What is love?

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i love a lot of things some people love sunshine and rainbows some love the warmth of summer and the chill of winter others love the smell of hot coffee in the morning and the coziness of their bed at night some love to travel and go on crazy adventures according to the dictionary love is a mix of emotions behaviors and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection protectiveness warmth and respect for a person or thing or even an idea but can we really define love how do we explain a word that you can use to describe what you feel for everything from people to cars to intangible ideas to fully understand what love is we have to look at the ancient greeks instead of one all-encompassing word the ancient greeks used seven different words to explain love in its many different forms eros which means passionate love is the most common type of love we see in our world today it's fueled by a desire for pleasure it's love at first sight seeing someone's physical appearance and immediately getting attracted to them even without knowing their first name most romantic relationships start like this it's passionate it can even be a bit obsessive but love like this is confusing it's the age-old question of love versus lust both lust and eros come with intense physical attraction and a strong desire to be close to the person even if you just met them some people like to differentiate them by the length of time they stay around if it was a fleeting emotion it was lost but then if it lingered around like the best man at a wedding then it was definitely love but is that really true and if it is that is love simply lust that has stayed around for long enough if loss simply becomes love how long does it take for the switch to happen at what point does lust become love it's a complex question and you don't normally give it much thought so i'll do it for you according to science and human biology there are three stages to falling in love and it all starts with stage one lust it's driven by testosterone for men and estrogen in women so when does lust become love well that's stage two when we start feeling a sense of a high when we see them or speak to them or even just think about them a high similar to the feeling you'd get from drugs or alcohol when we start to feel a sense of euphoria when we're around them when testosterone and estrogen are replaced by dopamine making us happy and excited adrenaline triggering our fight or flight and norepinephrine keeping us alert this is why falling in love feels like an addictive rush like you're driving at 120 miles per hour with no brakes in your car your palms are sweaty your knees are weak and your arms are heavy your heart is racing love is this feeling sometimes love doesn't start with lust it starts with friendship knowing someone well enough that you can predict the reaction to every situation love is intimacy it's authentic it's kind it's warm it's encouraging love is the best friend you've known since you were a child it's always wanting the best for the other person selfless goodwill in today's world philly is dying we have millions of followers and subscribers but very few friends we have a multitude of people seeing the perfect view of our lives everything we want them to see but no one who is welcome to see what's behind the curtains philia is a sense of camaraderie it's calling someone brother or sister even when they're not related to you by blood love is loyalty sacrifice and vulnerability love is a choice [Music] love is not always serious love is not always permanent and when it's fleeting love is not always lust ludus describes a love that is built on infatuation flirtation and fun sometimes love is simply having a crush on someone and acting on it it's going out for drinks with a friend and acting like a romantic couple for the night only it's random kids pushing each other on swings in the playground basking in that joy that their friends are having alongside them it's going to the club and dancing with strangers or singing karaoke in a room full of people you've just met sometimes love is casual exciting fun it doesn't need any obligations or implications to be loved love doesn't need physical attraction to be love love doesn't even need friendship to be love love simply is we often say that love involves commitment time mutual trust and acceptance between two people but is that really the case because none of this exists between a mother and her child but love does the truth is that sometimes we can love someone even when we don't like them if you have any siblings i'm sure you'll understand the concept a lot the greeks called it storage unconditional familial love the kind of kinship love that only exists between family members and of course family does not mean you have to be tied by blood lifelong friends who become family adopted children step parents when we consider someone our family we often develop a need to protect them even when they might not be the nicest people to hang around with storage is a strange type of love most times when we love someone we are drawn closer to them we want to spend all of our free time with them go on adventures with them laugh smile cry do everything with them but sometimes love is wanting to go home even when you might not talk to the people there very much it's simply a sense of security like a weighted blanket this love is being able to give someone a kidney without hesitation but not your phone's charger even when in truth only one of those is easily replaceable and this strange feeling is not only towards people it's the same for sports teams and fans every year you cheer for your team every year they break your heart yet the very next year you blew back the millions of pieces and wear the badge with the pride chanting this year will be our year because love is unconditional it's not dependent on who the person is or what they can give to you love is a one-way ticket it's loving someone even when they might not have the ability to love you back aristotle once said all friendly feelings for others are an extension of a man's feelings for himself if you don't love yourself you can never truly love others this is why falaudia the love of oneself is something we shouldn't take for granted love is not just what you can do for others it's also what you can do for you so go out and give yourself a treat once in a while you don't have to have achieved anything or crossed any milestone before you celebrate yourself just like others don't necessarily have to do anything before you love them you don't either love is when you can stop comparing yourself to others when you forgive yourself for your past mistakes and stop judging yourself for things that are beyond your control love is when you wake up in the morning look in the mirror and be proud of the person staring right back at you love is leaving toxic relationships and not feeling obligated to stay no matter who they are or how important they've been to you in the past it's choosing yourself over and over again and protecting yourself the way you would protect anyone else love is being kind to yourself in your thoughts in your words and in your actions because only when we truly love ourselves can we be able to love others [Music] love lasts for a lifetime love is to have and to hold for better for worse for richer for poor sickness and in health to love and to cherish till death do you part love is committed and compassionate it's accepting each other's differences and learning to compromise love is taking out all the broken pieces and putting them together again instead of throwing them all out love is everlasting rooted in romantic feelings and compassion so is love a feeling or a choice if love is a choice why do we never know we're falling in love with someone until we are why can't we ever say to ourselves i want to fall in love with this person and just do it on the other hand if love is a feeling then there is no basis for wedding vows there is no basis for the promise that will love each other forever because feelings come and go and usually they are beyond our control the only way we can judge that love will remain forever is when we decide that it will is love a feeling or a choice well it's both falling in love is a feeling but staying in love is a decision it's telling them you love them even on the worst days it's saying to them i don't know how we'll get through this except that it'll be together love is being vulnerable even when we don't feel like it love is holding the roses without being scared of getting pricked by its thongs love is an amazing feeling in the beginning but for love to last a lifetime it has to evolve into a commitment of never letting this person go for as long as they let you love is giving to charity and helping strangers in need love is empathy towards humanity it's fighting for change even when you might not be directly affected by the issues love is altruistic selflessly caring for humans animals and even mother earth itself love doesn't expect anything in return for its actions love itself is the reward love serves as the foundation for societies and communities without which we cannot thrive scientists have always battled with the concept of love some believe that love is a basic human emotion like anger or sadness or joy however some others believe that love is simply a cultural phenomenon something we are drawn towards as a result of societal expectations and pressures but nothing could be further from the truth if love is simply a cultural phenomenon it wouldn't exist in all cultures of the world and the fact that it does suggest that in truth there is something innate about love something biological about its experience if love is fundamental to the human experience then we must ask what is the point of love why do we love is it for parents to be able to bear with their kids long enough for them to attain maturity or perhaps it's for mates to remain together for as long as is necessary to raise the next generation of humans does love exist to create a sense of community and camaraderie that is necessary for a hard community like ours to exist we might never know why love exists or what ultimate purpose it serves but we do know how important it is the longest study on happiness showed that the people who end their life happy are not the ones who are the richest or the ones who are the most healthy or the ones who never made a mistake in their lives the happiest people are those who are surrounded by the most love love from spouses love from children and grandchildren love from friends love from religious organizations and communities to fully understand just how important love is we need to juxtapose its experience with the pain of loneliness not having that someone to share your inner monologue with because your thoughts are too petty or intense random or full of anxiety or too scary to share with just anyone you can't rant you can't scream you can't fully express your feelings of obsession over your favorite passions or rage about your most heartbreaking moments constantly having to filter our thoughts through the lenses of politeness and political correctness being looked at but not being seen being heard but not being listened to it's dreadful we've all been there if love is so important why do we not make it the center of our lives why do we chase everything else but to love we say stop searching and it'll find you you see the truth is that love doesn't always find you and sometimes you have to search it out so to those chasing love listen in plato's dialogue the symposium aristophanes the playwright explains love the way many of us chasing love think of it in the beginning humans were all androgynous with double the parts we have now including two faces turned in opposite directions this physical form made humans so powerful that they became a threat to the gods so zeus cut them in two one male and one female and since every human has long to be rejoined with their other half like two pieces of a puzzle two halves of a hole although this is just a myth it opens up the curtain to why we love the way we do we often fall in love with people who think would complete us people who so perfectly fit together the pieces of our hearts puzzle people who compliment our shortcomings and give us hope for the things we are most insecure about we live in part with the hope of completion we all have a deep rooted need to blossom and we can only hope this person is the rain at the end of summer but the truth is we're already complete and us are the two parts of a whole so when people say stop searching for love don't take that as a message to stop trying take that as a lesson to stop searching for completion in another person at the end of the day only when you truly love yourself and completely understand the weight that that carries can you love others the way they deserve to be it all starts and it all ends with you today's video was sponsored by klimworx the world needs more love literally the world itself is in a rough spot we all know climate change is an issue but how many of us actually do something about it luckily klimworx is here to help kleinworks develops builds and operates co2 capture plants that permanently remove carbon dioxide from the air they use a technology called direct air capture which removes co2 directly from the air to either be used for business purposes or stored underground permanently removing it from our atmosphere in a completely safe and natural way and making our world a better place in the process climbworx offers a variety of subscriptions and options to help you remove your carbon footprint and i really enjoyed this it's an easy way to help change our world for the better and funding projects like this is really just a no-brainer for me with the holiday season coming up you can even gift co2 removal to a loved one which you really can't get anywhere else it's a really unique and environmentally friendly gift for almost everyone if you're out of getting gifts like me and need a last-minute gift for a friend who really cares about our planet climb works might be a perfect solution with that being said for every 100 kilograms of co2 removal that is gifted using the link at the top of the description i'll personally match that myself if you're interested in removing our carbon footprint visit claimworks.com aperture today and gift yourself or a friend sustainable gift of co2 removal this holiday season you'll not only be helping save our planet but you'll be supporting the aperture channel at the same time [Music] you
Channel: Aperture
Views: 430,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aperture, yt:cc=on, What is love?, is love real, love, does love exist, does love affect studies, is love alive, twice what is love, what is true love, the illusion of love, does love exist in real life, love languages, what are love languages, the meaning of love, how to find love, i love you
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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