What Is The Best Era In WWE History? | Triple H

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how do you continue to get that excitement and and and make this next generation thinking about remembering the moments they're seeing today for the rest of their lives because there's so much media out there and so much to consume and people are getting lost in x and y and z and we all remember the time when you were coming up right but do you feel that the wwe is as uh prominent and as uh much of a force as it was when you were on the come up so i i do right i think the the global nature of what we do and and the phenomenon of what we do like how much it touches people and the emotion of it there was a moment in time i think because it was so i don't want to say new because the hogan era was so big steve and i used to stand at a curtain every night steve and i are both like the kind of guy that like i would go to the shows i watch every match like i'd have my gear on 30 minutes before the show i'd be standing at that curtain watching every student a student yeah steve's the same way so a lot of times even when we were facing we'd be like on opposite ends of the curtains because then people wouldn't know that we were just three feet away from each other in case they saw us but we'd be watching the show and doing like running commentary with each other while it was going on um you know it was so fresh and so new we used to talk about all the time a guy you think this could ever get like it was in the 80s right like with hogan and stuff and i remember very distinctly being in pittsburgh one time and the building was like half full and we had that exact conversation and then like maybe two three months later we were there and it was to the rafters sold out like crazy and the two of us were like dude this is insane like how big this has gotten and it went like that it went from and it takes a spark in a moment to like capture people's imagination of something like that to something that wasn't even in their mindset three weeks ago and then all of a sudden something happens that everybody is talking about and all of a sudden it becomes the thing now the world is different today right like so there's so many options of things that you can do podcasts uh television shows streaming stuff you can watch anything when you want to watch it you're not a yeah you're not a slave to the moment in time of well this comes on at nine and there's only five other really good things on at that time even to watch so you know what are you what are you going to watch the news are you going to watch wwe well yeah and that's different even even i'm sorry george even just um you know everyone in the world has to be a bit more sensitive right now and some of the more risky or some of the more exciting like shock moments that we were able to have back then uh you guys have done an incredible job of adapting but but i think i think part of the uh lore of professional wrestling is the hardcore nature of it right like you got guys in there who don't give a [ __ ] right they're showman they'll put their bodies in the line they'll you know hit people with objects and go crazy but you know now you do have to work around those parameters a little bit more you you do but like i often think that so a lot of times that stuff is overblown it's the story right like if you watch a movie and i always equate what we do to movies right if to me if you watch a movie and it's just a slasher film it's fun but it's not going to stick with you forever it's just blood and guts and it's slashing and everything's just like the who can do the more violent kill or the crazier kill or whatever that is right then what's the most ridiculous way somebody can die in this movie and have their guts come out and an eye pop out of their head or whatever that is right it's not doesn't stick with you it's not memorable it's the stories even in that era we did a lot of crazy stuff that was mind-blowing and was shock television but the reason it lasted was not because of the shock television that's maybe what made you what was that but what kept you there was the emotion and the storytelling you don't need the shock if you tell the emotion and the storytelling right and um i i there's moments in time of that through generations i remember when i was a kid and you know everybody like general hospital whether that you guys don't really probably know what that is oh i do my mother watching of course my mom watches it tuesday there you go and and it was like the biggest moment in time of like this i remember being a kid in this luke laura story line right yeah and but the whole world is the most captivating thing and then like i can remember seeing it like my mom would record every night and i remember watching i think this is stupidest [ __ ] i've ever seen like it's terrible the acting's bad like it's just terrible but like the whole world was absolutely captivated by it because the story was so good like then once you watch it for a couple of times you're like oh yeah what's he going to do next i don't know this is crazy it's the story it really is so the other stuff while it's cool after a while it i'm friends with a guy named john millius john melius wrote conan uh the apocalypse now right like classics epic did wrote the scene in jaws where he talks about the indianapolis and the right like just a crazy good writer and one time he said to me we were talking about movies in our business and he goes machine gun fire is boring after five seconds no one cares but i can make you a 30 minute scene in the movie with one bullet one gun one guy with a gun to another guy's head and tension and you'll never forget it for the rest of your life right right it's like a thousand bullets versus one drama versus one one that makes you have angst and feel and oh my god what's gonna happen next i think about all the time like in glorious bastards right like the opening scene with the guy at the farmhouse and the people are under the floor and you're like sweating watching the scene right like you'll never forget that scene i've seen people run across the screen a million times and now there's anything wrong with that that's that's a part of what makes movies great i i just need something mindless and go watch some people get murdered right well it's like you think about horror movies and everybody's ma you know you would think everybody's mind would go to jason and freddy krueger but like one of the greatest horror movies ever that everybody remembers is the shining and it's and you know what i'm saying and please name please name the big hor like the horrible gory special effects scene in there there's a little blood in the hallway with the two girls but like you know it's short right it's not somebody getting their head chopped right right like it's it's it's the emotion and the feeling it scares the [ __ ] out of you right like look the magic of jaws i mentioned that movie a bit ago right like people wouldn't swim for forever right some don't still you hardly ever saw the shark and it was a mistake because the mechanical shark wouldn't work right right so they had all these scenes with the shark eating people and doing all this gory [ __ ] and then the shark wouldn't work so they had to just hide it just show finn coming through the water or the barrels dragging along the water with the music and you knew the shark was coming that's like really being in the ocean you can't see the shark it goes back to what we mentioned earlier it's sometimes it's about what you don't say what you don't show those moments of silence and making people captivate 100 but but getting that and then you you can know that but in the moment when there's you know like in that moment tomorrow when there's 50 000 people there and they're going ape [ __ ] to have the balls to wait to have the balls to be silent to take the risk of of that quiet to get to the next level that's a that's a risk and and a lot of people don't have the guts to take it but if you do there's magic on the other side can i can i suggest something yeah what the [ __ ] do i know but i'm gonna put on my but you're a fan so you do know yeah yeah but i haven't always been i have that's not true i have been but now i'm a fan fan right i'm invested [Music]
Channel: IMPAULSIVE Clips
Views: 813,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive clips, impaulsive, logan paul podcast, logan paul, maverick, maverick media, maverick house, logan paul clips, george janko, mike majlak, impaulsive podcast, wwe, summerslam, wwe summerslam, triple h, wwf, hhh, triple h impaulsive, hulk hogan, hulk hogan wwe, hulk hogan wrestlemanka
Id: 1XA1Ffa6VgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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