They Were the "Perfect Candidate" for the Job Until..

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people who have hired other people what are some unexpected ways a candidate has disqualified themselves from decreased their odds of getting a position they applied for i recruit for the blue collar industry and there was a poor guy where english was second language who kinda struggled to understand me but we had samoan and tong and speaking staff who were assisting the recruit process we were through the interview process just and while pre-employment drug screening via urine sample i was explaining in depth i might add pee in the pot up to here close the lid bring to me for test the requirements of the test when he was taking quite some time to pee in the pot which can happen if people are a little nervous or shy i called out to see if he was okay which he said yeah boss about 10 minutes later he appears and the pot is securely wrapped in hand towel so as not to be on display i found this odd as the amount of urine samples we do meant we were so used to handling pee it was second nature he looks a little sheepish and coy very telling of someone who perhaps was a little nervous they might fail i took the cup from him with sanitary gloves on of course and proceeded to unwrap the pot in order to undertake the test i gagged when i realized he had shoveled his crap into the pot assuming he needed to provide a feckle sample what possessed him to think we wanted to analyze his crap is beyond me fair to say we couldn't employ him on that day on that basis i sent him away after some explanation and he was quite embarrassed having saved him all the embarrassment i could he came back the next week to correctly complete the test after i'd set him up wth a colleague and proceeded into a job the very next day two years later he is one of our most reliable and hardworking staff i once saw a resume that stated they were a valid victorian either they were trying to say they were top of their class or that they were a genuine person from 19th century england neither of which were true in my job i've interviewed hundreds of individuals one that stands out was for an entry-level retail position i called him and for an interview and after introductions brought him up to the break room for the interview itself as the training room was a news he was a kinda sketchy looking individual wearing a beat up black cap and what looked to be a dirty hoodie but i didn't think too much of it because uh i did call him an on short and notice i don't like to judge a candidate solely on how they look and see it's retail what do you expect candidates to look like i excused myself for 30 seconds to check in on my trainee and when i came back the candidate looked a little uncomfortable not thinking much of it we start the interview asking the standard questions about what he's done previously why he wants to work here etc i notice he continues to look uncomfortable and it almost looks as though he's hiding something in his hands i eventually ask if there's something wrong i can assist with and he comes clean he explains he has a fistful of candy jelly beans in this case and he's not sure what to do with them i'm a bit gobsmacked and have questions which i wish i would have asked where did he get this candy why did he think it was a good idea to eat candy in an interview what was he going to do with this candy as i tried to articulate a response he exclaims i know and proceeds to shove the entire handful into his mouth and this isn't a couple jelly beans this is a massive handful of now sweaty sticky candies that he has just thrown into his mouth and he starts chewing and chewing his hands are stained and he's really working his jaw due to the sheer amount and chewy nature of them i swear 30 seconds pass before he finally gulps them down and asks calmly you were saying needless to say the interview did not continue much longer than that and unfortunately the candy man did not get a job with us not my story but an old professor of mines but it's too perfect not to use a long time ago his department was looking to hire some kind of new junior assistant professor type they had narrowed it down to two healy qualified guys both fresh out of grad school they knew they were going to hire one or the other as a final step of the process they decided to take both of them out to dinner separately the first guy is cordial throughout the whole thing seems to get along with everybody seems just fine then at the end of the meal he picks up his empty plate and licks the whole thing clean like tongue flat against surface of the plate covering every inch of it until it's clean in the middle of a nice restaurant then he just sets the plate down like it was the most normal thing in the world everyone just stares at him and then awkwardly try to just wrap things up afterward they laugh about it to each other like wtf what a bizarre and unnecessary way to throw away a near clinch on a good job opportunity so then they take the second guy out almost just a formality at this point again everything is fine he's polite seems perfectly qualified seems to know the right things to say then at the very end they ask him if he had any questions for them he pauses and thinks for a moment then goes so what is the student teacher dating policy after with the other professors are sitting around together and one of them goes well looks like we're hiring the plate liquor first one to make me laugh out loud worked in onboarding for a while basically just putting people that other folks hired through the hiring process one guy wouldn't answer any of my calls emails or text messages then in reply to emails from the hiring manager said i hadn't attempted to contact him at all hiring manager sat two desks over from me and had listened to me leaving voicemails for three days a guy promptly lost all chances of the job and he accused me of not doing my job my wife once interviewed a man who refused to speak to women due to religious reasons this meant he would not speak to her during his interview she tried to stress to him that she was the manager for the position in question and would be the person conducting the interview she asked him questions for 10 minutes none of which he answered she said it was incredibly uncomfortable the strange thing was as he was not a new hire and had like 12 years experience at another company not sure how you can make it 12 years when refusing to work with or talk to women i was teacher and one time i had a parent teacher conference in which i mentioned that their son seemed to have a hard time following directions the dad said basically that's what he taught his son that he never has to listen to a woman they also believed that their daughter's education wasn't important because she was pretty opening line of the covering letter of their application today is the day when my worst fears were realized from there it was a litany of everything that had ever gone wrong in their life sadly it also seemed like they were the result of consistently bad decisions i'd have thought that they were deliberately trying to throw the application except that it just had so much excruciating detail it was a lot of effort candidate arrived in rollerblades stayed in rollerblades the whole interview he used the word blade instead of walk or go for the whole interview can't tell if i was being punked some more details he was in his early 20s resume was good but not great the whole rollerblades thing wasn't a deal breaker but it definitely didn't help he insisted on sitting on the desk rather than on a seat so his rudder blade feet could just hang i had to insist a couple more times throughout the interview for him to reluctantly take a seat which didn't help either the applicant listed several non-profit community organizations he had served as a volunteer only to discover that those entities didn't exist apparently he thought that being associated with charitable groups would strengthen his resume and that they'd never be contacted for verification you must be mistaken my friend insisted that the human fund was a reputable charity when he donated to them in my name when i managed a retail store it wasn't uncommon for people to bail on job interviews with last minute or no notice but there was only ever one person who no show the interview and then called the next week asking if they got the job yes you did you started yesterday but you didn't show up so you were fired do you guys drug test yes we do for like all the drugs yes okay thank you for your time and then he got up and left at least he was honest so it can be a good idea to call and check on your application but don't call the store ask for the owner and see if he's looked at your application one hour after you left it with u.s this person actually called three times throughout the day and each time we told her the owner will review your application tonight after we close as this is the busiest time of year for us spring at a greenhouse it is less good than i thought to make a follow-up call so my comment reflects this now i'd put money on this being her parents doing there have been times when i've had to lie and tell my dad that yes i had called the company multiple times that day because he thought a higher calls per hour rate led to a better chance of getting hired we had a guy come in for an interview and he showed up a full 40 minutes prior to his scheduled interview one room office shared by three people so there's no good place for him to wait i said you can go to the coffee shop next door and come back at the scheduled time he said no i'll just wait here i have a phone call to make he proceeds to have a very loud phone conversation in our one-room office when it was finally time for his scheduled interview he was still on the phone and actually shushed me and said i'm on the phone 10 minutes later he was ready to be interviewed not even sure why we proceeded with the interview but it was over quickly and his resume was in the recycle before the door even closed i feel like i generally understand people but then things like this happen and i'm just lost applicant so you'll do background checks criminal history for this job right me yeah applicant so the court messed up and when you run my background it's not gonna say statutory but it was totally just statutory oh jesus i work at a hospital on a medseg floor we have a two-part interview one with the unit manager and one with either a nurse or an aide we have a series of questions to ask based on a survey they fill out on the end of the application she managed to make her way to me and this was her response to a question if you saw a co-worker doing something unethical like stealing from a patient what would you do it depends if it was valuable or not i mean who hasn't stolen something before i had to take a personality test for a retail job once the test was all questioned like agree or disagree it's okay to take money out of the till sometimes or everyone steals from the register from time to time at first i was all heck no that's stealing but by the end of the questionnaire i thought maybe it was much more widely accepted than i thought i was hiring in pharmaceutical sales and it was a large drug launch for it to be newly approved products so they were hiring like 200 people nationwide because of this first step was a phone screen with us then a video interview with the hiring manager before flying candidates out for the final panel interviews where they would meet with five individuals vps of hr and sales of each region and sales directors for those territories because of this we were very strict with the interviews and who moved forward which means it really sucked when a guy went into his final panel interview and started doing magic tricks very seriously he started pulling flowers from his sleeves and he tried to vanish an interviewer's coffee but ended up spilling it everywhere instead in that same round of hiring we also had an individual who did his video call from his coffee table he sat on the floor and he had someone ring his doorbell from the conversation with the hiring manager he asked politely if he could go answer the door in case it was an emergency she said sure no big deal and the guy stood up flashing his tighty wetties she didn't say much about it when he came back but needless to say she couldn't stop laughing when she told us about it tl dr don't do magic tricks in your interview unless you're interviewing to be a magician if you do a video interview please wear all of your clothes pants included fancy shirt with no pants in recruitment we call that the clothing mullet doing a tech screen phone interview and you could tell the guy was googling his heart out every time we asked a question he would say hum let me think about that for a second the background ambient noise would cut off and then cast back on a second later and he'd start reading off stuff from the top google result i once called a guy for his scheduled phone interview and he answered the phone as if he thought i was a telemarketer he was incredibly rude and asked who i was at least three times before understanding i was calling to interview him after realizing his mistake he wasn't even apologetic for yelling at me it was a tense interview and he did not move forward my boyfriend just told me the story of a new bartender they hired who got fired after one day why she couldn't open a can of beer had a guy who reluctantly told me he used to work at an adult shop to try and save him from feeling weird i told him that my wife has always found it fascinating and would love to work in one his response well isn't he a freaking weirdo if i was the interviewer i'd have to leave the room i'd be laughing so hard i hope there was no pause and he just said it without having to think that would make it 20 times funnier i once interviewed a candidate for an accounting position at the non-profit i was working for it was early in my career and i hadn't conducted many interviews i'm certain i was more nervous than the candidates one applicant came in and after introductions and shaking hands i offered him a seat and took my own to begin the interview when i looked up he was standing at attention when i asked him to take his seat he refused and referenced his military service i tried to press forward and engage in a conversation but the awkwardness of speaking to a tall person who was standing just a few feet away from me only grew in the end i thanked him for his service and eliminated him from my list yeah i've interviewed former service members they sit down when you tell them to take a seat sounds like the guy was either faking his military service record disgustingly super common or he was just kind of a douchebag one guy cited his driver's license as a professional certification this was for a software development role unless driving was a significant part of the job description that makes absolutely no sense i'm a lobby guard so i don't do the interviews however i have had interviewers ask me how the interviewee behaved in the lobby while waiting most just sit there twiddling their thumbs nervously bit nine stroke ten times those who ask me questions about the company and or the team they are interviewing for are hired and 10 stroke 10 times people who are genuinely rude to me are never hired i used to be a manager where we did a lot of hiring i've probably now hired hundreds of people and looked at thousands and thousands of resumes my lady with an mba applied at first glance she seemed interesting then when i googled her school it was clearly a degree mill with a somewhat similar name to a real university dude told me the only reason he was applying was because he was ordered by a judge to get a job because he was years behind on his child support when asked what the story was on his lengthy employment gap he said he had quit working to avoid paying child support to top it off he clearly wasn't qualified for the position and had lied his way into the interview and what i'm guessing was some kind of malicious compliance with the judge's orders a dude asked my co-worker on a date during his interview he didn't get the job of the date the entire job was doing phone support she said she didn't like talking on the phone dude stopped answering my question to tell me that wearing glasses was making my eyes dependent on glasses and i should stop wearing them his first question before we even started was about our gender-based harassment policy so were his second third and fourth questions including detailed scenarios i'm not sure if he was acting as a fetish but either way it wasn't great our male receptionist welcomed him and escorted him to the interview room where i was sitting he asked if we were waiting for the receptionist to return and asked if i would make him a coffee while we waited i explained i was the hiring manager and he laughed at how funny it would be to have a female boss because it was so unexpected when we started on the tech questions she said she didn't know how to use a computer and wasn't going to learn because they were too complicated she wasn't that old maybe mid-40s and it was only about 10 years ago i have no idea how she made it in the world about the female boss one a female friend of mine was interviewing someone together with a male colleague and the guy only made eye contact with the male colleague even if he was answering her questions people's nature comes out when they are stressed i work in software development as part of the interview process at my company our candidates interview over skype using a code-sharing website for them to complete a small and relatively simple problem to help weed out candidates who are dishonest on their resumes in one of my interviews i started with the usual introduction of myself my role within the company so on and so forth i introduce her to the task and explain that it'll be on a code sharing website and that she'll need to follow the link i will send her to access it i paste the link into the text window and explain to her how to access it some people haven't used skype before and don't know how to access text chat in a video call she smiles and nods and asks me when i'm done will you be writing the link on the whiteboard what whiteboard i look behind me and remember that yes there is a small whiteboard behind me and this woman was expecting me to handwrite the not so short link and she would read it off the webcam to type it into her browser no i explain i sent you the link within skype itself if you'll just click i'm forced to trail off as she reaches forward and picks up her webcam which i'm assuming was mounted to the top of her monitor i get a nice close-up of her eye as she appears inside the camera then turns it on its side to observe it some more i ask her what she's doing trying to find the link she replies dumbfounded i once again explained that the link was sent over skype and wouldn't appear behind me nor on the webcam she resumes the smile and nod routine as i ask her to follow my directions to access the skype text chat window i ask her to wave her mouse cursor over my face until she sees some buttons appear she takes her hand off the mouse raises it and waves it over the screen i explain to her again that she needs to use the mouse and she smiles and nods again after about 15 minutes of a 30-minute interview she did finally discover the link in the skype text chat but she proceeded to type it into her browser by hand she did not make it to the next round i got frustrated just by reading this on the inverse of this i went into a job interview where the manager said look i don't really care you are my 30th applicant in a week and everyone has failed the drug test if you can pass the drug test you are hired i don't even care about anything else anymore i passed it was an awesome job and he was a great manager i was doing a video interview with a candidate in a new office we were opening in another country for background it was for a tech company so we're a bit informal and i was wearing a company printed t-shirt so you could easily see i have tattoos this candidate calls in a few minutes late but i give him the benefit of the doubt on that we start talking and discussing the role when i hear his doorbell ring he gets up immediately yelling back to his computer that he'll just be a moment i can hear him let the dishwasher repair person and be guided to the kitchen and told all about the problems with the dishwasher i sit there entirely dumbfounded but decide to continue the interview out of sheer curiosity the candidate came back about five minutes later answers some more of my questions and then i asked what questions he has about the role so i could wrap this up apparently this is what he was waiting for candidate it's so cool that you've got tattoos did you do them yourself me number do you have any role related questions candidate well i've done all mine myself let me show you the candidate proceeded to take off his shirt and point out each of his tattoos telling me his age for each one he even pulled his pant legs up to his thigh to show what he had done on his legs i was dumbfounded he offered to send me his portfolio he did not get the job this guy was applying to be a teacher's assistant whose main duty would be to help grade papers he had to analyze an essay one page it took him over two hours he handed the essay and there were two notes he took off a comma and added a period welp i scoured it for hours but could not find a single error aside from two minor punctuation errors this essay she is perfect was having a pleasant enough phone interview with someone and then they asked me to please hang on then i heard them place an order at the mcdonald's drive-through i wish i could say this only happened once had a guy bring his four-year-old to an interview it was fine until he didn't make him listen it was the middle of january and the kid continuously opens and closes the door while saying oh daddy it's cold outside i asked him to tell him to stop and he just kinda nodded up to me and let him continue it got to the point where i had to get up and lock the door kid made a huge fuss dad completely ignored him and i got to listen to a screaming kid for the next 10 minutes no higher i feel sympathy for single parents who don't have a good support system but letting your kid run wild during an interview seems insane to me by mentioning they would only be in town for a few months for a technical services job a few months is our training period my dad was interviewing someone at a restaurant for a leadership position at his consulting firm the restaurant brought over to go boxes for them to box up their food and the guy goes what we have to box it up ourselves pshhh instant disqualification the expectation that you wouldn't have to do such a simple task yourself and the arrogant reaction of almost disgust was plenty to disqualify him from the leadership position not the sort of helpful go-getter i can do that attitude needed in a professional consulting role i heard some responses to this on my last post which made good points some were that some people have never had a restaurant let you box the food up yourself and others just prefer the restaurant do it for them personally i think it's okay to be surprised that a restaurant asks you to do it yourself when you've never seen that before but you have to approach the new situation with humility and grace not disgust and arrogance if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 80,297
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Keywords: perfect for the job, job interview gone wrong, job interview gone bad, job interview gone wrong funny, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: dxo6-6SA1bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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