What is LDAP and Active Directory ? How LDAP works and what is the structure of LDAP/AD?

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hello everyone welcome to talented developer in this video we are going to learn about LDAP so first of all we will see what is LDAP then LDAP vs Active Directory after that we will see how LDAP work and we will also see the authentication inside the LDAP after that we will see the structure of LDAP with the Apache directory studio so let's begin so what is AD. ADis stand for Active Directory, mainly it is used to provide the authentication to group and user management. It is also used to provide policies. It will authenticate and authorize all kind of user and computer. so what is LDAP LDAP a stand for lightweight directory access protocol so you can see the name lightweight directory access protocol, so it is very very lightweight and it is so much secure it is used to access and manage the directory services it runs over the TCP and IP protocol. it is open and cross-platform so what is LDAP and Active Directory LDAP is a way of speaking to Active Directory and Active Directory is a directory services database and a LDAP is always used to talk with them so it is a protocol that used to talk so how LDAP works LDAP authentication follows the client-server model so in this scenario you can see the client side is LDAP ready system or application that is requesting information from the associate LDAP database and the LDAP database server so once we will enter the credential after that it will go to the LDAP server and LDAP server is associated with the LDAP database so it will go and try to authenticate after that it will give the response so same thing I am going to show you in the Apache Directory studio so this is the LDAP server right what I mention like so first of all we have to start our server once our server is running after that it will link the database same like SQL Server so you can see the server is started after that you can see this is our connection like kind of LDAP database and here we are having our data no need to worry about what is LDAP Apache directories to do I have already created a video just to go and check out in the description so here what will happen you can see I'm having a user right so this user is currently holding user ID and password after that what we'll do we will enter the user entry and password and from the client-side will enter and it will go to the LDAP server after that LDAP server will talk with their database LDAP database and it will verify the user is valid or not so let's move to the next section so how does LDAP authentication between a client and server works like so definitely we need to understand how the client and server is related to each other so first of all from client side we will enter user name and password after that it will go to your services or API after that it will call the LDAP server here he will talk with their database and once they found like the user is not authenticated so they will send the response back to them like this user is not valid and in case of it match the credential then it will authorize them okay you have permission now you can go and access our services so this is how a lab authentication work so why we need to use LDAP I am going to show you an example suppose you are working as a network admin in very big company like they have huge employing more than one thousand to ten thousand and in that company you have different level of teams like accounts developer inside developer also you have different different team and so many sub teams and someone says to you like ok create policy for everyone so is this possible to sit everyone computer and create policy no it is very very hard and suppose some time you have to block the user like ok you don't have permission to access that file or some time you have to provide only some a specific user so how you can achieve that one so definitely you can achieve through the you can take another example also suppose you are running a library services in that you have a huge collection a book after that if someone is going to search it will take definitely huge time so what you can do is you can use LDAP LDAP will provide very very fast services because it is very very light and here what you can do you can capture the ID card details and according to that you can verify everything so that's why we are saying like in LDAP write or update ones and read multiple time what is LDAP structure so first of all we are going to see the structure of 3 3 means definitely all this structure is following the tree hierarchy that means the root always root will be the top one after that they have another level that name is BC here DC is stand for domain component DC always represents the top of the tree and use DNS to define name space after that we have another sublevel that is oh you oh you stand for organization unit here we have to owe you one is user and one is group after that inside user we have some user so you can see one example C and here C n stand for John and C n means common name right so I'm just going to relate this structure with an example so amazing ABC is a company inside that they have different groups or team developer business and finance inside the developer also they have another group and team inside finance they have another team and inside back in and account they have some user you can relate this example with the LDAP structure so what will happen here ABC will be organization name and the developer business finance back in and account is a organization unit inside that they have one user that username is shown right so same thing I am going to show you inside the lab Apache directory studio so this is di t directory information tree inside they have root you can see this equal to example and TC calm here we are having three oh you so I'm just going to open system or you inside we have another oh you that is user and here we are having one user Mike so if you go to the properties and you can see the DN what will be the DN of that one C and Mike CN Mike and he inside the user right he is inside the user and this user belongs to all you system right so you can see how we have related each other so no need to worry about this LDAP Apache a directory studio I have already created the video so it will definitely help you so next what we can do so here we can say like C n right this is a C and common name John Mark hey it inside the back in oh you write and this back in is inside the developer oh you write and this developer o you is inside one organization type name is ABC right so same thing I just show you so this is how we can easily understand next thing like imagine you have a organisation or equal to company inside that we have 200 users and group and inside the user we have added all the user attribute here one user can belongs to different group so here when we are going to create a group we have to use one attribute that name is group of unique names and suppose here run is inside the users and how we can link Ram inside the admin group so definitely we can link we have to use one attributes that name is unique member if we use unique member attribute after that just follow the path of ROM so you can see CN Ram right and he is inside the user right users and you means organisation name is company right so this is how we have follow so let's see in that a lab Apache directory studio also right I have discussed there are some user so this user can belongs to one group like the group name is administrator here you can see we already have one unique member this unique member is admin right so how we have used and how we added we have added by unique member tag and in LDAP database we are just not adding only CNS in on user name we can add multiple field also so you can see they have huge attribute list more than 20 employee number employee type keeping name home phone right so we have to follow some term oh stand for organization name oh you means organization unit C and C n means common name s and surname DN means just to miss name and we have user I net all person and use or equal to group of unique name so the collection of both we can say like object so I'm just going to show you a simple overview how we can add user so you can see this is one Oh you I'm just going to click here new entry after that click on next and here what we have to add we have to use I net or person after that click on next and here you can see which I didn't we need to use I'm just going to follow the C N and here you can add some name so I just follow hi you can see the DN preview also changing when I'm adding anything in the C N and once you click next it will ask the SN so just enter something and click on finish once you click in the log you can see it will show the user has been added right and if you go to the properties you can see the path of that user right so this is the way to how to add use so next we are going to discuss about the authentication type in LDAP here generally two type of authentication first one is simple in simple what will happen it will capture user name and password after that it will bind and go to the LDAP database and check the user is valid or invalid if the user is valid then they will keep the permission like okay you can go and access that one next one is SASL here bind will be involved much more and it will allow client server to negotiate a particular authentication mechanism that he used to check there LDAP connection and they can create their own security policy and they can also configure I hope this video will be helped you a lot please thumbs up alike and write your comment in the comment section
Channel: Talented Developer
Views: 51,581
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Keywords: What is LDAP?, ldap, apache active directory, What is LDAP Apache directory studio, apache directory, directory studio, ldap for freshers, ldap basic, good explain about ldap, active directory, ldap tutorial for beginner, ldap tutorial for freshers, ldap features, ldap advantage, ldap connection https, java ldap, java ldap authentication, apache ldap, ldap vs active directory, what is active directory, ldap basic with active directory, ldap explained, ldap example
Id: 0FwOcZNjjQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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