What is more important than nutrition in healing illness?

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hi there welcome to my home my kitchen we're cooking we love cooking Danny and I love cooking together we had we have a little bit of an emergency and that in that the fire alarm went off so although we enjoy cooking we're not great at it and so anyway we have a lot of fun in the kitchen but daddy's always the one that puts out the disasters it takes care I just made some cornbread and I put some fire in it as in Abin arrow but I think that that's what went off the smoke detector you guys it's all good so well oh this is Anita Moorjani and it's it's Saturday morning it's not Sunday no we go today to do earlier no wonder I'm not set up I should be on the other side of the camera today Melina's joined us so I'm so happy milena is here and she's actually come to have lunch with us so we got my nose behind the camera everything will actually work yeah the video will be fine don't be no hissing sound there'll be no funny yes they'll be no bald head kind of crawling behind me like you know how it is in plain view anyway I'm gonna go over here to where I live so we're making omelet spicy omelets with onions cheese mushrooms and serrano peppers and I just put a corn bread in the oven someone's wishing you happy birthday because they see the happy birthday balloons thank you okay so that was from a month ago my birthday was a month ago but these balloons lost forever and I just don't have the heart to get rid of them this is the problem so today I want to welcome all of your questions please give me your questions and I'm going to be answering your questions and I say while I'm cooking but I used that phrase loosely because actually the heavy lifting is usually done by Danny so so he's he doesn't all the heavy lifting I just come in kind of flavored things and do my thing but but while we're doing this I would be happy to take your questions but just to kick it off I wanted to speak a little bit about food because people write to me sometimes and they say things like you know I don't know what's healthy what's not healthy do you believe certain foods lead to cancer and what's your opinion on different nutrition and so on so my theory or my take on it is just relax and eat what feels good listen to your body and really just eat what feels good to you what feels right to you and I say this for a couple of reasons one is because there is so much information out there and we get bombarded by information all the time and so and a lot of this information is conflicting it's contradictory and so the confusion that causes the stress and the fear is worse for you than eating a piece of chocolate with sugar so and I'm and and I say this from experience so the second thing is I've been through all this myself when I had cancer I used to read and research everything that caused cancer so here's what I find really interesting is that if you look at the number one cause of illnesses whether it's cancer whether it's heart disease the number one causes actually stress now what is stress stress is the fear of failing the fear of not having enough hours in the day the fear of shame the fear of not being good enough it's fear fear fear fear fear it's a fear of illness the fear of this stress is actually fear but when you realize so in the one hand the number one cause of illness is stress but then when you research what do I do about the illness very little information comes up to tell you that you're supposed to reduce fear all the information that comes to you that bombards you is information on nutrition on drugs on medication on all that kind of stuff to manage your stress but you know you don't need all that stuff the main thing is to not be stressed and to enjoy your food enjoy what you eat have fun with friends and be a little bit more casual about it I was when I had cancer I used to I used to read books on all the cancer-causing foods and my favorite foods like chocolate and things like that I believed cause cancer and so I believed that I used to believe at that time after reading things was that chicken hormones from chicken cause cancer pesticides cause cancer milk causes cancer because the mill the hormones that milk mimic breast hormones and so on and so I became so paranoid about eating things I also started taking loads of supplements and if ever I missed my dose of supplement I would become really fearful so I kept thinking oh my gosh is the cancer and they growing and there was this fear that the cancer is growing if I don't need the right things does any do any of you relate to what I'm saying I would love for you to comment if you relate to that that you have this fear about what you're eating and what you're putting in your body because you think if you eat the wrong thing the cancer is growing so what I want to tell you is relax because I found over time that I would be fearful of one food and then a month later there would be contradiction addicting information saying that food is fine I would be gobbling up lots of another food that I thought was healing and the following month I'd hear it was really bad for you it was causing cancer so now after having died I realized what was killing me was the fear not the food it was the fear it was the stress that is so much worse for your body so I tuned into my body I try and cut down on gluten only because it makes me feel better no judgment people eat gluten it's frightened once in a while I do eat gluten because I enjoy dessert every now and then and sometimes they has gluten that's why today we're making gluten-free cornbread and we're making omelets I eat eggs I eat protein I love spicy hot food I'd given all that up when I was sick and it made me miserable today I'm so much happier and much more relaxed about food so yeah I would love to hear some of your questions excellent we have a couple of questions about food someone's asking about animals you know if we know what if we know I'm so sorry I kind of lost the question here we are okay Olivia is saying if we choose our life's prior to coming to this earth why do animals choose to come here knowing they will be killed and eaten maybe that's the service that they offer to people as far as I'm concerned I I believe that all animals need to be treated well I'm not I'm not against eating meat and I know that there are people who are who get quite angry when I say that but I have no judgment because if we're angry at people who eat meat we will be angry and a huge percentage of this planet but what does make me angry or sad is when people treat animals cruelly if we're going to eat the meat we at least need to respect the the creatures that have sacrificed their life to give us protein we need to treat them well so even though I do eat eggs I do eat fish I eat chicken from time to time I make sure that the that that these have been responsibly grown responsibly caught so that there is no suffering for the animal and and you know some people do need to eat animal protein daddy needs to eat animal protein when he goes vegetarian for long periods of time he actually does feel weak and faint and unwell and sick he's basically a very robust and strong guy and he knows what his body needs to maintain that so that's my take on that Kristen asked if you believe that nutrition helps with healing do you do you believe that there's any complication it or if it if it's important it is and the biggest importance is what you feel about what you're eating for me that's that's hugely important how do you feel about the food you're eating if you're feeling that fearful or if you're feeling like oh I hate this food but I better eat it because it's medicinal it may help you but what I always say is do it from a place of love the first thing the bigger picture is that you know is is about loving yourself so loving yourself means loving your life some people find it hard to love themselves but when I say love yourself I also mean love your life and that's a gauge as to whether you're loving yourself or not and it's easier for you to think in this terms I have to love my life so if you love your life you want to live long and if you love your life you're going to be doing things that you love and that's why you love your life you love the people in your life that's why you love your life and that's why you want to live long and because you want to live long you want to take care of yourself and then choose the foods from that perspective not from the perspective of oh I'm scared of cancer I got to avoid cancer I got to avoid illness that's the wrong reasons to eat healthy foods someone asked irena asked little wine okay yeah absolutely you know as long as you're having fun with life see and addictions are two different things completely different things if you enjoy a glass of wine here and there a glass of champagne you're out with friends you have a good time that's great you're not escaping you are enjoying you're enjoying life to the fullest but when you need alcohol or drugs or anything to escape that's a whole different arena it's about loving life and living life fully it's not about escaping life Michaela had a brain injury during a horse riding accident and she's having a hard time recovering she has severe digestive discomfort she's not sure how to how to let go she and she doesn't want to suffer help she says wow I'm really sorry about hearing that so the person writing Michaela is she the one who had the injury yet right yes yeah she oh yeah my sense is that in addition to all the discomfort you're going through you're also judging yourself for everything you're going through you're kind of this is my sense and I'm sensing that you are feeling like a failure because you haven't healed yet so I want to actually I mean if you were here physically I just give you a hug but I want you to spend time with people who love you I want you to start to honor yourself love yourself and love yourself through what you're going going through pretend that your best friend somebody you love your child your best friend someone you care for is going through what you're going through how would you treat them what would you say to them what would they need to hear that's how I want you to treat yourself I really want you to start with that and and and I think that you also you'll start to notice yourself feeling better even if you start with that and what I'll do is there'll be more videos coming down the line and I'll do more videos to help people that are really going through deep illnesses or serious situations where they feel like so much discomfort that they feel they can't improve their lives I'll be working on more videos like that so stay tuned but in the meantime please be kind with yourself Susan mentions she heard John Hay House radio yesterday talking about forgiveness and her question is about knowing who you are you know there's there have been so many years of adjusting conforming how do you find what is true about you so the first step I would say is I find it's actually easier to identify what is not you and let go of those things so instead of trying to figure out who am I Who am I and the question to ask is what is not me what am i holding on to that's not me and the clues to this is what have I been doing that don't feel like they're me they don't honor me what have I been saying yes to when I mean no and really get deep and be honest like have you been saying yes to things that you really wanted to say no to but just you're too much of a people pleaser and that's why you can't you're not able to say no identify those things and when we're able to let go of what is not us then what really is us starts to shine through it becomes easier to see who you really are q Mooney knows it's a little off topic but wants to know if you can talk about suicide and feeling stuff this person struggles with feeling stuck with feeling stuck and feeling suicidal so what I would want you to know is life can change in an instant like my life is changed in an instant I mean from one moment I was going from dying to suddenly regenerating cells and living and and so everything situations can change in an instant we suddenly see things differently and everything changes we get an email that can change our like I got the email from Hay House saying that they wanted to publish my book and Wayne Dyer had discovered my story things can change in an instant so never lose hope never lose hope is number one and number two don't take your life because you don't know what's coming up there could be gifts waiting for you there could be a reason for you going through what you're going through and you might take your life before the gifts are presented to you so don't take your life even though it's beautiful on the other side I don't want to scare people and say don't take your life because you'll go to hell because you won't the truth is you won't but don't take your life because there are gifts waiting for you here and things can change for you in an instant and asks do you meditate you know that's a great question because the answer is is gonna be yes and no because there was a time when I used to think oh I have to meditate I have to spend more time meditating until I realized that we're supposed to create a life that's a meditation so what I do is if I feel that my life is so stressful that I need to meditate the message to me is that my life shouldn't be so stressful that I need to meditate my life itself should be so pleasurable or so beautiful why I should be so in love with my life I need to be but so I need to change my life I need to do things so that my life is so much fun that I don't feel the need to meditate the whole of my life feels like a meditation and I okay I think I'm gonna just boil the water because I'm actually gonna make some tea okay Tom is asking he's saying hello from the UK and he's asking are you working here anytime soon in the UK oh absolutely I'm gonna be speaking in Bristol on June 6th I'm glad you asked and we can always post the link later but I'm coming to Europe in a couple of weeks leave on May 8th and I head to Europe and I'm doing a seven city tour and it finishes in Bristol UK that's the last stop so yeah I'd love to see you there I'm doing a full-day workshop by the way I don't like calling them workshops because they're kind of more fun than that but but it's gonna be a full day where we can spend time together and and you know everybody kind of brings their energy in and it's quite beautiful look sharing widget asked can fear-based messages sometimes be a warning sign like telling you not to do something or go somewhere or if my child wants to go somewhere but I feel fear can that be a warning sign or is it always just fear-based projection and not connected to reality so sometimes when you get the feeling of fear yeah is that a warning so um not necessarily okay so I want to explain this when your higher-self is giving you a warning and giving you a fear-based message it gives it to you in a very in a way that doesn't feel fearful but more like in a way that gives you guidance on how to get out of that fear-based situation so let me see if I can articulate this better the difference between the messages that are coming from our inner self our inner mystic our higher self whatever we want to call it our connection to the divine the difference between the messages that are coming from our connection to the divine and the fear-based messages that are projections from the outer world is that the message is from the divine always make us feel safe and loved even if it's a warning about something dangerous that's going to happen it's not going to instill fear in you it's going to give you a method of getting out of the fear-based place it's going to so you know so to give you an example it won't be like oh you're about to get run over by a car it'll be more like turn this way to avoid the car so something like that everyone loves Danny by the way I just have to throw that out there we getting a lot of fan mail for Danny in the comments so easy for me and Mary says I just wanted to say that I love your spirit thank you for being oh thank you and I mean this is so fun lyndie asks if you are a caregiver how can you help without losing yourself caregivers have it have a really challenging job health care givers nurses healers because they have to be careful that they're not absorbing everything or that they are not wearing themselves out so the first thing I would say is that make sure you take time out every single day for yourself you have to take care of yourself now caregivers people who are naturally caring they feel it's they feel that it's selfish to take care of themselves they feel that time could be better spent taking care of someone else but in actuality if you don't take care of yourself you get drained and you bring that energy with you when you're caring for Susie reminder cornbread thank you thank you Alexa so that's Alexa and Alexa is reminding me that I have to check on my cornbread which I put in the oven the one that when you saw us earlier we were kind of putting out the smoke alarm for like so say hello hi we were having fun with Alexa earlier ask I said Alexa who is Wayne Dyer Alexa who is Wayne Dyer Wayne Walter Dyer was an American philosopher self-help author and a motivational speaker it's so hilarious because you can ask anything you think she knows who you are me oh come on Alexa who is Anita Moorjani she's sorry I don't know that Alexa who is Anita Moorjani Anita Moorjani is the New York Times bestselling author of the book dying oh my gosh so we talked to her all the time so Alexa tell us a joke Alexa tell us a joke what's an English teachers favorite cereal the grape-nuts of wrath [Laughter] Gwendolen says I have not started making money from my new business and work is slowed down how do I stay stress-free when you can't see your financial future okay so I know finances are always a tough one for people there's a few things I want to say about that one would be I would ask you to review your beliefs about finances I'm just gonna turn the I would ask you to review like do you have any are you holding any kind of judgments about about money and what's always interesting to know is that what kind of business is it is it something your patch about because here's the thing when you are really clear about what it is that you want to do and when you are doing something that's following your passion the money starts to come to you easier I want to be a little more thoughtful about saying this so I just needed a minute to because I've actually written a whole piece about money and why it eludes people and I actually feel that people who are empathic who are super-sensitive have more trouble making money than those who are not because they tend to be people who give away their money and give away services and give and they give them away for free and are terrible at receiving so my question to you would be I use someone who's really really good at giving and giving up yourself and terrible at receiving we need to look at our receiving channels and be okay with receiving abundance people who are super sensitive feel guilty when they receive and that could be something that's blocking you from accepting or receiving money because when you are able to receive when you're good at receiving when you know that by receiving you can do more good in the world and when you really get that then actually it starts to open you up it changes your priorities and then you start to even find it easier to make money so it's really about focusing on when I get abundant it's about focusing on opening your abundance channels getting used to it by doing something positive for yourself every day and it's about also knowing that when I'm abundant this is what I'm gonna do this is how it's gonna help me and this is how it's gonna help other people around me and as you get more clear on that it'll start to come excellent a lot of people appreciated what you just said thank you nanda says we all know doing right thing is good but we sometimes get driven by the sensual pleasure which may not be right what to do that time I don't think there's anything wrong with sensual pleasure if I really don't because my guess is that the fact that you're listening to me speak and that was numb though right the fact that you're here listening to me speak attracted to my work my guess is that you're someone who's very caring and thoughtful and that's why you're even asking this question and I would say the fact that you're aware and you're asking this question you don't have to worry about it you really don't have to worry about it because the people who really are let's say more abusive or who more narcissistic or who are over-the-top they probably wouldn't be interested in this kind of work anyway so yeah so don't worry about it Nicole likes your shirt she says look at you edge girl with the school design I love it I just love the colors I love the colors and and in fact the lady who designed and made it she has this great I bought it from a from a handicraft street fair and I and I just fell in love with it but I fell in love with a whole bunch of things I have this jacket with angel wings on the back and all then she so this lady creates in and she's just great and earlier I saw her posting on my Instagram because she saw that I was wearing this so which is so cool so Lupe if you're they're highly faith Alicia asked she says her husband's Christian and he wants to baptize the baby it's important for him when I hear what the priest says this the only way to redemption love defense against evil she doesn't agree with that she she agrees with what you say so is it right to let him and his family baptize the baby even though she doesn't believe in it so that would really be entirely up to you so what I feel is that very often people do these things because they're afraid of the consequences Danny's plating the off so if it makes you feel happy to to to do what your husband wants and it makes him feel happy then absolutely there's nothing wrong in doing it I have no judgment against it and if people feel strongly about it go for it but it's not something that's necessary that you need to do the most important thing for a baby is love it's love and it's being in a loving environment that's the most important thing do you want should do one last question before the food is ready man it says so have you put any thoughts into storing in your own movie daddy you to star in the movie about your life oh my gosh that would be funny I mean I think I'd be a terrible actor and Danny would be great but I think I would be terrible at acting in my own movie I and even I admit it's actually a very difficult role because the pain and the struggle that I went through it was really challenging and so they're looking for somebody who's very strong who can carry that role but you know it's funny it's a thought thank you for yes so in fact we can end soon so I'm just gonna make some chai and hey folks at home you want to watch or make the chai that's my cozy I actually put cardamoms into mine I don't know if you can see but I put cardamon's into my tea and I put I put black tea bags and the real key the real secret is to put hot milk I warm up the milk and put it in hot milk mixed all the difference so I'm gonna make my tea we still use a traditional tea pot and you have any reminders about your cornbread heavy check recently I switched off the again yes I think it's done someone's asking about when the when is the movie coming out what day will it be released you don't have that information yet do you know we we're only at the like there at the script writing stage and still contemplating which actors and also still looking for investors studios it's all like coming together there's so many components to it I never knew how complicated it was to make a movie but as you get information you're gonna be sharing it on your pages right yep yes I will be sharing it and with your newsletter list and I'll be sharing it to my newsletter list so please do sign up for my newsletter this takes a bit lumpy but I can't wait so yeah please stay tuned up next week we're gonna be travelling we're gonna be flying off to Asia and so but I will still try and schedule in a facebook line but please do sign up for my newsletter I would love that because we send out these videos and other information on my newsletter I tell you guys where I'm going to be which country I'm in where I'm speaking so I'd love to see you on my newsletter and so I guess thank you so much for tuning in thanks so much we're gonna say bye butthey real quick one last question somebody are asking about the new book when is the third book coming out tentative yes next year fall of 2019 and now I mean since you the third book yes so the title is going to be sensitive is the new strong I think my editor wants to call it why sensitive is the new strong and so just a real quick shout out I still meet people a lot who say they don't even realize my second book has come out most people know me because of the book dying to be me many people have said that oh you have a second book is it out I said yes it came out like last year so my second book is what if this is heaven if you haven't read it I would love for you to read it because I guess the people who've read it I've got pretty good feedback from so so I do have a second book it's called what if this I haven't my third book is coming out next year another quick thing I want to add is that sometimes people wonder they say oh but you have that NDE you spoke about it in your first book what what's in your second book what's in your third book and why do you need to write about the Indies so many times the other books are not about the near-death experience only the first one is the other books gives you the kind of information that I'm giving you on these face book lines the other books are generally about how life or how I view life after having had such an experience and there are so many aspects of life that that it affects because when you've had an experience like that and for those of you who had spiritual experiences who had near-death experiences you know what I'm talking about it changes the way you view life it's like is if you've been blind your whole life and then suddenly you can see like just for one day you have sight and then suddenly everything makes sense because there are things you didn't understand before because you were blind and now it's like oh my gosh I understand I understand what colors are I understand what distance means and there's all this clarity and so and and so once you have that clarity but even if you go back to being blind your perspective on life is different so everything I talked about is from that perspective whether it's talking about food or whether it's talking about stress or whether it's talking about love or whatever it is so there's many different topics I cover it and I talk about things as I experience them myself but just to remind you I'm also human just like you though can I can I say something a fellow who is read what if this is haven't sure what I love about it is you sure your wisdom and what you've learned and it helps me make my life better because of it so I'm better off having read it because of the wisdom the book shares with me especially the section on forgiveness was just phenomenal I mean each chapter is so amazing but basically you know your wisdom helps us make our lives better thank you and oh and the last thing I just wanted to show you was I got these new booties I mean these songs and they mesh my wedding I saw them and I have to get them so they are they're like they're beach shoes like they've got rubber soles but I show them because because I love the colors and I like all of it all types of booties I might have said something inadvertently but yeah I I love these because I love the color or the colors so thank you all for tuning in this was so much fun and I think our omelets are on the table and maybe milena can even no no no yeah bye guys behind bye guys thank you for tuning in
Channel: Anita Moorjani Official YouTube Channel
Views: 57,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wlO8s3E0mOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 46sec (2206 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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