What Is a Three-Way Handshake in TCP?

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[MUSIC PLAYING] We took a look at doing a three-way handshake. I want to remind you how that works. And we'll look at one with a protocol analyzer if you want to. So this may be enough. So this host wants to talk to that host. The very first thing it does, if I typed in Telnet to that IP address, or to that name, what would be the first thing that happens? So I'm sitting here and I say, "Telnet space bubba.com." What's the first thing that happens? DNS. DNS. Fantastic. Then, after that we have an IP address, we then, because we're using Telnet, says, "Oh, TCP." And TCP says, "I need to set up a three-way handshake." It creates a source port. And it goes the well-known port on the far side for Telnet, which is 23. And it sends its own SYN request. That's like me saying, "Robert, do you want to talk?" So that's the SYN. We acknowledge that, the server acknowledges it back to us, and says, "Hey, while I'm at it, because this is a bidirectional channel we're setting up, I'm also going to send you my own synchronization request." Meaning, OK, I acknowledge you want to talk to me, I'm game with that. And, by the way, do you want to talk with me? So, SYN request here. SYN request and acknowledgement sent back to the client, that guy who started it. So we have to do, finally, is recognize that we acknowledge the SYN request, and we're good to go. It's a three-way handshake. The numbers are funky, though. Can I point out the funky numbers? Now, do you need to know this for certification? Absolutely. In the real world, if you're troubleshooting at this level, you're way beyond CCNA. Fair enough. That's absolutely how it works. So, the guys in TAC who are digging deep into something might have to find out what's happening with an application. But, if I send a sequence number of 100, I will receive an acknowledgement back of 101. And these usually refer to bytes. So, if I send 1 byte of data with sequence number 100, basically, this client will receive it and say, "OK, I'm ready to receive 101." It's like pay it forward. So, if I say "SYN 100," he'll send ACK 101, and my next sequence number will be 101. So that's just from that part of the story. From his sequence number, he sent sequence number 300, so the acknowledgment that'll come back will be 301. It's interesting. It's not natural for a human being to say, "OK, I totally get that." But the concept is, Robert sends me up to 1,000 bytes. He sends sequence number 0, for example. He sends me 1,000 bytes, I'm going to send him an acknowledgement saying "1,001." Which is his cue is, "OK, great. I can pick up right at 1,001 and send him my next chunk of data." So it always increments by one? No. In real data? In real data, it never increments by one? How does it decide how much to increment by? By the byte count. So, in the slides, they use a window size of like 1, just an example. And, when we bring up a live protocol analyzer, I'll show you. But, if I'm sending 10 million bytes, I'm going to send maybe a sequence number of 1. I'll send you 1,000 bytes. You'll send me acknowledgement 1,001. And I'll pick up at 1,001 in that big-- But when you get the acknowledgement back, it's always one more than-- Yes. OK. That's what I was-- The acknowledgment is going to be whatever your sequence was plus 1. Thank you for helping me get that, to clarify your question. It'll always be the next number up. Flow control. Here's an idea. Just an idea. Let's say that you have a session established with TCP with the server. And you're having a great time. Data's going back and forth and back and forth. And the sender, which is usually the server, sends three chunks of data. And then, you're not ready to process them. Maybe your computer is busy, you can't handle it, whatever. Instead of sending an acknowledgement saying, "Oh, yeah, send the next piece," I can send an acknowledgement that says "Oh, wait. Even though I got 1,000 bytes of data, I need you to start at 500 again." And so it can send an acknowledgment that says 501 instead of 1,001. And that will train this guy to say, "Oh, OK. I'm going to go ahead and resend starting at 501, and I may not send as many next time, because something happened bad. And so I can shrink what's called the window size. So, instead of sending three chunks of data and then waiting for acknowledgement-- didn't work out too well. OK, let me send two. And, if that doesn't work, maybe I'll send one." So it's self-throttling if the network isn't working quite right or a PC isn't working quite right. Would we get any of this with UDP? There is no mechanism in UDP to even have a clue about the sequencing. It's all based on TCP. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Cisco
Views: 157,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: three-way handshake, syn ack, TCP protocol, microlearning
Id: LyDqA-dAPW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2016
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