What is meant by "prosperity" ?

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the second verse of Psalm 127 ends with the phrase God will give to his beloved sleep that's how it reads in the King James Bible that's how it reads translated from the original Hebrew text but that's not how it reads in the new American Standard Bible the NASB reads God will give to his beloved even in his sleep note that the words even in his are in italics the italics indicate that those words have been added by the translators words are often added in all English translations to make the text readable a straight word-for-word translation would be hard to follow but the words added by translators shouldn't change the meaning of the original writing and that's what's been done by the NASB here in Psalm 127 God giving to his beloved even in his sleep is not the same as God giving to his beloved sleep in the original writing sleep rest is received in this text something else is received the idea of sleep or rest being a reward is replaced with the idea of something received while asleep and what's received apparently becomes the reward you get an entirely different thought out of the NASB text unless you're alert you might take on board a belief that God's desire is to grant you material possessions the idea is a modern-day intrusion into this Bible the NASB published in 1995 is a revision of the American standard version published in 1901 but the ASV simply said God will give unto his beloved sleep the ASV was a revision of the King James Bible published in 1611 the King James Version simply says God will give to his beloved sleep the original Hebrew text translated says God will give to his beloved sleep was a consistency from the Hebrew to the King James version to the American Standard Version but leap ahead to 1995 and suddenly in the new American Standard Bible we must apparently expect something more than rest in general the NASB is a good translation bible translation is not an easy task but it is an important one bible translators are human they have human weaknesses all Bible Translators are affected by cultural filters and theological biases and this idea of material prosperity seems to be a bias for the translators of the NASB I have found five different Hebrew words none of which carry the meaning of money or possessions but the NASB has translated them as prosper or prosperity some examples Psalm 35 verse 27 in the NASB reads let them shout for joy and rejoice who favor my vindication and let them say continually the Lord be magnified who delights in the prosperity of his servant the word translated prosperity in the NASB is the Hebrew word Shalom Shalom means peace it does not mean financial well-being some 37 verse 11 in the NASB reads the humble will inherit the land and will delight themselves in abundant prosperity once again the Hebrew word is Shalom it's a simple word there's nothing wrong with it but apparently some translators prefer the idea of material abundance over peace in the heart a second example of a changed word some 106 verse 5 in the NASB reads that I may see the prosperity of your chosen ones the word translated prosperity in the NASB is the Hebrew word vltava the root of the word is Tov which simply means good the King James Version translates this verse that I may see the good of thy chosen that's what Tov means good a third example of a changed word someone one eight verse 25 in the NASB reads Oh Lord do save we beseech you O Lord we beseech you do send prosperity the word translated prosperity in the NASB is the Hebrew word at slack ah the root of this word is Salah which means success the appeal is for the Lord to grant a successful outcome the context is salvation Oh Lord do save us we beseech you that's the success that sought salvation salvation from the penalty of sin doesn't always come with financial well-being as Paul and the Apostles found out there's peace in your heart there's reconciliation with God but often there was and in certain parts of the world often there is persecution and confiscation of possessions that goes along with salvation a fourth example of a changed word some 122 verse 6 in the NASB reads pray for the Peace of Jerusalem may they prosper who love you the word it translated prosper in the NASB is the Hebrew word yesh Lyle it means to be at ease to have rest it carries the idea of security and that's not the same as material prosperity a fifth example of a changed word proverbs 28 verse 25 in the NASB reads he who trusts in the Lord will prosper the word translated prosper in the NASB is the hebrew word yeda shun it means to be made fat as I said before these are examples out of the NASB and the NASB is not alone in some of these slanted translations but there seems to be a particular bias in the NASB there seems to be a leaning toward a certain way of viewing what they suppose comes out of a life of faith it's one thing to hold such views it's another thing to change Scripture I don't believe the NASB is setting out to deliberately deceive the translators and the publisher must be so persuaded of their theological view that their emphasis flows naturally into their Bible translation and multitudes of Christians get carried along there's a problem with the idea that God wants Christians to have financial and material abundance we don't have to go into deep Bible analysis and complex theology to define the problem we only have to look to the cross the cross of Jesus Christ reduce the idea of a chasing after material prosperity the cross is an ugly slow suffocation of this life Paul and the other apostles threw away their lives for the sake of the gospel sort wealth they dressed in ragged clothes and they died the death of martyrs they were rich spiritually that's very different to being rich in material terms in the course of their natural lives they were despised and rejected and persecuted they raised no fine buildings gathered no great followings had no homes of their own they prospered but not as we understand prosperity because we have to see the word prosperity is a word where the meaning the way it is understood has changed over time today the word prosper carries the thought of success in material terms to be financially successful but the word prosper came to us from Latin and in its original meaning was simply to flourish when it was first used by the men who translated the Bible into English it didn't carry the thought of material or financial success but today when people see the words prosper or prosperity in the Bible they do think of money even dictionary definitions have changed in 1989 the oxford dictionary defined prosper as to succeed to do well with no emphasis on money definition changed in 2010 the primary definition in the Oxford Dictionary became to succeed in material terms to be financially successful and the merriam-webster dictionary of 2018 puts the emphasis as to achieve economic success why do Christians seek prosperity when the Bible says simply be content with whatever you have well they follow their leaders so perhaps a better question is why do certain preachers encourage God's people to prosper to seek financial abundance a common expression these days and it doesn't come from the Bible is that you should want to be blessed to be a blessing get so you are able to give you should do well in every way some say and monetary success is part of that they say it sounds reasonable out of your abundance you'll be able to support the ministry so that there may be an expansion of the work of God missionary outreach to the nations facilities and resources surely that's good there may be ministers who appear to live the high life out of the expenses of their ministry but surely no one would suggest their motives in preaching prosperity are to serve their own interests because the Bible rebukes those who think that godliness is a means of financial gain and the passage goes on to say that those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a trap and into senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction no the exhortation to work hard and to achieve financial success is to help God out they are saying which raises the question does God need help if he doesn't need help then we have nothing to do no responsibilities well that's not right Christianity isn't something that's done to us Christianity is a life we participate in however let's consider some 127 verse 1 says unless the Lord builds the house they labor in vain who build it it's clear that it's either the Lord building or the effort is futile wasted it will be undone that doesn't mean that we have nothing to do it means that the Lord Jesus must be in charge it must be about his timing his goals done in his way out of humility and dependence on him it doesn't mean that I come up with a good idea a ministry idea say a church plant or a charity a project that may make me look good and then ask God to bless my idea it doesn't mean that my excellent idea and my hard work will get the stamp of approval of God if I bathe the work in prayer beseeching God to make it successful personal ambition and self-interest lurks in the heart of every individual the Bible says all effort and all achievement Springs from man's envy of his fellow man that's what the Bible says is the horrible truth of the matter we easily deceive ourselves into believing that our motives are pure and the troll was being deceived is that we don't know that we are deceived if I understand some 127 verse 1 correctly then work done with the wrong motives and done with the wrong methods he is not what God is going to use if he did use such work he'd be endorsing such motives and methods eternity will reveal the lasting outcome the cross announces God's plan to bring an end to all human pride what looks good to man is an abomination to God and as two methods God wants grace and mercy and forgiveness and love and humility that's his heart ambitious work where the end justifies the means where whatever is done to achieve success even if others are harmed is also not the Lord's work why else would Jesus say unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it remains a single seed but if it dies it will bear much fruit before God's glory can come forth the pride of man has to die
Channel: thelivingword
Views: 7,091
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: prosperity gospel, Psalm 127
Id: s6DtvDCjOGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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