Tilling a Yard with the T66 and Harley Rake

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all right on a job here to clean up a whole yard and for that i rented the harley rake for the bobcat and the goal here is to basically till up and level uh everything in the back here so there's quite a bit of a mess pretty much all weeds growing up back here hopefully not too many rocks but hoping that harley rake can pretty much you know rip all this up and uh level it out some also in the way back i really don't feel like walking back there because there's so many weeds but there's a giant portion of a giant tree that was cut down and left actually from where this stump was right here ground so i'm gonna see how what best i can level that out and see if i can move that tree in the back and then coming around the front here just more of the same there's a couple of stumps in here i have to try and avoid but it's a little bit of a mess so hopefully we'll be able to till all of this up as well all right so first i'm going to do is probably grab the bucket and try to move some of the items out of the way and double check that i don't have too many obstacles back there that are going to cause me to break anything so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so i took a quick drive around back here to see what was back here um looks like we just have that swing set the little bridge over there and then a couple of croppings of bricks and everything else which uh the previous homeowner left back here so i think ultimately before i even i'm able to hardly rake i'm gonna have to kind of just plow this whole area with the bucket to make sure that there's nothing huge just because there's you know just random decking back here and what what not and then in the back here where that stump that i just cleaned off was this giant tree that was just cut and left back here so he has a bunch of space back in the woods um and he said he just wants to push this back so i'm just gonna come back here and try to push as much as i can back and uh create some space for me to just kind of plow material back here a bit [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] hmm [Music] so [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] cool i'd say that works pretty good basically does what i wanted to here ultimately just want to re-till the existing lawn and then try to till back here as well so that i can really get the surface um leveled out and see what we have for soil though i tried to clean out as many rocks and bricks and everything as i could um a bunch of concrete over there i gotta take out when i bring the excavator over but you know hopefully nothing breaks nothing blows up when i'm just going back through so i'll take some short passes skim coating it and see what i hit [Music] so this is uh working really well i've been able to cut up and down here and i've hit some rocks and bricks but um largely it just kind of stops the drum it doesn't really blow them up so what i can do is i hit them with the drum then i just turn it off and just pull those and forward some so i kind of win plan on windrowing all of that stuff and then coming back through with the bucket and snagging out whatever i pull out down here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right so my dad and i ended up picking up this landscape break attachment from bobcat a week or two ago and that is because um pretty much the the day we went there to talk to them we were talking about all the attachments we were interested in and this was probably one of our number one attachments that we were interested in and it was mainly because we've done so many lawn installs cleanups and grading jobs where you just want to go through and rake the top surface and not really bucket it and not really deal with uh hand raking it so what this does is it has a bunch of tines that are driven on a chain and these will flick all of that material back into this bucket and then what you're able to do is lift this front portion up and dump the material out this goes by a bunch of different names i know that some people call it a soil preparator but at bobcat the soil preparator is a harley rake and this is considered a power rake or a landscape break so the naming conventions are all messed up but basically this is a landscaping rake in the sense that it will fluff and prep soil but it'll also be removing any of the excess material like any of this type of size stone that might be in the soil or sticks or weeds or whatever but it's not necessarily going to till the surface of the soil like a harley rake would it'll probably it'll mostly bounce over stuff like that but it'll rip up the easy stuff so we ended up getting this because after we had talked to our dealer our sales guy uh the next week after we picked up the machine somebody had purchased this brand new um didn't really know what it was or want it i guess after they had used it and returned it to bobcat and so he emailed us immediately and gave it to us 25 off so um these things are quite expensive and getting that kind of deal on a brand new piece of equipment when you're basically looking at used equipment that's that expensive uh was good so we went ahead and picked this up and i actually have a job for it today which is going back over to spread a bunch of loam for the gentleman that i cleared and graded out his yard with the harley rake initially so we're gonna go over there and make use of this so my back isn't broken this gentleman ordered six loads of topsoil so there are five in the back and then there's one up around the side um hopefully this shouldn't be too bad just some raking in the front and then the rest should be machine approachable so i'm gonna start in the front and try to get those piles set up it's really just up in this this corner where i can't turn the machine too well due to the trees and power line tie down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right so after looking at this a bit more and how it attaches to the machine when i was loading it i think what happened is this tube was in here this hose was in here like that it may have been wrapped up around the actual it may have been wrapped up around this other um hose but basically where this hose is is right around where these 90 degree connectors fit into the auxiliary hydraulics of the machine so i'm pretty sure what happened was is it got curled back and then the exterior of one of the hoses or both the hoses got pressed and then when i hit the auxiliary hydraulic the hose is tensioned up and the only way to relieve the tension was of course to push the hose out but since it couldn't it just sheared the actual connector otherwise the coupler heads look okay so it's just that one hose all right back a few days later dealer fixed up this fitting for me no problem um and ultimately just cannot curl back this bucket and accidentally open the lid at the same time because these will connect with the quick fittings and blow up so we got a whole bunch of rain from a hurricane that came up through the northeast and he had a couple more loads delivered that were intended to go to the back but it was just too wet to get them back there so i'm gonna have to transport these two piles to the back with the machine and then go through the whole thing with a rake [Music] me all right have the rake back on this let's give it another shot and uh not break it i start in the front again and my plan is to just rake from the front kind of up this way and just do lines all the way back and then any excess material will fill in stuff that i haven't laid out yet and garbage can just be dumped back there that i pull out when i'm breaking [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so i just finished up here got everything kind of raked out for him and prepped so they're still having a sprinkler company come in and put in a sprinkler system so it's going to get roughed up again when they're doing that and then hydra seating after that so in these small spots he's gonna take care of doing some final raking and everything like that [Music] so that landscape rake works extremely well when it's not broken it's really nice for just being able to uh churn up and level out a bunch of areas without having to get too detailed so one area that i couldn't really do too much with was where a septic tank was because i didn't want to break it or put the machine through it so this area he's gonna hit with an electric tiller that he has and just rake it out a bit because this is all pretty good loam up here and it'll take really easily on this side we added a bunch of the wood chips that he had to try and keep down the poison ivy and weeds that are growing over here and then he was also going to spread some of the extra material i left between those trees since i couldn't fit the machine between them and then back here we were able to level out all of the wood chips bury all the excess material that was pulled out of the yard and move all of the logs over to one side for him so once this gets some irrigation and seed it's going to be a really nice lawn
Channel: Carlson & Son Landscaping, LLC
Views: 96,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home, Improvement, Carlson, Landscaping, Property, Maintenance, Kubota, BX23S, Backhoe, Front End Loader, Bucket, Time, Lapse, Timelapse, fast, motion, speed, job, work, Weekend, Warrior, Backyard, cleanup, grading, clearing, stumping, rocks, material, spreading, Bobcat, excavator, e26, r series, digging, Grading, Loam, Loom, vines, weeds, plowing, dozing, dozer, cutting, stumps, t66, ctl, compact, track, loader, skid, steer, new, 2021, loam, soil conditioner, power rake
Id: zGdmHPpNPjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 52sec (3652 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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