Best Wrist Dive Computers Early 2020

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[Music] wow it's amazing how things have changed with dive computers over the years I've got three excellent dive computers that we're going to be talking about a lot of people come in the store and they call and they ask hey what's the most computer can I get from my budget so I'm gonna be talking about these three and I think you're gonna enjoy it [Music] now these particular computers that I have here are all risk computers and what I did is I thought I would take a computer from kind of the low end or the entry area for computers and then move into the higher end of the computers today and you know it's it's kind of amazing because when I look at the computers here these three in front of me I've got a price point here of just under three hundred dollars and then I've got a price point over here of just under eleven hundred dollars and of course the one in the middle is pretty much in the middle now it's amazing because like I said this computer here that is kind of the entry computer today just a short three or four years ago cost what this computer did and of course some of the features that this computer has what's it even thought of and same for this one and of course expecting some of the features that are in these two to even exist in a computer of this size was just unthought-of and of course now this computer having bluetooth again you know it's kind of one of those things that's a few years ago thinking that a dive computer would have bluetooth was just kind of beyond what we would believe that could happen but what I've got here is I've got the Aqualung I 300c I've got the scubapro mantis 2.0 and I've got the Shearwater Tarek over here and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to kind of walk through each of these based on what what these different areas are now this is not going to be like a full review of any of these but I think you're going to get a lot of in from and it's going to give you at least a good starting point where you can start your search so air integration the I 300 C of course is not air integrated the mantis 2.0 does offer air integration now at these price points that I'm going to be telling you these do these two do not include a transmitter but a transmitter is easily obtainable for both of these so air integrated m2 and the tarik is also air integrated modes now it's kind of interesting because even the Aqualung are 300 has three modes the Mantis m2 has four modes and one of the unusual things about the Mantis is that one of its mode is actually a swim mode you can leave it on your arm or even put it on your your ankle and then put into it what they call reach factors and then when you swim it will actually measure the number of strokes and the distance that you have have gone so that's pretty slick and of course the Terek is a five boat unit now what I'm talking about modes I'm talking about does it have free diving mode yes yes yes does it have normal scuba mode yes yes yes does it offer modes for for a closed-circuit rebreather CCR's yes yes no and of course does it have gage mode and the answer is yes yes yes so that gives you some understanding now one of the other things about it does how many programmable gases does it have now here's the thing if you're just diving air and nitrox you're a normal recreational diver then the three gas unit I 300 C is a wonderful unit and again guys this is a sub $300 unit today sub $300 unit and of course then we take a look at the mantas it is also a three gas unit and then the Terek the tarik is a five gas unit now of course the the the tarik is aimed at the more technical person the more technical diver and different mixes and things like that for their D Co planning so it's you know it's it's a pretty it's a pretty robust type of computer for the technical types power now this is all important to to all of us power the I 300 uses a battery easily changeable lasts about about two years the m2 is 300 dimes or again approximately two years easily changeable and the tarik comes if you look right down here in front it comes with a recharger and depending on the number of dies the length of the dives that sort of thing the tarik will last about thirty to fifty hours depending on usage and then you put it back in the charger style I would I'm going to just call it style even though these are all wrist Isles these two could actually be worn as a wristwatch when you're not diving maybe you're gonna go to the Caribbean maybe you're going to go overseas or whatever and you don't want to take a wristwatch and a dive computer these two could actually be used in that particular capability now the tarik is a bit bigger I'm going to call it larger size than the m2 now one of the beauties about the tarik is the tarik case is a composite material the bezel is stainless whereas the m2 has a solid stainless case with the stainless bezel so it's a little weightier than the tarik but both of these would be easy to use on your as a watch the eye 300 little too big for that but again if you you know if you're looking for cost and things along those lines you can just about have a wristwatch and have this unit or maybe you've already got a wristwatch that you would use so I'm going to call this big now alarm these are kind of interesting because all of these have an audible alarm the one thing about it is the a300 right down here between the two buttons has a little LED and it's a visual alarm and it will actually pulse along with the alarm so if you happen to be in a group of divers where there's four or five different alarms going off it's easy to glance at your computer and see hey is that my computer going off because you're gonna see the light flashing the m to the M two does not it's strictly audible alarm now something a little unique about the Terek it's audible and it has a vibration alarm so that's a little different than the other two now screen both of the I 300 and the M to use the LCD screen which is pretty you know pretty reliable you know been around for a while that sort of thing the numbers are large and easy to read I'm gonna get some close-ups on these so you can see it but pretty pretty easy to read now the Terek latest in technology out there it has the color screen it's an AM o le D which means versus a standard color o le D then it responds a little bit faster the black is a little deeper and of course it's it's super sexy super sexy and of course it's programmable as to you know I want this color I want that color I want it custom I think it's got a knight color it's got a predator color if you remember the the predator movies where everything was kind of green looking it's got that sort of look to and briefly you can push the button and cause it to go into a flashlight mode now it's got to be in a really dark place you know I mean really dark for that to actually you know function now Bluetooth like I said all three of these have Bluetooth and you can download them to your computer download them to your phone put them into your you know dive log that way there's some bookmark features for some of these for like taking photos and and things along those lines I'm not gonna get into again evaluating you know all the ins and outs but like I said I think if you evaluate the fact that this is a sub 300 this is a sub 600 without transmitter the m2 and the Terek is 1100 I think with the transmitter this one is about I want to say 1,300 if I'm number 12 85 something like that I think I've seen out there the m to the M 2 can be had as a complete unit with the transmitter and a heart monitor if you like that particular function pretty pretty cool stuff pretty cool stuff and of course none of that applies to the to the eye 300 but what a great price that is so again this is just a brief overview of three compute and you know various level of ranges I hope you've got a lot out of it if there's a particular computer out there you would like us to take a look at and I'm going to be taking like a group of the computers around this range doing something similar a group of computers around this range and a group of computers around the Terek price range and putting something together for you folks out there so again we really appreciate you guys visiting the diverse apply website again my name is Bob Collins and as I always say god safe [Music]
Channel: Divers-Supply
Views: 21,412
Rating: 4.768116 out of 5
Keywords: dive computers, wrist dive computers, scuba gear, dive equipment, best dive computer, dive computer comparison, All music, best dive computers 2019, best dive computers 2020
Id: _8A1clAF4xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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