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feel like somebody's over our shoulder watching us he's like got some food so over on YouTube on the Community page I put a q a because everyone's been asking for an update on Jason and so today he's gonna answer your guys's question so let's just dive right into it yes there's kind of a lot so we'll try and answer them quickly yes okay um just for those of you if your question doesn't get answered specifically it's because a lot of them were the same yes but thank you everybody for yeah submitting them it was awesome okay often was how does Jason cope with depression and anxiety I don't I bottle it up until I explode really no I so I do take medication for I don't know what you call it what do you call it the mood medication yes my medication so that helps um over time the effectiveness of it has waned so they've bumped it up a little bit so that's Back in Balance and I'm happier but um do you feel depressed I don't feel depressed I mean I think a theme of some of the questions seems to go into you know this isn't a long-term survivable you know there's there's an outcome that's known and it's just inevitable and I'm going that direction and everybody else what this is but I don't look at that as a reason to be depressed or anxious or upset about it I can't change it so just live every day for what it can be and enjoy life that I've got and my family around me and my friends and move on I just don't bother dwelling on or being depressed about what's going to be because we all have an expiration date I just know mine comes with me being diapers yeah yeah okay um what is your favorite thing to do now um I now and post travel with Leslie I love to just go new places and spend time with my grandkids and hang out with family but just traveling is still one of our favorite things to do okay there's about that I don't want to try and find it because there's a lot of questions so we are going to come back to that because we're going to talk about something with traveling okay okay Jason what bothers you the most about your diagnosis and how your life has changed uh what bothers me the most is there's no remedy I like to if there's a problem I just like to fix it I'm excessively blunt about just trying to fix things you know I don't beat around the bush and there's no beating around the bush there's no fix so it bothers me that there's you know I can't just change my diet add wheatgrass and you know cut out butter and make it go away that's the only thing that bothers me what do you think about the people who think that that they send you you get quite often a lot of people who send you they want you to go to a Healer they want you to change your diet and all this stuff and they 100 believe in their heart so that will heal you everybody's got their own opinion um and you're all Everyone's entitled to them I have tried a lot of things um I'm you know I'm not saying those don't work they just haven't worked for me or changing my diet you know or whatever going to a Healer or um just doesn't seem like it has had any effect on slowing the progression or changing the trajectory of what's happening so I just you know I respect everybody else's opinion but you know I got to do what works for me and us so a lot of people have been asking me throughout these questions everyone knows you love to cook I do love to cook Okay so and they want to know if I've noticed any difference in you and your cooking routine which unfortunately yes you get to where you don't want to cook as much anymore so this was kind of already answered but I guess you could ask you could answer this a little more specifically they said I left his bright jokes and perfect one-liners that he sneaks into the conversations he's very witty my question is what makes him happy lately what makes you happy we all would love to know this I don't know like I don't even really understand how to answer that what makes me happy yeah what makes you happy I I okay so what am I struggle because I want to make you happy I find it hard to make you happy and obviously you kind of don't know um I think your grandkids make you happy yes but they're not here all the time so um I guess I've probably always been a dreamer and I love just dreaming planning what's coming next what we're going to do next um where we're traveling to uh or whatever that just that makes me happy what what are we gonna be able to do next go somewhere do something so thinking about that makes you happy that's good it's a good one okay a lot of people wanted to ask how your sleeping has been going and then there's a second part to this question um and then just talks about how like exercises for your mind have you been do you do anything to help exercise your mind so sleeping's been much better sleeping has been better it's it's cyclical so right now I'm on a I can sleep just fine pattern I feel like and but then there'll come a period where there's a month where I'm uh I sleep three hours and then I'm up all night long I did notice that once we got the mood medication finally kicked in I did notice then you seem like you started sleeping better that perhaps could be I had no put that together but you might be right I know so I kind of felt like that oh and the mind exercises oh um so no you don't much honestly I feel like you he kind of gets um stress out if he has to do a lot he reads the news on his phone um yeah but that's about it you don't enjoy writing oh because someone did ask do we journal and I wanted to explain that I don't think that journaling was something that you would really be able to do no no I like to work on things um flying tying flies for fishing or planning that I keep saying planning but like you know if we're going to go somewhere I like to think about what we're going to do and research it or you know some new project around the house I like to work on that um I have to take them in smaller chunks now because I'll my mind just gets tired or fuzzy and I have to stop so I've gotten I've always been good about usually taking notes so I'll take notes stop and come back and look at it so but a lot of times now yeah the notes are almost a moot point if I leave a note for Jason on the bar um telling him to do something we now don't even look at the note so we he used to live by notes um when he first like was still working he would have like notes everywhere we talked about that in the past and he used those and now you don't really I didn't remember to look at those so like take your medicine yeah one time yeah so okay so this one there's a couple questions here that went together and we're gonna talk about something that happened this past week um it says how much autonomy does Jason have and how do I balance keeping him safe and still allow allowing his autonomy I know where this is going yeah so if you follow me over on Instagram you guys got the story um it was just a little boo-boo but Jason caught the house on fire and so as you guys know um I I'm a nurse that used to work nights and I um got to where I couldn't leave Jason alone anymore and so during the day if I ever go anywhere he's usually either with neighbors or he's just here and he's not doing anything and I'm not gone for very long and I don't think too much of it um but now I have to start thinking about things differently because while I was gone Jason caught the house on fire yeah it was actually a really scary situation I walked in there was Smoke everywhere what had happened was um Jason was smoking some meat out on the smoker and I believe he caught the potholder like maybe had a little burning Corner Ember on it and he put it in the drawer in the kitchen so when I came in the it was all on fire and it was smoldering it wasn't like a blazing Inferno but there was smoke a lot of smoke well all of the pot holders were burned up the bottom of the pan the it has a mat was completely burned there's all burned spot in the drawer and so that was all burnt up um and it was very scary the scary part was the smoke detector wasn't going off and I was asleep in the chair and he was asleep so it was very scary and that smoke detector goes off all the time and has since like been checked in works when I overcooked bacon like barely any little thing so thank you Jesus for me walking in at the time that I did because I really do feel like it was just within a couple minutes of the whole cabinet catching on fire and it was very scary so allowing Jason his autonomy and keeping him safe is a really fine line because he still wants to do what he wants to do and he gets mad because he thinks I'm being controlling and but I really don't care anymore like I I don't care if he thinks I'm being controlling before I used to try and like not come off that way or do that but now I gotta do what I gotta do to keep you safe you know stop okay and I'm okay with that that's good that's good this is from Willow she says how has your faith helped you move forward in this Progressive disease and will Jason continue with his medications and his daily routine and then there's another part to this um so we use our faith for on everything yeah yeah like we've talked in many videos like we couldn't do this without Jesus and pray and we I don't feel alone because he's with us um someone else also asked about your medication and do we think that at your age if the medication is making a difference and we 100 believe it is yeah um actually talked to the doctor when we were with her last time the neurologist and well we all believe that because of the Aricept it has been helping maintain for the last couple years on his memory um he has he is declining cognitively but it is it stretched it seems like it's stretching it's helping immensely so uh how have your children respond to the diagnosis um and are both okay and then do we have friends that help and stuff like that okay so yeah so Jason just went with his friends he got to go pheasant hunting he didn't physically hunt but he went with his friends they took him one lady said she was worried that you went hunting yeah I don't hunt no and you got to have friends you gotta rely on other people as a caregiver you can't you get in the dog you can't do everything yourself you have to it was great I got a little vacation Jason was gone for a couple days and he got to get away from me and it was fun [Music] okay thanks Evie for joining us this is the question going back to the beginning of this video that when we talked about travel that I wanted to bring up it said Jason do you find it hard or difficult when you travel to new or unfamiliar places and do I have any tips for caregivers to help with loved ones to keep them at ease during travel yes back in December we traveled down to Florida and as much as Jason will sit here and tell you he loves to travel it actually is a very stressful experience from a caregiver point of view I know it might not be from your point of view um but if we are always trying to show you guys both sides of the how this really works um from my point of view uh Jason when he feels any stress on anything his temperament changes and it just kind of turns into no fun so as much as he loves to travel I am now starting to not want to travel with him and I don't like that because he wants to do it but it's not as fun so this is a balance and something where it's a learning thing and we're gonna have to figure this out so for those of you out in TV Land please leave a comment on why you think it's a good idea that we buy a sailboat thumbs up for sailboats comes down okay I'm gonna die did you I don't um do you feel stressed when you travel um when we went on our vacation last summer you were fantastic yeah once we got there and there was nothing to do fantastic it's the getting there and getting home part that you weren't the best at yeah and I don't I don't know I honestly I'm aware of it no no okay I'm sorry um the last video I saw you mentioned his anger and I wonder if it's only verbal or physical and do you ever feel unsafe well it's definitely not physical no Jason I'm he's never been physically and he's never used to be verbally and I gotta tell you guys um the holidays this year were the worst I've ever had and the mental anguish was tough you guys saw in the November update it was really hard it was I was going through a really hard time his medicine adjustment had not kicked in and it was like January 1st oh my goodness the sun shine down and it's like it kicked in and back to my old JJ so the last few or the last month has been a lot less stressful so it's been really nice I'll take it yeah uh how does Jason always seem so upbeat it's obvious that you have mutual love and trust and respect for each other I care for an elderly lady with dementia and I'm exhausted after five hours how do you guys do it hmm so why how do you always seem so upbeat well it's kind of like what you said at the beginning when you're this tall good looking and humble well really what's her not to be upbeat about for those of you that don't know me I'm not tall at all but you are good looking oh yeah I don't know about humble um how are you always so upbeat um I actually this um go ahead sorry no no you talk uh uh I don't know I should have a good positive outlook on life I just you know we're very blessed we've got a wonderful family you're awesome and a great dog even the wenis he's right here on my lap um that's so sweet that's good and I like that that's what Jason focuses on like as as the one who is like taking care of everything if you're a caregiver you know that you don't get to focus like that you have to focus on the ugly and I it is now more difficult for me and a little bit harder to feel quite so upbeat but I try and pay attention and communicate if I feel like I'm having triggers and I don't know like so so she Leslie mentioned I I like to read the news like I read the Wall Street Journal on my phone and I will I used to be able to multitask and now I have identified that if I'm reading something on my phone and she wants to talk to me and she's interrupting me I get or perhaps this was pre-medication adjustment but I can't can't take both and I feel like she's like my brains is like and I I'll be short and Kurt with her you're doing much better but the medic the medication since it's been adjusted has been it's been much better and and I'm not trying to interrupt you in your reading I usually like I need to tell you something or something's happening and to me it doesn't even matter what it is you could be telling me the house is on fire I that's an exaggeration but yeah because the house wasn't on fire it was inverse I love I love how you'd want to downplay it yeah yeah um I appreciate you allowing us all in your lives her mom has Louis body and she has really bad visual hallucinations how do we handle our hallucinations and do we talk about them so Jason not only do we talk about them we talk to them luckily man say a prayer knock on some wood Jason does not have the kind those kinds of hallucinations he has auditory hallucinations he does wake up he hears music those kinds of things um sometimes you see a light or sometimes you feel like a person is walking past yeah he thinks like a person is there um but that's about it so we haven't had to deal with the really bad hallucination part I do feel like that I don't know if that'll come later um I don't know what do you anything to say about those we'll have to just wait and see yeah yeah yeah a lot of times the hallucinations actually comes more towards the beginning and so our doctor mentioned that we might not have to deal with that part and that's okay everybody's different delusions of grandeur I mean I kind of you know be like I'm Napoleon as I watch Jason I find myself giggling at his witty sense of humor and I find myself what worries him hmm really well do you actually have worries like no I'm completely and utterly jealous do you really not have any worries no that okay I mean that chokes me up because that is actually such a blessing like that's so sweet that you don't have any worries I don't want you to have any worries I got you What's It Gonna Hurt What's It Gonna help the worry just let it go man yeah I won't remember that I worry that at Home Depot I can't make it to the bathroom in time you should because you've grabbed your pants multiple times thanks for bringing that up okay I'm gonna answer this question very last just because I know everybody's really here for you but very sweet people um who I'm assuming most likely our caregivers also want to know like what do I do for myself and how I take care of myself so we'll get to that at the end right now we'll focus on you okay this is a hard question and you don't have to answer my husband has Lewy Body it has having a hard time accepting that he has a problem and he tends to blame his problems on others around him um how do you cope with it like how come you're so willing to like talk about it and accept it um philosophically I um but honestly I think it goes back to a lot of the um Education and Training and reading I've done on being an effective leader and um I think it goes back to a lot of the I don't know education or just like self-improvement stuff on how to be a more effective leader um you know like Dale Carnegie's book how to win Flint win friends and influence people or just and a lot of what I've taken out of those studies are self-reflection you know how do you make yourself a better person remain humble listen to others take responsibility for your actions self-evaluate how things have what effect you had on a situation um you know and you don't always have to be right so basically you're saying that because of your past and you have such a fantastic long-term memory you just are accepting of the situation because yes because you can't just I can't change it so you can't change it I can't adjust for it so let's just deal with it and be happy with what I've got and move on dwelling on it and being grumpy isn't going to make anything better and it's going to make everybody else around me miserable oh do you feel uncomfortable when people talk to you about it like your friends or if anybody ever really says anything no in fact I appreciate if someone brings it to my attention if if a part of my French but if I'm being an I would appreciate you if you're telling me I'm being an so I can adjust especially if if I'm not aware that I'm doing it um I don't think you that you're being a butt head I think that people bring it to your attention um if you're being a little uh yeah a flaky like because I've had people say like sometimes I don't know if I'm talking to dementia Jason or regular Jason because sometimes they just are very fluid and they go back and forth and um it's really hard so one of the things is that Jason is wickedly smart we've talked about this in past videos about why the doctor thinks Jason's decline has been slower is because of how intelligent he is and highly functioning and I know whenever we're in a room I know that Jason is the most intelligent person in that room and I know that nowadays he struggles because he can't come across the way that he normally wants to and sometimes it doesn't come out the way you want it to but what was the point what was the question I totally lost it and I who's got to mention now you know what I have I have covered brain yeah did you guys know cover brain's a real thing do you want anybody to know you had covered I don't care of course that you're talking about because ever since last month we well I got sick with coven and um Jason had it also ah so typical it wasn't even sick ever since then I've had covered brain I have had memory issues where I'm like wait what am I talking about what am I doing she's driving me crazy we can't have both of us doing that he was great yeah he actually took care of me he was really sweet what question were we working on there I don't know because I lost where my train of thought but I'm working on you about how wickedly smart you are we'll just move on to the next one okay okay um I want to know if Jason misses being in the military and is he ever resentful of the service and what happened to you um I enjoyed my time in the service it was a very long time I do not miss it at all because it became redundant um but uh what was that question um did you feel resentful no wrong place wrong time it's just you know life happens life happens I'm actually Phil very lucky and blessed that it wasn't worse because a couple more inches one way or the other or a piece of fragment in that could have changed the whole dynamic of where I'm at I might not be here yeah has Jason's favorite things to do change since his diagnosis um I don't think so he still has his favorite things to do it's about it's a com it's being able to accomplish accomplish them I am it really it's I struggle to get them done yeah because I get tired yeah so I'll you know I used to be able to just sit there and just work for hours on end on whatever I was working on and and then get up the next day and do it again and now it's like I need a nap yeah someone did ask what's an average day like for Jason and you used to be a morning person you're no longer a morning person so that has changed not a morning person doesn't enjoy talking in the morning um which is so funny because it used to be the opposite and then um all I know is whatever Jason wants to do for that day he can do it good and solid for a few hours and be fantastic at whatever he's doing and then that is it and he wiped himself out and then you will do nothing but sleep or watch TV for the rest of the day because your brain's exhausted do you think that sounds about right yep okay this was cute any news Jason wishes to discuss is good I love I love the video of him testing the bed covers he is so funny how is the new grandbaby and how much time do you get to spend with him and are you enjoying that he's awesome we got to see him the other day he's coming over tomorrow Saturday whatever yeah in a day or two um he's amazing he's rolling over I'm feeling like he's ready to talk yeah so he brings a lot of Joy all of our grandbabies why are we talking about you yeah she brings a lot of Joy yeah both of our dogs do I want to address this question because it's something that I have been noticing lately that is new is does Jason have a problem with his balance so this is new he has not normally had any issues with his balance um recently within the last month I have been noticing Jason almost like catching himself he has not Fallen but he's shuffling his feet around like to catch himself walking around that I actually brought it to his attention because I don't think that he noticed that he was doing it I did not um what did you think about when I know when I brought that to your attention did you notice it then when I said it when you brought it to my attention I sort of paid attention to it but I really put it out of my mind again I figured you did been watching noticing it's more of a balance issue so that'll be something that we talked to the neurologist when we go again this lady said there's no question I just feel bad for him when he's in these kinds of videos losing cognition and knowing you're losing it has to be the worst hell there is I like it better when he just pops in the videos and acts silly well we get that but we so this is really designed to help either people that have this or are a loved one has it to help them understand deal with it and it kind of provide a bit of an Outreach because there's not a large community of people that talk about it and to help people learn how to interact with people that have the disease you know yes yes that's where I was going with that question earlier when I was talking about you being the smartest person in the room okay and everything that is one of the biggest things is I get super defensive and I want to be like total Mama Bear when anyone remotely acts like you're dumb and just it's just so different and I just don't even know how to describe it but that just makes me so angry and that is something that I get super bent out of shape about um just because I do know how intelligent you are and I'm and it's it's not your fault that you don't have that full capacity anymore but um oh I just don't ever like when anyone treats you different because of that have you noticed anyone ever acting like that to you you actually have yeah yeah I have too and not close friends our close friends all know Jason um but other people um that just makes me angry that's something I get my hack goes up about but I'm really thankful that you take the time yeah and I you know it's kind of like anyone with a handicap treating them differently because of their handicap they don't appreciate that no so no everybody's a whole person exactly I don't know much about Jason Stanley or Leslie's except your daughter um is is there does he have brothers or sisters or other family members that would be willing to help especially when we reach a point when I can't leave him at all yeah yeah I do think so your brother Steve is always has already texted me and like it's always says hey if you ever need me I'm here blah blah blah so yeah and you know your mommy would come down um everyone always asks we have a plan is and if Jason like I can't continue to take care of Jason guys I'm gonna kill myself taking care of Jason until the end like I'm gonna I'm looking forward to going into the VA residency Healthcare program that's what he says he's gonna do I'm like nope that's not what we're doing why would we why does someone else have to take care of you if I'm a registered nurse why can't I take care of you we're fine yeah I'm fine yeah but yes I am willing to ask for help and I will have people who will give me a break yes oh I love this one is Jason still doing his flip-flopping Flying Kicks speaking of these why the mark on the ceiling for you okay we'll uh splice into the video here the new mark on the ceiling from last night's flip-flop kick and I didn't curl my toes properly and the flip-flop flipped up and left a skid mark on the roof on the ceiling yeah I'm like Jason yeah that wasn't the tone she had no uh we were talking about your flip-flop cake okay so in one of the recent videos Jason kept flying into the room and did a flip-flop it was a day in the life it was the Christmas Day in the Life okay first of all he has a bad back he has balance issues but yet he'll do this flip-flop kick I don't know how and if somebody saw him do it they wouldn't believe it but yeah so yeah new mark on the ceiling okay we're almost done here it has Jason deteriorated recently do you want to answer that yes thank you for asking yes he actually he you have yeah yeah he he has we um uh he like we've talked in other videos um he likes to uh know what's going on with him and um I still bring to his attention what's happening thank you this doctor she's she's jealous and she doesn't like that we're talking to each other and she's not in the mix but I want to talk about this because this is actually really important and it's a touchy subject and it's hard to um people get will get offended but if you're a caregiver you're gonna understand this if you don't deal with the situation personally you're not gonna understand this um but Jason's Behavior has become more childlike and I have to watch everything he does I have to keep an eye on what he does he he acts kind of silly and childlike um you're always been silly but some of your behavior is you know um you have to remind him to take a shower there's just a bunch of things that um like that and so I couldn't remember taking my medication to save my life right so just every little aspect is very childlike like you're taking care of them like a child um and so it has progressed more like that in every day yeah so there's that oh do we have any fun trips planned for 20 22. we actually have a lot of trips planned this year too yeah we do um going to Florida see our grandbabies going to South Carolina for one of my best friends is retiring from the Air Force yeah so we're gonna go out there and we're going to up to New England for a wedding um then we're going to Italy if it opens okay so we're supposed to be going a couple years ago we were supposed to go to Italy we were trying to do this before we don't have the opportunity to do it we rebooked for September but we'll see how the world is we had a book for our wedding anniversary in 2020 May and obviously the world decided to shut down and um yeah we finally got it rebooked and they just closed Italy again so we'll see yeah we'll see what's happening in the world in September and what's happening with Jason and just how life is I don't compare now compared to 2020 I will say that I don't feel as comfortable traveling alone just the two of us as I did that you know two years ago now um I do feel very much responsible for everything um and I have to I have to 100 rely on myself and um so I don't feel as comfortable and I get more nervous so back then we were renting a car and we were driving we will not be doing that now yeah we're gonna wrap scooters that's a no now we're gonna get an Uber or whatever Italy has a taxi we'll be getting some provided transportation okay I think that's it let me double check while she's checking don't forget to give that like Bell a double hit a like Bell like a thumbs up and uh because thumbs up equals the sailboat we're not knock itself or a narrow boat I would consider a narrow boat for uh cruising the channels of England no no you're funny a lot of people says did Jason go out does he have friends that he can hang out with and what is your favorite food to eat I have a great group of friends fantastic group of friends took him out with them hunting it was fun like great group of friends hang out with uh remind you to take your medicine they all know at least one or two of them every day that was one of them that just called um and hang out with them a lot great great group of guys yeah um what was the first question what's your favorite food eat OS is a given come on now ice cream what what or steak I was gonna say steak steak I could eat steak every single day but I do eat ice cream every single day so uh but I like a lot of everything I've probably got I've been all over the world to the armpits of the planet but I so from but from that I've brought home a lot of culinary adventuresome you know Korean food Middle Eastern food Mediterranean food and I feel like the bulgogi and the Mediterranean stuff and it's it's also easy because it just shows up and it's all there well that's why we started getting it for you so it was just so convenient and help you continue to want to cook and you know so okay well I think that we've answered the majority of the questions we really appreciate you guys uh all the support thanks everybody for tuning in um I hope this helps you um again the like button for that sailboat tell your friends but we'll see you guys in the next video bye guys bye okay I wanted to pop in while Jason wasn't here and answered this question where uh lots of people asked Leslie be sure and update us on you being a caregiver of dementia patient is emotionally taxing and so I just thought it'd be easier if I talked um about it when he isn't next to me and this is for caregivers out there so uh I know a lot of people if you're not a caregiver um people act like this is complaining or people act like you know that kind of thing and they just don't understand and I understand that and it's hard not to get defensive when people uh write those kinds of comments and that type of thing because but I try and allow Grace because if you're not living it and you're not doing it you you don't understand and so um and even people who are close to Jason but don't live here with him 24 7 don't they they don't understand um because he is such a happy fun guy um but yeah so uh I'm actually doing okay I would say I would say over the holidays I was doing terrible like it was really difficult um like you saw in that video in November we went from November December um it was it was absolutely awful there was a lot of things that was going on behind the scenes that was hard to talk about and hard to express to people um there were money issues that Jason um causes because he uh is not financially aware of spending anymore and that's just been so difficult because he was always so financially Savvy and so it's something that I had to take care of and so that that causes a lot of stress and of course the holidays that add stress to anybody's life so um I just was praying every day that uh that the burden would lift a little bit and like I said earlier in the video when the New Year came around it felt just like like and um it did start to get a little easier and Jason uh his emotions settled out and so that if those emotions are settled out it helps just every day part of it just not be so taxing it's not that bad but when you're dealing with all that and then the constant anger and yelling and just time ticking time bomb that is just your nerves are just shot so then life is no fun and so even though I'm teary-eyed right now believe it or not I'm actually in a good place um it's I don't really I've never really struggled with depression or anxiety before but I do have anxiety now that I never had it's really difficult at my age 48 years old so suddenly have anxiety and it's just bizarre and so it's the type of anxiety where I wake up in the middle of the night and like my whole body is just humming just and you're just thinking about everything and how you're gonna do this and how you're going to do that and I just honestly I hate this whole situation I don't wish this saw my worst enemy I wouldn't want I don't want anyone to go through this and I'm not even at the really hard stage like and so I'm like whoa so you do you just got you get tough skin and you just learn to push through and you have to have people that you can talk to and complain you have to complain if you just bottled all that in and acted like it was just fine constantly oh could you do that to yourself so it's really hard not to feel miserable um I've talked about this many times honestly what would I do without Jesus he is everything to me he helps me um I'm doing a wonderful Bible study right now that's so awesome that's something that I do for myself I take the time I think about it this way God gives me every moment of every day so I can set aside specific time with him because he's worth it and he's worth it so much more than that so I hope if you don't have that in your life I hope that you would turn to him and look for that Comfort because I guarantee you can find it Okay so now you know why I didn't want to talk in front of Jason because no he doesn't need to see that it is a burden and but it's a burden that I will do oh boy he's my best friend he's the love of my life he's a huge pain in the butt and I love him so thank you guys so much for your kind words and your support
Views: 97,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living with dementia, dementia, memory loss, lewy body, alzheimers, brain injury, TBI, neurodegenerative, neurodegenerative disease, early onset, neurologist, cognitive, proteins, young, young onset, alzheimers disease, brain injury documentary, brain injury stories, dementia caregiver, dementia documentary, dementia patient, dementia with lewy bodies, early onset dementia, early onset dementia symptoms, early onset dementia stories, a charming abode living with lewy body dementia
Id: jp_q71SE-9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 34sec (2554 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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