What is FACEIT and How Does it Work?

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is Premiere just not doing it for you the weird lobbies the cheaters the inconsistent ELO gains and losses well you have another option face it this video is to give you an idea as to how face it works and what it's like to actually play face it well let's start with well what is face it face it is a third-party platform that means that it's not owned by Valve they've created their own matchmaking system their own anti-che and they host their own servers in my opinion face it prevails over Premiere in all three of those categories so people like me value face its Rank and system far above valves by the way this video is in no way sponsored by face it so any positive opinions or negative opinions are purely just me giving you what I think to get going on face it you have to create an account link your steam to that account and also install their anti-che now let's dive into things you need to consider before you play a game a face it let's start with what regions you can play in and what servers there are in those regions once you've created your account you can go to game settings and pick from five different regions to play it North America Europe South America southeast Asia and Oceania within those regions are different servers based in different cities only people in North America and Europe are allowed to pick and ban those servers within their region North America has servers in Chicago Dallas and Denver so in my Lobby I can choose one of these servers to remove from my queue being in California Chicago servers give me a 70 to 80 ping so I can unselect Chicago and then face it won't put me on a Chicago server which is lovely if you're in Europe there are seven servers to choose from and you need to queue for at least four of them for the three other regions there are multiple servers and some of them but you don't get the option to choose which ones you would like to play on and which ones you won't now you might be wondering if you get to pick the maps that you want to play face it currently offers the same pool of maps that Premiere does mirage nuke overpass ancient vertigo Inferno and Anubis unfortunately the free version of face it doesn't allow you to pick preferences for maps face it plus and face it premium two things you need to pay monthly for allow you to pick five out of the seven maps to play on before you can Quee you need to make sure that you have the face it antiche running now face its anti-che is a huge selling point for most but also a huge deterrent for some face it anti-che is a kernel level antiche now I'm the farthest thing from an expert on this so please continue this discussion in the comments a kernel level antiche is granted great amount of access to your operating system so that it can identify cheats and hacks running directly on your computer a system like vac which is what valve uses to identify cheats on their servers doesn't have nearly the same level of access to your computer as a kernel antiche does which makes it less effective now I probably butchered that explanation but the main point remains face it antiche is way more effective at identifying hacks and handing out Swift bands than vacas it is very very rare to come across a cheater on face it I have over a thousand matches and I would say maybe like 10 I could tell that somebody was cheating it's not very often so this is an absolute breath of fresh air coming from matchmaking or Premiere having that confidence that all other players in your lobby are legit is amazing it makes for just a much better experience not having to be paranoid that somebody on the other team can see you through walls however some people are wary of face it antiche because it is Colonel level and grants face it a large amount of access to your computer there are concerns over privacy for example in 2013 Esa another thirdparty matchmaking platform ended up mining Bitcoin on people's computer computers through their Colonel level anti-che I have no clue how I didn't know about this until I was researching for this video if you want me to make a video about that whole situation um leave a comment anyways I understand the concern giving a third party platform a big amount of access into your computer is scary however I trust face it for multiple reasons number one they're huge now they're a legit company they were recently acquired for a ton of money and they're merging with ESL a tournament organizing organization number two the majority of big games now use konel level antiche Counter Strike is in the minority of competitive games that don't use a konel level antiche Apex Legends Battlefield fortnite even fall guys valerant they all use konel level anti-che number three I've removed all of feet picks for my desktop so I have nothing to hide anymore anyways okay so you got the anti-che running youve selected which servers you want to play on you can't pick which Maps you want to play on if you're on a free version if you're on Plus or premium you can pick five out of seven Maps you queue and then you join a Lobby in this Lobby you'll notice that each team has a captain so instead of this kind of group Democratic voting system that premere goes with face it goes with a monarchy where there's one team captain who makes the pick and bands on both servers and maps for the entire team this Captain is assigned typically buy subscription so people who subscribe to face it plus will have priority over free members and people who subscribe to face it premium will have priority over face it plus members and free members to be the captain now in the lobby you have a team chat where you can talk to your team and you can ask the captain to ban certain Maps or to ban certain servers that you are really far away from how often be over dramatic in an attempt to get the captain to ban a map that maybe I really don't want to play so like if I don't want to play Mirage I'll say like I'm absolutely terrible on Mirage please ban Mirage it works a lot of the time because they don't want somebody who's bad at a map to play on a map that they're bad at also you already have a rank and we should probably talk about that everybody starts at 1,000 ELO this is the same as what it was in CS go but face it in CS2 has changed the ranges for each rank so let's take a look at what ELO is what rank face it ranks people from Level 1 to level 10 with level 10 being the highest you can get these levels are essentially just titles for ranges of Elo so what really matters is what ELO you are because you start at 1,000 ELO you're in level four now you'll notice that levels 2 3 8 and 9 have ranges of 250 ELO whereas levels 4 5 6 and 7 only have ranges of 150 ELO level one has a range of 400 ELO so from 100 ELO to 500 ELO you're level one and level 10 goes all the way up until you're top 1,000 in your region which then you become a challenger above Challenger there's FPL FPL stands for face it pro league which is an in-house face it League meant for the best of the best but enough about FPL let's talk about how face at ELO really works the amount of Elo you stand to gain or lose from a match is determined before the game even starts if you look at this bar in the middle of your lobby this is what they call the balance indicator what this communicates is faet estimated probability for either team to win the game now how is that calculated each team is assigned a team rating now this isn't just an average of your team's ELO there are several factors that go into the team rating skill level which is Elo team composition so let's say you have a Lobby where everybody has the exact same ELO but one team are all queed together in a five stack and the other other team are all solos in this case even though everybody's ELO is the same the team with the five stack will have a higher win probability because their team rating will be higher because of their team composition it also takes into account the number of matches played by each player and the variance in skill level in the lobby so all in all Bas it creates a Lobby they assign each team a team rating these team ratings are then compared and face it pumps out a win probability for each team this win probability determines how much ELO you're going to win or lose and to figure this out it's very easy to calculate it the ELO you stand to gain from a match is equivalent to 50% of the opponent's team chance to win so if the enemy team has a 60% chance to win based on the win probability that face it created you would gain 30 ELO if you beat them in a perfect 50/50 game you would gain 25 ELO however if you lose that game then you lose 50% of your team's chance to win the game so in that scenario the enemy team has a 60% chance your team has a 40% chance if you lose that game you would lose 20 ELO half of 40 now this and along with the anti-che are my favorite things about face it before you play the game there's Clarity to how much ELO you will win or lose and there's also an understanding of how face it came up with that number the ELO you will gain or lose from a game is in no way affected by win streaks or loss streaks I'm of the belief that if you so happen to have a bad stretch of games you shouldn't have this exponentially decreasing amount of eload just because you're going through a bad stretch I'm very rarely annoyed by the win probabilities or how phasa ELO is calculated so in my opinion this is the best that we have in CS2 so now that you understand how map picks work server picks work how the ELO works you can finally join the game and play a game a face it once everyone joins the game to determine which team gets to pick which side they want to start on you start the game with a knife fight this is called the knife round and the team captain of whoever wins this round gets to choose whether they want to stay on the side that they spawned in on or if they want to switch sides now the format of faic games are very similar to Premier games they're both still mr12 however Premiere only allows for one round of overtime and if that overtime is tied then the match result is just a tie face it doesn't have a limit on how many overtimes you can play the format is the same where each team starts overtime with $10,000 each overtime period is a best of six rounds so you need to win four rounds in an overtime period to win the game now you might notice that the vibe of playing in a face at Lobby feels different than Premiere in general I would say face of players care more about winning communicating playing as a team than players in Premiere now that is obviously not a universal truth and everybody's experience will be different there's a ton of people who care about all those things and only play Premiere but I think there's a much higher concentration of those type of people in face it real quick let's take a look at what the face it subscription tiers offer and how much they cost for me the big things in here are really map selection and Captain priority but for $417 a month the benefits aren't amazing because I often get trumped by people who have premium subscriptions anyways so I'm considering just going with the free version and being cool with whatever map I get get chosen but the point here is that you in no way need to have one of these subscriptions to play face it to have fun to improve quickly to get to whatever rank you want to get to the experience of a premium player versus a free player isn't very different should new players jump into face it here's what face it has to say about that newcomers to Counter Strike are indeed welcome to play we provide a competitive environment for Counter-Strike matches they do that is true however it is important to be aware that face it is characterized by a notably competitive player base composed of individuals with considerable experience and skill if you've never played Cs and in particular an FPS you might encounter challenges upon initial matches imagine never playing an FPS before and jumping into face it that is crazy easy our platform closely aligns with that of highle competitive play although the initial stages might be challenging it's important to understand that you can become proficient over time through consistent practice that's that's true yeah now some of this is true but some of it is just face it waffling in my opinion I think this is where you should be at before you jump into face it you should be very comfortable with all the maps in the premiere pool you should know basic utility you should have a microphone and most importantly you should want to improve I think a lot of people really overblow like the skill level you should be before you join face it in csgo there is this thing that people would say that oh you should get Global before you play face it that is crazy no you shouldn't you shouldn't have to get 20,000 ELO on Premiere or 15 or whatever don't listen to anybody that says you should get a certain ELO low rank whatever on Premiere before you jump into face it I wish I started playing face it much earlier I got all the way to Supreme this was back when I was in EU before I started playing fa it and I really should have made the jump much before then the sooner you jump and to face it the quicker you're going to improve you're going to get better quality matches people are going to Care More they're going to communicate more yes they're going to be more toxic but you're just going to improve faster that's a simple fact so no if you're brand new to CS don't play face it but once you get the basics down once you know the maps once you're comfortable with the game I would say you should go play face it also this video is sponsored by the monitor that I'm using right now zowi sent me over the XL 2566 K TN 360hz daac gaming Monitor and let me tell you I understand why 98% of CS2 Pros use a zoi monitor I've used a zoi monitor for months now and from my experience there something to zoi monitors just feeling incredibly crisp and responsive for CS2 and I think it's because that fast TN panel they got in there what also contributes to this feeling is diak essentially Dak reduces motion blur and vigorous screen shaking an example of this is like if you're spraying an AK and the screen is shaking it's going all over the place diak helps reduce the crazy visuals of that giving you a clear picture because of this I have my DAC set to ultra they also have setting to share which is a software that allows people Zo monitors to share their monitor settings with other people so like I can have Pros monitor settings in my setup and I can very quickly switch them if I like to which is very cool last but certainly not least this monitor is 360 HZ now in real games my PC can't keep up with 360 FPS in CS2 but in Workshop Maps it can and you bet I'm setting it to 360 HZ because it's insane it's so crisp if you want to learn more about this monitor there are links in the description along with the Amazon page for it so go check it out and thank you Zoe I want to give you a huge thank you for making it all the way through this video and of course my channel members absolute Legends over here have a great day check out the recommended video over here that should be your next stop good luck and have fun in all your future matches
Channel: WilsonCS2
Views: 70,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CSGO, CSGO NADES, CSGO FLASHES, OVERPASS, INFERNO, MIRAGE, NUKE, VERTIGO, CS2, CSGO SMOKES, CSGO MOLLY, CSGO TIPS, CSGO TIPS AND TRICKS, improve at cs2, how to improve at cs2, cs2 pro tips, cs2 pro guide, counterstrike 2, counter-strike 2, counter strike 2, cs2 tips and tricks, csgo tips and tricks, counter strike 2 tips, cs 2, cs2 rank, confidence, cs2 rank up guide, cs2, cs2 tips, cs2 guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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