What is free tier in GCP (Create a VM in GCP ) #GCP #VM #freetier

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okay whenever whenever you create your gcp account for the first time you get a 90-day 300 free trial now within these 90 days you can use any of the gcp services provided that it does not cross the threshold of 300 and if it does then you'll have to pay the excess amount now after your 90 days is over you get something called as a free tire now this three tire is very important for you to know and it can save a lot of your money especially if you know how to use it so all google cloud customers can you select google cloud products like compute engine cloud storage and bigquery free of charge within a specific monthly usage limits so if you know how to use this then like i said previously you can save a lot of money so let's see how we can use it for let's say a compute engine so let's create a compute engine so let's click go back to our console and let's click on create instance now before creating our instance let's see what the limits are for creating a compute instrument so i go back to my previous page and in this page what you need to do is you need to click on free tie usage image now this particular page i will send in the url below so you can always go and refer to this so here for example if you're creating a compute engine you can create an e2 micro virtual machine within these three regions and it will be free of charge now the limits for this is based on the usage so for example your free trial e2 micro instance limit limited byte time and not by instant so each month eligible use of all your e2 micro instance is free until you have used a number of hours equal to the total number of hours in the current month so i always consider this total number of hours in the current one to be around 750 hours so what you can do is you can create multiple e2 micro instances it's provided that the sum total of all the e2 micro instances do not cross 750 hours and if it does then the remaining hours you'll have to pay for it so in a sense it's not one micro instance that you can create you can create multiple instances provided that the sum total of all the it does not cross 750 hours so let's go back to our instance and let's choose e2 and let's go and click on e2 micro now there is a tendency to always save cost go back and create your n1 [Music] f1 micro now if you think that your instance is going to run for more than 750 hours and if you want to create multiple instances then if you want to save cos then you can always use the use the f1 micro now if you are sure that it will never cross the threshold of 750 hours then always go go for your e2 micro so that's one important thing to remember so the next cause that you should consider is the standard persistent disk so whenever you create your instance for the first time you will always see that what you get is the new balance persistent disk now this is going to cost you so you need to change this from new balance to standard persistence so you can click on change and just change this from balanced persistentness to standard persistentness so you can just click on this and click on select and these are the two important changes that you need to do and let's look at the other things that you need to worry about as well so we'll not consider snapshot storage so you can just leave this as it is so now because you're creating your instance in north america you get a 1gb egress free to all the other remaining regions so let's look at the price for this now let's go and click on our all network pricing and what you need to check is basically the premium tire pricing for egress data now ingress is free so any data that comes into your virtual machine is free of cost so you only need to pay for the egress data that is data that goes out of your network so if for example you're creating an instance in iowa that is your central one so these are the prices that you might need to incur provided that it does not cross so make sure to limit your data egress to just 1 gb and if it does cross 1 gb then you'll have to pay this this amount of money for each region where the data goes to [Music] so again this particular url i will send in the description below so you can always go check this out now one thing to remember is this is only applicable for the three regions where you can actually create a free virtual machine so that is the usbs u.s central and u.s east one so that's it for this lecture so once again to reiterate make sure that you create an e2 micro provided that you know that you're provided that you know that your virtual machines will not run for more than 750 hours and the next thing to note is that you should always keep your boot disk as a standard persistent disk and that's about it and the third thing you need to remember is that your network egress should not cross 1gb and if it does you should always remember what the pricing is for okay so that is it for this lecture i hope you learned a bit about how to use your free entire version of your gcp account so i'll see in the next chapter
Channel: VeryLazyCoders
Views: 12,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #GCP #VM #FREETIER
Id: tcPdin9cf4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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