We Gave Mega Pokemon CUSTOM Moves For a Battle!

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mega Pokémon are pretty broken right like they took Groudon gave him a fire typing 100 more stats and then oh yeah he's immune to water but what if you could take megas and give them any Pokémon move like imagine a mega Mewtwo Y with tail glow today we're allowed to give mega Pokémon one completely custom move but we don't just get to pick which Mega we want we have randomized them into starter choices and we get to lie about one of the megas to try and trick our opponent then we'll see who can create the better Mega team let's take a gander at your mega St ERS Frank you got some stiners I ain't going to lie that's great I love Mega Houndoom I know you like this Mega actually I think this is your favorite Mega so you might be really happy about it from left to right you have mega septile you have mega Sai and you have Mega Heracross okay here's the thing I know one of those are a lie and you know my favorite Mega actually what is my favorite Mega Dylan Mega Sai okay damn it uh okay you know what I will just lock in the mega sa it is Mega Sab ey congratulations and with not a randomiz ability could actually be pretty useful today the L was Mega septile and that was over Mega Metagross cuz I just don't want you to have a pseudo that makes sense yeah Mega is good did you know in this game he te he technically has two abilities on the first turn he mega evolves what what yeah well cuz speed is calculated at the beginning of the turn so he has prankster on the first turn and then also wow I didn't need to know that well I told you all right here we go something bad something stinky something ooh God Dylan so it's like your feet bro it's just they just wreak yeah I mean I'm not going to out myself like that but yeah okay so first up I got to think which one of these I don't want you to have you got Mega Heracross you got Mega Charizard do you want to know the specific form sure okay it's mega X and then next up you got Mega Agron ooh wouldn't want to pick that there's no realm I have a feeling you just got the bad Poker Face there's no realm we got both got Mega Heracross on the same turn who so I'm going to pick that cuz even if it's not Mega Heracross it was a really good attack so I'm picking that that one that's definitely the lie you got to Mega Deany for our next Mega this video is sponsored by Atlas Persona 5 tactica is officially out on Xbox series X Xbox One PC PS4 PS5 switch and steam this game is absolutely beautiful experience an all new adventure with the Phantom thieves in this turn-based strategy game listen I know every single one of you watching this video love turn-based strategy because well that's literally Pokémon and Persona is revered as one of the best best RPG franchises ever and it's time for their newest edition immerse yourself in an amazing story interesting characters intense boss fights and more it's a holiday season so spoil yourself or buy this for a loved one so go ahead and check out Persona 5 tactic today by clicking my link in the description right now let's take a gander oh they're so big I don't even know what to give you um I got to think about this cuz they're all just fat that's good for me you know what they say big things come in big packages one one's not that big it's just hidden by a mask of insanity you have mega Garchomp you have mega camerupt and you have mega Swamper okay camerupt is a lie I think okay that was very bold of you like okay well actually I don't want Garchomp especially without randomized abilities well actually well no we can still hold items you can still hold items and you give him any move but do you really want to make a guard Chom would I have fairy I mean I guess yeah I just take the I take the swamper don't I it's final answer that was a lie damn it wasn't it uh well I'm not saying I didn't say anything I said final answer well the fact that you asked me is like I'm just making sure my friend wants to you know decide on this exact water and ground type Pokémon okay you know what on second thought give me the camera what you're debating between gar and Swamper and then you go camera up I well I think you lied about it all right you get a freaking camera up enjoy it's okay all right you're going to get dog water it's going to be three it's just going to be three benets oo wow wow wow do you think I look like Owen Wilson you could be like his redhead stepchild redhead you never heard that saying okay I forgot you're like 13 from right to left we're going to mix it no I'll go left right from left to right we have mega alaria we have mega Glade and we have sorry give me a moment figured out my no way that's Li figured out my lie here Mega Obama of snow don't want that one or maybe maybe you do or I what's the incentive here do I risk it and think that OB s's a lie I mean I had to think about that one no I think that's the truth I think you literally metagamed that the Atari is a lie but I feel like Glade is a safe bet too bad he doesn't get sharpness in this gen I'm going to pick the Glade cuz I think he's a Truth uh yeah you got a Glade cool okay all right I'll take it well okay with the bomb Stone was truth right you didn't yeah he had an a bomb Stone then you had Lucario oh I could have had adaptability Lucario in the biz they call that a pro play do they I don't know all right let's take a gander okay all right yeah yeah yeah something good something good something super powerful something insane all right from left to right you have mega Rayquaza you have mega salamance and you have mega Aeros okay you see here's the thing uh yeah I feel like you're lying about the Rayquaza like you're trying to like bait me into it right okay yeah God that's something you would do like you would absolutely do something like that perhaps maybe I would maybe all three of these are a lie okay well I mean that' just be blatantly cheating like I feel dumb not saying mega Rayquaza but you're definitely lying about that so I'm just going to go with the mega Sal dude I'm too good at this Mega Salan was the lie you got Mega Piner honestly hey you know what Mega Piner second favorite Mega second really all right enjoy my stealth rocks brother Dylan rud's Christmas first up you got Mega alaria again well the other one was a lie remember um and then you have Mega Mewtwo Y and then you have Mega Pidgeot no way that's Mega meww y I definitely don't want Mega alaria though I already have fairy Mega Pidge ey hey I mean no guard Fisher you my God I guess you could yeah you know what give me the Pidgeot wow yeah I should have lied about that one you got a Mega Pidgeot you uh oh you didn't lie okay let's go what was obviously the mega meww had to be the y or the LI yeah it was actually a Mega Mewtwo X are you freaking kidding me dude next Mega Pokemon you missed out a mega noodle but oh I'm pretty sure this is also one of your favorite megas left or right mega mewwy mega lony and Mega Absol damn you sp you speed ran that I know the Absol is true cuz that that is my one of my favorite megas the megal lopon is probably also true I you know what I'll bite give me the Mega Mewtwo you will not be taking that because it was the lie and you got Mega zard why so you got another fire type okay another flying type just looking forward to those stealth rocks all right uh all right let's take a look at yours I can't see there's a big mod in there so if you don't list a big mod I know you're lying yeah no there's a big boy you have that you have a Glade right right I do we got Mega scior we got Mega Steelix big boy and then we also have mega Glade well I'm pretty sure obviously the mega Glade is the lie I mean what if it's something bad I don't I don't I don't trust that give me give me the Mega Scizor okay you got a mega scior I mean you have two fire types which kind of sucks for me but technician with any attacking move sounds kind of cool to me is there any shot for another Rayquaza or like is it just done you know what it's your birthday today so you can trade one of your fire tyes for Mega Ray I think you need it anyway okay well okay I I don't want a Pity you're going to do it you're going to I want to see Mega Ray my birthday is it's in February o oh okay this is going to be fun Mind Games okay cuz it's going to be really obvious that one or the other is alive but which one is it from left to right you have mega gavor you have Primal Kyogre and you have Primal Groudon oh God okay the way my mind works one of those is a lie but which one is a lie um I literally like okay I cuz like I could just ALS no cuz even even if H here's the problem no no no not a problem so okay I want well but then again yeah yeah yeah you know what even if you're lying I'm just going to go with the Kyogre that was the TRU the pral grandom was the lie I didn't really think about that and the fact that you do have two fires and one being fire ground or whatever uh the Primo gr was overall H too so well honestly I would have been fine with AO too y shut up Primal Kyogre is right there just shut up hey don't disrespect AO AO is like top four [Music] megas dude okay just like like open the back open the back wa you got a myotic okay so there's Gyarados you don't know me all right so God who do I lie about well not gados I tell you that okay wait wait wait wait let's let's have some fun D you want to have some fun on your left you got mega Gyarados I have an idea what you're going to do okay keep going in the middle you got mega Gyarados I knew it that's that's exactly what I thought you were going to do this last one I know is the truth whatever it is and then the last one you got a mega aerodactyl I already have rock with the Ane which is the real Mega Gyarados oh this sucked that was good one that was a good one I feel like The Middle's the truth I'm going with the middle it is yeah you got a mega Gyarados let's go yeah your first one was a Mega Kangaskhan though soal bond with any move is insane that would have you would have had to the Geneva Convention would have been broken last round baby let's see what you got Frank oh yep yep yep you got a my cool you have mega Rayquaza that's crazy you have Mega Beedrill and you have Mega Houndoom that's crazy that you'd lie to me like that so okay I know for sure that I've already missed the mega rqu so you know that's a lie right so is it over something good or is it over something bad that's kind of the gamble I'd have to take right don't need another bug type I don't need another Pokemon week to rock I'm going to have to go with the mega Rayquaza so you got a lesser version of Mega Rayquaza you got dragon and flying Mega salaman so congratulations the RIS paid off another week to rocks but dude aial light with any move is actually insane though I'm going to give him take down um okay ready all right you got Mega laddio you got Mega glal and you have Mega Venusaur I want to go for that Mega lattos cuz like do I have a dragon yet the only problem with that is like that's the lie you you promise he's falling for it n for the content I'm going for megga laddio all right you got a megalos cool dog are you so dumb I I swear all right good luck in the battle all right see you on the battlefield all right A D Frank sends out the oh you do lead with this guy frankster turn one the reason why I didn't Mega Evolve him is cuz I wanted prankster to he was really upset go this is going to screw me over over so question yes answer I don't have yes you have to Mega Evolve well I don't have to right Mega video I don't know what I want to do I'm not even going to lie this guy is a problem yeah he is and he's leaving did wait did you switch I saw too yeah no I should have just done what I wanted to do oh okay my loic comes in that's fine cuz I knew you weren't going to Stealth Rock you went out to yikes yikes a I mean you gave me a water boost so that's nice yeah but I am eating that yumy the best Pokémon move in existence coming at you hot oh that's crazy cuz I put grass knot on mine I hope not I really hope not yeah that would suck thund oh I'm dead dude I don't know maybe you take it oh my God you ate that oh my God the let's go knockoff wow good choice yeah he doesn't get knockoff but literally oh that's big too with a v e yeah it's gross it's gross yeah you just let him go down sadly I do knockoff knockoff on stab like Mega Gyarados is nuts oh find thisa and a crit that's how we're starting this off yeah it mattered the crit mattered so Primal Kyogre is definitely fearsome but now I know your item so you're not scarf so I know I can outspeed you got options but like not a lot I mean let's not pretend like you do me personally I feel like you got to Sanji here like if that if I oh okay yeah cool that was a good idea I was going to say that's exactly what I would have done you get it K Sanji flies that is it's a very loose connection but yeah spatial Ren wow you're crazy come on you're crazy we might take it yeah let's go baby okay that's a big one gone it sucks too cuz I he was my rapid spinner oh is that the moon G Rabbid spin I needed someone to get rid of rocks Primal Kyogre your most powerful Pokemon with the 780 base at total okay this thing has to be scarfed has to be scarfed yeah he scarfed cuz you wouldn't have sent him out otherwise you know I outspeed oh wait no I don't outspeed thanks for telling me that cuz I actually didn't know I out sped yeah that's going to hurt that's going to hurt nice that's insane that is so much damage dude I thought about going for dragonclaw but I don't I didn't think I needed to no you didn't like the double stab it basically is super effective um yeah yeah and it's also choice well thanks oh this is easy then okay oh this is not this is not a Heracross I'm realizing why did I tell you that that was the dumbest decision I you know what you're lucky I'm nice all right yeah yeah you're lucky I'm wow this thing just rails my team and you did it Mega the mon so now I can set up a Stealth Rock for free call me crazy no you know what ah no okay okay okay I have a plan I have a plan sorry I just I had to strategize we're getting I actually kind of get nervous the more I thought about I think saying it an East speeding would have done some damage no you got yeah you got good defenses I don't think it would have so okay you get the Rocks up which is fine right because I have a solution does this thing also have rapid spin the fog like let's just let's just say I taught it some moves huh I mean that's the premise of the video but let's just say let's just say okay you swap that's fine that's fine you swap all you want you keep swapping that's cool Zoro comes in that's cool that's cool all right let's see the mega baby we go Mega Evolve Let's Go goat favorite Mega absolute Champion he is now I don't know if there's sleep claws but uh is sleep claws okay I had a feeling that's why I switched very first turn cuz I thought you did that with prankster yeah prankster Spore I mean it's too good not to do right Foul Play yeah foul that's going to hurt you got a huge attack stat oh my God great you're you're so toxic God I I should have kept my kre alive cuz I have no way to get rid of those rocks now a that would have been big cuz I U-turn right there oh good damage good game Scizor all right that's so dude I had sord dance on him and then I had Aqua Jet for your like camer up and stuff that's nasty all right now that your pranks are gone I'm less afraid with my hair across I mean yeah I mean I don't know whatever right I mean oh my God get R get R I'm an idiot I'm no dude please tell me you spor though I did Spore I did score yeah I forgot you have magic b wait no dude Mega D gets magic bounce I had no idea I knew Mega Absol and mega sa had magic bounce I had no idea oh my god dude that's so funny if you're F the video comment down below Spore wins that's all you got to say just so I know I can't believe I can't believe dude I got an ab work that's fine yeah go for sport again see what happens I sleep claws I I can't do that no I know I'm just just warning you let's go salad nice nice rock damage nice rock damage so you you you stayed in yeah I mean but then again I couldn't really touch you right I mean you you you had no reason not to this is bad yeah okay how much this do yeah I didn't want to lock myself oh my God that dog I am so unlucky in this video you've got like three crits and I don't wake up and Paras dude that that double Spore was detrimental oh I just accidentally Miss clicked anyway oh I mean it doesn't matter dude if I woke up there I killed you I Diamond stormed you would have been gone no I sped the first turn I I that was second turn oh yeah yeah that would have that would have been bad all right Allstar comes in call me call me crazy I think I just I just click the win button unless you also have Eed which I guess maybe no I I'm dead I don't I'll take this Focus sash no dude was so insane I had boom burst on him oh that would have been crazy that would have been dude this thing is this is your last round pick it's okay I'll spare you no no finish me don't worry don't worry I got it I you go out to miss so you saw that I had Eed oh my God you also have Eed y take it take it take it oh oh my God are you kidding we just having a little Eed paloa aren't we hey good game d y piss off Frank I love you good game good game
Channel: United Plays
Views: 464,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, randomizer, nuzlocke
Id: _BmD6ved2cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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