Bug Types in Competitive Pokemon.

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bug is one of the most unfortunate types in the world of competitive Pokémon in the early Generations bug types were very limited defensively and had extremely scarce attacking options with the introduction of Stealth Rock to the game which punished all rock week Pokémon including bugs they suffered even more viable competitive bug types tend to be a rarity but they do exist sometimes bug types can overcome all of these roadblocks if they have enough advantages in other areas or if they are blessed with powerful complimentary types let's take a look at all of the relevant bug types in competitive singles for every single generation and how this type has evolved and adapted to its environment over the years but first a situation the future Paradox form of rodom frost iron frigus has forced me against my will to start a podcast with him which has been aptly named the fridge this is one of the coolest podcasts ever conceived and I recently interviewed one of my favorite fellow YouTubers big yellow it was a great conversation so go check it out and subscribe to the fridge for more interviews in the future thank you we are of course kicking things off with generation one and folks when you search bug in the Gen one team Builder you are met with this on your screen and it is a tragedy the highest ranked bug in the entire game is venomoth there are zero bug types ranked in or you this is the best in the game venomoth it has a whopping 90 special 90 speed this is the best that they could do venomoth is a great Pokemon down in the never used tier where it has access to such Premier options as sleep powder stun Spore and psychic and humorously the only bug type attack this Pokémon has access to is leech life which has a whopping 20 power bug type attacks in gen one are horrendous truly horrible even though this is technically the highest ranked bug in the game I don't think it's the best bug in the OU format because with its poison typing it's weak to Alakazam it's too slow there are way better sleep Setters available in OU the only bug type that is perhaps viable in OU and to say so is a stretch would probably be pinc pinsa is actually a Pokemon with pretty good stats especially by gen one standards 125 base attack is great solid defense stat and a bug typing does Grant a resistance to ground which can be relevant one of the most common attacks in gen one is earthquake so you can switch in against that another thing pinsa has going forward is its access to Swords Dance which back in gen one was a very scarce option if you just search for Swords Dance nothing OU ranked gets it there's like Victory Bell and Kingler as some of the best Swords Dance you us available so pin at least stands out a bit from those I don't think it's as good as victory bell or Kingler who both have some advantages but it can take advantage of Swords Dance with its high attack stat decent speed and hyperbeam always a good move to have in gen one can bypass the charge effect if you get a KO slash is something it's got a high crit chance you can defeat people with reflect such as Snorlax and chansy if you you simply are fortunate submission is fighting coverage it's a horrendous attack of course it has 80 power 80 accuracy and recoil but this lets you hit like Ryon or you know the normal types you also have bind which is similar to wrap and clamp it immobilizes the enemy so you can use this to chip them into range of hyperbeam it is unfortunate that Gengar can switch in against this and stop it and also it has a 75 accuracy so it is very likely that after a few binds one of them will miss and you'll be in a terrible position but it is something I mean if you're going to build around any possible bug type in gen 10 this is the one this is the only real one and unfortunately I don't think pins even gets a single bug type attack no the mono bug type the premier bug type in the entire world no bug type attacks the quintessential and most iconic bug type is probably Beedrill for Gen one it might be the first Pokemon you think of when you imagine a bug type in your mind but Beedrill is really bad it has very low stats it does have Swords Dance and Bug stab but the bug stab in question is twin needle which is extremely bad a pin missile which is has a power of 14 folks I mean what the heck the most relevant use of a bug type attack in gen 10U is sometimes jolon uses pin missile but as coverage against exeggutor because exeggutor is very common and very powerful it's grass psychic type so it is times four week to bug so even though pin missile has the worst Power of all time jolon can at least have some times for super effective coverage to hit it with I'm not a fan of the option but that's like the the best thing you're ever going to get out of a bug type attack in gen 10 probably I think that the bug type was added pretty late in development or something which is why it's not very well thought out in gen one with very limited options and not much identity for bug types yet but later in the franchise they would give Bug types more tools and flush them out a bit more of course and when generation 2 came around we finally saw a couple of OU ranked bug Ts for the first time ever there's two of them and they're both pretty good option thorus is actually a very good Pokémon florus has a bug steel typing and this is one of the best type combinations in the entire game bug type on its own has a lot of issues but with steel to compliment they actually work very well together because bug cancels out the ground weakness of Steel and the fighting weakness and rock weakness that bug has is also canceled out by Steel so you're neutral to a lot of the stuff that these two types individually are weak to and you only have one weakness to Fire and you have a lot of resistances so it's a great defensive typing especially in game where Snorlax is running around everywhere foress is a really good switch into Snorlax and it can punish Snorlax with its high defense stat access to toxic to put it on a clock a little bit and Rapid Spin and spikes are fantastic utility too spikes one of the best ways to punish enemy switchins and actually Force progress against certain things rapid spin removes hazards from your side of the field which was A New Concept in Gen 2 as well in the last slot fortrus usually runs in attack hidden power fire is nice to hit enemy steel types like even enemy forus or scarm but you can also do hidden power ghost to hit incoming Gengar trying to spin block you or Mist dous as well but foress was a good proof of concept in the franchise that bug can have a lot of defensive benefits on the right Pokémon and the bug typing compliments still so well and forus is a pretty solid defensive Pokémon throughout the years too and another powerful new bug type that debuted in Gen 2 and is ranked in the OU format is Heracross who actually does use its bug typing off ens very good stats for the generation with rest sleep talk curse and mega horn this can be a pretty nice wall breaker in wind condition even though bug does have its disadvantages as a type I mean when you have such a high attack stat you get the stat boost and megah Horn as well is a very high Power Attack by Gen 2 standards this can actually be a really nice wind condition it is stopped by all the steel types like Steelix skarmy and of course forris that are running around it also suffers from the fact that flying resists bug so there's a lot of stuff that resists bug in Gen 2 but you can kind of Brute Force through them a bit with Heracross so first time that bug actually functioned offensively was with Heracross is the first time ever and another noteworthy bug released in generation 2 was Scizor who also has that fantastic bug steel typing sesor is not quite at the peak of its relevance yet it's ranked in uubl just shy of OU but it is sometimes seen for its access to Batten pass which allows you to pass useful boosts to teammates and it's no slouch offensively either with 130 base attack it unfortunately doesn't have a good bug type attack like Heracross does but stab boost and that high attack it's probably the best option you have offensively but the purpose of Scizor is not really to be a threat it's to support allies with boosts and it can do it quite well because it's bulky it has that fantastic typing to come in soak some hits spend a turn actually boosting up past speed and attack to your teammates I think that this strategy got a lot worse because they have restricted Baton Pass in Gen 2 quite a bit I think that the combination of mean look trapping and Baton Pass is now banned because you were able to create these uninteractive situations with that combination so I think that Baton Pass strategies are a bit too easy to stop because of the prevalence of raw and no common mechanics to like counteract that from getting you but still it's an option it exists and it has been all right throughout the format's history another noteworthy bug released in Gen 2 is Shuckle usually this is like a gimmick Pokémon that props up sometimes but with its extremes and defense and special defense it does have its uses throughout the generations including in Gen 2 despite being ranked in nu you can use this guy as a pure PP stall wall like just to sit there and soak hits for 100 Years cuz defense Cur has 61 PP flash has 32 you can sit there and just be an absolute annoying pest if you like bug and rock for the time was decent defensive typing I mean bug cancels out the ground weakness of rock type and Bug also cancels out the grass weakness of rock type and then rock type has its nice resistance to Snorlax normal type stab probably not very fun to use or to play with you just sitting there for a thousand years but Shuckle did get some Cool Tools later in the generations that we'll talk about in the future in Generation 3 we still have the same two bug types as the only OU ranked bug types but I think both of these Pokémon got a lot better Heracross especially gaining the ability guts in gen 3 which is a fantastic new ability which grants an attack boost if your status you have way more attacking options you're more immediately threatening in this generation rather than cursing and resting and stuff you have Swords Dance to boost your attack by a lot in one turn you have options like brick break for immediate fighting stab and fighting step is very valuable in a format where Tyranitar is everywhere and Blissey is everywhere Focus punch is a fantastic new tool that can defeat various switchins and bug type itself is much better in gen 3 there's way more relevant Pokémon to hit and it's just a big neutral move swarm is also another ability option that serves to buff the power of bug type attacks when you're at 13 or less of your max health so Heracross with substitute and salak Berry can bring its Health down on purpose with the substitute eat the salak berry and now have mega horns that are boosted by swarm and sometimes even Swords Dance this is a fantastic late game cleaner set so bug type really felt like a powerful offensive type in this generation especially on Heracross and bug type became a common coverage type too to hit those fellows like celby and stamy and clay doll another thing that makes Heracross nice is that it can be used alongside Magneton now mag magnet pull is a new tool for Magneton allowing it to trap and eliminate steel types especially scarm so with a reliable way to eliminate Steels megahorn becomes even stronger because you can eliminate those pesky resistances thorus also got an upgrade now you can stack multiple spikes in this generation and steel typing is even more valuable in a world where Sandstorm is everywhere you have an immunity to Sandstorm damage orus can now use its bug type offensively and it's quite good because bug threatens both of the most common SP is in the format stamy and Cay doll it's also helpful to have versus celby so hidden power bug is one of the most common attacks that you see on forus you can also run explosion on it which is a very powerful move in gen 3 to just trade with an enemy or just do a lot of damage on the way out after you've already made spikes really great way to start off a game is to just make a few spikes and then blow up on something forers also matches up quite well against scam I mean scur did exist back in Gen 2 but now Skarmory is significantly buffed because it can make Spike as well you can switch in on scammer you don't worry about poison you can rapid spin in its face and that bug Steel type combination feels even better in this environment amalo is another cool new option that debuted in gen 3 decent Pokémon it's ranked in Uub it can sometimes be used on defensive teams for its access to knockoff which is a very rare option pretty much this and harama are the two prominent viable knockoff users in the format I made a video about this recently araldo is also very good against Snorlax because of its normal resistance and the ability battle armor granting an immunity to crits so you can defense boost in snorlax's face and not worry about getting crit eventually because you're totally immune and the bug typing with stab is quite nice because it significantly helps you out versus enemies such as Cay doll and celby ninjas is a bit of a controversial bug type in the OU meta game living up to the insect's pest likee identity of the bug type for certain ninjas is used for its ability speed boost which grants one speed stage every turn outstanding ability it also has bat and pass so it can pass those speed boosts to teammates this is the most reliable way to pass speed boost to teammates because you don't have to sit there and click a move like agility or Dragon Dance first you passively generate speed boosts by just protecting or substituting and sometimes with a speed boost on some powerful wall breaker like Marowak or meta Cham or harama you can win the game very quickly this was abused on Baton Pass chains with Mr mime in the past there have been rulle set updates to account for such things more recently but ninjas is still used from time to time even at high level play for its ability to punish specific matchups punish people for not bringing enough phasing win quickly with an all-in kind of strategy Allin on speed passing to some powerful threat and going for the throat gen 3 also introduced shadinger into the ecosystem one of the most intriguing designs in all of Pokemon history shadinger is a very gimmicky Pokémon a very novel Pokémon it has a single point of HP one literal HP so any kind of damage whatsoever will would have it has the ability Wonder guide which grants immunity to all attacks that aren't super effective so it has a lot of immunities making it a niche counterpick to certain fellows that don't have the super effective attacks on bug and ghost you sometimes see it prop up in like Uber's formats here and there for this little utility it's a bit of a matchup fish sometimes but it can be okay in Generation 3 it has an unfortunate time because Sandstorm and spikes are everywhere just instantly KO the little guy unfortunately however does see some use in Ubers but even up there it's worried about spikes and also Pursuit too so even without sand to worry about there's a lot for little Shiner to have concern over isn't there but he has his use as it from time to time interesting Pokemon and finally a shout out to Butterfree who gained the ability compound eyes in gen 3 I mean I'm not going to call this a particularly fantastic Pokémon but this is one that surprised me recently with the utility of both an accurate sleep and paralysis move item removal in the form of thief and then you can do whirlwind as the last little like sunny day or some support thing if you like it's not terrible it's also good bug flying typing it's immune to spikes not as terrible as it looks in gen 3 and compound eyes was a significant buff granting 1.3 times accuracy to all of your moves making sleep powder and stun Spore that much more accurate this is the only Pokemon that can get an accurate sleep and paralysis move on its move set besides smeagle of course but even then it's a bit better because you can stun Spore against ground types can't you in Gen 4 a bit of a disaster happened a bit of a tragedy happened to the bug type with the release of Stealth Rock to the game which is an entry Hazard that deals damage based on your weakness to Rock Bug is of course weak to rock so most bug types are just severely gutted to the point of being completely unviable especially bug flying types are just down the drain because they take half of the HP bar by simply switching in simply by trying to exist they are punished for their mere existence it's a it's a tragedy truly so as you can see the only two OU ranked bug types are those that have the good old bug steel typing what the addition of Stealth Rock did is basically restrict the viability of bug types to the point where you need a complimentary type that resists rock or you are a fake Pokémon Heracross at least has bug fighting so it's sem semi-usable in gen 42 but as you can see the only two OU ranked bug types here are forus and Sizzle forus is doing the same stuff it always has done with its spikes and Rapid spin it still has explosion that's probably useful does it have any bug type attacks not really it doesn't really have any good physical bug type attacks to use so that's a bit of a detriment there's a new special attacking bug type option of signal beam if you're interested I don't know if you're interested but you might be but if there's one thing that did happen in gen Ford was the significant rise of Scizor who became the new champion of the bug type gaining a new ability technician which is a fantastic new Option granting 1.5 times power to moves below 60 p which include options such as bullet punch or bug bit Scizor also gained access to one of the best moves in Pokémon history that is still a staple of competitive singles to this day urn a move that deals damage bug type damage and then switches out so many Pokemon pretty much any Pokemon that can get this move uses it the ability to safely pivot while doing damage is outstanding bug types have the benefi of stab U-turn which is very nice sizzor also gets such options as super power now which is a significant new coverage tool didn't get that before also gets like Pursuit which is now a physical attack and can punish enemies for switching out pretty nice against psychic types and other such fellows dragon types that you come in and resist with your outstanding typing the final noteworthy bug type of Gen 4 is Yan Mega who is definitely very held back by its bug flying typing it's ranked in Uub so it's like almost viable almost good but that bug flying typing does Hold It Back significantly however it has access to two outstanding abilities speed boost which ninjas also has granting one speed stage at the end of turn and tinted lens which causes you to deal double damage on not very effective moves basically canceling out the resistance of moves so that turns something like a choice specs boosted bug buzz into a pretty powerful wall breaking tool because guess what nothing resists the thing and you have a respectable special attack decent speed to take take advantage of that unfortunately this set is just too frail I think to really do much with such a concept and it's difficult to get on the field and contend with the Stealth Rock This set does lead with Yan Mega rather than trying to switch it in because if you just lead with the guy send it out first then it doesn't have to worry about switching into Stealth Rock does it so this you can use for speed boost out run whatever's in front of you and just start the game off with some offense it's a decent choice you could probably make it work it probably sees some use in high level play here and there but obviously held back by its bug identity here we are in Gen 5 and by now I'm sure you're starting to notice a pattern oh what a surprise forri and Scizor appear to be ranked in OU and there's very little in the way of other bug types present is there it turns out that the bug Steel type combination is aged very well and continues to rise to the top it's not for lack of trying they did design quite a few new bug types in Gen 5 but not many of them had much success there is one exception we'll get to that of course but Scizor feels even better in Gen 5 than it did back in Gen 4 with psychic types and dragon types becoming more prominent meaning your resistances and your offensive type profile feel more relevant than ever Pursuit helps to defeat fellows such as Alakazam and Reuniclus and Latos with poly Toto for support you can also patch up that fire weakness a little bit thanks to the Rain permanent rain being a new mechanic enhances bug steel typing even further doesn't it forus does feel a bit worse here I will say but it does have some significant ific new tools sturdy is now a different ability which leaves you at 1 HP similar to the effect of a focus sash which is very nice for a hazard Setter isn't it it also has Overcoat which is useful on hail teams you can use this on hail teams and be immune to both kinds of Chip damage hail and Sandstorm in one you also have a new Option Vault switch which allows you to attack and pivot very useful to be able to Pivot out with this fella so forus has its little advantages probably not as good as it was in past Generations though not as common and now of course we have to discuss the elephant in the room Volcarona who debuted in generation 5 and is one of the first examples of a times 4 Rock weak bug type that is viable in spite of its crippling weakness to Stealth Rock purely because the rest of its advantages are just that good this is a Pokemon kept in check by Stealth Rock because without Stealth Rock it would be an absolute dominant machine of Destruction and even with stealth Rook existing and punishing this greatly it is still one of the most controversial Pokémon in history it has been nicknamed the matchup moth Volcarona has a monstrous 135 special attack solid base speed on top of that good bulk and access to one of the best moves ever printed quiver dance which raises three stats I thought raising two stats was good but you get three stats what the heck special attack special defense and speed are raised so vona can snowball out of control very quickly in a single boost it can sometimes win a game singlehandedly depending on what coverage it's running too you can run hidden power ice on it to defeat such fellows as Garchomp gcore Lander the you can gig drain for grass coverage against all those rain threats or perhaps psychic if you want to hit tentac Cru who was one of your most common checks for super effective damage vulcar R was even worse in the past with gems existing Volcarona the prime abuser of gems which were a consumable item that allowed you to deal 1.5 times damage on a attack once similar to a z move this would allow Volcarona to Absolut Ely blow past a variety of checks with such powerful damage that it was unreasonable and vona has remained viable and prevalent ever since its release I mean in every generation this guy is doing stuff and it seems to benefit from every new mechanic they make like zoves and Terror and other such things definitely a Pokémon that lives up to the bug like identity of pest Hood doesn't it it's it's always causing problems for people exelor I don't know how to pronounce this to be quite honest I guess exelor is like acceleration so that makes sense it's speedy and that adds up thematically this is an attempt to make a good bug type and it was kind of successful because a celo is not that good in OU but it does have a niche in Ubers because of its enormous speed tier and access to spikes Y and U-turn which are pretty nice ways to kick off the game by setting hazards on the field you actually outrun dark cry which is cool and you can hit it with a stab bug buzz if you like Speedy Hazard setting leads like this tend to be quite good in Ubers so that's interesting isn't it it that a Pokémon can be better in Ubers than it is in OU that does happen from time to time a scaver is a new bug Steel type introduced in Gen 5 it's not very good it's ranked in Ru it's competing of course with forus and Scizor the two kings of bug steel typing who both excel in their respective areas Scizor offensive and forus more defensive escavalier is trying to be somewhere in between it's very bulky High attack stat but very low speed and to be frank with you it's totally outclassed by sissors who has access to priority and similar bulk to be honest similar options it does have meah horn Scizor doesn't have that but it doesn't need mega horn really Scizor it has bug bite and U-turn for bug type stab in its Arsenal a Cavalier doesn't quite Stand Out Among the fellow bug steel types that exist I do like its visual design though and it's got a cool name a bit of word play and finally we have Galvantula who might be my favorite bug type design from gen 5ou it didn't quite stick The Landing in competitive maybe they should have given this guy a bit more stats to be honest it's lacking in the special attack department but I like the typing bug electric it visual design it's fantastic very classic Pokémon feel to this guy and compound eyes is really cool here alongside Thunder for an accurate high power Thunder and it also gets you know volt switch bug electric is a cool offensive typing this guy would become a bit better later in the franchise received some significant new Tools in generation 5 its debut it wasn't the best unfortunately this could have been a great fellow if it just had a bit more stats perhaps a little bit of a push in some other area too but I like the design of it I think their head was in the right place when they were cooking this one up they did a good job in generation six we saw the new mechanic Mega Evolutions bless the bug types with some new Firepower Mega Pinsir is probably the most noteworthy one pincer in its base form was outclassed by Scizor and Heracross for Generations but now Mega pinsa is one of the Premier wall breakers of the format with the ability aate which conver converts normal type moves into flying type moves and grants them a power boost so return hits really hard quick attack is now a flying type priority move and the guy stats are through the roof with 155 attack this is enough to make up for the bug flying typing High defense too by the way that's nothing to sneeze a random 120 defense on this you do need support to run this fellow though you got to get rid of those stealth rocks this is what it takes to be viable in spite of times for rock weakness you just need to be insanely op in other AR and pins certainly is Scizor is also ranked in OU in its base form without mega evolving and in its mega form so Mega revolver you do require an item and Sizzle does get significantly enhanced stats when it mega evolves but you sacrifice that access to something like Choice band or life orb or leftovers don't you so there is Merit to not running mega Scizor but mega Scizor is absolutely the superior Choice most of the time with its much higher 150 attack much higher 140 defense this is a very powerful bulky wind condition especially because it can leverage that bulk into a powerful attack that has priority on it can't it mega Scizor is basically just Scizor but with more stats which isn't very interesting frankly maybe they could have done something a bit unique with the mega form instead of making it the same Pokémon but better but that's neither here nor there is it Mega Heracross is also kind of cool it has 185 attack I mean pretty absurd and skill link as a new Option skill link makes multi-hit moves always hit the max number time so pin missile becomes a really powerful attack and as does Rock blast this is also one of the few bug type wall breakers that is not too vulnerable to rocks it at least has a neutrality to rock so it has that advantage over the competition I think Scolipede deserves a shout out in the Gen 6 metag game this guy debuted in Gen 5 but in Generation 6 it got access to speed boost which was a significant buff we know how good this ability is of course and it had Batten pass so early on in the metag game this was a really good speed passer that also had access to hazards making it a little bit more useful than something like ninjas Baton Pass of course eventually did get banned in Generation 6 entirely so that was shortlived but for a Time Scolipede was quite the Menace remember Shuckle he's still here and he became quite a lot better in Gen 6 thanks to one small option sticky web an all new bug type move that enhanced many bug types to come sticky web is a new entry Hazard that lowers the enemy's speed if they switch in and Shuckle is perhaps the most popular sticky web setter in the game back in Gen 6 and it's still a pretty good option in later generations too because it has access to Stealth Rock as well it has the built-in Focus sash of the sturdy ability it has a natural outstanding bulk oncore also for some disruption in the lead matchups and you can chuck a mental herb on it since you don't have to spend your item slot on a focus sash you can go ahead and give it this which will disable taunt once if the enemy tries to taunt you to deny your hazards the mental herb will block that which is pretty cool shock is commonly used on sticky web offense teams in Generation 6 which are pretty decent and feature fellows such as bishop and other such slowish offensive threats that benefit from the enemy's speed being lowered Galvantula also gained sticky web which is a really nice tool for it giving it a bit more identity a bit more usefulness it wasn't quite as good as Shuckle or even smaggle for such a role in Gen 6 I think but still a significant tool to receive isn't it and finally we have mega be drill who is not OU ranked but I think it's cool they gave be drill a bit more offensive Firepower that it was sorely lacking in the ability adapt ability grants extra stab damage which gives it big bug type attacks doesn't it and it has really absurdly high attack and Spade but it simply has no bulk It suffers from Rock weakness and it's also very bad against Lander theion who is one of the most common Pokémon in OU so not quite on OU level in Generation 7 yet again we only have amazely two bug types in OU it's a tough experience for bugs it really is and once again it's mega Scizor Scizor in some form existing in OU for Generations at this point Volcarona is back too in U Mega Scizor doing basically the same thing it did back in Gen 6 powerful bulky good wind condition guy has knockof Volcarona was not ranked in OU back in Gen 6 it still sees use sometimes it's not a bad Pokémon in fact it's quite good back in Gen 6 but in gen s we received the Z move mechanic which massively enhanced vona's capabilities granting it basic Al a similar mechanic to gems of Gen 5 with a one-time use huge nuke per game you can only have one of these per team to use it on Volcarona and secure your boosts defeat some check with a huge bug type bugging EMZ blast I mean what's better than that buzz wall is an all new bug type present in Generation 7 and this is quite a funny one it's a big muscular bug with humanoid features which I find amusing personally it has Beast boost which all of the Ultra beasts have granting it a stat raise on its largest stat if it earns a KO very good ability with a bug fighting typing and fantastic defensive stats access to Healing a solid move pull this is a usable Pokemon in OU not quite U ranked though it has its short comings on the special side it's a bit slow maybe the fast pace of this metag game with Z moves running around and various coverage to hit you super effectively you have your roadblocks on buzzwell definitely something that you can work with and a novel take on the bug type isn't it arid is another new bug type design in gen 7 that I think is quite flavorful and cool it's a water bug which is a pretty uncommon type combination and it has the ability water bubble which I think is pretty awesome design it has times two power on water moves immune to burn and additional fire resistance harving damage of fire type attacks against it it has low attack but with water bubble to boost your water type of damage you can actually hit pretty hard with this guy it also has sticky web for some utility and Magic coat is another cool utility option anti- enemy hazards so this is a decent option as a sticky web setter in gen 7 which can be a good offense enabler and I think it's one of the most flavorfully done bug types in recent memory unfortunately it's not the most viable thing in the world they didn't give it many stats but I appreciate the creativity of this one I do romby is another very solid sticky web setter I suppose it's a role that's not common enough for you to have enough usage in to be ranked firmly in U but it's definitely a viable choice for a sticky web setter and it's faster than most of them which has a lot of value it has Shield dust too which has its uses graning an immunity to secondary effects and with stab Moon blast and a fairy typing which comes in handy where Bombi is nothing to sneeze at I quite like this Pokémon and I think that it's one of the better Modern bug types in terms of its viability and I thought I'd give a shout out to goala cuz they sort of tried to make a novel interesting bug type it missed the mark a little bit it's not a very good Pokémon they went in an interesting Direction with this one it's another bug water type Pokemon it has first impression a new signature move for the guy which has a massive 90 base power for a priority move that's enormous but much like fakeout it has the same mechanic it only works the first turn that you're out so if you switch this guy in wait a turn you can no longer use first impression only works on the first turn it also has this ability emergency exit which forcefully switches you out if you reach half health or less this is actually kind of an Achilles heal for galisa pod because you can just hit it very easily and then it is just forced to exit instead of hitting you back so you can just disrupt the guy and with rock weakness to contend with and other such shortcomings it's never saw the light of OU definitely a novel design and I respect the attempt I think I respect the attempt in generation 8 bug types would receive the greatest tool they have ever received access to the new item heavy duty boots which grants a total immunity to the effects of Hazards on your Pokémon bug types obviously love this no more pointy stones to ruin their life Volcarona can now wear boots and be completely immune to Stealth Rock damage that is so enormous it's crazy however you'll notice that despite this enormous new option that should almost solve 90% of the issues of bug types you'll notice that actually there's still only two OU ranked bug types despite receiving such a significant buff the type still has its shortcomings evidently Volcarona obviously skyrocketed to the bug Moon after receiving boots becoming one of the Premier threats of the metag game even without zmoves existing anymore didn't matter boots were such a buff buzwell was also a better fit in the Gen 8 world and became more of a staple than it was in gen 7 metagame slowed down a bit no more Z moves less explosive threats and a cut Pokedex to give a bit of a fresh start for buz wall certain buzwell had its day in the sun in generation 8 I also forgot to mention that leech life re received a buff in Generation 7 making it an 80 base power move that heals 50% rather than whatever it was before I think 20 power a completely nothing move now it was a legitimate option for bug type stab buz wall certainly loves to have access to such an option in generation 8ou and we have some attempts at bug type design here with Center Scorch another fire bug type that's more physical attack leaning with I mean a decent move pull you got such options as knockoff how whip that's coverage leash life and fire lash which has a defense lowering effect but I mean the guy is a bit too slow he suffers from such shortcomings as being a bug type ranked in Zu I like the name I like the visual design and some fairly unique traits didn't quite hit the mark though this one doesn't quite function as intended Frost moth is another one that they attempted to make into a Pokémon and it's kind of almost there it sounds good when you describe it but in practice its typing was just too much of a shortcoming but it's a bit similar to Corona in its design philosophy with ice bug typing so really good offensive typing really works well with the new boots item I think it was designed with such a thing in mind and access to Quiva Dan of course very few Pokémon get such an option and with ice stab this sounds pretty good and on top of all that it has the ability ice scales to make up for its poor typing a little bit which grants haved damage from all special attacks really amazing ability in a vacuum but not quite enough to supplement the poor defensive typing of frost moth and this is ranked in pu unfortunately and then of course we have blip bug who changed the entire face of the Pokémon franchise when it released as one of the most powerful Pokémon ever conceived just kidding I I was looking through the bug type and I I've never seen blip bug in my life this is a goofy looking fellow and I'm not sure what he's doing here but but hello and finally here we are in gen 9 and things never change do they amazely two bug types in OU once again it is pathetic we need to do something about it we need to we need to have a bug revolution of some kind it's just not good enough Volcarona is a prime abuser of the new talization mechanic and it has been a controversial Pokémon in generation 9 vona's greatest downfall is its typing bug fire it has so many weaknesses so many shortcomings especially dist Stealth Rock back in the day but now it can patch that up with boots the Stealth Rock weakness and it can also patch up its other type weaknesses with talization turning into a whole different type like water or ground and and on top of turning into that type for its defensive benefits you also gain the offensive benefit of extra damage on your coverage moves extra stab while maintaining the previous offensive benefits of bug and fire typing for their stab boosts you really just get everything and lose very little terizing is a resource of course you can only do one per game but what better Pokémon to spend it on than a boosted up sweeper like Volcarona this Pokémon was previously banned in gen nru it then got unbanned believe that there's some discussion surrounding it again and people don't like the guy it's the matchup moth doing what it does best rombi is now U ranked and quite honestly I am proud rombi is the Premier sticky web setter in the game even outdoing such options as Smiggle and araquanid and Galvantula it is speedier than all of them it also has stab a moon blast which is fantastic against the most common rapid spinner in the game great Tusk you outrun great Tusk and threaten to one hit koit which of course enhances your game plan of making hazards they're not going to stay and click rapid spin if they are potentially losing their entire great task in the process so rompi is a great fit in the Gen n metag game and sticky webs are a solid offensive archetype low kicks is one of the coolest Pokémon in gen 9 cool visual design a lot of Personality a simple yet evocative name a bug dark typing you don't see that one too often and tinted lens is also a cool ability that you I think we've previously never seen seen this on a physical attacker before so that's fun this is another Pokémon with previously the signature move of golisopod now a more widely distributed option first impression which is cool that's something and it has a pretty good move pull overall with great stab options with U-turn knockoff and Sucker Punch unfortunately the biggest drawback of low kicks is just the stats not bad to be honest to be ranked YuYu in gen n it's a world of high power creep and for a route one bug to be uyu ranked I think is respectable slyther Wing is the past Paradox form of Volcarona and it's one of my favorite of the Paradox forms I like its visual design unique Twist on Volcarona as a more physically leaning Pokémon it even has a willow wisp for some utility it's got first impression as well which as I mentioned before is more widely distributed now it has U-turn for pivoting and it also gets a boost in the Sun so you can become a bit of a wall breaker if you so desire and slitherwing has gone back and forth between the tear I remember it being a staple of YuYu in the past now it's ranked auu but I think I've also seen it in OU sometimes for its unique typing and options and such it has some benefit priority is always nice to have too definitely an interesting Pokémon cleor is a new option in gen n that was from Pokemon Legends Aus and was available to use ever since home compatibility released this is one with a lot of hype surrounding it at the time that sounded really good in theory largely due to the fact that it has this move right here Stone ax which attacks and sets Stealth Rock on the field along with sharpness which boosts slicing moves including Stone ax this sounded outstanding it's one of the strongest sounding moves we've ever heard of but in practice it wasn't that good because it has little longevity it was pretty easy to stop defensively not as worth running as other Hazard Setters and aggressive openers that maybe hit harder or have more useful options Cleo unfortunately did not quite work very well in practice and did not end up in OU it's ranked in auu rabska is yet another Pokémon that sounded really good in theory primarily because of one important move set option and that is Revival blessing this is a new mechanic in gen 9 that allows you to revive a fainted Ally similar to the revive item from the single player game and it only has one PP so you're going to use this once per battle rabar also has access to trick room which can be a good combo alongside Revival blessing to revive slow bulky allies and such but trick room strategies are not very good in singles with not enough turns to really take advantage of and Revival blessing is also not the greatest momentum play it's only once per battle rabska is terrible typing especially in a world where dark and ghost types are even more common than ever bug psychic is horrendous typing you don't really have the bulk to show for it and even if you do get the opportunity to click Revival blessing you're probably going to faint in the process yourself and be left with a 50% Ally is that worth it usually not if you're going to use Revival blessing pmot is the superior fellow for it but even pmart is not too fantastic in OU is it and finally of course we have the Pokémon spy doops a new edition in gen 9 who may not be very powerful in the game of Pokemon but in The Game of Life spy Ops is a top tier threat as one of the highest ranking Executives in an investment firm spy Ops has an intricate web of corporate connections and that in some ways makes it the most powerful bug type so there you have it folks a overview of almost every relevant bug type in U throughout the generation we can see that bug types tend to be not the best very few bug types actually rise to owe you prominence and often when they do it's like the same bug types czor and Volcarona coming back repeatedly to claim the throne once again they keep designing new bug types they're giving it a go but most of them seem to fall flat and just be held back by their typing too much says a lot about the inherent disadvantages of the type itself that this is a trend that continues throughout the years what do you think of the bug type you like its design who was your favorite bug type in the franchise mine is probably Heracross I would have to say and what would you like me to talk about next let me know down below thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Jimothy Cool
Views: 77,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -ZnO73xUFc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 54sec (2514 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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