What Is an Extra Rule Your Family Added to a Popular Board Game?

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what is an extra rule your family added to a popular board or card game in clue once the killer has been discovered and it's one of the pieces in play the game becomes a chase the remaining player turns our roles to get out of the mansion through the doors in the hall the killer tries to catch the remaining pieces and kill them secret passages only work if you roll even numbers in that room the killer rolls twice per turn and cannot use secret passages you would love the game betrayal at house on the hill in scrabble the person who can make the longest word goes first highest points breaks a tie this makes the game more fun by ensuring there are lots of places to play your letters that's the best rule here tbh literally anything goes in monopoly whatever business deals you make in monopoly are valid for example paying some insurance each round so that if you land on their rent properties you are immune to taboo you can play three player cutthroat taboo the rules don't really change but the scoring does there's a ref watching for taboo words guesser can't see the card and talker can see the card the guesser and talker will get one point each for each successful guest word taboo words are scored one point to the ref at the end of the round rolls rotate like normal clockwise after everyone has two turns talking rotate the other way counterclockwise this lets everyone get a turn guessing and talking with each person i prefer this way because you don't get stuck on a winning or losing team everyone plays with everyone and there's never a fourth person out that's a good one don't know if i'll bring taboo back into the household though me and the wife got into one of our biggest fights over taboo it was back when we were dating and we don't remember what really caused it we just know it was taboo and have agreed we will never play it again late to the party here but in monopoly we allow the utilities to collect five percent of any player to play a transaction over two hundred dollars it helps keep the utilities relevant and desirable we had a variation on risk where everyone write down their moves and attacks and all the moves and attacks were carried out simultaneously first the troops were relocated only able to move in country then attacks rolled once again you could only attack a neighboring country and if you won you could occupy it but you could not keep pressing the attack until the next turn if two or more countries were attacking each other they all rolled the max number of dice ties with andrew rolled in every coupe game pandemic castle panic whatever there is usually someone who tries to tell everyone what to do i can accidentally be this person so i implemented the right hand man rule if the person who's turned it is one advice if they can only get it from the person on their right nobody else can say anything makes things way more enjoyable i like when cooperative games suggest to play with a closed hand or restrict what you can say to limit quarterbacking spirit island is my favorite as quarterbacking is too hard to do as each player has a wildly different gameplay style rule for my kids with all board games wiener cleans up loser or lowest score picks next game tantrums rage quitting gets you banned from the next game session altogether thank you for the award kind redditer username checks out don't know if this counts as popular bill woodlington's go a game of travelling around the world rule in the actual game was you had to roll exactly to get into a place but it ended up with too many dice rolls doing absolutely nothing one player ended up just stuck in one place for literally half an hour before then getting somewhere else and then being stuck for another half an hour they did virtually nothing all game really that rule means the game should be called wendington stop to combat this we came up with a house rule that you have a three strikes and in if you fail to get the right number three times you automatically get to your destination to stop the game being dull we haven't actually tried this yet because since playing it when at the end of the game we came up with the rule we've had a pandemic that has prevented me from going back to visit my parents who have the game one rule used for many board games if someone takes too long with his or her move anyone can fetch the three min hourglass from the shelf and set it on the table once the time runs out the move is over regardless of another rule for scrabble any word is valid if you can find it in any book in our library within three minutes i hope you have some lewis carroll in your library and a maverick who takes advantage of it travel is a fun little game unfortunately with the wife and son we only have three players four players makes it even more fun so we have a fourth player we call bob bob gets the last turn in the cycle someone rolls for bob and then the three of us agree on what bob's best movies it's especially fun when you have to agree that bob's best move is to take out one of your own pieces the mugging rule in monopoly if i land on a space that you are currently occupying i can choose to mug you we take turns rolling the dice if i roll higher i steal 100 if you roll higher i go to jail in trivial pursuit we have a rule if the player being asked doesn't know the answer they can ask the room the room doesn't actually answer but they say whether they know the answer or not if nobody knows the answer it's considered an invalid question and another card gets drawn instead if someone in the room does know that the player being asked doesn't then it's just a plain old pass my dad knows a lot of stuff i mean a lot when he was a kid he read the encyclopedia britannica for fun basically the rule was born from if even dad doesn't know the answer then nobody doesn't it's a terrible question i like this rule my family has done similar before with other trivia games but on a regular basis i might propose this become a thing at the next board game night in the game of life we would put the white car on top of the middle building of the three white buildings together the first person who got there got to take the white car and it was worth one million dollars at the end of the game at the end of scrabble you make up a story with all the words on the board we never looked at the tiles for scores we just played to get the best words on the board whoa that sounds lovely actually good to spark creativity as well nukes and risk if you roll three sixes when attacking you defeat every army on the territory you're attacking into if you roll three ones you nuke yourself and lose every army in the territory you're attacking from my mates and i play risk all the time might introduce this rule to them if you say sorry while playing you know you pick up two cards slap that plus four down with authority also if you have exactly the same card as the one that has just been played you can jump in and play your duplicate regardless of if it's your turn or not if you're playing against a canadian this just guarantees your victory from the start we have a deca of monty python playing cards which includes in addition to the normal 52 the four one stroke two of spades and the fifteen of hearts rather than just using them as jokers we add them to every game we play i need this deck in a no we draw cards until we can throw one down no limits we have had to buy a second deck because of this we also possibly lost friendships over at two my brothers and i play like this i won a game and they kept going for second third and fourth place and nobody got second for 45 minutes it was agonizing seeing them keep going and going and going are any of your families looking to adopt a 38 year old my family didn't play board games growing up and my kids are too young or unable to play guess i have to wait longer come join us at our board games and revel in excitement about awesome board games wallow in misery about not being able to play as much as we want risk each player has to choose their military theme music to play on their move for example german military marches red army chorus ominous movie music etc all moves must end with the attacker saying these concludes my territorial demands as if you were a warlord facing a cowering princeling yes in cayton when you roll a seven or play a knight you have to move the robber but you can't move it back to the desert and claim any resource you want from the bank this is funny to me because i came to post basically the opposite for caton my family does extortion on 7s as soon as you roll it you get to argue with people about why you shouldn't put the robber on them and if everyone bribes you then you put it on the desert every time dad farted everybody else got 100 monopoly small compensation for the nasal assault love dad but jesus he smells like something crawled up his arse and died dad you stunk up the hotel i ain't paying rent phase 10 after a person has laid down if their set has any wilds other members are allowed to take the wilds as long as they provide the card the wild was representing you're only allowed to do this if you can lay down in the same turn hijacking this comment with another phase 10 rule instead of picking up one card from the deck or discard pile we have a rule where you can pick up the entire discard pile so long as you can use the top card to go down very oft when you're making sets of two or three if the color red is getting played in the card game no nobody is allowed to talk you have to pick up one card for every word you say my flatmates and i had double points if you can use it as a funny word for genitals in a sentence in scrabble rule flaps ming tea bubbas tinkle etc in carcassonne i always play where everyone draws a tile at the end of their turn so they have everyone else's turns to consider what to do with it one fun rule to occasionally play with is starting with three tiles and drawing when you place one we always play with the draw at the end of the turn it speeds up the game immensely when you have a procrastinator tim my girlfriend's family award 400 pounds if you land on go in monopoly it's still 200 pounds for just passing but you get double if you land on it i just looked this up because i was sure this was an actual rule i guess it isn't risk we added a path from madagascar to western australia because we thought since every other continent has more than one border to defend it was a bit op for australia to only have one point of entry i've played risk video games where australia is connected to argentina when we played the card game illuminati we somehow ended up making it a rule that when you laid a card down you had to say i know this will surprise you but the x control the y and sometimes it was just so mismatched we'd be all actually yes this does surprise me in high school my group of friends loved to play clue unfortunately we found the game got a bit stale after a few nights of playing so we actually designed our own board extension containing additional rooms and created new cards for extra weapons and characters so it was more challenging to determine who the killer was scrabble my grandma and i would call it substitution basically if the person before you played bat and you need a b to get the word you want then you can change out the b in bat with the c in your hand as long as it makes a word on the board in any direction then you are able to change letters around this makes scrabble wire more fun imho with being able to work the board and get bingos multiple times in a row adds a lot of strategy to the game my sister and i play life sucks it's life but you only get paid if you land on payday not if you just pass it basically you end up with a pile of loans and it's a struggle to get out of debt guess who no questions about appearance instead we ask questions like has your person ever pooped on a train or does your person have strong opinions about fonts that's how i used to play but i won't tell my opponent that they would just think i was a crazy person ask a ridiculous question then arbitrarily flip faces down with all the confidence i could muster the look of amazement on my opponent's face when i won was priceless it's only ever happened once the phantom when playing cards against humanity a random card is added by the phantom each round surprisingly the phantom frequently keeps up with us it's a lot of fun when everyone says oh that was the obvious best one then realizes no one is claiming it as someone mentioned the standard rules call this game play rondo card vision and rondo has beat our asses more times than i like to admit i think it's the sheer randomness that makes it hilarious leading it too often being chosen we have a generic version of jengar that has the company name printed on one of the logs when someone pulls that log they have to yell kelbasa in fozzy bear's voice keel basar it never gets old boggle youngest child is allowed one and two letter words since she's learning to read and she's allowed to have her sight words list available for reference to help her practice them so far it's working because she's finding three and four letter words on her own no stack draw 2s or draw 4s until you can't nomo unfortunate soul that can't stack draws all be upon gentleman's rule if the ball rolls back you fight to retrieve it wiener gets a free shot trick shots must be very specific in nature because all loopholes are fair game canasta the unicorn all wilds canasta worth 2 000 points this causes table flips in settlers of cayton we made the 2 and the 12 a pair so that if one rolls players can collect resources on both numbers we also play that the robber can't steal from a player until he or she has at least three points showing on the board both rules just speed the game up a bit i got interested in chess when i was six years old which was right around when the lion king came out my dad was the one teaching me and since he didn't know english very well at the time he taught me things in spanish the term for checkmate in spanish is jake mate the jar is pronounced like ha but since i was so obsessed with the lion king i used to just call it hakuna matata and it became the thing to say when you win it was just one of those dumb things that little kids say because they think it's funny but it stuck for those couple of years i was really into chess i love this we had a german nanny as a kid who taught us how to say surprise in german we messed it up and would just say eat a mushroom yes of me and my brother jumping around corners and telling people to eat a mushroom no i refuse to look up what it really is when someone rolls a yahtzee everyone playing has to scream yahtzee at the top of their lungs it's pretty silly but it's hilarious i feel like people who don't do this are the weird ones initial rule for all games winners have to clean up the game however my brother found a loophole whenever he was about to win he would quit so he wouldn't have to clean up revised rule quitters have to clean up the game if no one quits winners clean up the game whoa nothing would ever convince any of my family members to quit if it looked like they were winning i don't think the words i don't want to win have ever been uttered in my family you know if you have the exact same card that has just been laid you can play it even if it's not your turn and play continues from you this makes a lot more exciting and faster game as everyone has to be watching and quick a co-worker broke her finger with this rule and another one broken off his chair while playing in lunch time use this rule wisely not my family but we added the rule of just being ballsy and make an accusation when you think you got the person place and weapon include previously we can make a suggestion and an accusation on the same turn [Music] in monopoly my family added a rule that if you are super rich you can pay to change a rule this was to make the game more realistic and we made a bond system like stock bonds to help the bank when he was running out of money and a debt system clue miss scarlett is not the color i got a nice anniversary edition of chloe for my birthday when i was a kid and of course i wanted to play as miss scarlet because she was the pretty one well somehow miss scarlett was the killer the first two times we played this really upset me i didn't want to be the baby guy so the next time we played my mother pulled out the miss scarlet card before we shuffled and pulled the case file cards everyone got to start the game with one less suspect and i was happy love it we got ours from a thrift store because two dollars and after a few rounds discovered the game was missing the kitchen card now we just know it's not the kitchen and use it as a way to tease out the clue we're really after you know open conversation for players against the one who calls the no openly planning to make sure that person does not succeed does the person before them have any way to stop them no then do they have a reverse cause i got something for them what color you think they have whatever it takes my husband hates this teaming up and refuses to play that way we played like this not so much a rule as an emergent tactic if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] do bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 17,688
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Keywords: extra rules added, special rules, family rules, family rulebook, board game rules, games, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: 0ONxg5jz3Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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