OSRS Money Making Guide 2023 - Low Intensity / AFK Methods

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everybody wants to make money in RuneScape whether it be to get a new 99 gear upgrades or something else entirely but a majority of the best methods come from high intensity pvm such as writing Gauntlet necks and other high-level bosses so that's not the goal of this video I'm going to show you a few methods you can use that are low intensity or AFK this is for anyone working from home or just trying to make money on the side and not have to worry too much my first AFK guide was almost a year ago today so it's only fitting we do another one so let's get started with the first method which is going to be viral watch Sentinels firewatch Sentinels have been one of the most popular methods for afking for a long time the main draw for doing Sentinels is a chance at the bloodshard drop this is a 1 in 1500 drop worth almost 6 million GP outside of the bloodshard there is a few items you'll receive that will eventually add up such as roon items Rune oreon bars adamant chest plates and a few other things the expected rate of GP per hour is about 590k but this is assuming that you'll get the bloodshard drop within a reasonable drop rate and don't go super dry you can pick up the vampire dust to improve your GP per hour but this heavily takes away from the AFK aspect of Sentinels since you'll have to bank way more frequently other than the completion of the quest sins of the Father the only requirement you need is decent combat stats along with melee gear you must use a blister wood flail to damage the Sentinels so you don't need to worry about affording a Rapier or anything like that you essentially just bring your best in slot melee gear bringing process light instead of a top and bottom if you're on a Slayer task you can use a Slayer helmet otherwise just use whatever you have a medallion to teleport there and besides a super combat or two that's all you need in your entire inventory as long as you're not wearing the wire Noble clothing they will always aggro to you speaking of the fire Noble clothing you can opt to bring it with you so you can use the bank that's pretty much right here whenever you want all you have to do is equip the full clothing set and you can use the bank you're not going to be using piety as that will drain your prayer too much all you do is pray melee and when it gets low you use the altar which is just a few tiles away this is a really popular method for people using alt accounts so you may have some trouble finding an open world next up is going to be brutal black dragons this is another very popular method for alt accounts and this method provides a way more consistent amount of money as you're not relying on a big drop like the bloodshard instead you're just getting a consistent stream of drops through different Elks bones hides and other things if you didn't know already brutal black dragons can be found in the northeast corner of the catacombs of Karen they require 77 Slayer to kill but don't require a task other requirements than the Slayer would be 37 prayer for protect for Magic High ranged optionally a player-owned house with pool helps but is not required as you can use a ring of dueling and that's pretty much it for skill requirements and the player-owned house the goal here is to bring your best range gear and just Auto retaliate as you kill them the money you make per hour varies depending on your gear but I will average it out to about 1.2 million GP per hour the lowest tier of gear I would use here is blessed dehyde with a dragon crossbow I opt for full Elite void with a dragon crossbow anguish and other DPS items best and Slot here is obviously going to be Missouri and Tebow but if you don't have those a Dragon Hunter crossbow will work amazing here the inventory is extremely basic with me just taking two prayer potions as that's all you need an extended anti-fire not a super ranging potion Xerox Talisman to get there using The xerix Inferno I bring the Talisman but you can use the mounted poh version and lastly Rune pouch with teleports and Elks this is less AFK than buyers as you have to bank more frequently but like I said it's more consistent now we'll step away from the pvm temporarily and just look at Skilling first we're gonna have sacred eels sacred eels can be found right outside of the Zorra entrance in zalandra requiring 87 fishing to catch though I recommend having even higher fishing to increase your GP personally I do it and I have 99 fishing on top of the fishing requirement you're going to need at least 72 cooking with higher level equaling more money all you need here item wise is a Rod bait a knife angler if you have it just for the XP a dragon Harpoon if you want to boost your level another useful item is any leftover Spirit flakes from temp as that's going to increase your yield and lastly you can equip a rod as blessing to additionally boost your yield sacred eels are almost as chill as you can get all you do is click the fishing spots which move in a very small area and after you get a full inventory you use your knife on them to dissect them for solar scales the amount of scales you receive per eel scale with your cooking level the next method is another Skilling one meaning cooking raw sharks a level 89 cooking with the cooking gauntlets and using the hosidious range you will no longer be able to burn and sharks all you do is withdraw an inventory of sharks cook them bank and repeat extremely simple and this can get you up to 390 kgp per hour at Max efficiency obviously a majority of the people doing this will be nowhere close to maximum efficiency as they're trying to AFK so definitely expect somewhere mid 300 thousands and maybe even lower next method is probably one of the most classic AFK methods of all time which is smithing cannonballs the requirement to do this is only 35 smithing which is extremely low along with the completion of the quest dwarf Cannon this allows you to use a ammo mold and take a inventory of Steel bars and use them on any furnace to produce cannonballs this is extremely AFK as doing a full inventory takes about two minutes before you have to move or touch your mouse again the best furnace in the game is Shiloh Village but if you don't have the elite karamja diary done you're gonna have to pay 20 coins each time you use it which would eat into your profit the second best option would be priff but obviously a lot of doing cannonballs might not have some of the elves done as it's one of the end game quests but the third option which is the most popular is Edgeville cannonballs have kind of fallen from Grace as doing them will net you around 130k GP per hour which when looking at is pretty bad I understand but this can be improved if you do the Giant's Foundry minigame for a little over an hour you can eventually buy the double ammo mold this does reduce the amount of time you are AFK to about a minute as you'll use two bars at once but it will double the amount of GP you make an hour so you're actually going to be making somewhere closer to 260 kgp per hour next up is crafting Jade bracelets requiring only 29 crafting and a bracelet mold all you do is take 13 silver bars 13 Jades and use it on the furnace assuming you can make 1200 bracelets per hour doing this which is extremely efficient you will not only walk away with 370 kgp but 72k crafting XP as well getting crafting XP is just a cherry on top obviously as I said 1200 bracelets is extremely efficient so always expect less more realistically you're probably going to make around 330 kgp per hour and a little less crafting XP which is still pretty good next up is going to be mining amethyst so right away I'll tell you that mining amethyst does require 92 plus mining this is a really high requirement for an AFK Method All You Need Is that mining level varrock armor 4 and expert mining gloves now the armor and gloves aren't technically required but they are extremely recommended because of what they do varrock armor 4 will allow you to have a 10 chance of mining two ore at the same time increasing your amount of GP per hour additionally the gloves will give you a 25 chance to not deplete the rock as you're mining it also making it more GP per hour as it stands if you have the varak armor and the expert mining gloves you can expect close to 400 kgp per hour and it is extremely AFK if you're thinking about doing these and you don't have the armor or the gloves I would expect maybe 200k per hour maybe a little more so back to pvming is another classic which is going to be killing skeletal wyverns and specifically safe spotting them using ranged this requires 72 Slayer to kill along with a recommended 50 prayer 80 plus ranged and 55 magic for high Alchemy the idea here is essentially bringing your ranged Gear with a crossbow to safe spot them I bring full Elite void but of course you can use blessed I use a dragon crossbow but a Dragon Hunter crossbow is even better then fill the other slots with whatever you have similar to your setup at brutal black dragons the only difference is for your Shield you'll need a type of Shield that can protect from the icy breaths of skeletal wyverns you'll need to have one of the following Shields starting with the worst one to best elemental Shield mine Shield dragon fire Shield dragon fire reward and lastly ancient wyvern Shield you can get here by using the fairy ring aiq and running through the dungeon to your North and it will take about one minute to get here the inventory I bring is a ranging pot three to four prayer pots my Rune pouch with Elks and around 8 sharks optionally some people use a Bone Crusher here to AFK for longer as they don't pick up any of the bones the reason you bring the food is because for the first 10 minutes of arriving the wyverns will be aggressive and you're going to be unable to safe spot them you will use your Shield along with protect from missiles to negate most but not all of the damage for these 10 minutes afterwards you will use the wall by the entrance to safe spot them and you will not need to use protect from range anymore it will take some feeling out before you get used to Safe spotting them as you can accidentally drag them out or mess up but once you learn it's extremely chill the amount of GP per hour you make will always vary depending on what gear you use but I'm going to average it out to around 700k GP per hour next method for pvm is killing gargoyles gargoyles require 75 Slayer to kill and can be found in the top floor of the Slayer Tower the popular method people use for AFK is to wear full guthins as the passive effect will allow you to heal so you do not need to pray using guthins requires 70 defense and it's recommended to have matching attack and strength or higher essentially you just bring the guthins and then fill the rest of the pieces with your best in slot melee gear in the inventory you bring a nose Peg or Slayer helmet as you have to run through specters to get here and if you don't have one of these equipped they'll drain your stats as well as a rock hammer to crush the Gargoyles I highly recommend bringing Elks as well if you don't want to buy guthins solely to just AFK at gargoyles alternatively you can try wearing proselyte and bringing 5 to 10 prayer potions along with protect from melee but see what works for you depending on your luck with drops you can make around 550k GP per hour here so I don't want this video to go on too long and milk it so I'm going to do a rapid fire section I'm going to list other popular AFK or low intensity methods along with how much money you can expect from them without actually going fully in depth on the method so we're going to start with cutting magic logs which can net around 130 kgp per hour blood runes in corrend for around 500k GP per hour but this can be increased or decreased depending on if you have the runecrafting outfit a variety of different Slayer bosses and tasks being Kraken at 800 kgp per hour and safe spotting diagonoth Rex for about 1 million GP per hour lastly you can use plank make on the lunar spell book which can get you around 400k GP per hour alongside 90k magic XP per hour and that's going to be everything if you want me to upload another updated money making guide whether it be no requirements or free to play like I did last year let me know or if you want me to explore more into those rapid fire methods I just briefly mentioned let me know if you've watched this far into the video thank you for watching make sure to like and comment to help me out alongside subscribing as I'm going for 10K by the end of the year lastly I just want to mention me and my fiance just did Gertrude's cat IRL for the first time and got our first kitten so your subs will directly support her as I will give one treat for every 100 Subs yes I am shamelessly using my kitten for Subs what are you gonna do about it anyway see you
Channel: Lens
Views: 22,811
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Keywords: osrs, osrs money making guide 2023, osrs money making 2023, osrs afk money making guide, osrs money making guide 2023 mid level, osrs afk money making guide 2023, osrs money, osrs money making guide 2023 member, old school runescape, osrs gold farming, osrs money making guide 2022, osrs money making guide low level, osrs money making guide mid level, money making osrs 2023, osrs money making, money making osrs, osrs wiki, osrs highlights, osrs slayer guide, osrs vyrewatch
Id: 2xLegvke-kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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