The Best Fire Type Pokemon isn't what you Think

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I want to figure out what the best fire type Pokémon of all time is the problem is that it's not an easy question fire has been consistently at the top of the game for over a decade in part because game freak's golden child keeps getting new forms but I'm feeling up for the challenge so I'm going to break down what the best fire type Pokémon of all time is fire types have been so strong for so many years in part because of how the type was designed a type's weaknesses and resistances will typically give you an idea of how Pokemon of that type want to be used steel types for example are usually designed with defense as the main focus thanks to Steel's multitude of resistances and overall lacking offensive spread for a Steel type Pokemon to be strong it's typically going to need to be defensively oriented in order to best utilize its typing other types such as ice are designed with offense in mind ice is able to hit several other types for super effective damage but the only type that ice resists is ice and and it has a number of weaknesses to common types to boot this is why the best ice type Pokémon tend to be more offensive in nature making use of the types offensive relationships rather than trying to fight the losing battle of staying alive there are of course exceptions to this rule but for the most part A Pokemon's type will determine whether it wants to be offensive or defensive what makes fire so interesting and so strong is its well-balanced mix of offense and defense defensively it only has three weaknesses can get a difficult type to remove and the six resistances it provides gives fire type Pokemon a lot of staying power offensively it's equally valuable only four types resist fire while four are weak to it and 10 take neutral damage thanks to these relationships the best fire type Pokémon aren't all forced to choose between defense or offense they can just be whichever they're best suited for without their typing holding them back so today we're talking about great fire type Pokémon but before we continue I want to talk about some great watches Hol Kern is the sponsor of today's video and their watches and jewelry are a personal favorite of mine I've worn a holzkern watch nearly every day of the past year and I don't have any plans on stopping anytime soon holzkern products use natural materials such as wood or stone making every single individual piece unique I've gotten holar and watches for several of my loved ones personally and everyone's been really impressed I'm not really a jewelry guy in in general but I do find myself wearing my holar pieces more than I would expect holzkern is currently having a Black Friday sale with a buy one get one 50% off promotion whether you're looking to buff up your own collection or you're looking to get gifts for loved ones this is a great opportunity this promotion is only going on for a limited time though so if you're interested I wouldn't delay thanks again to holen for sponsoring the video and I definitely recommend you check out their website there are three fire type Pokémon that in my opinion are in contention for the greatest fire type of all time but before we talk about them let's talk about some fire types that although not number one are still great nonetheless starting with Arcanine Arcanine has been a staple of competitive play in lots of formats where the power level isn't through the roof it functions as a defensive fire type its intimidate ability supports its team by lowering its opponent's attack and it can use its incredibly deep move pool to help its teammates out in a bunch of different ways Willow is for burn support helping hand for damage amplification Extreme Speed to finish off low HP foes even how saw some usage this season to boost both its own attack and its Partners one major advantage of using Arcanine is that despite being a support Pokemon it's still capable of doing damage flare Blitz is an amazing fire type attack and because it's so strong it allows Arcanine to be a threat even if it isn't especially trained in offense argonon is really well balanced stats so you need to be careful even around a bulkier Arcanine and if you decide to slap something like a choice band on it you'll be able to do some serious damage it's a Pokemon that really epitomizes the balance of the fire type not that you need to be well balanced to be good toal is a Pokemon that's really geared towards offense but it works because oh boy is it strong ever since TL was given the drought ability it's been a menace not only can it set up the strong sunlight which boosts all fire moves damage by a huge 50% but it also gets access to arguably the best fire move of all time eruption tol's further helped out by its abysmal speed stat which lets it function really well inside of trick room we have in multiple Generations seen teams that feature tol as the star win tournaments and I think that's beautiful now some players have found success with it as a defensive Pokemon especially when Dynamax was a thing tol's huge natural defense stat plus access to disruptive moves yawn and burning jealousy made in a nightmare for physical Dynamax attackers and does get some useful supporting moves like helping hand all in all though TL is definitely best when eruption is ending the game in two turns on the other side of the coin Heatran is one of the best defensive fire type Pokemon ever Heatran has been consistently strong for over a decade now in large part because it's the only fire and Steel type Pokemon ever designed combining fire is good defensive spread with Steel's phenomenal one creates a Pokemon that is really hard to hit and with hedron's good natural offensive stats and coverage moves easily puts it into contention for the best fire type of all time hron only has three weaknesses to fighting in water and a quadruple weakness to ground in scarlet and violet players make Heatran even harder to hit by using defensive terot types of grass and fairy nullifying its prior weaknesses in past Generations Heatran was equally as menacing in Generations four and five steel still resisted ghost and dark making taking Heatran out even more of a pain than it currently is Heatran are survivability is only made better by its meaningful offensive presence while it's rarely taking one hit Kos its ability to sit in the field and Woodle you down with Heatwave or earth power makes ignoring it super costly in terms of well-balanced defense-oriented fire types Heatran is probably number one I was on the fence about putting Talon flame on this list its stats are really bad and it feels a little weird next to a Pokémon like kran but we're trying to find the best fire type Pokémon of all time here and although Talonflame is good now when it released it was a menace Talon Flame's first format was 2014 during X and y's release it was immediately obvious that it was going to be a problem its new ability gaale Wings gave all of its flying type moves priority and with tailwind and Brave Bird this was a big deal there were almost no good intimidate users and flying resistances were limited people would slap Choice band on a Talon flame and literally just use it as a win button Brave Bird would always move first and it felt nearly imposs possible to switch into 2 years later Talonflame again saw play on arguably the most dominant team composition of all time it was called Big Six and consisted of xerus Groudon Talon flame smeargle Mega Kangaskhan and mega salamance up until the World Championships this team or some variant of it would win almost every single tournament for the entire season while future iterations of this team would sometimes drop Talon flame its access to a priority Tailwind enabled the Heavy Hitters to overwhelm unprepared foes in Generation 7 Gail Wings received a major Nerf thanks to how much Talon flame had caused it now only works when Talonflame is at full HP meaning the brave BB spam that caused so many people so much pain is no longer possible despite that Talonflame still has a niche when prankster Pokemon like Tornadus and whimsicott are around its ability to set priority Tailwind isn't worth as much worth stats and typing but for most of the last year Talon Flames only prankster Tailwind competition was merro this led to a winning tournament despite its mediocre stats so I think it still deserves a place on this list let's talk about a Pokémon where there's no question whether or not it deserves to be here Mega Charizard Y when megas were first introduced it quickly became apparent that not all of them were created equal I remember trying out Mega Beedrill and nearly getting one shot by Mega Kangaskhan fake out and realizing that Nintendo definitely has favorites Mega Evolutions while beloved by casual fans were kind kind of a tough pill to swallow for hardcore competitive players because when they were introduced there was a clear major power imbalance Mega Kangaskhan Mega maile and Mega Charizard Y were clearly the best by a long shot using any other Mega meant sacrificing a lot of the raw power that you would otherwise have now this video isn't about Mega Evolution so we really don't need to get into that whole can of worms but basically the point is Mega Charizard Y was so good it was considered one of three viable Mega Evolutions and there's a good reason for that Charizard Y was given the drought ability allowing it to set up the sun just like with toal this is a massive deal and while Charizard doesn't learn eruption its much higher base speed allows it to be a much more flexible Pokemon than tol Charizard's ability only activating when it mega evolves is another reason for its strength if Charizard's on the field in its base form you can't switch in peler or polyot or Tyranitar if you want to turn off the weather because switches happened prior to Mega Evolution the turn play out like Tyranitar switches in sand gets set up Charizard mega evolves Sun overright sand Charizard blows up your team you shake hands and then you go build your own Charizard team Charizard y's primary attack was Heatwave which did huge chunks of damage to both its foes at the same time but many Charizard would run overheat or fire blast in addition to Heatwave in order to threaten one hit Kos on a single Target for rock and water type Pokémon who would otherwise resist its fire moves Charizard Y often ran solar beam which didn't even have to take a charging turn in the sun making it even harder to deal with defensively some even ran hidden power ice that's Boomer Terra Blast for you new kids to deal with pesky Lander a theion add on to these great offensive options the amazing supportive move tailwind and you can probably see why Charizard Y was such a problem for so many years it's worth noting that tol pretty much was never considered seriously competitively until after Mega Charizard Y was out of the picture while there are some other good fire types like Volcarona colossal and ROM heat none of them saw enough success to justify putting them on the honorable mentions list but I still like them so I'm going to mention them here before we get to the big three however I want to talk about two new Pokémon as of scarlet and violet neither of these Pokémon have been around for even a full season yet so it's way too soon to consider them for the gift totes but based on how these next few years go I think they could definitely earn a spot somewhere on this list starting with chiu one of the four treasures of Ruin chiu's unbelievable ability beads of Ruin makes it not only one of the most threatening fire types ever but one of the most threatening special attackers of all time its access to great offensive typing of dark and Fire Plus its great special attack stat means there's almost no Pokemon that can switch into it especially if it's holding a boosting item like Choice specs Chu is flexible in the item that it holds scarf and specs are two more popular items but Focus Ash and safety goggles have seen success as well it's a bit of a glass Cannon but players have had a lot of success with it this season and despite that whether through bulking it up through a defensive item or EV spread or by positioning it properly to make sure it can't be taken out before attacking because its ability is so unique I'm not convinced it's been fully figured out yet so we'll have to see how it performs in these coming years to determine if it belongs on our list the other honorable mention for the honorable mention list is ogre Pawn Hearth flame game freak's newest monstrosity has only been out for a few months but it's already looking like it'll end up on our list sooner or later it's fire and grass typing has a lot of benefits but its real strength has to do with its move pool and abilities I've already made a full video talking about how broken ogre Pon is so you can check that out if you want to get the full picture for now we'll just have to wait and see if it lives up to the height which means it's time to talk about three of the best fire type Pokémon ever made in my opinion every single one of these Pokémon You could argue as being the best fire type ever made so rather than rank them as 3 2 1 I'm instead going to go through each of them and then tell you which one I think is best at the very end starting with gigantamax Charizard while it is the only Pokémon on our list that was only legal for one generation its presence as a Dynamax Pokemon was so major that it absolutely deserves its spot gigantamax Charizard was arguably the best gigantamax and maybe even the best Dynamax Pokemon in all of sword and shield its special gigantamax move gmax Wildfire was probably one of the most broken moves ever designed if you hit an opponent a single time with this attack even if you hit them through protect both of your opponent's Pokemon would lose one six of their HP unless they were fire type losing that much HP on both of your Pokemon is a massive deal made much more significant because this effect lasted for four turns in other words if your opponent took full damage from the effect every turn this was the equivalent of dealing onethird of your opponent's Total Team wide HP as a passive effect of Landing a single attack that's not even factoring in gigant Charizard's access to blast bur allowing gmax Wildfire to be one of the single strongest Max moves in the game Dynamax moves scaled off the base damage of the original move they were using and Blast Burn was one of very very few moves that gives gigant XX wild fire a base power of 150 compared to the more usual 130 to make things even more overwhelming Charizard's solar power ability made it nearly impossible to deal with this ability Powers up all of Charizard special attacks if Sun is active at the cost of some of Charizard's HP every single turn this is in addition to the sun powering up all fire type moves on its own gigantamax Charizard with solar power with a life orb in the sun could one hit ko. nearly every non- Dynamax Pokémon in the format and even if they managed to survive it was very likely that they'd faint to the gmax Wildfire passive damage on top of its immense damage output gmax Charizard was able to be surprisingly bulky Dynamax doubling the HP pull of a Pokémon allowed the normally frail Charizard to have surprising staying power some players opted to run defensive items such as charty Berry to make Charizard even harder to remove and by the time the World Championships rolled around many players were even using the weakness policy item and training their Charizard heavily in bulk the idea was that if you wanted to get rid of Charizard you had to hit it with a super effective move but doing so would then activate the weakness policy and give you virtually no chance to survive the hit and all of this still isn't the full picture unlike Mega Charizard Y gigantamax Charizard was able to make excellent use of its flying typing special attacking flying types typically struggle due to not having a reliable flying type special attack air slash is a really weak move and Hurricane's accuracy makes it really inconsistent Max Airstream on the other hand has no such drawback not only does it provide a powerful 100% accurate flying type move it also gives Charizard and its partner a speed boost every time it connects Max Airstream was one of the most reliable forms of speed control in sword and shield and gigantic Max Charizard was one of the Premier users if your opponent somehow managed to survive the onslaught from gigantamax Charizard for the three turns required to stall out Dynamax they still weren't out of the woods because blast bur is the same power as that powered up GX Wildfire the sun boosted baby Charizard hits just as hard as its giant counterpart so many games were lost by players who barely survived gigantamax only to fall to Charizard nonetheless gigantamax Charizard was so strong that it warped the entire format around it and had some of the most Innovation out of any Dynamax Pokemon in sword and shield and won countless tournaments despite being on literally every competitive players radar for its raw power its flexibility and its complete dominance over the competitive Scene It is a top Contender for the best fire type Pokémon of all time remember earlier how I mentioned how the best fire type Pokémon aren't forced to all be either offensive or defensive well while Charizard is a fire type best suited for offense incinerar is the opposite one of the most infamous villains of competitive Pokemon inor is arguably the best support Pokemon of all time it's incredible defensive typing phenomenal base stats broken ability and completely decked out move pool make it a versatile Pokemon that can fit on nearly every team and provide a ton of value the thing that makes incinerar the most broken is its ability intimidate is one of the best abilities in the game as every time the user switches in both opponents have their attack lowered by one stage on a Pokemon as bulky as incor that is often switching in three or four times in one game that is a ton of value provided andos typing of fire and dark leaves it with only four weaknesses in exchange for six resistances and an immunity if you combine these great defensive relationships with absolutely phenomenal base stats you have a Pokémon that is very difficult to take down it also helps that three of inc's weaknesses are that tend to have primarily physical users which means that they're weakened whenever incin switches in reducing the amount of damage most super effective hits will do incin Ro's move pool only adds to the horror it learns the move fake out one of the best supporting moves in the game that prevents an opponent from attacking but only works the turn incora switches in this means there's a ton of incentive for incinerar to switch in and out as switching in gives both intimidate and fake out pressure most good fake out users are able to use the move twice tce per game at most but like I said earlier incinerar can offer the value of this move as often as three four or five times per battle most of the time now I just mentioned that incinerar is incentivized to switch both in and out which might seem strange how can a Pokemon be incentivized to switch out well it has to do with more moves that incinerar has U-turn in Generation 7 and Parting Shot afterwards these moves cause the user to switch with U-turn doing a bit of damage and Parting Shot lowering both the attack and special attack of the target beforehand the important thing here is that these manual switching moves not only allow incin to switch out and have a secondary effect but they also allow something else to switch in and because these are attacks they happen when incinerar who is relatively slow moves compared to switching out incinerar directly which happens at the beginning of the turn these moves allow incinerar to stay in take a hit from the opponent and then switch out allowing your likely frailer Pokemon that was in the back to to switch in unscathed like I mentioned incinerar used to have to use U-turn to do this but for some reason received a buff in the form of parting shot as of sword and shield parting shots mostly agreed upon as better than U-turn unless you're using assault vest in's access to good fire and dark type moves means that even though it's a defensive Pokemon you absolutely cannot ignore it it'll normally run flare blit as its main fire type attack for similar reasons that we mentioned with Arcanine but its dark attacks allow it to provide a lot of support knockoff removes items from opponents throat chop stops sound based moves like other parting shots and snarl can be used to lower both opponents special attack stats not to mention darkest larat which ignores defense Booth between flare Blitz damage output and the utility these dark type attacks provide incin is able to contribute to battle offensively as well as defensively inor works with a multitude of defensive items we've seen Citrus and figgy Berry for Recovery safety goggles for anti-power moves resist berries like chopel Shuka and Paso for help against its weakness is and assault Fest for more general buk just to name a few incin tools are so generally useful and versatile that it is truly the best support Pokémon that we've ever seen it can fit on every team and it's extremely difficult to have consistent counterplay to there have been formats where incura is on over 80% of Team even at the top level at the world championship and it has won the World Championships every single year it's been legal since gaining access to intimidate talking about the best fire types without mentioning incin or would be like talking to Wolfie VGC without it mentioning that he won the World Championships and that you should to his YouTube channel and patreon which brings us to the last of our big three fire types a Pokemon that just like wolfy VGC won the World Championships I'm talking about Primal Groudon the fire and ground type Pokemon that was introduced in Omega Ruby to say this guy was strong would be a massive understatement the first time it became legal it was a core member of the big six team I mentioned earlier par with xerus the competitive scene saw arguably the most powerful Duo of Pokemon it has seen maybe ever the thing about Primal Groudon is that it's somewhere between gigantamax Charizard and incinerar it's very powerful though not quite as powerful as Charizard and very hard to get off the field though not quite as tanky as incinerar it's basically the perfect well-balanced fire type to understand what makes Primal Groudon so broken we have to start by talking about its ability desol Land sets up a special type of strong sunlight fire type moves still get boosted by 50% and chlorophyll Pokemon still work but if any water move is used while desolate land is active the move fails unlike normal harsh sunlight desolate land does not expire after five turns it instead ends after Primal Groudon leaves the field and very importantly normal weather conditions cannot be used to overwrite desolate land so a bomas snow poly Toto Piper Tyranitar they all don't work the the only way to override it is with either Primal kyogre's primordial sea or Mega Rayquaza's Delta stream Primal Groudon has a quadruple weakness to water and a normal weakness to ground in other words the only type it's weak to under desolate land is ground even better this combination features five resistances and an immunity combining these relationships with Primal groudon's considerable physical bulk made for a Pokemon extremely difficult to get off the field Primal Groudon was also given an absurd new signal move called precipice blades it's stronger than earthquake without the drawback of hitting your partner it does suffer from imperfect accuracy but this didn't phase competitive players as they rushed to put Primal Groudon on their teams with its new fire typing Primal Groudon was able to add a new dimension to its offense that baby ground only Groudon previously lacked initially this took the form of Fire Punch but players soon began experimenting with a mix set with Primal Groudon running speed control And Eruption and earth power getting hit by a full power Primal groud inter eruption was often enough to lose the game on the spot thanks to how powerful the move is in sun with this incredible offensive moves unbreakable defensive typing and Unholy base stats Primal Groudon dominated nearly the entire competitive season when it was introduced in 2016 and very nearly won the World Championships though it was stopped at the finish line by a certain Dashing Young man not to be deterred Primal Groudon returned in 2019 paired with the newly introduced lunala and won the world championship earning its spot as strongest in the world Primal groudon's introduction in any format completely warps the game around it teams need to be built with multiple answers to it specifically in mind from the GetGo hidden power water plus Rayquaza or Kyogre was considered an extremely viable strategy so much so that the team that got second at the 2016 World Championships had two hidden power water users if it weren't for Kyogre and Rayquaza Primal Groudon would have been an Unstoppable force and even with them around players could only prevent it from winning one world championship for its bulk power and sheer strength Primal Groudon is undoubtedly one of the best fire type Pokemon of all time so now you know which fire types are in contention for the top spot but before I tell you which one I think is best I want to know what you all think leave a comment with which fire type you think is strongest and why I'll make sure to read all of them now you waited long enough the best fire type Pokémon of all time is incinerar there's really no sugarcoat this one you could probably make the case that incinerar is the best Pokemon of all time period it was a tough choice between these three but in the end the fact that incinerar has won all three of the World Championships it's been legal for compared to one out of two for Groudon and zero out of one for gimx Charizard plays a role in my decision on top of that neither gimx Charizard nor Primal groudon's usage ever reach the Peaks that incinerar has and that's in large part because of its flexibility ganx Charizard really needs to D Max to be strongest and Primal Groudon takes one of a team's two restricted slots incinerar could be put on any team with any Pokemon and helped them shine and in the end that was the deciding factor that made me choose it as number one of all time I really do think that any three of these Pokemon could have won it though so if you think it should have been Charizard or Groudon that's fine too oh and in case you want to know my thoughts on the worst fire type Pokémon of all time it's bulon I really hate clowns
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 378,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, twitch, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, wolfeyvgc, purplecliffe, pm7, pokemen7, mandjtv, shiny pokemon, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, scarlet, violet, scarlet and violet, fuecoco, quaxly, sprigatito, fire type, fire type Pokemon, best fire type Pokemon, charizard, groudon
Id: VhYSxRcMzDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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