What is customer centricity? Here's how to put your customers first | Zendesk

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Customer centricity. That's a fun word, but what does it actually mean? Well, it means putting the customer at the center of everything you do. Putting the customer's experience first is important because 42% of leaders have stated that the customer experience influence on business growth is exceptionally high. Pulling more Insights from the Zendesk six Trends Report. Here are three tips to becoming more customer centric. Number one, provide instant customer service. Consumers rank speed and quality of service as the most important aspect to the customer experience and to help deliver faster experiences. 70% of leaders plan to leverage AI tools such as chat bots, which can help support customers. 24 seven. Number two personalize the customer experience. Customers love it when their experiences feel personal to them, and having all their data in one place really helps make that possible. If your agents have access to information like your customers, past support conversations, contact information, delivery, status, loyalty, status and more, they can better understand what your customers actually need. Number three Focus on security. While 83% of customer experience leaders are confident that customers trust their data protection efforts. Their customers beg to differ. 60% feel most businesses aren't doing enough to protect their data. So let's help make your customers feel a bit more secure. They say actions speak louder than words. And a great example of a company putting customer centricity into action is MailChimp, their marketing automation platform that builds products specifically with their customers in mind. And they used customer service data inside Zendesk to know which features and functionality customers needed the most using what they learned. They built better products that helped more customers than ever. Simple and effective. It's easy. Really happy customers boost your bottom line. And isn't that the goal here? For a deeper dive, click the link to the Zendesk Trends report and get the latest data and trends to become even more customer centric. Thanks for watching to protect their data. So let's help make your customers feel a bit more secure. They say actions speak louder than words and a great example of a company putting customer centricity into action is MailChimp, their marketing automation platform that builds products specifically with their customers in mind. And they used customer service data inside Zendesk to know which features and functionality customers needed the most using what they learned. They built better products that help more customers than ever. Simple and effective. It's easy. Really happy customers boost your bottom line. And isn't that the goal here? Let's turn those buyers into your biggest fans. Haven't had enough. For a deeper dive, click the link and click the link to the Zendesk Trends report and get the latest data and trends to become even more customer centric. Centricity keeps companies focused on what their audience wants. Putting the customer's experience first is important because 42% of leaders have stated that the customer experience influence on business growth is exceptionally high. Pulling more insights from the Zendesk six Trends Report. Here are three tips to becoming more customer centric. Customer centricity. That's a fun word, but what does it actually mean? Well, it means putting the customer at the center of everything you do. Number two, personalize the customer experience. Customers love it when their experiences feel personal to them and having all their data in one place really helps make that possible. If your agents have access to information like your customers, past support conversations, contact information, delivery, status, loyalty, status, and more, they can better understand what your customers actually need. Number three, Focus on security. While 83% of customer experience leaders are confident that customers trust their data protection efforts, their customers beg to differ. 60% feel most businesses aren't doing enough to protect their data. So let's help them make your customers feel a bit more secure. They say actions speak louder than words and agree Fuck me, can't cock fuck shit. Let's go back. They say actions speak louder than words and a great example of a company putting customer centricity into action is MailChimp. They're a marketing automation platform that builds products specifically with their customers in mind, and they used customer service data inside Zendesk to know which features and functionality customers needed the most using what they learned. They built better products that helped more customers than ever. Simple and effective. It's easy. Really happy customers boost your bottom line. And isn't that the goal here? Let's turn those buyers into your biggest fans. Haven't had enough. For a deeper dive, click the link to the Zendesk trends report and get the latest data and trends to become even more customer centric. Thanks for watching. Customer centricity. That's a fun word, but what does it actually mean? Well, it means putting the customer at the center of everything you do. Centricity keeps companies focused on what their audience wants. Putting the customer's experience first is important because 42% of leaders have stated that the customer experience influence on business growth is exceptionally high. Pulling more insights from the Zendesk six Trends Report. Here are three tips to becoming more customer centric. Number one, provide instant customer service. Consumers rank speed and quality of service as the most important aspect of the customer experience and to help deliver faster experiences. 70% of six leaders plan to leverage tools such as chat bots, which can help so which can support customers. 24 seven. Number two personalize the customer experience. Customers love it when their experience feels personal to them, and having all their data in one place really helps make that possible. If your agents have access to information like your customers, passport conversations, contact information, delivery status, loyalty, status and more, they can better understand what your customers actually need. Number three, focus on security. While 83% of customer experience leaders are confident that customers trust their data protection efforts. Their customers beg to differ. 60% feel most businesses aren't doing enough to protect to protect their data. So let's help make your customers feel a bit more secure. They say actions speak louder than words. And a great example of a company putting customer centricity into action is MailChimp. Their marketing automation platform that builds products specifically with their customers in mind. And they used customer service data inside Zendesk to know which features and functionality customers needed the most using what they learned. They built better products that help more customers than ever. Simple and effective. It's easy. Really happy customers boost your bottom line. And isn't that the goal here? Let's turn those buyers into your biggest fans. Haven't had enough. For a deeper dive, click the link and click the link to the Zendesk Select Trends Report and get the latest data and trends to become even more customer centric.
Channel: Zendesk
Views: 345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: customer centricity, zendesk, customerservice, customer experience, ai, help desk, ticketing software, crm, salesforce, freshdesk, freshworks, intercom, zendeskai, Artificial intelligence, zendesk customer centricity, zendesk customer, customer centricity inspirational video, customer centricity examples, customer centricity explained, customer centricity meaning, customer centricity workshop, customer centricity training, CustomerCentricity, customercentric, customerexperience
Id: 0KYtCIl6vtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 12sec (132 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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