TCP and UDP: Comparing Transport Protocols

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Music The two major protocols are TCP and UDP. Here's a side by side comparison of them. So here's where we started off and we launched off for the demo and the discussion. So with TCP, it's reliable. Why is that? Because it keeps track of the sessions. It cares. It's the protocol that cares. It's the guy who says, 1 of 2, 2 of 2, and I want to make sure I get these across. And that's when we think about transport layer. If you're thinking about TCP, that's what it's doing. It wants acknowledgements. It wants certified mail. It wants receipts to make sure all the data got there. Now, to do that, TCP uses something called a three-way handshake. Oh, three-way handshake-- what does that mean? Let's talk about rutabagas. Now, I don't recall what a rutabaga looks like, but I think it's a vegetable. So if we walked into a grocery store, and we said to some stranger-- not somebody who worked there. We walked up and said, do you know where the rutabagas are? He might just pretend he didn't hear us. Like, OK, OK. But if I walked up to that same guy and I said, hi, do you know what time it is? And he told me the time and had a little dialogue. And then I asked him, do you know where the rutabagas are? Like it or not, he knows I'm talking to him. So TCP uses-- before it actually communicates and sends data, it does a thing called a three-way handshake, and it goes like this. Can we demo this, Robert? Sure. OK. So you stay right there. OK. I'm going to say, hi, Robert. I'd like to talk to you. Is that OK? That's fine. Great. So that's a request to talk-- the acknowledgement. And then, if you had just asked me, will you talk with me? Will you talk with me? I will. And it's a three-way handshake because the request goes out to Robert. He acknowledges my request and sends his own request, and then, I acknowledge him. That sounds like four ways. It's four ways, but they do it in three packets. It's not my fault. But it is four separate things going on, but it's in three packets. So whether we love it or don't love it, they call it the three-way handshake, and TCP does it every single time. Before we start getting serious about Telnet or ATP or anything else-- it's called a three way handshake. We, also, do acknowledgments. UDP, on the other hand-- User Datagram Protocol-- is the protocol that couldn't care less. For example, if we took a brick and threw it over the wall and hope it lands, that would be a perfect example of UDP at layer-4. It doesn't check. It doesn't want receipts. It just says, I hope it gets there. It's very similar to IP in that it is connectionless. It could care less about any type of acknowledgements or anything else. So why would anybody ever want to use UDP, which isn't reliable-- best effort-- as opposed to TCP? Why would we choose one over the other? Or why would the programmers who made it choose one over the other? Well, is it simpler? UDP is simpler. There's virtually nothing to track. I have my source port, my destination port, and, woohoo, it's gone. With TCP, I've got to track everything. This is segment 1 of 10, or whatever, and get acknowledgements. So it is simpler. And here's the real reason. If we're doing-- I don't know if it's ever going to catch on, but voice over IP, where people are using the data networks as an integrated network to cover voice and data and everything else. Voice traffic absolutely has to get there in a very good period of time. And because of that, the actual conversations on voice, we use UDP for. We don't want an acknowledgment. If I'm talking with you on the phone and a little teeny segment gets lost, it may sound like that or something. But I don't want an acknowledgment-- oh, I missed this. It's too late. So UDP is streamlined-- very little overhead, quick. Video applications, voiceover IP, they're using UDP for that. So here's the UDP header. This is the PDU-- the segment information that it adds. And you mentioned, Susan, it's simpler, and this is how simple it is. It's going to add the source port. What are we going to use for the source port? I forget. Whatever. You got it. Something higher than 1,024. And what's the destination port going to be? It would depend on what program we're going to run. So if we are running DNS, the destination port for a DNS request would be the well-known port of 53. If we're using Trivial File Transfer Protocol, the destination port would be 69. And there's a little-- if we go back here real quick and print, play. There's also a checksum, here, at layer-4. So we can, at least, verify, mathematically, that I have a segment. I do a little mathematical formula, tag it at the end. The receiver can do a little mathematical formula compared to what was sent. If it matches, it was exactly-- hasn't been modified, hasn't been mangled in traffic. Quick example of a checksum, which applies to layer-2, as well. Let's say the Declaration of Independence is going to be signed. We have all signed, and we want to ship it to England. I should use a more generic example. We have a document that we are going to send across the ocean, and then, we want to verify that no words were changed in transit. We could have a formula where we say, let's take all the Es. We'll count the number of Es, and on the backside, write the number of Es, but not tell anybody what it means. So, then, the other side, when they get it, they can count the number of Es. If it matches, and it says, well, there's 25 Es. I counted 25 Es, it's a very good chance that the data hasn't been modified. That's like what a checksum does for a living. Except, we use the entire packet, and we do a really quick mathematical formula. So if anything got dropped-- we lose a bit-- it can check and verify that with the checksum not matching.
Channel: Cisco
Views: 68,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TCP vs UDP, Transport Protocols, comparing TCP and UDP
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2016
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