What is the BEST (and worst) Sonic Final Boss?

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foreign [Music] this video contains spoilers for all 20 Sonic games featured in this list well we're giving away Final Bosses can you imagine trying to do a spoiler-free ranking of Final Bosses in the Sonic series it would be like in 10th place is Sonic Adventure just for an example that's just off the top of my head I can't show you any footage or tell you anything about the box but trust me it's pretty cool there'd be no video so the way this works is there's 20 slots and I've tried to keep it as kind of Mainline as possible not really including like spin-offs like the storybook series or handheld titles they're not included either so alright let's get straight in there then now hold your horses there sir if you like videos about Spider-Man and Sonic the Hedgehog and other pop culture foibles be sure to hit the Subscribe button and hit the like button to help get more content like this in the algorithm that YouTube algorithm is a merciless mistress and if you want to help to support the production of these videos be sure sure to check out the patreon link in the description below and consider making a monthly pledge enjoy the rest of the video partner in 20th Place is the egg spinner from Sonic CD Now this isn't the worst boss fight in the world mechanically it's okay but this is a really dull final encounter for this game Sonic CD border such icons as the Metal Sonic Stardust Speedway fight and yet we end with just a big propeller there's just nothing event status about this boss Heck if you're playing in the USA you don't even get a different theme music for it from the regular bosses there was of course a second chance for Sonic CD to get a better final boss in 2011 when Christian Whitehead was set to rework the project and his original idea involved fighting a giant robot called the R9 inside of a Time Warp with the ACT being dubbed final fever but this too ended up being scrapped meaning that Sonic CD screwed its chances at a good final boss twice and all we end up with is this propeller in 19th Place is Time Eater I'm noticing a trend here Sonic games that revolve around time travel and involve a Sonic vs Metal Sonic boss fight tend to have really awful Final Bosses Time Eater is literally capable of manipulating time and space yet the end result is a mick that just shoots missiles at you and the way to defeat this thing is to just hold forward effectively your players two SuperSonics at once which is kinda cool and they have this ability to fling each other at the time eaten but it doesn't really do anything as ultimately the goal is to just Chase it down and just hover around its little glowy purple light bright in the center of his tummy there are some kind of cool things such as the gun truck just flying through the vortex but there's just so much more you could have done with this maybe have it reach out and grab different set pieces from Sonic's history and just shock them back at him and mechanically there's just not much to really do here a really dull closing impression for an otherwise fantastic game in 18th Place is egg Robo from Sonic Lost World so first things first this looks kind of cool I like the design of this boss it's kind of a very Back to Basics looking final boss for a Sonic game but the overall narrative context of this one does the boss no favors Dr Eggman hasn't really been the main threat of this game by any stretch this game is kind of a bit more about seeing new sides to Eggman but then it's a double crossed into Switcheroo Eggman pops back out and is ready to kill Sonic Sonic Lost World's storyline was an absolute dumpster fire but the Saving Grace of it was the dynamic between Sonic and Dr Eggman and that completely goes out of the window here so from the get-go I'm just fighting this boss with a tired defeated Grimace on my face but then mechanically the boss itself isn't bad because here's the thing the Sonic Colors final boss wasn't bad and this is basically identical to that in terms of gameplay there are a few minor changes which all end up being in service of this boss being easier than the Sonic Colors final boss with less attack variations if you're going to bring back a boss fight you've already done before you've got to add to it don't subtract overall this boss if you've played Sonic Colors already is very underwhelming and if you haven't played Sonic Colors already it's underwhelming from the standpoint that it's just very easy so yeah not great in 17th Place is the final boss of Sonic Mania now hear me out a second I love Sonic Mania it's a very well made game but sadly it's Final Bosses and its finale aren't so strong we start with the Phantom egg which is a pretty cool idea on paper it's suspended in the air by electrified cables it can stomp about it can generate these Phantom hands which can grab you and then transport you to fight one of the hard-boiled Heavies really cool idea and the idea that this could go in phases like you get transported to one of the Heavies you fight them you pop back in and go toe-to-toe with the Phantom egg again what a sweet idea sadly that's not how this really plays out though because when transported to the hard-boiled Heavies you don't really even have to fight them like nothing happens if you fight them you could just wait and Dodge their attacks and then you'll just get transported back to the Phantom egg I don't understand why because that means we don't get a very satisfying send-off for the hard-boiled Heavies either the second act is only available once you have Supersonic and that is the egg reverie fight this feels like this game's kind of answer to the Doomsday Zone but it is nowhere near the stakes of Doomsday zone so Dr Robotnik and the heavy King are battling it out over control of the Phantom Ruby and it's up to supersonic to defeat both of them so you're flying through the air like in the Doomsday Zone but here's the problem the challenge of the Doomsday Zone was the lack of footing below you so if you ran out of rings as supersonic you just fall to your death hear that say same level of stake isn't really there yet you still die if you lose all of your rings I guess maybe Sonic can't survive outside of his super form when he's in the time Vortex yet Eggman seems okay you're also unlikely to run out of rings as it's constantly a wealth of rings floating around which magnetized to you anyway overall this fight just ends up being kind of just unruly for the sake of it it's like Doomsday Zone but way less focused however I will say given that you're like in a Time Vortex and the timer is constantly fluctuating around that's quite a cool detail in 16th Place is the final weapon from Sonic 3D Blast now yeah this game sucks in my opinion it's a very boring game good luck ever getting to this point and the final boss if you haven't got all of the chaos emeralds is the boss you fight in panic puppet and it's the usual fare for Sonic 3D Blast boss fights it's made awful by the depth perception it's Robotnik in his latest Contraption which has these long arms will shoot lasers out at you and yeah the depth perception absolutely reeks you could get a lot of unfair deaths here but the Saving Grace is if you have the patience to get all of the chaos emeralds you unlock the final boss the real final boss the final weapon and this thing is like an egg Swiss army knife lots of unique attack patterns as you head through to the next phase of the fight and because your target is big and your space is limited it means that death perception isn't anywhere near as much an issue for this boss fight as it is the previous ones it still has a depth perception problem but it's just a bit better here and I just love how creative this boss is it actually feels like a true final fight but another thing I love about this fight is the atmosphere of it and I'm not talking about the satin version the Saturn version with socket compared to the Sega Mega dried version where the background is just pure black you're on these sort of holographic squares and the music just it feels like you're lost this is a solid fight for an otherwise really boring and really frustrating game in 15th Place we have Metal Overlord from Sonic Heroes mechanically this fight is alright you've got your early phases where you play as the different teams trying to attack Metal Sonic in his weak spot as he kind of does things to mimic their abilities that's pretty cool there's a lot more that could be done with this though especially with team chaotix and then team Sonic don't get a regular phase to themselves they only get the Final Phase the supersonic phase where they kind of have to build up their team blast meters and fight Metal Sonic from there now this boss is all right the only thing I could really think of that I really don't like about this boss is how we have to sit through those team blast animations but then there's lots of other just little disappointments in there for one there's no phase of fighting Metal Overlord as just Metal Sonic in his original form or even just his Neo Metal form with the cape and everything you don't get to fight that you only get to fight him in his Kaiju form and I think when you're bringing back Metal Sonic but you're only letting us fight him as a Kaiju you've kind of missed what it is that we love about Metal Sonic then there's the other factor that this game has a very much an altogether mentality for these characters yet team Sonic are still clearly the priority like the others don't get any kind of super form it's just team Sonic and even then further disappointment only Sonic gets to go Super Tails and Knuckles get shields meaning that this game that's all about the vast array of Sonic characters ends up really getting a Sonic focused final battle which I think really undercuts what this game is all about but hey what I'm made of as the final Boss track chef's kiss in 14th Place is devil Doom from Shadow the Hedgehog it's the big showdown between Shadow and black Doom as you get to fly around black Comet throw chaos Spears at devil doom and the stakes are just really high in this fight all of the other characters are paralyzed by a nerve gas the black Comet has been brought to Earth and it's up to Shadow to finally fulfill his purpose and save the world world this is a pretty solid boss fight and a pretty solid finale but I think the main issues here are that it's just by the time you get here you're exhausted because you've played every different possible outcome for the character only for it to boil down to just the lawful good route and it's like even if you play the lawful good way you still gotta do the anti-hero and the villain arcs and then they'll it just boils down to is this but mechanically the fight is fine and overall it's narratively compelling enough in spite of undercutting the whole choose your own path thing that this game was all about in 13th Place is Solaris from Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. mechanically this game was pretty busted up but this boss fight is overall pretty sound other than some telegraphing issues explaining which characters to play as in what order but I think this one does the best job at complementing its overall narrative we get three super forms to play as and actual legitimate super forms not Shields or anything like that meaning that yeah yeah this final fight is between Sonic Shadow Silver and Solaris and they all play an equal role in all of this and their individual mechanics are brought to the table in their super forms really well here too as Shadow shoots chaos Spears at it Sonic flies into its core and silver catches its projectiles and throws him right back at him not to mention the time travel theme as well with Shadow fighting Solaris in the past Sonic fighting him in the present and silver fighting him in the future say what you will about sonico 6 this final boss did a great job at bringing the game together and I'd definitely say it's a very satisfying conclusion it's a conclusion that could almost convince me that the rest of Sonic 06 is actually a lot better than it is I never hated sonico6 I don't think it's a very well made game or a high quality product by any stretch but this final boss here does a great job of bringing it all home in 12th Place is the egg Crusher from Sonic the Hedgehog the very first finale Sonic ever had and it manages to be one of the better boss fights in this game think of a sort of Inside Out game of whack-a-mole in a way where Eggman is trying to whack you but like you know how when the moles pop up you gotta hit him like this is kind of what this is like for this boss fight you'll get two Pistons come up or down at once and Eggman will be sat inside one of their Chambers and you have to figure out which one it is and hit him it can be a bit of a game of luck but you're never kept waiting too long the main threat here is the crushing damage but there's also little lasers that shoot out at you as well with usually the gap between two of the lasers being a little wider than the others allowing you to just stand in there pretty safely what I like about this boss as well though is unlike a lot of the boss fights in Sonic the Hedgehog 1 there's not really like a full damage issue there's no bottomless pit beneath you allowing you a little time to get your bearings and there is a little safe Zone from the Pistons as well what makes this boss fight pretty tough is the lack of rings but given that there is a safe Zone you end up with a very fairly stacked boss fight this may not be as climactic as boss fights that came after it but it is a worthy finale to Sonic the Hedgehog one in 11th place is the Death Egg Robot from Sonic the Hedgehog 2. now hear me out here yes this is probably the most iconic final boss in the series this is the first time we really saw a Mech made in robotnik's own image the first time we ever really saw that ego make its way into one of eggman's Creations I notice I'm really flip-flopping on the name of Robotnik and Eggman in this video aren't I but hey hey that's Sonic for you this boss fight would influence tons of boss fights after it but let me back up a little bit too because there is a first phase to this boss fight and that is against mechasonic this is a really well designed fight Mecha Sonic has quite a range of different attacks which can really take a little bit to learn just getting to know his attack patterns so as not to get killed by your lack of rings yeah this boss fight can be really intimidating at first but you can learn ways to study those attack patterns and find ways to even just cheese this boss fight as well using the the spin dash it's a fight that rewards thinking outside the box and I think this was also the very first Sonic boss fight to feel like a fight between two evenly matched characters this is actually the highlight of this boss this is the bit that I would call better than the Death Egg Robot but of course yeah the second phase the grand finale is the Death Egg Robot itself his Stompin can kill you where he lands can kill you his bombs can kill you his spiked hands can kill you the way they fly off as projectiles yeah that can kill you too so why is this boss quite middling on this ranking list then well personally I find the hitboxes on this boss to just be kind of a little more confusing than necessary it could be really difficult to make heads or tails of what times those claws are actually going to damage you and it's very unforgiving if you get it wrong because you got no rings those loosey-goosey hitboxes can mean that it's rewarding to play the sponsor at a much slower Pace but that can make it a little on the Mind numbing side as as well with that being said though this is a very satisfying conclusion to Sonic the Hedgehog 2. a much more climactic game than his predecessor and this boss fight absolutely fits that in 10th place is the egg Wisp from Sonic Colors if the Death Egg robots set a trend for the appearance of Sonic boss fights this one set a trend for the mechanics of Sonic boss fights well I say that but this boss fight is very similar to a lot of the boss fights from Sonic Unleashed such as the egg Devil Ray it's a formula that this boss fight very much cemented in games to come you chase the enemy down avoiding various different attack patterns and in homing attack it when you get the chance what makes the egg wisp final boss really cool is how this boss uses the Wisps against you laying down Paths of Cubes or hordes of spikes or shooting lasers out at you it makes you solve the Wisps that you've used throughout this game I think what made this boss cool is that modern Sonic games have a tendency to change up the gameplay style for that final boss so other than getting a test of the skills that you've accumulated over the course of the game you get more of a unique action set piece whereas this boss fight yeah it tests your skills that you've learned throughout the game while using said skills against you that's a really cool approach to take for a final boss not only that though but narratively this final boss was pretty sweet as well there hadn't really been a greater threat outside of Dr Eggman in Sonic colors and they don't spring one up on you at the last minute either Dr Eggman is the final boss this time this was the first time we'd ever had Dr Eggman as the final boss of a modern 3D Sonic game not to mention you only fought his machines before you didn't fight him so this makes for a pretty cathartic final boss fight in ninth place is the Death Egg Robot from Sonic forces visually and mechanically this thing has nothing to do with a Death Egg Robot so I have no idea why it was called that now this final boss is another copy paste of the egg Wisp from Sonic Colors so so how come I've ranked this one above the Sonic Colors final boss while ranking the Sonic Lost World final boss so low for copying it could it be that I'm just a massive biased hypocrite you might think that but I'm gonna try and rationalize it I criticized the Sonic Lost World final boss for being reductive and making things way easier while the Sonic forces final boss actually adds to the egg with final boss for starters you've got new phases to this thing you've got a classic Sonic phase which admittedly is Just Bounce the balls back at Dr Eggman like it was with the egg Dragoon bus earlier in the game but then the second phase as the Avatar is a lot more interesting as the Death Egg Robot will try to crush you it will shoot missiles at you there'll be bad Nicks to fight he starts smashing parts of the platform beneath you and you can either attack his hands with your wispawn or homing attack onto his chest and while his riskier to homing attack onto the chest it's also more rewarding as you'll chomp out more of his health and then the third phase has modern Sonic Classic Sonic and your avatar all together for yeah admittedly a reprisal of the egg wisp but now you don't get an opening to attack it if you don't boost up to it you have to boost now which makes it a little tougher and you've got a three-lane structure as there are little parts of the map that are raised and can be busted open for different rewards be it rings or wisps now I would definitely call these improvements over the egg wisp boss fight but I don't think there's enough here that's different in that Final Phase to truly justify bringing it back again however better is better I think I would definitely have preferred a unique final boss for the absolute Final Phase but what's here isn't bad but I am also glad that we're not doing it anymore in eighth place is the end from Sonic Frontiers now here's the thing in isolation let's look at the first phase of this fight it's the fight against the Supreme Titan now mechanically speaking I would say that this fight is actually better than all of the fights on this list the problem is that it's the worst of the Titan fights in Sonic Frontiers as a finale this thing is probably one of the more disappointing finale's on this list which is why it's lower the problem with this fight is that it's like the video game equivalent of reheated leftovers the Supreme fight is good because the giganto fight was good and this is basically a re-skinned giganto with a few new attack patterns unlike giganto though he's got these small diamond-shaped drones which shoot projectiles out at you which you can Parry back and forth and they push you away from attacking him you take one of these out first before going on to fight the Supreme otherwise you'll just get pushed back by the projectiles while previous Titans shot lasers out of their backs this one gets Wings instead which disappear once you're actually in gameplay for some reason but it is still quite cool that he floats in the air and you have to chase after him with the projectiles getting much more frantic feeling almost like a bullet hell he also rocks a massive rifle but this is never used outside of a quick Time Event so it doesn't really amount to much outside of these new aspects the fight is almost identical to giganto and is easily eclipsed by fights like wyvern and Knight not to mention that the entity piloting this Titan is the end the end hasn't piloted the previous Titans but this has almost no impact on the fight itself but then once the end takes its true form that's when you get the true final boss if you're playing it in hard mode if you're playing in easy or normal you just get a quick timer then and there's nothing to warn you of this beforehand so the end boss fight where do I even begin with this this is an ikaruga style bullet hell you're playing as Sage piloting the Supreme Titan as you shoot through the different projectiles which require different shots from you as you build up your gauge to shoot out much larger yellow shots all while the end just SAS talks you and shoots massive lasers at you as well which you have to navigate which can require great precision and what I will praise this boss for is that it requires a great deal of precision a problem with this fight though is like a lot of Sonic final boss fights this one pulls you out of that conventional Sonic play style so rather than using the skills you've accumulated over the course of the game you're instead using a unique play style in most cases that new play style serves for more spectacle but in this one no this is a far more arcadey approach nowhere near as climactic as even the regular Sonic boss fights you have used these skills earlier in the hacking mini games but the hacking mini game for the final boss this feels less like an epic Climax and more like a practical joke on the player there are definitely things that could have improved this maybe a more Dynamic camera angle than just a top-down view having the ends projectiles look a little less just on-screen graphics and more like actual projectiles that might come from a small Moon and maybe having the Supreme Titans Health System be based on collecting Rings rather than just a basic life system and in the absolute Final Phase being just a quick time event I can see that they've done that to maintain a cinematic quality but I definitely would have appreciated the opportunity to have been able to take control of SuperSonic one last time in this game the problem with this fight is not just that it's a different gameplay style because Sonic games have done that it's the fact that it's a gameplay star that has way less spectacle than the main ones meaning that this just feels anti-climactic now I've said a lot of negative stuff about this boss fight but I will say it still feels pretty climactic from a narrative level the presentation is Top Notch the music is just a creme de La Creme it's a solid conclusion it just doesn't do the game that came before it justice in seventh place is Perfect Chaos from Sonic Adventure and what more need be said this boss fight is not only iconic it's also really well designed a monster looming over a destroyed City that only supersonic can stop Ah hell yeah what's also cool about this one is is how it takes that integral core component of the classic Sonic gameplay and transforms it into a 3D boss fight you need to build your momentum you need to build your speed and use the environment around you to get to that top speed while avoiding everything that Perfect Chaos is throwing at you to keep that speed down reach your top speed fly up inside Perfect Chaos hit his brain repeat that a few times and the fight is won it's a fight that feels perilous has some really cool mechanics to it and set the blueprint for the modern Sonic final boss fight in sixth place is the final hazard from Sonic Adventure 2. this one works similarly to the final boss fight of Sonic Adventure 1 you want to build up your speed and hit the target while avoiding all of the attacks of the enemy that will push you back once again relying on a timer of rings counting down however there are some new elements added to this boss fight this time you're in space with no form of ground Beneath You meaning that rather than running or like gliding along the floor like he does in adventure one you are flying to your Target and you also get to control not one but two supersonic hedgies when you land a hit on the Beast you switch to the other character but if you are running low on rings you can also switch to the other character for a little more of a chance take these cool mechanics frame it with the great storyline of Sonic Adventure 2 with Shadow and Sonic now putting aside their differences to save the world Shadow self-sacrifice and of course live and learn the Fantastic conclusion that follows it yeah this was a great way to elevate the formula laid down by Sonic Adventure 1 and make it even bigger and better in fifth place is the Death Egg Robot from Sonic the Hedgehog 4 episode 1 and it's pretty rare that you'll ever see anything from Sonic the Hedgehog 4 episode 1 end up this high on a ranking list but this is a fantastic boss fight you begin with a Boss Rush of all of the previous bosses you for and I can kind of give or take that to be honest but it's the Death Egg Robot fight that really brings this home because mechanically speaking this is an upgrade from the original Sonic 2 Death Egg Robot in most every way with new more aggressive attack patterns a one-hit kill ground pound which actually I think is kind of BS and rather wasn't there but also much more easily readable hitboxes as well this one takes away the thing that made the original Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Death Egg Robot fight so difficult but manages to make the fight more challenging and the result here feels less like Sonic vs a giant machine and more like an actual fight between these two entities it's a shame that we had to rehash once again the Death Egg Robot but this is a really good fight in fourth place is the heart of the death egg from Sonic the Hedgehog 4 episode 2. Another W for Sonic the Hedgehog 4. originality is hard to come by in the Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Saga both episode 1 and 2. but this final boss it was a really original and novel idea for a fight with Eggman piloting the heart of the Death Egg 2 while you have to navigate your way around these anti-gravity Rings which sometimes you'll lose a piece of that footing as the platform Beneath You drops sometimes the platforms are electrified and you have to come in at the right angle to actually land ahead on Dr Eggman this is a really unique battle and it gets harder as it goes as Eggman begins shielding himself a shield that can only be broken down by your twin Dash or super 69 move it's a shame this boss didn't cap off a better game and didn't pave way to A better ending but it's still a really novel final boss in third place is big arms from Sonic the Hedgehog 3. launch based Zone Act 2 the final zone of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 plays host to three different boss encounters no you don't have anything as event status as say the Death Egg Robot but Eggman is throwing a lot more at you in this stage the two boss fights that precede the final boss encounter a pretty standard fare just Eggman trying to keep you away from the Death Egg and letting his death egg launch into the sky you've got him on an elevated platform firing out a black ball at you which rolls back into its chamber so it's got two different chances to attack you and a little platform you can stand on to get up to Dr Eggman and hit him then once that's done you get a chance to hop into the eggmobile yourself and Traverse your way to the lower chamber of the death egg and one last little cutscene with knuckles as he tries to knock you out of the eggmobile but ends up getting toppled down by the launch of the Death Egg then on that lower chamber you fight this egg sort of Stack I don't know what this is called I'm calling it The Egg stack where there are just separate chambers that shoot lasers out at you there's a spiked ball that revolves around the top chamber which you have to hit and you gradually break it down before then the sky goes black the music changes and we meet one of Dr eggman's coolest designs yet big arms there are three different ways that big arms can hurt you he's got spikes on the top of his head making his hitbox quite a bit smaller than usual Jets out the back spewing Flames so good luck getting him from the back and at the very front you've got these two big arms which can grab you and slam you into the ground fortunately you have a chance to really learn this boss's fight patterns because you'd actually have rings for this fight unlike Sonic 1 and 2 before it and it's a fight that really rewards skillful play this is a lot easier than say the Death Egg Robot from Sonic 2 but it's a much more enjoyable fight and while no this is not a giant Mech made in eggman's image it's still a much more gnarly looking design than your average Dr Eggman boss fight and I gotta say I gotta praised the originality for that this also rewards good use and good timing of the insta shield attack as well while no this is not the most satisfying finale that a Sonic game has ever had feeling much more like a part one which it was I'd say that in spite of an anti-climactic ending big arms is a satisfying final boss in second place we have the Giant Egg Robo from Sonic and Knuckles which is technically part two of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 making Sonic 3 and Knuckles and this is the true final boss of the game but I split them for this list because I just feel like big arms deserve some recognition as a final boss The Giant Egg Robo is probably the most imposing creation Eggman has ever accomplished this thing is colossal and frightening as well the goofy comedic elements of eggman's appearance have been emitted from this design he hasn't got a goofy mustache or anything like that he's just straight up creepy while still resembling his creator there are lots of different ways this boss can get you it attacks you with its fingers initially but those fingers are also the weak spot so you have to attack those then it chases you across the Death Egg wiping out the chamber with it blowing out the ground beneath you as it shoots snot rockets at you and it's up to you to Bonk it on the head to open its Chaos Emerald chamber where you hit the Master Emerald before it shoots a massive one-hit kill laser at you and after that's done you just chase down dog Dr Eggman in a basic eggmobile as he clings onto the Master Emerald as much as he can and if you've gotten all of the emeralds you move on to the Doomsday Zone which really takes things up a notch yet the boss before it was fantastic but this here is the real final boss of the game as you chase Eggman down through an asteroid field as supersonic no ground beneath you your Ring's counting down so you've really gotta get a hold of those Rings Eggman is escaping in a smaller Mech which is covered in this Shield that shoots missiles at you the missiles home onto you but you can use that against Dr Eggman by diverting those missiles to the head of the robot then once that's done you just chase down the Meg which is clinging onto the Master Emerald and firing more projectiles at you this is an epic conclusion just breaking Eggman down constantly as the stakes continuously rise that is how you do a finale but in first place as the best final boss of a Sonic game we have Dark Gaia from Sonic Unleashed this finale is very much all in it's a finale that fires off on all cylinders now this is a very very multi-phased final boss fight so I'm gonna start this where your save file would start if you've got game over in Sonic Unleashed during the final boss you'd be chucked back to the egg Dragoon boss fight which is the final encounter for the Werehog so I'm gonna be beginning it there egg Dragoon is the best werehog fight and one of the better boss fights in the series it's challenging it's a Swiss army knife of an Eggman Creation with drills that can attack you a nice gun a flame strike he sends out his egg pawns you've got Free Falling segments this is just nothing short of Epic and I think what really cements this is the final quick Time Event where Werehog decides he's had enough for this guy he's just gonna rip him out of his cockpit and shuck him and Eggman is finally done with when Dark Gaia decides he's done with him too here we you've got an epic showdown between Sonic chip and Dark Gaia all at the Earth's core with Dark Gaia being the ultimate of the God of destruction Kaiju boss fights he's bigger he's badder he's meaner he's got more unique attack patterns so phase one of Dark Gaia ship assembles the Gaia Golem to fight against Dark Gaia so you play as chip piloting the Gaia Golem a little similar to what we did in Sonic Frontiers with the end boss fight now this is the weakest part of this boss as chip has to slowly make his way towards Dark Gaia he's got his own boost but again it almost feels kind of excruciatingly slow he can slowly move from left to right all of his like attacks and blocking moves are all very very sluggish and delayed and there are lots of instances where you cannot help but take at least a little bit of damage I don't think you can possibly do a damage-free run of the sex dark guys just chucking Boulders at you and sometimes you just don't get enough time to react you can block them but even if block them you lose a little bit of your health same goes for the massive laser he shoots at you at the end of it you get a pretty satisfying Quick Time Event where chip just gets to punch the heck out of Dark Gaia there are three of these chip phases and they don't go on for too long but they can be pretty frustrating but between those phases you've also got Sonic phases where Sonic is running along the Gaia Golem's arm in these timed platforming sections which are some of the most complex platforming sections in the game this is an instance of using everything you've learned against the final showdown and then you fling yourself off of a ramp to a quick Time Event and Sonic just smacks the crap out of dark guy's eyeballs then you enter the final phase of the fight Perfect Dark Gaia he's got more arms he's got more eyes and he's freaking terrifying the all CGI pre-rendered cutscene animations by Mazda animation planet are just firing off on all cylinders as is the soundtrack and we get a supersonic fight this time rather than Counting down Rings he has a health bar but you have to charge it up with rings you get an initial very doomsday Zone reminiscent flight section where you're flying through these different asteroids with inside the earth and different Gaia sperm looking things and then at that point you have to take down dark guy's Shield which is held up by these snakes now while you don't have a ring count that's counting down constantly you still have a form of time limit in that chips Gaia Colossus Gaia Golem I don't know what the hell it's called is gradually being killed by Dark Gaia inside of the shield so you really have to take that shield down as quickly as you can the snakes constantly retract but sometimes dark guy decides he wants to focus his efforts on you instead and Chuck's Boulders at you or maybe he'll fire a laser at you and you just have to escape this thing once The Shield is down you get another quick Time Event a very satisfying moment of Chip punching Dark Gaia in the face and then Sonic flying straight into his eye and that's the final boss this is just huge this fun Ali they've never done a finale this big before or since this game I feel like they really tried to match it with the end in Sonic Frontiers but unfortunately they just didn't quite have the mechanics or the budget and they were relying on a lot of reused assets here this is a very very big finale a very climactic ending this doesn't feel like they ran out of budget or ran out of time or ran out of energy or assets and you kind of have the best of both worlds you have new play styles that are in service of the spectacle while also having those platforming sections as Sonic where you have to use everything you've learned against Dark Gaia what a showdown this takes all of the things that I thought were awesome about the Sonic and Knuckles final boss fight and puts it into 3D wow amazing oh man I'm already just talking about that that's awesome that's an awesome game and an awesome finale but what do you guys think how would you rank these 20 Sonic boss fights other any you'd include that I didn't include that is what the comments section is for my friends I want to check out your rankings below I want to check out what you guys think so I'll see you down in the comments below catch you later I say you've made it to the end of the video congrats no but seriously thanks a bunch for watching and just now I'll be extending a special thanks to the patrons in the 10 tier who are Adam Mize Ken k legendary Ray Ray Mr SP Sergio that geordo and where's Arnold one amazing and generous bunch of people thank you guys so much for your support and if you want to join the ranks of these amazing people right here the link to my Patron is in the description below Guys these are not the easiest times in the world financially so every little bit you folks are donating is doing wonders I really would love to be able to do YouTube as a proper fully fledged career someday it might just be a pipe dream but maybe you guys can prove some people wrong but of course if donations aren't your thing then well it means plenty to me that you just hit that cute little subscribe button over there I I didn't mean hit that way well that's me done for the day thanks a whole bunch for your support and have a fantastic day I'm gonna see you so soon [Music]
Channel: Channel Pup
Views: 244,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic the hedgehog, sonic, sonic frontiers, sonic frontiers final boss, sonic frontiers secret final boss, sonic boss fights, every boss fight, best sonic final boss, worst sonic final boss, best worst, boss fights, boss battles, perfect chaos, shadow the hedgehog, devil doom, the end, supreme titan, metal overlord, dark gaia, sega genesis, egg nega wisp, channel pup, channel pup sonic
Id: cBxgqTpP5xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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