What is a Power Rake? Soil Conditioner? Harley Rake?

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hello we're here on a job that we were at in the fall where we ditched this whole light uh left-hand side going up through and uh we're back this spring uh we were able to get onto the back roads now that things have dried up a bit and i had some material delivered earlier today before we got here and now we're going to grade the driveway end to end and re-crown it and roll it make sure all the water rolls off like it's supposed to and ashton here is going to be running the camera for some close-ups of the power rake because i've been getting a lot of questions on how the power rake power rake works so i'm gonna try to answer those today so anyway let's get started let's talk about what a power rake is it's a standard flow attachment you can get it for a skid steer or a tractor this one here is a caterpillar brand seven foot power rake so it has a steel drum with a bunch of carbide teeth on it and when used correctly this thing can grade gravel topsoil stone whatever you're putting down whether it's on the lawn or in somebody's gravel driveway so very handy this one's hydraulic angle like i said seven feet and right here i'm going over first pass the ungraded portion of the road this thing will take out any high spots fills in the low spots those pans on the edges keep the material flowing forward and keep it from falling off and just in one pass going in like an inch inch and a half deep you can see it's already starting to fix some of the imperfections in the driveway so you can run this thing forward or backward you can change the direction of the drum when you're moving forward the drum is turning back towards you so that it kicks material forward so you'll see on this pass same thing next half of the driveway just cutting off the top filling in some imperfections and low spots i'll come over and start carving that shoulder off so ultimately when we're done i have a nice crown on it and the water will be forced down the hill it'll be able to fall off into the ditches like it's supposed to thank ashton for the cool camera work he hung out with us for a couple hours while we did this driveway to get some better perspective on what exactly this thing does see it's filling in that low spot right there and then as you get to the end of your run you're just slowly lifting up on the unit and there you go [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so i sped this clip up a little bit to save some time but this is the final pass coming down the driveway as you can see it's nice and smooth last pass you're just tickling it so you can move pretty quick i always run this in creep mode but at this point i'm at like 16 or 17 in creep mode clipping right along um this is how most companies around here would leave it they'd consider this done but we will ultimately compact it properly because around here usually rains right after you do something like this and if you don't compact it all the stuff will wash away so we'll go hook up the roller and do that i can tell you the main reason i like this roller attachment over a self-contained roller is you can really roll those shoulders with a regular roller you try to drop down into that edge and compact that properly you're going to roll the roller over which is ironic but with this you can just drop the track right down in the ditch and give it good compaction on those shoulders well there we go wrapping up another project for a customer i hope this gives everybody a better perspective on how a power rake works power rake soil conditioner harley rake they're all the same thing just different manufacturers names for them so don't forget to like and subscribe thank you
Channel: VT Outdoor Services
Views: 60,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grading, Gravel, Driveway, Caterpillar, Kubota, Case, Deere, Volvo, JCB, Bobcat, Crushed, Soil, Conditioner, Power, Rake, Harley, Takeuchi, Skid, Steer, Skidsteer, Andrew Camarata, vbeltandson, Letsdig18, Roller, Cat, Compaction, Grader, Dump Truck, Cummins, Aisin, Ram, skid steer attachments, land management, Dirt Perfect
Id: Rk3bjJiIzus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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