveling slayer you are always leveling up a combat stat alongside it and by the time you reach 99 slayer you are most likely going to be 99 in every other combat stat thanks to the experience you get along the way now other reasons you might want to level the skills are some quests and diary requirements the highest level slayer requirement for quest currently is monkey madness 2 with a requirement of 69 slayer now there are a ton of achievement diaries that have slayer requirements but the highest one is the current and kepler's elite diary that requires 95 slayer so you will need to train the skill quite a lot to unlock all quests and diaries now the most basic question what is slayer well it is kind of an extension to combat at its most basic level it has a very simple gameplay loop first you receive a assignment from one of the nine slayer masters in the game you'll get assigned a monster to kill somewhere within gilanor and in a certain quantity for example here we got like 170 a bear inspectors from there you simply have to go kill that monster in the assigned amount for every monster you kill on the assignment you're going to get a little bit of slayer experience and that is how you level up the skill now once you finish your entire slayer assignment you're going to be rewarded with some slayer points as slayer points are used for a variety of different things such as purchasing different upgrades from the slayer shop unlocking new slayer monsters to be assigned or blocking ones you don't want the lower level slayer masters don't really reward many slayer points but as you unlock at the higher ones you're going to start accumulating more and more slayer points now normally when i make a skill guide i divide it into a bunch of different routes to get 99 go over a bunch of different skilling options stuff like that slayer that is not as relevant so i'm going to be structuring the guide a bit differently we're going to start off with everything you need to know for early game slayer and then we're going to move on to slayer in the mid game and then finally late game slayer and more advanced strategies now when you first start slayer in the early game the biggest decision you need to make right away is what slayer master you're going to pick and what combat level you should be before you start slayer now unlike most other skills the amount of experience you can get per hour with slayer is gated by your combat level more so than your slayer level that is quite a bit different than the skill like crafting for example where at low crafting levels you get slower experience and at higher crafting levels you get much higher experience this mainly has to do with the fact that at lower combat levels you don't deal as much damage and thus you're not killing monsters as quickly which means you're getting much slower slayer experience also on top of that the actual slayer masters that you get the tasks from do have combat level requirements to them so to get better slayer experience you need to have higher combat levels so that being said how high of a combat level should you have before you start slayer i'm not gonna sit here and tell you that you can't start slayer at literally level one combat at level three because you can and if you want to do that more power to you just go ahead and do it just be aware it's gonna be a lot slower but more realistically if you want to start slayer in the early game i'd recommend at least 40 combat and if you want to wait a bit more into the mid game you should try to get maybe at least 70 combat as so the next decision which slayer master should you choose we're going to do a brief overview of all of them to tell you which ones i think are good so starting off at zero combat we have turiel you don't need any requirements to use this master if you're starting off at level three combat this is the slayer master you'll essentially have to use although it's really not recommended although turiel does have a special ability which we're going to talk about later that can be used in more advanced strategies next up here we have spyra who is the most recently added master you never really want to use this person it is essentially a clone of turial next up here we have christilia which is the wilderness slayer master she will only assign monsters in the wilderness now there are some viable uses for her but i would say if this is your first time leveling this skill i wouldn't recommend it because you'll need to go into the wilderness for every task and she can assign fairly high level assignments so if you're too low level you'll be pretty much out of luck next up here we have machna at level 20 combat i would generally recommend just never using the slayer master the assignments are really awkward and very low level next to where we have vanica who is a familiar face to get a task from vanica you require 40 combat and this one is a decent option for those who want to do low level slayer there's a decent variety of different monsters some tasks are quite good and others are very annoying now next to bear we have childer childhood requires level 70 combat to use and is a pretty good option at that level she tends to assign mid to high level stair task although she does still have a lot of weird low level awkward tasks as well okay next up here we have konar unlocked at level 75 combat konar does have some niche uses she does assign some very good high level monsters that said the drawback of konar is not only does she assign a specific monster but she assigns a specific location to kill the man which leads to a lot of awkward and undesirable tasks the second and last master is neve at level 85 combat as soon as neve is unlocked you should start using her she is very good for experience and tends to assign monsters very close by in her slayer cave and finally unlocked at level 100 combat we have at durodel durdell generally is the best player master in the game he assigns the highest experience tasks and some of the highest profitability tasks as well so once you get to 100 combat you should essentially mostly be using daredevil there are still reasons to use other slayer masters but in general you're going to want to use doordale now because slayer is essentially a combat skill i think it's a good point to talk about gear that you're going to want to wear while slaying now because there is a wide swath of different monsters that can be assigned you will eventually need to use all three combat styles to effectively train the skill but at low and mid levels i would generally recommend just sticking with miley melee is a lot cheaper to sustain in the early game and is a really easy and quick way to level up your combat to begin with you want to at least get your hands on a rune summatar a full rune setup an amulet of glory a combat bracelet maybe some rune boots now that is just conventional melee combat gear but there is one slayer specific item that i would highly recommend getting as soon as you can and that would be the black mask now currently a black mask will run you around 700k but it is by far the strongest upgrade throughout the entirety of slayer now you can wear black mask starting at 40 combat and it will give you a 16.6 percent increase in your attack and strength which is massive this will add on multiple max hits and be more accurate the caveat though is it only works on a slayer assignment but when you're training slayer you're pretty much always on an assignment so it is just a massive boost this is another benefit to training melee because in the beginning a black mask will only work with melee later on when you imbue it it'll work with range and magic as well but that takes a bit longer now this is the base gear i'd recommend for slaying now if we go ahead and open up the slayer reward shop which can be accessed from any slayer master you're going to notice a ton of different pieces of equipment here now these are items that are required to complete a select number of tasks for example earmuffs are required to be worn to kill banshees so i guess they don't blow up your eardrums or whatever a mirror shield is required to kill basilisks and a nose peg is required to kill the bear inspectors if you do get assigned a task you don't recognize i would get in the habit of looking it up on the wiki double checking there isn't an additional equipment requirement for it that said a lot of those assignments you don't really want to be doing anyway now with that said i would go ahead and buy the enchanted gem if you don't already have one it's in the top left corner it will give you information on your current slayer task how many more monsters you have to kill so it's very useful to bring with you now once you get started with slayer you'll quickly come to realize that some tasks are a lot better than others some of it comes down to personal preference but others are objectively not a good task to do now what makes for a good slayer task well generally i would break that down into three different groups one is it gives you good experience per hour two is it gives you good money per hour and three is it is just a quick task so if i has one of those going for it i would say it is a acceptable task to do otherwise i would try to avoid it in the early game you're pretty much just hoping that the task is either good experience or quick you're not likely to be making much money now what tasks are good to do at a low level well many of them are quite quick because you don't get assigned monsters in very large quantity but there are still some decent tasks for experience to do for example cow fights hobgoblins lesser demons ankus hill giants fire giants ice giants ice warriors trolls and ogres are decent options in the beginning and i'd recommend doing these tasks if you can get them the reality though is that in the early game you pretty much just have to do every task that you are assigned but that changes once you get into the mid game so now that you have selected a slayer master to use you've acquired your early game slayer gear now it's just time to start getting some assignments and completing tasks you're gonna get some you don't like and you're gonna have to learn a lot about where all the monsters are because this guide would be like five hours long if i wanted to list every single monster in the game or to kill them but as always the osr's wiki is your friend so as you complete tasks you're going to inevitably start accumulating slayer points now one thing you might have noticed is that after a certain amount of slayer tasks you often get bonus slayer points now these are awarded for completing a certain streak in your task for example every 10 tasks you're gonna get five times the regular points every 50th task you're gonna get 15 times and that will scale all the way up to your 1000th task in a row where you're gonna get 50 times the regular points now these are very slow to obtain so it is very important to spend these in an efficient way now first of what exactly can you do with slayer points well quite a lot of stuff actually but i'm going to be focusing on what i think you should be prioritizing your slayer points on first and we're going to list these from the most important to the least important now the first and most common use for your points are going to be skipping tasks now this is very self-explanatory for 30 slayer points if you don't like the current assignment that you were given you can simply skip it and get another one now in the beginning it's very hard to consistently skip all the tasks you don't like but once you get to the later game you want to make sure you have some points stockpiled in case you get a really undesirable assignment now the next thing i would prioritize is blocking slayer assignments this is very similar to skipping except when you get a task you don't want you can fully block it and you will never get it again unless you remove it from your block list now one big thing to note here is that if you're starting with a very early game slayer master like touriel or even vanica i would not recommend blocking any of their tasks mainly because you won't really have the points and as you move up to a higher level slayer master you'll need to change up what monsters you block anyway so it's just a waste of points now to begin with you're not going to have many block slots but as you complete more quests and gain more quest points you are going to unlock more but eventually you can unlock as many as six now from here i'd recommend prioritizing a very specific upgrade the bigger and better slayer perk this is a one-time purchase for 150 slayer points and is one of the most powerful upgrades to increase your experience per hour bigger and better will allow superior variants of the slayer assignments which can be killed for a large chunk of experience and a chance at a very rare and expensive drop now from here you kind of realistically have two options you can either go for the slayer helmet which will require 400 layer points to unlock and also requires you to have 55 crafting this is a nice upgrade but not as important as a lot of people make it out to be it's honestly more of a quality of life upgrade essentially it combines all of those annoying little slayer equipment pieces like the nose peg the face mask stuff like that into one helmet which you can have on at all time that includes the black mask so you're pretty much always going to want to wear this it is good to get eventually but if you're strapped for points it is not required by any means in most cases it won't really increase your experience per hour but it is good for a few tasks now alternatively you can unlock slayer rings for 300 slayer points this is a very powerful upgrade in my opinion as the slayer rings offer very strong teleport locations one which is very close to a fairy ring one of the closest you're going to get for a long while that said to make slayer rings you need 75 crafting so if you don't have that i would probably just get the slayer helmet instead finally here from mid game slayer if you do happen to have all of that done you can also consider extending tasks to give a good experience that can also be a good use for slayer points there are of course a lot of other things you can buy those i think are the five or six most important things that you should prioritize your first few sharepoints for so now that you're moving more into the mid game for slayer i would still recommend sticking mainly with melee but of course if you have the money you can try experimenting with range or magic as well melee is still one of the most cost effective combat styles and some of the best upgrades are free and or simply just quest items for example now we've upgraded to a slayer helm we now have the dragon scimitar which is one of the most important upgrades we have the fire cape in our cape slot that provides a strength bonus uh we have a fighter torso from barbarian assault barrows gloves from a recipe for disaster and two optional items the obsidian plate legs and the berserker ring imbued these are just staple good mid game items that i would highly recommend for slayer which will really increase your damage per second now in the early game we haven't really talked about experience per hour at all from slayer because honestly my best advice is just not to look at it because it is usually atrociously bad especially if you started at a low level once you move into the mid game and you start getting longer and higher experience tasks xp per hour starts to be a little bit more relevant that said i would still say a fairly good mid game slayer task is most likely only giving you somewhere around 20 to 30k player experience per hour and that's why slayer is considered pretty much the slowest skill in the entire game at this point you should definitely move up to the childer slayer master and ideally neve once you get up to nev is really when slayer starts to become more consistent and the xp per hour starts to go up a lot as well so now that we've moved into the mid game for slayer what tasks should you be doing well there's a couple factors to consider here so of course we know what a good task is that is something that is good experience good money or is quick but now there's an extra layer here now that we have some slayer points we were able to block tasks and we were able to skip tasks so in the mid game you could visualize this in a different way what tasks should i do what task should i block completely because they're awful in which task should i skip now to answer this question we need to look a little bit more in depth on how the slayer assignments work so we're actually going to open up the osr's wiki and look at the neve task list now each layer master has a different set of potential assignments and while you are given a task somewhat randomly not all tasks are weighted equally at the right here we can see the waiting for all of the different tasks the higher the weight the more likely you are to receive that task so for example neve has a higher chance of assigning abyssal demons than she does of a signing at bear inspectors so the general advice is when you are deciding which task to block you should block your least desirable task with the highest weight so i personally think turos is a really annoying task to do but i wouldn't block it because it has such a low chance of popping up and if you get taras you can simply skip it and that is a lot more efficient for your slayer points one other thing to consider is that a lot of slayer assignments do have a soft requirement to unlock them so for example in obvious one abyssal demons you're never going to be assigned to bissell demons until you have 85 slayer but also some of them are locked via quest for example you're never going to be assigned adamant dragons without completing dragon slayer 2 and some are even unlocked in the slayer shop so to decide what task you want to block i would usually do the following come over to the wiki for the slayer master you're using on the right you can organize the tasks via weight and put the highest way to task at the top starting from the top just pick your least desirable tasks and you should focus on blocking those pretty much after that everything else you don't want to do you're just going to have to skip now for the mid game there's a huge variance in what tasks people like doing what tasks people like blocking and skipping but here's just an example of a way you could do it so in my opinion monsters that you are most likely going to want to block would be spiritual creatures those are just slow and awful black demons although eventually you might want to unlock those later sukwas although once again you may want to unlock those later iron and steel dragons are pretty decent blocks as well as a bear inspectors although those are not nearly as bad as the others these are all slow or annoying tasks to do they're all actually fairly high weighted and likely to come up there's some other tasks i would recommend not doing still but you'll probably end up skipping these those would be turoths blue dragons elves iron and steel dragons could also be a skip or fossil island wyverns now the rest of the assignments either provide good experience such as blood veils cow fights daggonoths greater demons or dust devils they can provide decent money for the level such as worms gargoyles skeletal wyverns crass or cave horrors or they're just really quick such as mutated zygomites or black dragons assuming you do the baby variant all right so now we're moving into late game slayer and in the late game there are once again a few more things you might want to consider now up until now i recommended mainly training with melee but as we move into the late game you definitely want to consider using the other combat styles now let's start with ranged and specifically the canon now the dwarf multi cannon is essential to get some of the highest late game experience rates honestly the earlier you can get this the better the main drawback to the canon is it is very expensive and you usually don't make your money back with it so you're constantly going to be draining money due to the cannonballs but honestly it is a great use of your money because it will speed up your tasks tremendously and you can use it on the vast majority of slayer assignments so pretty much wherever you can slap this thing down do it assuming that you can afford it now alongside it if you want to train your ranged more you can also consider just using ranged gear one of the most popular options is a blowpipe with something like mithril or adam and darts now here are some of the better tasks that you can cannon and ones you should pretty much always do if you get them assigned first up here we have dagonos these can be killed in the lighthouse dungeon with a cannon with either ranged or melee and can get you up to 80 000 experience per hour and slayer granted as a fairly short task now another exceptionally good task is blood veils however to do this effectively you actually do need access to the myriad ditch laboratories which i believe requires the completion of sins of the father the reason the laboratory is so good is because it offers a multi-combat area to kill blood builds in and when you're killing them here you can get usually 75k to 80k per hour with a canon which is incredible another good canon task is cow fights this can get you up to 70 or 75k per hour granted it is a fairly short task as well once you get access to the canon sukwas actually become a fairly decent task giving you around 50k per hour from a cannon another fairly underrated task i would say that you can cannon is actually greater demons if you do this in the chasm of fire with a blowpipe or another ranged weapon you can strategically place your cannon in the middle and in a safe spot and even though this is a singles area because you're using range your cannon can still fire on everything and you can usually get up to 45 or 50k per hour at this location now those are just some examples and again you should just can in everything you can but those are the best tasks now also in the late game you have magic and magic once again offers one of the better slayer training methods in the late game and that is due to the ancient spell book and specifically bursting or barraging bursting slayer creatures offers some of the highest experience rates in the game while also often being break even when bursting is actually a lot more effective if you can stack up your enemies into a very small area and attack them from there for example here we're doing it in the catacombs of korand and essentially the way this works is you have to attack all of them once to aggro them either with darts or even a dense bower can work here once they're all aggroed to you you run into a corner and run into somewhat of an l formation back and forth over and over and over again until they all stack up once they're stacked here you switch back to your mage equipment and burst them down this is much quicker than trying to just lure them around mainly because you do actually freeze them in place every time so if they're spread apart they're gonna most likely stay that way each location has a marginally different strategy but this will work for the majority of burst tasks now here's a list of some of the best bursting tasks currently i believe smoke devils are the best slayer task in the entire game these can offer well over a hundred thousand experience per hour but does require a lot of practice to get right after that we have neck reels which can easily get you up to 80 000 experience per hour and you're definitely going to want to kill these in the catacombs of corinne uh next up here we have dust devils which give a fairly similar amount i'll be at maybe closer to 70 to 75 000. once again you're going to want to kill these in the catacombs and if you want to get a little fancy with it you can even try abyssal demons this one requires a lot more effort but you can once again get pretty close to 70 or 80 000 experience per hour so all of these tasks together i would say make up the s tier of slayer they offer some of the best experience rates in the game and you should always try to do these if you can now one other option you have when you've made it pretty deep into slayer is slayer bossing now this could come in the form of the actual slayer bosses such as cerberus the abyssal sire or the alchemical hydra those require slayer levels to kill alternatively you can kill other bosses simply on a slayer task such as vetonatus on a spider task or zami godwarz on a greater demon task bossing can be a very profitable although slower way to progress in the late game normally you're not going to be getting much more than 20 or 30k per hour slayer experience when you're killing any of these bosses and that is often on the higher end of things as well but if you're not looking to rush the skill to 99 bossing your way there can be an extremely lucrative way to make a lot of money on your way to 99. okay so we're finally on to the last part of the guide and this is kind of more advanced mechanics or just other odds and ends didn't really fit into the rest of the guide now one thing you might consider using throat most of your slayer training although is not required are expeditious bracelets and bracelets of slaughter these are items that will either extend or lessen your slayer tasks the expeditious bracelet has a 25 chance of a monster killed to count as two kills towards your slayer task which essentially speeds undesirable tasks up the bracelet of slaughter does the opposite has a 25 chance of not counting your kill towards zero slayer task essentially extending it for better tasks now at the very beginning of the guide we mentioned the turial slayer master and how i wouldn't generally recommend using them but there is one caveat here there are a couple advanced strategies that can involve turial natural can reset a task for you keep in mind that that will reset your task streak so if you had 200 tasks done in a row and you grab a task from turial that will reset you to zero now normally that is not really a good idea in the beginning because you're trying to save up as many slayer points as possible but once you get to high level slayer slayer points aren't that big a deal and you should have a fair number stockpiled anyway so one strategy that some people employ is something called tutorial skipping essentially this just involves you grabbing the task from your slayer master of choice for example people do it very often with konar attempting to get a alchemical hydra task so you get a konar you don't get the task too bad but you can actually simply cancel it with turial and reset it to one of the lower level tasks from there you have to do it but it's very quick and then you go back to konar and try again until you get your desired task can be a little time consuming but if you're looking for very specific tasks to real skipping can be a very powerful strategy now another interesting strategy you can employ with tutorial is another thing called tutorial point boosting now this is something you may actually consider using in the early game what is point boosting exactly well it essentially involves using turial to do a number of tasks to boost up your street count to right before an important milestone usually players will do 9 tasks with turial and then they'll do a final task with their highest level slayer master they'll claim the large point boost from that singular task as they move back to toriel and keep boosting up your task streak this is a very powerful strategy to earn slayer points quickly in the early game and unlock some of those more important upgrades it is a bit tedious but i think it does pay dividends in the end unlock upgrades quicker and just generally progress through the point shop in a much quicker way so anyway that is finally pretty much it with everything i wanted to talk about in my slayer guide but in the hopes of keeping this guide as succinct as possible we're just going to include what i think is the most important information in the end how long will it take you to get 99 slayer it can take anywhere from 200 hours to 400 hours i mean there's just a huge amount of variance in how long this skill takes and it really depends on your own personal preferences if you're slaying more so for money or if you're slaying more for experience if you know what you're doing or if you're a complete beginner those things are going to impact how long it takes in general so anyway guys thanks for watching i hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know what skill guide you'd like me to make next and maybe we'll get around to it pretty soon anyway thanks for watching and i will see you next time now before i go here i want to give a huge thank you to all of my members over on youtube thank you so much to cesarium osrs the hybrid alejandra sajuani's flail and kush patel for all being subscribed at the dragon tier thank you guys so much really appreciate it also a giant thank you to ryan shady mexos base titch ndm001 and yoyosub89 for all subscribing at the rooney tier really means a lot as always if you are looking for another way to support the channel becoming a youtube member is a great way to support me directly you will be immortalized in all of my future videos get access to a custom role in my discord server and my video release schedule thanks again guys and i will see you next time
Channel: FlippingOldschool
Views: 827,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: osrs, oldschool runescape, slayer guide, slayer guide osrs, slayer guide oldschool runescape, osrs slayer guide, 1-99 slayer guide, 99 slayer, 99 slayer guide, guide to slayer osrs, slayer guide runescape, oldschool runescape slayer guide, osrs 1-99 slayer, Complete 1-99 Slayer Guide for Oldschool Runescape, 1-99 slayer guide osrs, guide to slayer oldschool runescape, slayer 1-99 guide, 99 slayer guide osrs, guide to 99 slayer osrs
Id: AuQsunnezIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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