The worlds Most Advanced Road grader!

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[Music] this Rod Grader attachment does one thing that no other skid loader attachment in the entire world can do but before we can get to that we've got to get it together [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right you guys I'm going to show you something that nobody else has and that is a rode Grader attachment that will fit on a skid loader or a tractor and it will Crown a road Michael hop in here guys this is Michael he's from Road Runner equipment how you doing Michael doing great so he flew all the way out here he contacted me I looked at this thing and when he told me that it could crown a road I said sign me up and I bought it probably the very next day just walk us through this thing really quick will you Michael yes so this is the Roadrunner C Series grader this is a dual hydraulic model which we also sell in a single Hydro okay okay so the Dual Hydro you've got one on this side and one on this side that gives you the ability to raise one side raise the other side and you can Crown going one way or going the other way whichever way you want and that depth adjustment is two inches below grade and two inches above grade and you can do that on either side because you have the ability to adjust left or right side to Crown okay okay [Music] [Music] yeah I'm gonna go just below grade just below red right there and the other side I'm going to raise I'm gonna raise off so what I'm technically going to do right now is I'm going to take the center of this road and I'm gonna kick it toward that edge I'm gonna put both of my skids down flat on the road and my wheels flat so that it's all levels foreign as I'm rolling along if I feel like I need to adjust that grade up or down on either side I can do it from inside of the cab with just the flick of a thumb so I'm going to try to grab this Edge and kick it this way so I'm attempting to Crown this way one thing to note if you're familiar with box graders the sides on this one are extra long which helps you to really grab a large pile of unwanted material and carry it a long distance to be able to move it off site and out of your work Zone okay how does that look [Music] s better than what it was [Music] let's raise that side up I'm gonna bring that side down and put both sides out foreign so I'm guessing some of you guys can look at this and tell that I'm starting to carry too much material but I can adjust that from inside of the machine so that's exactly what I do right here [Music] that took three passes on the front end of this you're gonna see you're gonna see two blades which are already angled this front end is a serrated edge and the back end is a straight edge that's serrated edge allows for any buried materials that have been washed out or covered in Grass what have you to come up to the surface roll over the top end of this front blade and go underneath of that smooth blade in the back to finish it out thank you okay so looking at it from inside of the cab I have a depth gauge over there and I have a depth gauge on that side and where your red bar is going to be your at grade point if you can see here you got black and then you go red add great yep you typically want to start that at grade when you're and then you have the ability to adjust the opposite side but when you're going in this direction and as you can see on this roadway you have that Mohawk grass stain up the middle yeah which you're going to be able to pull that out and then get your crown set okay foreign [Music] [Music] we can take this from the front of my skid dogger to put it on the back of a tractor right and that's all works right here right so this this model we we sent to you our beefiest Mercedes type version with the Dual hydraulic and the bolster wheel kit this bolster wheel kit is just assembled by a couple of bolts it comes right off uh you can put a three-point hitch on here which has category one and two available on it so that when you know depending on what tractor you have it's going to fit either either type cat one or two um the the welds are already here so even if you decide down the road hey I want to add that bolster wheel kit or I want to add that three-point hitch it's already there so you can add it on down the road this bolster wheel kit is about 330 pounds of add-on and that's just from here to here okay what that's going to do is it's going to lift the front end up off the ground slightly so that you don't get so much wear and tear and you take some of the shaking out of your gr your uh skid steer as you would typically get as you're grading along so it's going to give you a smoother ride and it's going to keep your shoes from wearing so quickly as you can take a look at those skid plates skid bars there those are made of steel and bolted on so they can be reversed once the front end starts to wear out so you've got this skid plate designed with this curve here and the curve on the back end here so you can just switch it around so when the front wears out you're still in business you're not buying a whole new piece you're still operating you're still operating look at the size of the hose fittings right here look at this hydraulic cylinder you haven't skimped on anything when I look at this I don't see any spots that are going to be a wear problem or something I got to worry about it's like this thing is built like a tank what's your customer service like our customer service is one of our biggest Prides so response time is it you call me on a job site after you bought one of these if you have problems with anything you need to know oh I got this piece of equipment I don't exactly know how to Crown the road I know it's supposed to but I don't know how we'll call it will you call us and we'll take care of you we'll walk you through it we'll talk you through it we take care of people thanks Michael thank you much appreciate it all right you guys the very next thing we're gonna do is learn how to run this I've never ran this before and I'm gonna give it my my first go around I'm gonna screw up I'm gonna figure things out and together we're gonna try to get this thing dialed in and we got a long windy Gravel Road we're going to be tackling today so let's get on it this is the Home Place probably one of my favorite spots on the entire planet I don't know why but it just is this land has been in our family for three generations problem is it's never been properly taken care of so the road has fallen in complete disrepair and today we're going to try to get that fixed up [Music] some of you guys may know my hippie daughter she's lived in Hawaii Off the Grid basically in a carport with no electricity and running water for the last four years she was a pure vegan and now things have changed she's decided that she's going to move to Minnesota attempt to live off the grid with no power or electricity and she's going to start hunting and fishing and become self-sustaining that way we'll see how that goes but in the meantime I just want to build her a decent road coming in that means I gotta clean this mess up [Music] what's up so we the version that you have is a seven foot blade okay so we also make that into six seven and an eight foot blade okay um for a tractor we make them in a 10 12 wide as well okay um but you want to make sure that you're calculating the width of your road so that if you're if you're doing this for yourself that you get the size that's going to make sense to do two passes one up and one back is that that's the ideal is just a two pass the the up and back pass correct okay well I'm gonna be doing a whole lot more than that the thing I got to work on next is a really tricky Corner that's never been properly graded out all right you guys this area has always been a problem because we come down here and in the winter time we're always worried about losing stuff over here trying to get a trailer around this Corner's never been easy so we're gonna widen out this entire Corner using this thing so let's get going [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you guys want to know more information how do they find you Michael go on there there's a there's an area where you just fill out some general information I get an email and we respond right away hey how much does a unit like this cost I always forget about that depending on the type that you get you've got single hydraulic versus the Dual hydraulic we do make this in a single hydraulic so go from lowest to highest so you're looking between 35 to 8 Grand this being the eight grand version with the add-on pieces with shipping and all of that take this side this way a little bit more [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] a bit but we got one side I want to take this side down and move it that way I'm gonna I'm gonna cut I'm gonna drop that side down just a tinch below the grade Mark I'm gonna bring the other side up a titch at the level grade and then I'm going to set my two shoes on the ground The Machine's gonna do the wraps so right now this is setting the grain down the road as wanted now if I want to loosen up and have a little less material I just raise my bucket up a tip and that's what lets me get that whatever pitch I want on this road so I'm gonna I'm right now I'm gonna raise up grade the other side now I'm kicking a lot a little little little bit that way grabbing from the center and kicking that way so there's really three controls you got to worry about left right and up and down now when you're up and down you're I'm finessing with the wheels but I'm also looking at my placement of my shoes some of these other YouTube channels out there that do dirt work they just freaking bug me they try to make everything that they do look like they're just perfect I don't know if they freaking didn't have any friends in high school or maybe their mom didn't breastfeed them but some of these guys I think their egos are writing checks that their skills can't cash what I mean is we all make mistakes why are we trying to cover them up and look freaking perfect this is a great example I've been I've been running a skid loader for 30 plus years but this road right here I'm on past 8 9 or 10 and it should have been done in three passes now could I edit it out the extra seven passes yeah you bet would I have been stealing something from you guys yeah you bet foreign [Music] you guys let's go back down the exact same road that we originally came in and let's see how well this worked now all right see you man notice that it's not Center crowd meaning that it's humped in the middle and goes down on both sides this is called shed Chrome that's what I call it and it more follows the Topography of the land and is designed to not allow water to sit on top of the road surface if I Center Crown some areas of the road I would create a ditch instead I just want everything to flow off and not sit on the surface that I want to drive on so that's what I call the shed crop [Music] [Music] you guys tell me was that smoother I wasn't along for the first ride-along Zach went and filmed this first shot and I was over here working so if you guys want to see a very precise video on crowning let me know because we'll head back to Shangri-La Lodge and we can do a whole video just on crowning a road just on setting that crown but for this one there's no way I would have been able to drive through this driveway at this speed ever I would have rattled rattle canned my truck apart long ago foreign any final words Michael there you go my final words are thanks for coming along for the ride today hope you enjoyed it hope you found a peaceful relaxing entertaining educating and all of those things combined that's all we got for you on this one God bless you guys and go get them catch you on the next one you guys
Channel: Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek
Views: 350,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heavy equipment, construction machines, in the world, top 10, road construction, motor grader, construction equipment, construction machine, heavy equipment working, motor grader controls, motor grader tips, motor grader operation, road construction equipment, grading a driveway, regrading a driveway, road construction machine, tractor, tractor equipment attachments, heavy equipment attachments
Id: ma83-PPh9Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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