What is DPF DEF EGR SCR? Protecting your Diesel Engine

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we're going to cover some of the terms like DPF and de f that you've probably heard in relation to your newer diesel-powered truck but may not be really clear on exactly what they mean and what it may mean for you and your truck in this presentation we'll go over the two most egregious engine emissions at the EPA decided to control and minimize and what car manufacturers did to comply hi I'm earning with insane diesel comm and we're going to discuss those two bad boys that come out your tailpipe that are drawing so much attention from the EPA and the first of those is nitrous oxides there's n O and no2 nitrous oxide gases are formed in the combustion chamber and the hotter the combustion in the engine the more nitrous oxides that are created the second is DPM or diesel particulate matter and that's the black smoke you see coming out the tailpipe when you step on the gas really hard and you look behind you and then you see like black smoke it's soot or in other words partially burned fuel and no one likes breathing those either right so unfortunately those two kind of are formed under the opposite conditions so we can't get rid of one without creating a large amount of the other one high efficiency and high temperature combustion creates nitrous oxides and cooler combustion and less efficient combustion creates DPM or soot so let's go on in to the EGR and how the EPA decided to use that in order to try to limit the number of nitrous oxides coming out the tailpipe and it does that by taking some of the exhaust that normally would all go out the engine and recirculating it back into the intake through the EGR valve an EGR valve determines how much goes on there based on driving and engine conditions and but the amount can be 30 to 50 percent and that the nice thing is is that it reduces nitrous oxides the downside is is that's replacing nice fresh air fuel mixture coming into the engine and results in a less efficient however cooler but less efficient combustion process and that means you're going to lose gas mileage and power also even though we're dropping nitrous oxides having a less efficient combustion means more fuel goes out on burn and that is DPM or soot and when that soot comes back in through the exhaust that coats kind of the the intake and the inside of the combustion chamber and blows by or washes by and ends up in your oil and that's how soot or more so than usual ends up in the oil of a diesel engine and as soon as abrasive and can cause damage or premature wear to the bearings and the other surfaces that the oil is supposed to protect and lubricate okay now that we've dealt with the nitrous oxides coming out the exhaust pipe by cooling the combustion in the combustion chamber the EPA decided that next one and to address the DPM are the diesel particulate matter so the smoke that comes out the tailpipe especially since a little bit more is created with by inefficient process with the EGR valve and so we come to our next set of acronyms the DPF and the DPF is a diesel particulate filter and it kind of looks like a muffler is about the same size and shape but it's a very fine filter and that a suit an exhaust smoke that's coming out of the engine is caught in a screen that's filters down to one micron so very fine and that works really good for a short while at some point however the cookies suit starts plugging up the DPF and that caused a little back pressure the engine caused it to run low efficiency and that triggers the computer to go into regen mode or regeneration and for a regeneration we got to bring that DPF up to about 1100 degrees about 600 degrees Celsius and to do that one thing the car manufacturers came up with was a dump fuel into the combustion chamber but after the the normal combustion had already taken place so it wasn't fuel that went actually into providing more power for the engine as fuel simply meant to provide heat and bring this DPF up to that temperature necessary to burn off the rest of that diesel particulate matter and cleaner exhaust now the problem with regen mode is it requires high rpms and that works good if you're going down the highway but if you're just driving around town and their regen mode kicks in through stopping and starting it may not be able to complete the regen process and that becomes problematic if that happens a lot because it starts to plug this up and it doesn't get burned out again it provides a back pressure to the engine makes the combustion less efficient makes you drops power and gas mileage and Plus that fuel that's being dumped in there doesn't go to moving the car forward anyways it it just goes to creating heat and that can really drop your gas mileage down but the problem comes when this is not completely cleaned out several times when it wants to be or needs to be and it becomes plugged at that point the engine performance really gets shut down and the options are to take it off and get it cleaned which is very expensive or to replace it which is even more expensive it's like a upwards of eight thousand dollars sometimes to replace these things in these devices were using precious metals such as palladium and platinum so they can become quite expensive alright and so again very often this suit causes a back pressure and that causes the exhaust gases to not be fully purged from the combustion chamber and that soot is then again ending up in your oil and it's becoming quite a serious issue that with the amount of soot that is ending up in the oil and one of the issues is of course as soon as an abrasive and it's damaging to the engine bearings into the camshaft and lifters and so forth but also that the oil ports and the oil orifices that feed the bearings are in the newer engine's quite small and it's it can plug those up also some of that fuel that's being dumped in there after the combustion initial combustion has taken place is also being partially burned and creating more soot in there and into the soot that's in the oil and some of that fuels is actually not being burnt at all and is washing away the oil film that protects and lubricates a piston when it's going up and down in the cylinder and it's causing premature wear in the cylinder walls and then that oil or that fuel continues to end up in the oil and it gets into the bearings and replaces the oil that should be lubricating the bearings and what we're finding is that is causing catastrophic engine failure by destroying the bearings so it's very important that this stay in as good condition as possible and we're also going to show you another way that we can radically reduce the damage that potentially can happen from the use of the DPF the goal to reduce diesel particulate material coming out the tailpipe has been met but it comes at some times at quite a significant cost to your engine alright now we've got the EGR dropping nitrous oxides and we've got the DPF dropping DPM or soot that comes out the tailpipe however remember that the DPM are the DPF needs a particulate filter in some very high temperatures to bring that suit level down and remember high temperatures creating nitrous oxides so the EPA decided then in 2010 that it was time to work on those nitrous oxides again and the levels for nitrous oxides be lowered and the car manufacturers had to come up with a way to make that happen and here's what they came up with it's called as you can see our next actor name is the SCR selective catalytic reduction and so that is a another muffler shaped device that's put into the exhaust system and it works in conjunction with de f which is diesel exhaust fluid and so how that works is is DDF diesel exhaust fluid is basically ammonia that's going to be your chemically expressed nh3 and this also is computer controlled and it what it does is it sent that DPF down a line and injects it into the scr the selective catalytic reduction and X and out the tailpipe comes some nice harmless water and nitrogen those are things we normally breathe in the air and everybody's happy when that happens right so now the DF is probably you may have noticed it's a little blue cap usually in a fuel filler door and you buy it in boxes so it will actually gallon containers that are in boxes and it's essential that you keep that de F fluid up past a certain level when it starts getting a little it'll put a little warning light on your dash and if you continue to drive and that runs out then the computer will put the engine into limp mode and you'll only be able to go about 5 miles per hour and then if you turn it off it's sometimes it won't even restart until you fill that fluid back up now another issue we're finding with that fluid is it can be contaminated or if it sits for a couple of months it can crystallize and then it won't be able to be injected and the truck won't start and it look like there's any reason for that to happen because there's our there is fluid in there also the what we're finding is in really cold weather that fluid vef fluid is also crystallizing and plugging the injector and the scr itself and so in the middle of winter truck won't run or it's in limp mode and the d EF is up and you're wondering what's going on and that we're finding that sometimes the case but overall that's a relatively minor thing and the use of the de f and the scr is actually turned out to be a really good thing because what we can do is not rely so much on the EGR to control nitrous oxides because it's being controlled afterwards and that means that we can take the temperature and the efficiency of the combustion chamber and the combustion process and bring it back up so we can run that engine the way it was intended to be run and we get our power back we're getting our gas mileage back because we're not dealing so much with the nitrous oxides in the combustion chamber but we're making as many as we want to so the engine can run the wave wants to and then we're taking them out with the SCR and the de F and that's kind of a good thing so hopefully now you have a better understanding of how emissions are controlled in the modern diesel engine and how it affects you as the owner of such an awesome vehicle you've also seen how cleaning up emissions can come at a significant cost to you in your engine in same diesel calm would like to recommend some absolutely essential things to do if you want to protect your engine from the detrimental effects of EGR DPF regeneration the first thing you want to do is get a bypass filter your stock filter needs to pass oil at high volume and high pressure through to the moving parts of your engine unfortunately that means it cannot find filter out contaminants and abrasives like soot as a result your engine gets dirtier and dirtier as you drive prematurely are wearing out your engine a bypass filter is the only way to get that damaging soot out of your oil and OneWorld filter is the best it filters down to one micron more than ten times more effective than your stock filter that means you will actually be driving around with constantly clean oil and that can radically increase the life of your engine one will filter also has a capacity 400 times greater than your stock filter that means you can go up to a year or 20,000 miles with clean oil before a change is needed this is a real game-changer no other filter is better one world filter has been shown in many cases to keep your oil technically cleaner than new oil it's that amazing next is one-world fuel treatment this fuel additive facilitates a more consistent and efficient combustion it also has an upper cylinder lubricating quality to help protect piston cylinder walls a more efficient combustion means better gas mileage and less soot potentially reducing regen mode in the DPF by up to 75% more saving costly repairs or replacement of the DPF jump in gas mileage by up to 10% or more last but certainly not least one world engine treatment is technically a metal modifier and utilizes an excellent our proprietary tungsten disulfide formula that nano bonds with the metal surfaces in your engine it actually impregnates the metal creating a super hardened surface that is also highly lubricating that can protect your cylinder walls from where due to DPF Ray Jennings when soot and raw fuel get into your oil it repairs some friction damage and protects your engine from cold starts it can increase engine life by up to 47% thank you so much for listening we hope you found that it was a worthwhile investment of your time
Channel: Insane Diesel
Views: 1,318,378
Rating: 4.8236675 out of 5
Keywords: What is DPF?, what is SCR, What is DEF?, EGR delete, bypass oil filter, Insane Diesel
Id: yzRR8BTVsyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2016
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