Getting Started With AWS Cloud | Step-by-Step Guide

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what's up everybody it's Travis here from travisdom media so I've been telling you all for a while now to get into the cloud if you're a developer especially a new developer trying to break into the industry you need to be Cloud competent you need to create an AWS account get in there get your feet wet maybe go on to get certified but you need to be Cloud competent every company is in the cloud in some sorts or making their way to the cloud and it's expected of you to have some knowledge of it and I've had videos on this how to get certified I have a blueprint where you can learn Python and AWS at the same time but I have one main question that comes up and it's around cost like how do I sign up for AWS play around with all of the resources and not spend a fortune doing so and it's a little bit intimidating at first compared to something like digitalocean or lenode or some other service that makes it really easy like you get an AWS and it's just super complicated so what I decided to do was to create a video where I'm going to actually sign up create a new account I'm going to explain to you how to keep everything completely free I'm going to show you how to secure your account by ditching the root user and creating your own user I'm going to help you set up the CLI and show you how to run terminal commands and I'm even going to walk you through spinning up an ec2 instance creating a security key for it and all of that stuff so if you don't have an AWS account you've been a little hesitant for signing up now's your chance I'm going to walk you through it I'm going to keep it completely free and you're going to walk away from this video with the right tools to start learning cloud computing now later this week I'm going to release a couple videos where we're doing some fun python Automation in AWS to help you level up your python skills so if that interests you go ahead now and create that AWS account with me let's get started all right let's start out by going to free now for new users you get access to this free tier which you can explore more than 100 products and start building on AWS using the free tier and it tells you you get 12 months free this many hours of like Amazon ec2 you get 750 hours if you use the t2 micro or T3 micro and you can look at all this but basically you can start out on AWS for free for like a long time and I'm going to show you later how to not overspend and how to keep your costs like for me I think I spend like a dollar a month on AWS but anyway go to free and click on create a free account so first you're going to enter a root user email address this is going to be for your root user so I've used like two of my emails in AWS so far I'm going to add another one for this demonstration so I'm just going to say Travis Raj go ahead and type in the email you want to associate with this account and I'm going to put Travis media also for the AWS account name again put something for you and click verify email address and you should be getting an email with the verification code for me that's 394-518 and I'm going to hit verify and now set a password so I'm going to set something simple for now I'll change it later something that abides by these conditions here can't see it because of one password but anyway all four of these checked off that's good I'm gonna enter the password again and continue and here's my contact information so I'm going to use it as a personal thing my full name is this phone number and my address I'm going to put in all this information you put in your information and we'll continue to The Next Step The Next Step you have to enter in some billing information they're not going to charge you anything so it says here we will not charge you for usage below AWS free tier limits which you want to stay in the free tier at first we may temporarily hold up to one dollar as a pending transaction to verify your identity so make sure you have a dollar in there but here put in some kind of credit card it's not going to get charged other than maybe a dollar and so I'm going to do this and we'll go to the next page as well the next step is to confirm your identity I'm going to do it via a text message so I'm going to put in my mobile phone number and security check which I can never read this Let me refresh in three DB pH and send the SMS and then I need to verify my mobile number so I should be getting a text here and that's continue step four or five and select a support plan of course I want to choose free I don't need developer or business support so choose free there and complete your sign up that's it so thank you for signing up go to the AWS Management console let's go there because we're now in the root account which we want to get rid of we don't want to be using root accounts and then you get to the sign in screen so we don't know our account ID yet so just click sign in using root user email and punch in which you just signed up with so travisraj and click next and the password all right so you're in the AWS console so the first thing you want to do is get rid of this root account so up here in the top just type in IAM for identity and access management click on that and you'll see here some security recommendations so the first one is ADD MFA for your root user so you do want this for Extra Protection for your root user so click on ADD MFA and click on assign MFA and I'm just going to say root MFA and I'm going to choose an authenticator app so click next and I'm going to use authy which is on my computer authy desktop you can use Google Authenticator or Microsoft authenticator whatever is best for you but I'm going to click plus to add a new one and enter code given by the website let's get a secret key copy that and paste it here and click add account let's put uh Travis Raj AWS root and I'm going to scroll down and find AWS Amazon web services click on that and click save and now I have a token so I can copy this and paste it in my MFA code one and then once this changes I'll paste in code two and if you do this on Google Authenticator you'll just need to click show QR code and scan it with your phone so let me copy the second one paste it here and add MFA and again this just adds a extra layer of protection on your account so that's great let's go back to the dashboard and you still see this as red just click on refresh and see if that satisfied that requirement yeah so root user has MFA and root user has no active access keys so we don't want to use this root account unless we're doing some billing stuff I think unless you maybe can delegate that to another user but otherwise you don't want to use the root account what we want to do is go to users and create a user that we're going to use like an administrative user not the root user but in an administrative user so click add users I'm going to put Travis media put whatever user you want provide user access to the AWS Management console you want to do that and I'm going to create an IAM user custom password I'm going to punch in something that I know and users must create a new password at next sign in if you are creating this account for someone then you would check this box and then when they sign in they can create their own password at that point but since this is for me I'm going to uncheck that and click next set permissions I can add a user to a group but it's just me so I'm actually going to go to attach policies directly and administrator access this is going to give me administrator access to everything and since you are the administrator this is okay if you're creating for someone else of course you want to get more granular click next and create user all right now do you see this console sign in url this is going to include that account ID that we didn't know earlier remember we chose the root user now we can use this sign-in URL that actually has that account ID in it so copy this and create a bookmark if you're using whatever browser you're using I'm going to go to bookmark manager and choose AWS and up here I'm going to do add new bookmark input us but Travis raw jws user and the URL and save it and that's going to be my URL to sign into this AWS account with that user so now I can return to users list and that's okay continue and I have one user that's an administrator now one of the biggest issues with AWS is that we create resources and then we forget that they're there I've done it everybody in AWS has done it you create five ec2 instances and you go off and you forget and then two weeks later you have like a 10 15 bill you don't want that to happen so what you want to do now with the root account is to create a billing alarm an alarm that goes off when you've reached a certain threshold if that happens so if it runs up to five bucks it's going to alarm you and say hey you're at five bucks and you're gonna know oops I left something running so if you just go to AWS billing alarm we're just going to follow the instructions so enabling billing alerts let's do that first so open the AWS billing console just click this link it's going to take you to the billing part of AWS after that in the navigation pane choose billing preferences and choose receive billing alerts so down here billing preferences so this just allows us to receive billing alerts so I'm just going to click here alert preferences go to edit and I want a cloud watch billing alerts and receive AWS free tier alerts why not let's click that too and that's going to be delivered to the root email address so let's update it and so we've enabled billing alerts now let's go and create one and to create one we got to go to cloudwatch so click on this link next click on create alarms here to create a new alarm let's click on create alarm choose select metric and then here you want to choose billing and I don't see billing so let me see all right so here it says before you create a billing alarm you must set your region to us East Northern Virginia billing metric is stored in this region so let's switch our region to us East one and we should see billing let's try this again select metric and there's billing so choose billing and then total estimated charge oh here's the node if you don't see billing then change your region to us East Northern Virginia all right select the box for estimated charges metric then choose select metric for statistic choose maximum let's go and then choose the selection here so USD estimated charges and select metric metric name is fine currency USD statistic maximum periods six hours threshold type static so whenever estimated charges is greater than five dollars that's why I'm going to set mine at so if you forget to cut something off and it gets up to five dollars or it estimates that it's going to be at five dollars it's going to send you an email saying warning you your alarm went off and you're going to get a five dollar bill then you'll know hey I need to go and check and make sure I closed everything down or shut everything down in additional configuration do the following for data points to alarm specify one out of one for missing data treatment treat missing data as missing so additional configuration one out of one treat data treat missing data is missing so go to next and under notification click add notification so Define the alarm state that will trigger this action when it's in alarm when we've reached that five dollars or it's estimated for the five dollars we want to create a new topic we don't have an SNS topic so let's create a new one SNS is just a simple notification service you create a topic and then that topic you can decide who to notify so we're just going to create one default Cloud watch alarms topic let's put it as billing alarm topic email endpoints that will receive the notification I'm just going to put my email that's associated with this and create topic so we don't have to worry about Auto scaling or ec2 action or systems manager just click next alarm name billing alarm and the alarm description is optional feel free to put in some kind of text but click next and just look everything over looks fine to me and create alarm so first things first set an alarm so you don't go above a certain threshold or a certain price and I have a warning here it says this action sends a message to an SNS topic with an endpoint that is pending confirmation and I have an email so check your email and confirm that you want to be subscribe to that topic so confirm subscription I'm going to click that and subscription confirmed so now I can refresh and I probably won't have a warning anymore great so we've set an alarm now let's get out of this root account and try to log into our user account so go up here and click on sign out after this I'll show you how to set up the CLI so log back in and you see how if you click IAM User it's going to ask for your account ID which we don't know but we saved it in our bookmarks so I'm going to click that link and it's going to add in that account ID for me and it says IEM username which is Travis media and password so again make sure you click that link that was given to you when you created the user that's going to populate your account ID and then your username password and sign in and this is going to be the user you want to use again don't use the root user so first things first go up to your name and go to security credentials and we're going to set up MFA because you should always be using some kind of multi-factor Never Should depend on your password and actually you should create a much more secure password that you don't even know and put it in something like one password that's what I'll do when I finish this video I just put in something temporarily for now and it warns us at the top you don't have MFA assigned so let's assign that device name I'm just going to put a Travis Raj MFA user and next and again I'm going to use authy so I'm going to click the Plus and grab the secret key paste it hit add account find AWS save it and then I'm going to enter my MFA codes oh I'm going to add an account name AWS trans I'm going to copy this paste it in MFA code one copy the second one paste it in code two and add MFA so next time when I sign in I'll put in my password then it'll ask me my MFA I'm going to go to authy and copy and paste now the next thing you want to do is set up your AWS CLI since we're developers we need to be using the CLI so if you just type in AWS CLI which is the command line interface click this and then go to somewhere there will be a getting started and then somewhere under here there's an install slash update page and I'm on Mac so I would just click this in run this installer so in your browser download the Mac OS package file and click this install it and it's good to go now to link that AWS CLI with your AWS account go back to the security credentials that you are at and go down to access keys so we're going to create an access key it's going to be to the command line interface and they're giving me some Alternatives here like better to use cloud shell and things like that which we can use too but let's let me show you how to set this up so click that box click next description tag I don't care to do that create access key and I have two things here I have an access key code and then a secret access key code so to configure the AWS CLI just open your terminal make it bigger and you should be able to do AWS to see that you installed it correctly but I'm going to say AWS configure this is how you configure it and it'll ask you your access key so copy this paste it it's going to ask you your secret access key so click the copy here paste it and default region name I'm going to do us East one works for me and default output format I do like Json and once that's done I should be able to because I'm an administrator do something like AWS S3 LS I don't have any S3 buckets but it should list them if I had them and if you go back to your CLI documentation here you can go to like using the AWS CLI um and click on something like Amazon ec2 ec2 instances and it'll give you some examples like launching your instance or tagging your instance connecting to your instance listing your instances so AWS ec2 describe instances you could do that if you wanted to again we don't have any instances so you've set up your user I can click done here and it says you haven't viewed or downloaded your secret key the thing about secret Keys is you can always create a new one so you have an access key you can create a new one and then you can deactivate this one if you forget it it's not a big deal I don't write it down I wouldn't copy and paste it anywhere I would just AWS configure and use it and then for some reason it gets wiped out just deactivate it or delete it create a new one if you're by yourself if you're with a company they obviously have their own protocols but you've created your user you've set up MFA you've got your CLI running now what do you want to do go to Services go to ec2 Let's create an instance I'll show you how to do this free tier thing and by the way you should have gotten an email like right here it says for the next 12 months you'll have access you'll have free access to core AWS compute storage database and application services within the limits of free tier you can click on this free tier link and look into what that entails but as far as setting up an ec2 instance just go to instances and launch instance and I'm just going to say test server for my name and I'm going to choose Amazon Linux because it's in the free tier so right here T2 micro is free tier eligible always look for that free tier eligible writing I always use it it does everything I need to I mean don't try to run a kubernetes cluster on it but it does everything you'll need to so choose T2 Micro Key pair you need a key pair to be able to SSH into that so let's create a new one because we haven't yet so say Travis key pair test key pair and RSA is fine Pim is fine create key pair and I'm going to save it somewhere safe which for me is my desktop because I'm going to delete it after this and so I have a key bear I'll show you how to use that in a minute VPC this is like the default subnet no preference we don't want to get into all that you can check out my AWS networking video for information on those a firewall let's select an existing Security Group which we just have the default and let's actually create one we're going to create one and we're going to allow SSH traffic from anywhere so we can test our key out and the rest of this doesn't matter storage Advanced details just click launch instance don't be worried about price it's free tier eligible if it wasn't it's like a penny per hour I think I think it's a penny per hour so if you leave it running for like three hours is three cents that's why sometimes when I'm testing things I just spin up five for like an hour it's like five cent in the end of the month I have a bill for like a dollar two dollars maybe three dollars and it's no problem so view all instances now I see my instance here and it is pending so if I click on this I can go down to uh see what my key pair is I forgot the name Travis test key pair so I should be able to go here um and make sure I'm in my desktop and then what's neat is if you click on this and go to connect you can actually just click connect and connect to it from within Amazon so I can click this and it's going to give me a terminal to use but if you want to do it yourself just go to SSH client and copy this well the first thing you need to do is modify your privileges on your Pim key right you want to make it a 400 it's a CH mod 400 you want to run this command and my desktop is where I saved it so run that to make the permissions really tight otherwise it won't work I don't think Amazon will even work with a Pim key that's not a 400 and then next you can just copy this example direct so click that paste it SSH Dash I which specifies my Pim key ec2 user which is like the default user for ec2 instances and the public DNS of the instance so click that yes that's fine and I should be able to ec2n sudo yum update and I can do what I want but again you can just go to ec2 instance connect and connect directly so click on Services look around you got the console home you got Lambda functions vpcs cloudtrail S3 buckets Cloud watch and let's go back to our CLI now we can do let's exit out of this now we can do that command that AWS ec2 describe instances and it should describe that one instance we have so reservations and then we have instances we have an array of instances but we only have one so here's all the information about that instance and AWS CLI is pretty neat you can put in parameters there to just get the data you need so I don't think I have anything else to show you you are in AWS now you don't have any excuse play around you're free tier eligible just look for that free tier eligible wording when you go to spin up a resource and again consult this page for what you can do compute databases like if you go to databases you can create an RDS database dynamodb database you got storage the Amazon S3 five gigs 12 months free containers 750 hours web apps serverless so Lambda is like the cheapest thing in the world 1 million free requests per month SNS sqs all of that it's like 1 million for free per month so have at it again I'm going to be doing some videos here in the next couple of days with python and AWS just for fun some challenges for you some ways to get your feet wet so if you like this video give it a good thumbs up consider subscribing and I'll see you in the next one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Travis Media
Views: 41,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aws tutorial for beginners, aws tutorial, aws for beginners, amazon web services, cloud computing, aws ec2 tutorial, amazon web services tutorial for beginners, learn aws, amazon aws tutorial, what is amazon web services, aws course for beginners, aws setup, aws root, aws cli, aws cli setup, aws cli tutorial, aws billing alarm, travis media, aws python, python aws, getting started with aws cloud, getting started with aws
Id: CjKhQoYeR4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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