Installing Netbox in 10 Minutes or Less

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i want to show you how to get netbox up and running in 10 minutes or less [Music] i've never actually timed this before so this is going off in theory i think we can do it so let's get the clock up here in the corner ready go okay now we're gonna uh go into the world of proxmox what's that it's a hypervisor solution i have a whole training series on it it's phenomenal it's free and it could be anything it could be vmware it could be hyper-v that you use you could install on bare metal essentially we need to get going in a linux environment and the fastest way to do that in today's world is through this thing called containers or some people use straight up docker on top of like an ubuntu or linux instance an lxc container is essentially linux in a shared kernel environment so it's really efficient on your resources so i'm just going to create a new lxc container called netbox and all by the way this is there's nothing special here that that isn't uh you know that you have to do for netbox you can install it on ubuntu this just gets linux up and running really fast for us so i'm going to click on next the template i'm going to use is ubuntu 18.04 which again just prepares the environment might as well give it 20 gigs of storage right in case i upload a bunch of stuff uh processor again with with uh with the an lxd container you don't need much let's give it a you know a gig of memory right should be more than enough network environment i'll make this 172.20. let's go 0.80 24 gateway 1720.1 that'll be the ip address we used to use uh to connect with it and again everything i'm showing you right now uh is just setting up the base uh linux foundation right i'll click on next and finish and that's that's going to start running right now and it's you know it does it doesn't take long it's extracting a little uh ubuntu archive right spinning it up in the background and we're done you click on status we now have uh this this uh okay the job is running now it's stopped okay we're ready to go click x on that looking at my time uh we're going to uh to nut box and we will oh one quick uh tweak to make in this one i'm gonna go to features i'm going to turn on nesting what nesting is is uh the ability to run containers inside of a containerized environment right we're actually going to install a net box using docker right and we're using that inside of a docker-like environment which is an lxc container which again is just linux so if you're using proxmox then you need to have this nesting turned on otherwise you'll run into problems so click on start and get that guy up and running open the console and boom don't so so guys like like hours of install well maybe not hours but a lot of time was just saved by using uh hey my clock is ticking right okay so i'm i'm here at the log i'm going to log in as root uh get in my super secret password that i typed in there and realized that i typed it wrong so i'm going to try it again root type it in and boom there we are in the environment so first i'm going to do apt update anytime you get a new linux version out there you want to get you know get it updated and this is good just going out and saying do are there updates available yes there are okay so now that you've fetched them i'm going to do an upgrade if you don't do this a lot of times you'll be missing kind of the foundation components and that by the way that's just running in the background so let's do when i talk while it's doing that um well i've got some time uh so it's just updating all the foundation components because otherwise you just run into weird stuff stuff that doesn't work and you're like ah troubleshoot tools and it's like oh you just had to install an update right so so this guy is running right now getting we'll say the the containerized environment that uh that netbox will run in up to speed i don't know what else to say during this time so i you know and i mean my clock is running i can't i can't cut off the time i've got i've got 10 minutes so okay we're back here so i'm coming back it's 78 done with the the update process and by the way it says hey do you want to restart your your services without asking yes don't worry this is a production environment do that and one of the things i always do anytime i'm updating linux is i uh always reboot it now the beauty of rebooting a containerized linux and again if you want to know more about proxmox you want to know more about lxc containers things like that go check out the proxmox series but the beauty of of this is it's so fast to reboot so watch this i'm going to do a shutdown dash r now right boom it's just like okay we just logged out it's disconnecting your virtual machine is down and boom love that i love it so much i'm just gonna rot instead of roof come on come on clock sticking i i i don't know why i said to me i just it was one of those catchy kind of marketing okay so i'm gonna do a apt install net tools uh things like iaf config ping you want those especially if your network person i'm going to do an apt install docker because that's how we're going to run uh uh netboxes inside of that and and by the way docker if you don't know little explanation it's it's kind of like a virtual application environment and netbox uses multiple containers of dockers if you're if you're going to use that so the way it assembles it is through something called docker dash compose what docker composes and we'll let that download it's about a half a gig of uh download that's gonna do so let me let me describe that while we're going here um what docker compose is is a think of it like a recipe book where netbox is like okay i need a database i need a web server i need a you know i need i need i need a right and so it's going to run those in multiple integrated docker containers that all fit together so the way it assembles that for you is through this docker compose it pretty much says okay here's the recipe go assemble all these docker containers for them so you don't have to do it manually again you can do you can install netbox manually you can go line by line there's a bajillion instructions online on how to do that oh man i'm wasting time um but but why and why spend hours getting it up and running and go through that pain uh last thing i'm gonna do is apt install git um if you don't know about the oh it's already installed uh so git is the way that you download from a repository online to where you know the latest version of netbox can be found okay so so this this is not necessary for netbox but i i need it just because i i want to do it i'm going to do a pico et cetera ssh ssh d underscore config right what this is is the configuration for the ssh process and by default thanks ubuntu it is very secure and they do not let you log in using the root account so i'm going to go permit root login is going to be yes right control s control x get out of there so so now it's there i'm gonna do a service ssh restart uh so that those new permissions can be applied and now i can connect using something like putty all right we'll bring putty into the picture just just because uh you working over ssh just a lot easier for me i need to remember the ip address there it is 1720 080 let's do a copy and paste open says yes i do want to use that security key and yes right there is my my putty instance right so i'm going to do a login as root type in my credentials and it's the pressures kill me i i'm trying to go too fast there we go now i'm in over ssh rather than using the console right here it makes just copy and paste and things like that a lot easier so next thing i'm going to do i'm actually going to copy and paste this line because it's the download path so we're going to use git to download from a repository this netbox docker get file right so now if i do an ls which does a directory list i see there's a new folder there called netbox docker and i can do a change directory into that do an ls and there's all the files that i downloaded from the git repository right um now i'm going to go and create a file this is again i'm going to use my copy and paste right here and and just so you know let me let me um open notepad so you can see what i'm doing here um i'm gonna paste in oh man look at look at all my my tabs are just messed up here i'm gonna paste this in what this does is create a file called docker compose dot override.yaml right it's a it's a yaml configuration files and it says hey you know you're done creating this file when you see the the the characters eof and the file types which i have at the end here right so if i go here ctrl c to my clipboard and paste that in what i did is i just created that file if i do an ls docker compose override i'll see it right there and if i do a you know control a i'll do a more to see what's in there it's just this essentially this configures netbox to run on port 8000 if you want to run it on a different port that's where you change it edit that file and change it to you know 8 500 you know 9 000. you got up to 65 536 ports pick one right um and and just make sure it doesn't overlap with something else okay so we've got that there now we can do the docker compose i'm going to do a docker dash compose now by the way the way this works if you if you want to i don't get this how do how does docker compose know what to do uh that's what this file is right here see this i'm gonna do a more uh right-click docker file this is the recipe that that that essentially docker compose follows it's like okay i'm gonna do all this i'm gonna go find you know find these different packages that are needed to run it et cetera et cetera you can see 21 you know just you can space that that's the script that it follows it's just called docker file so i'm going to do a docker dash compose and i'll do pull which looks for that file oh hang on hang on it says uh in file docker compose but service must be a mapping not a nun oh man i totally messed something up here and let me look uh let's do a uh pico docker compose what what do i miss what did i miss version 3.4 good okay services colon uh maybe the spacing is off ngx that's what i'm gonna do uh we'll do the ports and then we'll do a eight thousand eighty eight eight okay that looks good it looks good i'm not sure what's going on here so docker compose pull that was it spacing so in removing all those tabs i just messed up my spacing and it needed to be a little more accurate to uh to have docker compose run so there we go we've got docker compose going and by the way i'm going to put all of the commands like this with the right spaces in the in the text underneath this uh video so if you and by the way the reason i'm doing this is i love talking you through it ah somebody's calling me hang on don't call me right now um i love talking you through it so you know what you're doing there's so many things where you can just copy and paste it online and it's up and running but you're like i don't know how that all happened i want to add a little color commentary for that if you just want to copy and paste i mean go for it pause me i'm done and and just copy and paste all the commands and you should have a net box up and running in in 10 minutes or less right so right now it's still going through following the script from docker compose downloading and extracting each one of those things now i i have to admit this is probably here let's just look probably where we could have done a little better but this is this is a great test let's take a look so so if you want to see how much resources is netbox consuming right now as it's building i mean you can see memory this is the beauty of the kernel world look at that a hundred megabytes of memory megabytes i haven't used those terms to describe how much memory you need since like my commodore amiga days right like megabytes not gigabytes megabytes um so that's that's where we're at it's saying hey we've got one gig assigned but i'm only using this much right oh look at that oh man we just went up 300 megabytes uh processor wise we're still about 40 utilization so again we're not tapping out on this thing at all okay there we go we've got we've got uh docker compose up and running now now i can't see the timer i added the timer later so i'm sorry if i'm not going to make it i just can't stop talking about this stuff it's so cool okay so back over here so we've got all the the data posts now we just do docker compose up and what that will do is take all of the puzzle pieces that you've downloaded all the docker images it'll look at the formula that that you chose to you know that actually you chose it's it's the from the git repository and it will start bringing all those up what it's doing right now is bringing up the postgres database right that's going to be where it stores all of those data so right now behind the scenes it's running it's actually building the the net box docker image now this this sometimes just takes a while because it's literally building the whole environment for us right right before our eyes so i'm out of i'm out of color commentary for right now so let's just go back i'm going to put on some music put it on hyperspeed oh man there it goes i by the way that was not hyperspeed uh that was just uh going through the process so i'll put on some music by time it's a matter of fact i'll show you what it should say [Music] all right there we go when you see this listening at right here now now by the way this is this is the internal port number the we we assigned the port number eight thousand you remember that in the uh file that we created this is just internal behind the scenes what what is uh used as it's doing its magic right so let's come back here i'll go to the url bar and i'll do 172.20.0. what was that 80 colon 8000 and boom right there we've got netbox up and running answering the phone call i'm going to hit login admin admin is the default username and password on there and now we can go in and start creating our sites uh going through and setting up our ip addresses our prefixes vlans everything like that this is our documentation dream come true and we did it in 10 minutes or less now i'm looking at the little timer on the screen in front of me it says 15 minutes but but think about it if you cut out all of the the jeremy color commentary and distractions you totally can do it and and maybe even add a few more resources so it goes through that uh that install lickety-split that said netbox up and running it's that simple
Channel: Viatto
Views: 2,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nz-EmdHr16c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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