linux Interview Question: What is ldap / How LDAP works

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hello and welcome back to Linux Java comm where we prepare you for Linux jobs my own name is showing me Joseph and my email is so popular at if you have any questions please send them to me and I'll be sure to answer your questions for you for today we will be looking at a very very important part of the notes administration something that's very useful to all companies something that a lot of companies use and asked about on the nose interviews and the first thing we will do is to go to linux jvcom go to home go to tutorials and go to proficiency to see what we should be working on right now when we get to proficiency what would be looking at when we get to proficiency is actually lab 107 so let's go down to the scroll down to lab 107 which is right here and you will see a number of videos when you click on number two right here and let's go to the lab so this lab here is talking about DNS right and we're going to in the previous video we used in the previous video we used LDAP to create we used kickstart to create machines and I showed you how to use kickstart to create machines so you would have to look at lab 106 this is lab 107 up here you would have to look at that 106 the previous video to see how that works and step-by-step instructions on how to use kickstart to create a new machine for this lab here 107 now you're going to create a new machine called admin you have to watch that video if you need to know how to do that now this admin 7 this admin server here will now install LDAP own it what is LDAP this is something that a lot of companies use and I will explain what is LDAP in details in this video so now let me start with the explanation of what is LDAP now a lot of companies a lot of people look at LDAP and they do say that it is very difficult to understand it's very difficult to configure because they skip something if you want to learn something you have to lend the basics and then learn how to configure so first of all you have to understand what is LDAP before you even try to start using LDAP and the reason a lot of people say LDAP is complicated or that it is difficult is because they don't first try to understand LDAP what it is they just want to start using it and obviously when you jump steps like that you're going to say oh yeah this is very difficult just because you don't understand what it is so the first thing you need to do is to say what is LDAP and now in this video I will explain what LDAP is and how its laid out and once you understand what LDAP is and how its laid out it will be very easy for you to configure it because you will understand what you are doing and there are many videos out there about LDAP on YouTube but the problem is is that people tell you what to do they don't tell you what is working behind the hood I mean under the hood how it is laid out they don't tell you what you need to understand they just tell you how to do things how to do or what to do not how it works so take your time calm down and relax and understand how it works when you understand how it works you really find out that LDAP is actually very very simple so stay with me let's get started so if you're trying to learn LDAP understand that there are four layers and I'll tell you all the four layers up front it's actually very simple and I'll show you how we're going to get go into all four layers so let me I'm looking for something that I will use to write it down let me use Brown to write it down so now layer one is your company let me make this smaller so that you know it's not this is actually explanation so it should not be that big one your company right you configure company su you configure the branch where you work three you configure you add a group where you belong what you'll call it Department and therefore you add users to the departments all the groups for users and that's it it's very simple this is all LDAP is so as you can see this is not complicated at all why is it not complicated because this is exactly how every company is laid out no matter how big or small no matter whether or not they combine functions it's still done you can still break every company down to this basic structure so now let's get started so to learn LDAP the first thing you need to do is that you imagine this is the LDAP directory this is the book right so let's just call this our LDAP directory right I'm going to go here and I will see LDAP directory or some people call it database so you can call it LDAP directory or LDAP database whichever one you want it doesn't really matter what matters is that you understand how its laid out so the first thing we need I'm going to do is that I'm going to label this book right so this is my company right every company must have what a name right so I'm going to say the name of this company is Linux jabber LJ Co Linux job a company you see this is the name of company right that's the first thing you have to do to this book so we're looking at this book here called LDAP directory or LDAP database and first we give it a name right it must have a name now the number two thing it must have is work is what you have to have the branch or what you can call organizational unit in some cases so in adapt adapt actually call this oh you right and then we can call this let's just call it branch right and the name of our branch will just say okay let's just say we work for Linux job a company and then we say spring students right let's call that one Linux job ah spring spring right so this is for the spring students so now all you can have branch all I spell its branch incorrectly instead isn't that nice let me remove it I don't like to spell things incorrectly so now you can have branch branch one branch one Linux Java spring and then branch to Linux Jabbar for Leno's Java for so every company has a name and under every company there are different branches so this is the name of the company this is a decided two branches that this company has this gives us the label for this book done who is authorized to look at this book right this is the admin for what you call that an administrator and because my name is Joseph I'm going to say I'm the admin right and this is all you have to do for the first two steps right give the give your company a name put your branch in there now the next part of it is going to specify the department where we work and we're going to specify use us so now let's let's look at it this way right let's explain this one on the outside so that's not in front of the book anymore that's explained on the outside right so now let's bring out a branch so I'm going to say because the spring time right now actually this is February I'm doing this February 22nd of 2015 so let's just say this is spring LG spring is a branch that I am volved within this company so when I joined the company I take care of the spring let's just say the spring sessions right inside the spring sessions you now have what you call up departments right so now let me I'm going to put three departments in here just so that you understand how a company is laid out and it's very simple every company is laid out the same way right so now let's look at it the first are the first departments in here is actually called students it's actually called students and then the next department is called instructors instructors and then there's another department that does you know collecting money and you know talking to the people picking up the phone and whatever else they do let's call this administrative right that's all these and I will label this in a way that you will understand it in a second the same way that LDAP does it so you can understand how all of this is grouped then the last part of it so this is a step three the department's right and then the last part of it is actually what you will call the users you just add users to it so I'm not a student at Lynn of Java I'm an instructor at Linux Java right and my name is going to be here but let's just pick students for the purpose of our exercise right so there are plenty students in this and in this thing here there 20 students you can have as many students as you want inside your LDAP directory so now I'm going to say I'm going to go here so now so now let's add some students to these departments and I'll show you how everything ties together in just one second so let's say we have Jane and then we have Kim we have some and then we have Jon you know what let's not pick Jon I pick a Jason I pick Jason so now look at how everything ties together you have one company it splits into two two branches he will pick one branch is split into many departments inside the department we pick one student is split into students the student names simple as this this is how exactly how every LDAP is every company is laid out and once you understand this you can understand LDAP very well now let's label it the LDAP label so that we do understand what is really happening so LDAP this is what you call this part here is actually called domain components so let me let me type it in so you can see it this part here is actually called DC or you can call the domain components domain I forgot the domain so you want to call this whoo let's go into the next line and that will make it look tacky so I'm going to draw this out so you can see it clearly alright so now this part is actually called the main component so DC if Otsu linux java this c equal to company right so now i'm going to call this i'm going to label this out as this is my domain components right dc-dc right now this part here is called organizational units I don't have space to type this one out so you just have to know what it is this part is actually called oh you organizational units maybe I'll type it down here so let me call the next type it up here again I say now units so these are called all use or use right in LDAP so this is step 1 DC step 2 organizational unit and this is also the level of organizational units we're just bringing out one organizational unit so this is actually and all you write so now this part is actual you can call these groups this whole set down here is groups right so the LDAP we'll call these groups go and then this part you can call it users so here are the users right now LDAP will call this this whole part the groups and the the groups and the users LDAP call them what you call entries so this is the domain component parts organizational units parts and this part down here is called entries so now let me type this here always remember that this is decided entries anything below this point here is called an entries anything down this way it's an entry so the groups the groups and the users are just entries Oh so these are LDAP entries right and what did I do anything down below here is an entry so groups and users are entries so how does LDAP really work so now let me label all of this so you truly understand how this is laid out so these are the entries this is an organizational unit and this is the main components done it's LDAP difficult no there are three portions to it three different parts the domain component part the organization up units parts and the entries part the entrance parks you know you have groups and users right and that makes all the four parts and it's actually very easy so now each page in this book right when you go inside the book why is it giving me this okay good so now each page in this book is what I just opened so I'm opening up this LDAP book now this this same book that we have here is when we open it up this is the cover the book cover that we just did and we explained and I explained what's going to be inside the book which is each page and that's what you call entries right and then this is an entry so let's just say I type in here entry this is uh let's pick Jane right Jane is one entry in the book right and then you then will now have all of Jane's information down here I'm not going to start typing everything because I don't want to with so much time on that so James information will now go inside here and how organizational you need everything in our group and all of our phone number everything now goes in here and that's all LDAP is exactly very simple step one company step through the branch step 3 mint step for the users go over it again up here step one the company down here domain component step two the branch called organizational unit step three is the entries so we pick groups first write the groups or you can call it department same thing so we call the departments down here we call it groups up here then step four do use us right and it's done that's all LDAP is now I think configuring it is where people get confused and people start having questions so the next step which is what I'm going to go to next will then be the configuration so now let's take let me take a look at this so now I go back to Leonard's job am and I'm going to go and do the configuration for you so let's go to proficiency lecture if we then go back to the web site and you go to here you see the second video click on left on the electron nodes click on the number two you see the second video that explained detailed step by step of how to configure everything that we have talked about using this actual using this actual layout as an example and I will keep pointing back to this layout just to make sure that you do understand each configuration clearly well thank you very much for watching this video if you have any questions like I said before my own name
Channel: joe show
Views: 175,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linux, LDAP, Explanation, Interview, Questions
Id: GSP2Xzl6ncc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 22 2015
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