What is Adventure Time saying about LOVE?

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I need Finn to marry me I I love you so much it hurts that you're getting out of the romance Biz so what happened but let's just say the time has come to stop dating princesses and return to saving them and you're not just saying that to uh make yourself seem more attractive but where would I go without you I'll never know that song's about her isn't it of course it's not even subtle I stood by and allowed you to sacrifice yourself for me even though part of me should have known better one of my most favorite animated things that came out this summer was Fiona and Cake which was like the slightly more four adult audience um like sequel to Adventure Time um that was like so insanely good really well received I started watching that show when I was like 11 years old as a kid you pick up on some of these themes but I think like you know you just like lack the maturity to really like understand what the show is trying to say wow I wrote that hot stuff what you don't remember what it means I would call it the hidden thesis of Adventure Time which is obsession is not love it was a theme that was so clear in Fiona and Cake especially through like Simon and Betty's relationship I stood by and allowed you to sacrifice yourself for me even though part of me should have known better when I realized it that was the theme of fion and cake I started to realize that maybe it was also the theme of the entire show in general so hear me out we're going to go through all of it before we get into the complexity that was Simon and Betty and student and professor and man and God we'll we'll get to that put a pin in that but I wanted to start small in the original series of Adventure Time Finn and his relationships that you're getting out of the romance Biz so what happened let's just say the time has come to stop dating princesses and return to saving them and you're not just saying that to uh make yourself seem more attractive yeah of course no games going on here they're always contrasted with Jake and his marriage to Lady RoR I'm a dad now it's a pretty big [ __ ] which is like seems fairly emotionally stable and they have children consider my counter offer father love I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love and because of the genetics of their kids Jake's kids outgrow him they like literally become older than him TV Viola Kim Kwan and this sweet little lady is Jake Jr so he can't be like a very present Father which was like one of my favorite plot lines in the original show I love all my little babies so much shouldn't you be at work yeah yeah yeah no I never even look for a job really but basically we see that like lady Raina corn and Jake are clearly in love with each other like he speaks Korean for her um but also at the same time like they have healthy boundaries and space from each other like Jake still lives with Finn because he kind of takes care of him as his older brother the matter will be settled on the Battleground all right the battleground of Love A but the most original like version of this theme is in the super early Seasons I almost forget about them sometimes but Finn's original romantic interest was uh Princess Bubblegum uh the maniac the psycho herself Finn you got to stop this jealous business she hates me now back before we knew that she was like as unhinged as she is but we like kind of like there were all these jokes where it's like oh you know pb's too old for Finn and like even as a teenager you kind of recognize that their Dynamic is sort of like a Dipper Wendy kind of deal I'm too old for you I mean you know that right or like Finn is too young for her but he doesn't really realize that and we actually don't realize that she's like way old like 800 or something like that I'll Google it she's like at least 400 years old right she's really old but back then we just assume she's like maybe in her 20s and Finn is like 11 or 12 in the first few seasons and as The Show Goes On he starts to become like very tormented by this idea that he really likes her and she's not reciprocating I was in love with you okay and you didn't let me back sometimes you want someone and you want to kiss them and be with them but you can't because responsibility demands sacrifice so he's like you know obsessed with her which like leads Finn into his first real relationship in the show which is with Flame Princess what's wrong with me huh you don't like me I like you which I thought like as a kid because I was sort of a late bloomer and I did not care about romantic plot lines when I was like 13 I don't know I that just was not my thing I used to hate this plot line which is really funny because as an adult I think it's really sweet and like Loki that Pixar movie Elemental is just a lame version of what Adventure D did years ago we like watch all of this come to a head in an episode where Flame Princess breaks up with F that letter said things in it that only you would know personal things Finn and you use them against me I need some time alone Princess and Finn like sets her up to fight the Ice King which like ends in disaster I don't like being made fun of Ice King that's like his first heartbreak and he's like learning you know the consequences of his actions of like being too obsessed with this [Music] girl sticks to me like a coat of glue I can't get over you I think what is better than the arc about their relationship is like everything that comes after but what I like is that like she's still a reoccurring character in the show you know like she had this whole other plot line going on with her and her dad and like Kingdom and like she was trying to take the Kingdom from her father she's an Unstoppable force of Destruction nothing a psycho like you can handle and she had this internal struggle of whether she was going to be good or evil because her dad was evil I have learned so much watching this beautiful woman work and with her example I have become a better man like she and Finn run into each other as they get as they become like older teenagers in the show and you know they kind of have like a cordial friendship for the rest of the show um Finn has this his whole heartbreak era and we kind of learned that like his one of his biggest weaknesses is his deep obsession with the girls that he falls in love with we both know you're totally in love with [Music] me so that's kind of where we'll leave Finn for a second because I feel like we need to get into the more obvious comparative which is Ice King who literally kidnaps women for like multiple Seasons before we get any context on that at all he is a person defined by Obsession he's clearly obsessed with these relationships with women that don't uh that are not reciprocated he does not care about consent um he's obsessed with his Penguins I will penguin here for visual aid the character who we find out later is like has has been driven mad he's not even himself um and his Madness is like very defined by his obsession with his loneliness which I've always found like really interesting and sad there are like multiple episodes where uh one of my favorites I always talk about this episode is the episode with the lifegiving Mages where he Ice King tricks him into touching his furniture which like turns them sentient um and his hope is that his furniture will then become his friend group um and then like all of his furniture have party without him because they hate him Aristotle once said nature abor a vacuum then why do I love doing this so much excuse me I have to silently back away now what what are you talking about you cry in the night times we all hear you crying he needs to hear more devastating truth so it's like there's these multiple episodes there's one where he kidnaps a ton of princesses and puts them all in a cage and Finn is also kidnapped and like Ice King's trying to throw like a party for them and the way that he gets defeated in the end is that they like throw a party inside the jail cell and when they trick him into like opening it cuz he just wants to be a part of the party they like knock him out and they all Escape who what's happening because I left the room because they like it here because they like you because you're a really fun guy I don't get this [Applause] [Music] wait no don't leave everyone was finally warming up to me no that is not the case later in the show when we learned that he was not always crazy and that he used to be a normal man before the crown and that he was in love with a woman hello my name is Simon Petrov after purchasing this Crown I brought it home and excitedly showed my fiance Betty the Visions I fought with them sh shouted at them until I realized it wasn't real it was the crown and saw my fianceé in front of me looking at me with such contempt all I know is I never saw Betty again I always interpreted that to be like oh this is an explanation for even in his like crazy mind that he's like obsessed with these princesses and kidnapping them because in some way they're like a standin for Betty and then maybe Betty my princess maybe you will love me again please love me again Benny um which is really sad so I feel like the show is setting up like all these examples of obsessive love or just Obsession in general and I feel like the show is constantly trying to communicate that being obsessed with someone or being obsessed with the idea of them um or being obsessed with the loss of them all of these things are negative outlooks on life negative outlooks on love what your feeling is called infatuation the pain is a product of you overvaluing a projected imaginary relationship with me so many examples of I think healthier positive love relationships um a main ones I think about is Marceline and the Ice King before he turns back into Simon um because their whole backstory is that like before he lost his mind he was sort of a father figure to her but now that he has lost his mind he doesn't really even remember her anymore um but we see that you know like she plays basketball with him and hangs out with him and she worries about him um like he cannot reciprocate this love or care that she's giving him because he's just you know like physically incapable of it Simon what are you doing here and all my friends were in great danger and horrible torment and you wanted to help no I felt left out I'm just a phone call away you know I'm sorry Simon next time for sure she's loyal to him that's a really important part of her character development like we really start to know and like her after we learn more about her relationship with Simon obviously her relationship with PB is like one to be discussed as well those are the relationships in the original show now I kind of want to move on to distant lands which are these sequel episodes that they made a couple years ago in this like Hiatus between Adventure Time ending and fion and Cake coming out I think the idea of Obsession and love is still really relevant in distant lands because let's like continue the thread of PB and Marceline they have a whole episode in distant lands that is all about their relationship before Adventure Time even started because that was a question that they never answered in the original show which is like at the start of the show even in the early Seasons you get this weird vibe that like they used to be together but they don't like each other anymore but you know like PB owns a shirt from Marceline and you know Marceline loses her stuffed animal and Princess Bubblegum is the first to help her and you're kind of like what's going on with them you know and they get together again by the end of Adventure Time but we never got the answer to the question like how' they meet each other why did they break up why did they not like each other for a while so this is one of my favorite distant lands episodes because it gives all that context and I feel like it just makes their characters and their relationship even more fulfilling to me like they are the epitome of two people who meet each other they're not right for each other at the time and then they take a lot of time away both of them being kind of immortal I feel like stretches this timeline which again I find like very funny and Charming but in their Immortal way they spend years and years apart growing as people you know you learn that Princess Bubblegum kind of knew the end of Adventure Time the original run you learn that she has crazy drama and like trauma related to her family and like how she came to like run the kingdom and of course like we've learned so much about Mar like her relationship with her dad uh in the nidos spere and also her past as a vampire hunter her past with Simon who like then became the Ice King like we learned that there is so much going on for both of them and they break up at the epitome of when their relationship is not functional cuz you left me drowning I'm so glad that I woke up I'm but I really took away from that episode that like people can be right for each other but the timing can be wrong and when you take time to develop as your own person you can have a more sucessful relationship which again I feel like plays into the not being obsessed with someone and being more personally invested in your own self-worth and your own growth and I think the epitome of that is in the distance land the distant lands episode that's about and Jake which this episode it destroys me emotionally so I'm like a little scared to even watch it again to make this video we know that Jake has died we get some context for this in a couple episodes in the PB and Marceline episode we see Finn as an adult um and he has like what seems to be a memorial tattoo of Jake on his chest because Jake is not with him so everyone watched that and was like oh my God Jake is dead and when I first saw that I was like uh I don't know like I guess like you know Adventure Time loves using lack of context to kind of deepen their lore a little bit so I was like okay I could accept that but like I would like to hear a little more um and then we did get that because the distant lands episode about Finn and Jake is all about how Jake dies probably like fairly soon after the events of like the finale of Adventure Time which is really sad um because we learned that like Finn has lived a lot of his life with Jake being dead and he's lived a pretty obsessive and like unhealthy life since Jake died because he wasn't ever able to get over his death which again whoa this was a kid show like where are we going with this um but I don't know I really liked this idea because the person that they set Finn up to be in the original show was someone who's like obsessed with heroism and he's obsessed and codependent really with Jake as his older brother no no no no no Jake [Music] Jake because as we discussed Jake still lives with him takes care of him looks out for him even though he's like a married man with kids I think it's sort of a bold stance to say like oh this character that you've looked up to and for someone my exact age you liter I literally grew up with Finn like I was his exact age when I started watching the show that you know despite like his Good Deeds or despite his good traits he's still a person who's like deeply flawed and I think what's true for a lot of people is like we don't know how to grieve loss we don't know how we don't even know where to begin with that and loss can like totally destroy you and you know it's like who's to say that that will ever change or end for some people there is just an obsession and a love that is too strong to ever fully be functional after such an intense loss Finn and Jake talk about how if one of them dies first uh they'll do like a clapping pattern like in the afterworld to find each other um so when we see old old man Finn finally die he becomes young again in the afterlife and he's like immediately doing the Clapping like trying to find Jake promise me you'll listen for this sound what just that there's a lot of dead people there we might get separated G anyway your spiritual style and past life quoti usually what are you doing it's a signal Jake came up with so we could find each other if we got separated in death um and he's searching and searching through all the like the dead worlds and he can't find Jake and he starts to feel like Jake isn't even looking for him and then we find out that Jake is like at the highest dead world because he is the most enlightened between the two of them Jake why didn't you wait for me I was hanging out Nirvana beyond all desire when I picked up your Vibe I'll see you when you get to the 50th wait I'm not doing fine you ding-dong I don't you care I wish I could help but I moved beyond all this stuff which means that he wants for nothing and he's fully accepting of life and death as it is um which is very not true for bin because he is established to be like a man obsessed and he always has been in love and in heroism and in everything and I think that's like something that as a kid we look up to him for because it's amazing to see like a character obsessed and motivated uh for you know to achieve things but as an adult we get to see how this mentality makes him like very codependent and very miserable honestly and they have like this Reunion where Finn is really resentful of Jake for seemingly having moved on and being like enlightened found that episode really really touching because it's so it's so difficult it's expressing things that even though I'm like saying things right now I feel like you just have to watch it and like understand and feel the emotions of it because it's expressing things that are beyond words honestly like obsession is a form of love for sure but I think what the show is trying to say is that it's not exactly our healthiest our healthiest way to relate to someone that we care so deeply about um which is why I was really shocked by where Fiona and Cake goes oh Betty because it unpacks the relationship that I honestly really revered in the original series which is Simon and Betty Betty is this woman that the Ice King knew when he was a human just a human man Simon um before he put this crown on and it drove him insane and in the original series we don't know much about them just that they worked together and eventually Betty becomes a reoccurring character because she literally like steps through time I'm a years in the future love I open this portal so we could say goodbye you're dumping me you dum [Music] dum when she steps through time to get to the Ice King and then she spends a ton of the later Seasons doing all sorts of crazy things she gains magical powers using science to try and like fix the Ice King basically to like bring back Simon and like undo The Madness of the crown um and I always like I remember like before F and Cake came out I would always say like oh my God like I would love to do like a Simon and Betty cosplay I found it very interesting when I was watching Fiona and cake with a couple friends who know Adventure Time but definitely not like to the level that I would like to speak about Adventure Time I was telling them oh like I'm so excited for this like I love Simon and Betty and then they finally F and cake shows their meeting and I find it so interesting because my friends were like oh did they were they always like student and Professor that's like a little bit interesting their power Dynamic there is a little bit weird excuse me Dr Petrov oh a library girl oh you you remembered whatever I'm sure the show isn't going to address it whatever they're probably not even thinking about this so imagine my surprise when the rest of the show literally ends up being this diagnosis of their relationship and finally like a recar characterization of Betty that I thought was you know obviously as a young woman really resonated with me which is that she gave up everything to be with Simon she gave up her research she gave up her life but I can't I'm sorry for messing everything up wait Betty bet however it has to happen I wish for the power to keep Simon safe and then she literally steps through time and spends her future life also dedicated it all to him but where would I go without you which you know it's again it's that Obsession that's romanticized but I love that fan cake finally like deep analyzed that because all of her plotline is about how unfair that is to a person I just thought that was like such an emotionally mature take and it's a it continues this theme which is that Obsession alone is not romantic love and it's interesting right because like the ending of the original show is so tragic because again she gives up everything for Simon she literally like merges with a giant God and we're like unsure if she lost all of herself in that transformation but she saved Simon's life to do that oh Betty is that what it was like I stood by and allowed you to sacrifice yourself for me I could have made the effort to support you the way you always supported me let's go check out some petroglyphs really you do that for me but wait this isn't how it happened no we made our choices I never really thought about it that deeply I was like wow so tragic like their story is basically just two people who can just never get the timing right but upon further deeper reflection I think it's so so much deeper than that because fown cake becomes almost a meditation on like the lengths a person has to go to sometimes to regain their own sense of self and their own empowerment um because this thing that we initially assumed that like Betty has destroyed herself to save Simon Betty are you in there even a little we learn that she has become this ginormous like all powerful God that literally can like destroy the Lich like this answer me what more could I have done what do you want from me now oh we learned that like through that episode she is sentient enough to be able to still communicate this to him even though she's no longer vocal and he she doesn't seem to respond to anything he says to her no we made our choices we could have made better ones but I don't have any regrets there are so many themes that could be unpacked in Fiona and Cake but that was my main takeaway I liked that it didn't fully condemn their relationship because it's really true that you can gain a lot of Happiness from a love that is very based in Obsession I think that's like something most people can relate to and I think what was the most relatable about it is that sometimes only in hindsight can we realize that that was the dynamic going on and it's hard to accept because you want to just believe that you were in love or you experienced love like that's such a magical thing you know why why go back and like recharacterize it some other way but I think what the show is expressing and what I also think is probably true about life is that it's healthy to revisit our own relationships and Dynamics and figure out you know like what motivates them and if that's really healthy and if there are like healthier ways to experience or express love either way there are so many other themes going on um in Fiona and Cake even based in other relationships that like I talked about in this video I think it's really interesting that we see like even though Marceline is a very important part of Simon's story and his backstory and a lot of like why he feels good about himself is that he was able to take care of her for so long um we also like Marceline's strangely not present in uh Fiona and Cake very much even though she's like a fan favorite um and I thought that was really smart too you know because it seems like Simon is learning that even though he loves her and you know like he he knows that she loves her too he has to give her space because she is in her own relationship with PB now and you know she's an adult he's an adult um and I felt like that also expressed something really interesting just about like the phases of your life and the types of relationships that you have with people and just because things change doesn't mean that you don't love someone anymore please Simon I can help you with this yeah maybe one day you will but until then you have to stay Brave my Fearless Marceline but relationships go through all seasons of changes and I thought that was also a really interesting and smart decision um and yeah we even see in Fiona and Cake we see adult Finn in a couple universes but we do see like our original Finn for one episode and I found that like really touching and again sad because they have fully confirmed the death of Jake and we see Finn in this place where he's clearly not healed from it and we learned from distant lands that he basically never heals from it like he only in the afterlife fully experiences um like a Reckoning with this Obsession that he has with Jake um but we see in Fiona and Cake when he's probably like in his 30s or whatever that he tries to help Simon but he himself is still so debilitated by the death of Jake that he's fairly unhelpful even though you know he tries really hard and again that seems like really in character for Finn I love the moment when he says like I just love fixing people after he does something like totally unhelpful for Simon by like taking him out to the woods um and like making invite a bear or something that just like felt so richly in character for Finn and also so sad because it's sad to see like a character that you grew up with be so painfully human it's Why adventure time will always be my favorite cartoon because there I feel like is just a real human element to it that is unique to it and I really enjoyed piona and cake so if you have thoughts if you think I was totally off uh if you have your own experiences let me know and if you want me to talk more about Adventure Time oh baby just say the word okay bye you were a wonderful experience you were everything
Channel: FayeMaybe
Views: 240,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nnngwzstz6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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