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foreign you you hallelujah well you are welcome to tonight's service please don't touch this dial this evening i'm going to be taking my time to to teach because i need you to understand and grasp what you about to hear and so don't let anybody distract you don't let anybody take your attention away from the message and the teaching and like i've been saying every night these are teachings and messages that you cannot watch alone you can watch this alone you have to get your family involved get your children involved get your siblings involved get your parents involved hallelujah is very very very important and one of the things that i am believing god for is that at the end of this series of reversing the case there is not going to be just individual deliverances but there is going to be family and generational deliverances hallelujah that is why it is important and imperative that you don't listen uh to these messages alone and and and watch these uh services alone you have to get your family involved get your friends involved get your co-workers involved involved share the link on your social media page encourage them to subscribe to our channel hallelujah because these are very serious topics very serious topics and oftentimes we go through so many things and we are wondering why we are going through them and we also wonder where it is coming from the source and all that because if you could know the source you can deal with it hallelujah and so please i encourage you to get your family into this teaching amen and the lord will bless you tremendously now this evening i want to teach on a subject that you have had so many times you know you have heard it over and over and over and over again but oftentimes we really don't understand what it means and tonight i am going to be taking my time to to teach them preaching so that you can get it you can understand it i want to break it down to you one by one into details where even a child a baby who is listening to me can understand from the scriptures hallelujah so i'm teaching on the subject that i have entitled what is generational case what is generational case i want you to say that with me what is generational case oh say it with me again what is generational case hallelujah let's pray heavenly father i pray in the name of jesus tonight also we have come to your presence to receive from you we have come to be instructed we have come to be empowered we have come to receive insight we have come to receive a revelation we have come to your presence that father you may speak to us directly further as an instrument and a vessel i ask that you will anoint me with fresh fire and refresh anointing you will give me the option to function you will anoint my tongue you will give me clarity of speech and precision of speech and father i declare o god that you will envy with your presence and let your glory o god come upon me like a mantle and i declare oh god that let the words that comes out of my mouth let it permeate into every heart to every soul to every spirit and to every man mind and father let it bring liberation let it bring emancipation let it bring freedom let your people be loose from the clutches of every test in the name of jesus i pray with thanksgiving and everybody say amen somebody shout amen i want you to say again for the last time what is generational cares or say it like you mean it what is generational case now in the body of christ and in the church you will often hear the word generational quest generational case generational case you know it has become so much of a cliche and it has become so much of of of of a compound word that everybody uses it but the question is that how many people understand what a generational case is how many people understand what a generational case is people are just saying generation are cases because it is a lingual it is a dragon that we use in the church it is a dragon it is a lingual that we use in the body of christ but how many people understand the anatomy of generational cases how many people understand the number the nomenclature of generational cases how many people understand how many people understand what they are saying and that is why tonight i want you to give me your wrapped attention your undivided attention as i break it down to you for you to fully comprehend it and apprehend it hallelujah amen generational case generation accused now in the past days from friday i have been teaching you on classes what is a test the causes of a test the frustration of a test so i believe that up to this point you understand what a case is but you must understand that when it comes to a generational case is different from what you have heard and that is why i am going to break it down to you so generational case now before you will understand generational case the first thing that we need to understand is this what is generation what is generation why generation so i want you to know that when you look at the word generation it is a compound word and it comes from two english words when you look at generation it's a compound word and it comes from two english words the first word is gene gene the second word is irration relation r a c i o n r a t i o n ratio so two words gene generation gene generation gene generation so if generation comes from two compound word by the name of jin and ration the first thing is this what is gene somebody say gene somebody say gene you see scene is a basic unit is a basic unit of heritage in a living organisms it's a basic unit of heredity in a living organism all living things depends on jeans all living things they depend on jeans so i want to explain that and define that again to you gene simply means the basic unit of heredity in a living organism referring to us and you must understand that every living organism depends on its genes now another thing also that you must understand that genes holds information genes your genes every human being have a gene your gene is what we call your dna your dna and you must understand that every gene or every dna for your better understanding carries information carries information and they don't just carry the information they carry the information and they build on their information they carry the information and they also maintain the information in your genes in your dna you must understand that and they don't just carry the information and maintain the information in your bloodline or in your dna or what i am calling your team they don't just carry the information and maintain the information but what they do also is that they carry out or they pass on the genetic traits to the offspring they pass on the genetic trait to the offspring so one thing that i want you to get from the word dream is that it is it has to do with hereditary i want you to understand that i want you also to understand that your bloodline your dna carries information in other words your blood carries information doesn't just carry the information but builds on the information that that thing that you must understand also is that the information that it carries he maintained your blood line your dna your teeth maintain the information and passes it all to your offspring to your offspring so that is the definition of gene now i want you to understand what russian is somebody said racial somebody said racism now this is what it means reaching simply means a portion a portion designated to a person or a family a person designated to a person or a family to limit to a specific allowance to limit to a specific allowance to limit to a specific allowance emphasis to portion out to limit also access to racial means to limit access to to restrict in an activity i want to repeat it again the definition of raising raising simply means apportioned designated to a person or a family which we can also call group it also means to limit to a specific allowance to limit to a specific allowance to portion out to limit access to to limit access to it also means to restrict in an activity to restrict in an activity now i have defined a test to you throughout the time that i started this series and you must understand that a case is a spell a case is a spell and teaching on generational cases a case is a spell that attaches your dna i want to say that again a test is a spell that attaches your dna that attaches your genes that attaches your bloodline that moves from one generation to the other from one offspring to the other and so a cast is a spell and a test produces misery and pain misery and pain it also produces frustration as i taught last night and so when you talk about generational case you are talking about hereditary cases hereditary cases cases that are passed on from one generation to the other and they keep on moving and moving and moving and moving and moving and the reason why it moves from one generation to the other because of the genes the bloodline that is why i cited an example to you uh yesterday morning that when you go to see the medical doctor for any form of ailment for any form of disease or affliction in your body the doctor doesn't just get up and start using medical instruments on you the first thing the doctor does is to ask you some important questions to know the background and the history of this infirmity or disease or affliction or this or the illness and some of the questions the doctor will ask you is this has anybody in your family had this disease before and then they will ask you has your father had it before has your mother had it before did your grandfather have it did your grandmother have it do your aunties have it do your uncles have it does any of your siblings have it now the reason why they ask these questions they are asking these questions as it pertains to your gene to your bloodline to your dna why because there is a high possibility that if your father had it you will have it if your mother did you will have it if your grandfather had it you will have it if your grandmother had it you are going to have it all got to do with your bloodline with your genes your dna generational why is it so because the bloodline carries information from one generation to the other carries information maintains the information builds up on the information and transmits the information into the dna of the next generation and so in every generation the information builds up every generation it builds up is maintained is transmitted into the dna and the bloodline of all the offsprings so that is how generational cases works that is what it means by generational tests it means let me be pragmatic here give you some practicality uh uh analogies and examples and allegories now if your grandmother had cancer died of cancer you must understand that you as the second or the third generation there is a high possibility and probability that there is a cancer in your bloodline you may not feel it right now you may not know it right now but it is in your jeans it's in there if your father had high blood pressure or diabetes or your mother had it or your grandmother or your great-grandmother or your great-grandfather had it i want you to understand that you too you have it how through your dna because the same dna that your great grandfather had is the same dna that your grandfather had the same dna that your father had and it is the same dna that you have so whatever that was in their blood that same thing has been transmitted to you it has been transmitted to you i was talking to a pastor friend of mine and i was with him who were talking and then he said something to me he said pastor grant i need you to pray for me i said what is happening he said i just went to see the doctor just before you came in and the doctor told me that i have diabetes it is in the borderline that was his exact words and then he said this he said you know my dad died of diabetes and this man of god that i'm talking about great man of god he's a father and so you being annoying pet doesn't accept you from generational case if you don't confront it and deal with it your spiritual status and position and influence doesn't exempt you from generational tests if you don't rise up against it and flush it out from your dna so he was telling me to pray for him concerning what the doctor have told him and he wasn't surprised that the doctor said so why because he knew that the dad had it i am talking about generational tests what it is i need you to understand it i need you to fully function what a generation that test is so that you don't just use the words but you understand it and when you are praying to deal with it you can deal with it efficiently and effectively and get results without playing a miss now now that i have gotten you to understand what a generational test is now i want us to go into the scriptures tend your bibles to exodus 20. i will be reading from the verse number one through five and i'm going to teach you how generational cases comes the cause for generational cases that run through the bloodline run through the gym run through our dna through the scriptures and i will be reading different translations so this is the new king james translation i want you to hear and listen carefully exodus 21 through 5. he said and god spoke all these words god not moses not any other human being but god himself spoke and listened carefully and god spoke all these words saying i am the lord your god who brought you out of the land of egypt brought you out of the land of egypt out of the house of bondage you shall have no order gods before me i will repeat that line again because most of the courses of generational cases is in this line this particular verse you shall have no other gods before me you shall not make for yourself a carved image any likeness of anything that is in heaven above all that is in the earth beneath all that is in the water and that yes you shall not bow down to them nor save them for i the lord your god i'm a jealous god watch this visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the dead and false generations of those who hate me give me the niv and then i will read the nlt and then i will read the last translation amplify then i will expand on the scripture it will blow your mind and god spoke all these words then i think i am the lord your god who brought you out of egypt out of the land of slavery you shall have no other gods before me you shall not make for yourself an image you shouldn't make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below you shall not bow down to them don't bow to them or worship them for i the lord your god i'm a jealous god punishing understand that word the emphasis is on that word punishing punishing the children for the sin of the parent punishing what the children you see the next generation the next offspring the next that's why it's generational the next generation the next offspring the iniquity of the parents is being punished on the children punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me let me read the next translation then god gave the people all these instructions i am the lord your god who rescued you from the land of egypt the place of your slavery you must not have any other god but me any other god but me you must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea you must not bow down to them or worship them for i is the lord your god and a jealous god who will not tolerate i will repeat that again the lord your god i'm a what a jealous god who will not what tolerates the word will not tolerate the tolerance there means i will not condone i will not accept i will not adhere who will not tolerate your affection for any other god your love your passion for any other god beside the living god i lay the sins watch this i lay the sins of the parents upon their children and watch this this would do something to you open their children and then watch this the entire family is affected the entire family is affected even children even children in the dead and fourth generations of those who reject me now before i read the amplifier i need you i need to explain these things to you the reason why so many of us we are operating under generational cases is because our ancestors and our forefathers never worshipped the living god i want to repeat this again the reason why we are operating and working under a text and functioning and a generation that cares is because 99.9 percent of our ancestors of our forefathers never worshipped the living god they worshiped god that they crafted they bow down to gods that they crafted and that some of the craftings has to do with the bodies of heaven the heavenly bodies some got to do with trees and stones and rocks and animals on the earth some also worship the sea rivers and even animals in the sea and god said i am a jealous god my glory will i share with nobody and he said anytime you worship any other god that is crafted by you that exactly that that that is is in correlation with any heavenly body or anything on the earth or anything in the sea in the waters of the earth is the lord i cannot take it i can't handle it i cannot tolerate it i can condone it i cannot admit to it i cannot accept it and my reaction is punishment and the punishment is a test and this test moves from one generation to the other even those who never worshipped other gods by the fact that your ancestors your forefathers worshipped at the gods you received the punishment you received the punishment that is why so many of us we are under a generational case we are operating under a generational case that is why we have the struggles that we have that is why we have the frustrations that we have that is why we have the miseries that we have that is why we don't know what else to do because we have done everything that we know to do but it is to no avail and you realize that what you are going through is the same thing your brother is going through is the same thing your sister is going through it is the same thing your cousin is going through it is the same thing your children are going through and coming to find out mom went through the same thing dad went through the same thing grandpa went through the same thing grandma went through the same thing why because it is a generational case a generation occurs there are some of you even you partook of idol worshipping they are some of you you have family shrines that you pray to that you bow to that you worship formulations there are some of you you have worshiped reverse you go there and worship and pray to this season and rivers and lakes and oceans and fountains i remember many years ago as a teenager we took an excursion back in ghana we took an excursion to a city by the name of kofuridwa this city has a fountain f4 we call it booty falls incoforido and this fall is two of them that is coming down high up from the mountain from the rocks down to the earth very white clean water and i remember that when we got there they were telling us that these fours one is a woman and one is a man referring to the waters and those of you that have been there you know what i'm talking about one is a man one is a woman i was wondering how can a water be a man and a woman until it came to my understanding that in that particular region and city those waters that have been flowing and coming down from the mountains from the rocks down is a god to them they worship it that is why they refer one to be a man and the other one being a woman and these are the things that god detests and anytime you worship anything beside god you have committed what we call iniquity and anytime you commit iniquity the consequences and the ramifications and the punishment is excuses they are some of us the family worried we are coming from our ancestors our forefathers our fathers our mother some of them it is us ourselves we have made oath and pledges to other gods to shrines to deities to demonic entities to water bodies heavily bodies to the sun the moon the stars and it has become a test and anytime a family or any member of the family does that it establishes what we call a generational case and it moves from one generation to the other i don't care how holy you are i don't care how pious you are i don't care how many scriptures you have within you i don't care about your title you may be an archbishop bishop you may be the pope or cardinal you may be apostle or prophet or pastor or teacher you may be archbishop general or apostle general it doesn't matter what your title is if that had happened in your bloodline you are operating undies you are operating under a case and some of you may ask why because i didn't partake of it why i just explained to you what generational case is and i told you generation is a compound word it's a compound word and generation comes from what two words a gene and written and gene got to do with your bloodline it's got to do with your dna your genes that is why the satanic kingdom the demonic kingdom they always target the genetic race of the genetic the genetic of the human race that is their target all the time they are targeted is the genetic of the human race they are packaged it's not just an individual they are packet it's not just a family they are packets generation generational they are back they are on slots they are demonic satanic bombardments it got to do with generation if they attack you with poverty they want the poverty to remain in the family from one generation to the other if they attack you with any sickness or disease or insanity they want you they want that infirmity and sickness and disease to stay in the family they establish that infirmity in the family that moves from one generation to the other and i told you that a test is a spell that attaches itself to your dna your bloodline it attaches itself to your bloodline and anytime you worship any other god besides elohim beside jehovah the creator that wasn't created the god of all flesh you create an opening and a little grounds for the enemy to come in anytime that is done and you must also understand that a generational case is a demonic lien a demonic lien against our racing of jeans a generation a case is a demonic lien like how they can put a lien on your car put a lien on your house put a lane on your business a generation generational case it is a demonic lien that attaches your racing of genes and what do i mean by your ratio of genes your blood like your dna your genetic makeup [Music] and why is it a lien it is a lean because of an unpaid spiritual appeal an unpaid spiritual bill or iniquity in our bloodline that the enemy feels legally justified to enforce up to the dead and the fourth generation unpaid spiritual bill because some of us our forefathers made a covenant made an oath to satan the devil made an oath a covenant to this crafted images and symbols that they bow to and worship and say that i will worship you and my children will worship you and my children children will worship you so that person that made that covenant and made that pledge an oath in the family dies the next generation comes out and they say no we are not going to bow to any other god beside the living god and so the wearing part of bow to that craving image but the fact that that person made a pledge and made a covenant that if you bless me if you make me rich and prosperous [Music] if you keep me alive if you protect me if you make me powerful my children will worship you and my children children will worship you it is established in the reigns of the spirit it becomes a spiritual deal and so if the next generation doesn't worship that goal it means that there is an unpaid spiritual view there is an unpaid spiritual bill why are you not worshipping me when your father made the covenant with me why are you not worshiping me when your grandfather your grandmother made a covenant with me your great-grandfather your great-grandmother made a covenant with me and so that becomes a legal justifiable platform for the enemy to bring cases into that particular family that particular generation and their offspring and you must also understand that anytime you are operating under a case it means that a case is an appeal to a supernatural power a test is an appeal to a supernatural power to deal with an individual or a family as a result of violations of oaths covenant and pledges i am talking about what a generational cares is so let me read the amplified version of exodus so watch this very carefully he said then god spoke all these words i am the lord your god who has brought you out of the land of egypt out of the house of bondage and the reason why god is telling them that so that they will not forget him so that they will always remember him and continue to worship him and continue to be appreciative and grateful for what god has done for them and then he said you shall have no other god before or beside me you shall not make yourself an engraving image watch this to worship it or in the likeness of anything that is in the heavens above all that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth you shall not bow down yourself to them oh save them don't bow to them and don't save them don't bow to them and don't serve them you can only bow to the almighty you can only save the almighty let me tell you the essence of the existence of the human race the reasons for our being here on earth is to worship god that is why god created us as humans now i know that everybody believes that god can do anything and everything yes it's true i agree with you but there is one thing god cannot do he cannot worship himself that is one thing that god cannot he cannot worship himself and that is why he created you and i to worship him and so any human being or any human race that doesn't worship the almighty god jehovah elohim adonai the god of abraham isaac and jacob any human race that doesn't worship him loses the essence of their existence loses the purpose of their existence because that is the reason for our being here on earth to worship the almighty god for i the lord your god i'm a jealous god visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me of those who hate me i want to show you another scripture that will blow your mind turn your bibles to ezekiel 18 the verse number 19. ezekiel 18 the verse number 19. who read a couple of scriptures he said yet you say listen carefully yet you say why should the son not bear the guilt of the father why should the sun not bear the guilt of the father because the son has done what is lawful and right and has kept all my state my status and observe them he shall surely leave so you see this scripture what is asking is this why is punishment and the consequences and the ramification of the iniquity and the sin of my father come upon me as a son knowing that i have obliged to all the statues of the almighty god and i have walked in his ways and i have walked in his righteousness and i have done according to all that is written therein and have been obedient why should the guilt of my father come upon me so this was the question that was being asked in ezekiel the scripture that we just read the reason why the guilt is coming upon because all of you are asking the same question the reason bloodline bloodline your dna your genes that is why the guilt is coming to you even though you didn't do it even though you love god even though you're a faithful title even though you give offerings to missions for the propagation and for the for the expansion of the kingdom if you do you walk in the righteousness of god and you walk in the holiness of god and you work in the integrity of the world and you have obliged yourself to the principles that govern scriptures and the kingdom but yet you are under a case why jeans jeans jeans jeans i am talking about generational case talking about generation i guess there was a generation a case in my bloodline and the generation case that was in my bloodline i'm using was in the past because i have to deal with it i have to deal with it vehemently ferociously and this was the case my dad was extremely wealthy wealthy when i talk about wealth i'm not talking about riches they are levels and dimensions of prosperity riches is one thing but wealth is another level when my dad is going to the bank to deposit money we carry the money in sacks to the bank for deposit in sacs i go with my dad we carry it in such we will put it behind the trunk in sacks i didn't know that my dad had money in his in his bedroom have always thought that it was a clothings of my mom because there were these boxes clutch boxes that were in my dad's room we have always thought that they were the clothings of my man that was in in them one day it happened that i stumbled on one of them and oh it opened bundles of money out of it i called my younger brother i said have you seen this he said no i said look at this he was also thinking the same thing that i was thinking he thought that it was clothing that was in them it was it was piles of money beside the ones that is in the bank we lack nothing when i was going to school i was the most best dressed in fact i received even awards of the most cleanest student and god is my internal witness sometimes the the principal of the school will cut that the entire student and who called me to the front and asked all the students to look like me we lacked nothing money was nothing my dad provided us everything i can never remember what i asked my dad that my dad never provided for me i can't remember if he won he had fleets of businesses fleet of them of businesses but overnight my dad lost everything in an inexplicable way some of the people that he put in charge to manage his businesses they sold the businesses without him knowing he ran away all the businesses sold it's like they had a meeting monies in the bank were gone the one at all was gone my dad would get up in the middle of the night and be praying and be crying like somebody is dead and nobody could console him and my dad was not a womanizer my dad never drunk my dad was in a smoker the man was so quiet and me extremely quiet he doesn't talk worthy of immolation lost everything mysteriously and what grieves him and make him to cry every night like somebody was dead was because it was inexplicable he doesn't understand one day i sat him down because i'm daddy's boy i'm the only one who is able to sit down with him and talk and have a long conversation and i started investigating this thing as a teenager and i realized that all my dad brothers get to wealthy rich but at a certain point in their life they lost everything mysteriously all of them mysterious they lost everything reduced to nothing i remember how my dad will complain to me how the family members don't honor and respect him anymore because he has no means and i will encourage and console him all his siblings the same thing i asked my dad about my grandfather because i never met my grandfather the same thing happened to my grandfather the same thing happened to my great grandfather i realized that this thing if i don't deal with it it will happen to me my dad even had no idea why i was investigating it and why i was asking the questions that i was asking because i wanted to know if it is a generation i guess it is if it is in the in the chains it is in the dna it is in the bloodline and i found out that it is in the black line and when the the way i saw my dad cried every night with pain and angry i didn't want to go through that and i didn't want my siblings to go through that and i didn't want my children to go through that so i have to deal with it from the source finding out the cause of it from my dad i have to deal with it nip it in the blood neutralize it over pin it over rule and override it flush it out by the superior blood of the antenna covenant from our dna and from our black line that is often times you will hear me say i have tested wealth and i've tested poverty i don't like poverty i've tested both through my dad i don't like poverty but it happened as a result of generational cases moving from one generation to the other and it wasn't only just my siblings just my dad's siblings that i saw these things i saw also these cousins the same thing and i saw that also in my cousins it was happening to them there were four cousins that i was very close to and these guys also were working in wealth extreme worth have their businesses and everything even at a at a young age own houses lands they love all of them they lost everything overnight everything overnight they became servants of servants servant of servants they live on handouts i remember as a teenager going to school and not working some of them would come to me asking me if i have some change to give to them generational cases generational cases i'm i'm defining what a generational case is to you i want you to i want us to look at the scripture in galatians chapter 3 the verse number 10. galatians 3 10. for as many as are of the works of the law are under the case for it is written guess is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them do you know what that means if you break one law you have broken the whole law if you violate one law you have violated all the law the law itself is not a sin but it is the law that produces sin when you violate it i'm talking about generational case look at your life look at what is going on in your life look at your siblings your family look at even your children the same thing dna dna blot blood my younger son sometimes i look at him it just blows my mind jesus and when i look at him man the guy likes everything that i like and hates everything i hate it just blows my mind everything i like he like everything i don't like he does it and i never sat him down to tell him that like this don't like this i never also told him that i like this i don't like that why bloodline jeans jeans jeans jeans jeans i need you to understand these things send your bibles to exodus 34 the verse number 7 exodus 34 the verse number 7. so watch this he said keeping mercy for thousands keeping messi for thousands forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin watch this by no means clearing what the guilt do you understand what that means god forgives he shows mercy to thousands he forgives iniquity he also forgives transgression and sin but he doesn't clear the guilt the guilt the guilt is there i have said this before we used to live in a compound house an apartment building and there was this notorious girl who is so promiscuous so many times i try to preach to her as a teenager she will not even give me any attention it doesn't matter how hard that right she will not she will not give me any attention sometimes i will plead with her to just give me two minutes for me to talk to her about christ she will just walk away i did it several times and i remember on one fateful day in the morning she was sleeping on a mat outside and she had covered herself with a cloth i came out [Music] of the house and to my amazement and my astonishment for the first time i saw this girl covered with cloth lying in the mat and was praying i was curious because this is a girl you cannot talk to her about church you cannot talk to her about god christ she doesn't have time she have time for everything fornication but doesn't have time for god so i was surprised and curious to see him praying so i decided to ease draw on the prayer that he was praying and this was the prayer god i am sorry for this pregnancy i am sorry for this pregnancy god please terminate the pregnancy god please forgive me i won't do it again i won't do it again forgive me i won't do it again terminate this pregnancy let this baby come out i promise you i won't do it again so this was her prayer so let me [Music] break down the prayer to you and explain this kind of prayer to you so she was asking god for forgiveness for what she has done that has resulted in the pregnancy and she was also asking that god would terminate the child will flush the child out of her so now hear me i believe that the prayer was sincere looking at her condition and her predicament and where she finds herself and so when she prayed and she said god forgive me i truly believe that godhead and god forgiven for sleeping around and resulting in pregnancy but the fact that god has forgiven health doesn't mean that god will remove the guilt what is the guilt the pregnancy so she prayed ask for forgiveness god forgave her but god never removed the pregnancy she gave birth to the child god forgive it but the guilt was there that's what the bible is saying project it again keep it messy for thousands forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin by no means clearing the guilt he doesn't clear the guilt visiting the iniquity of the fattest upon the children and their children's children to the third and the fourth generation i'm explaining to you what a generation of cases do you realize that in your family there are divorces divorces divorces divorces divorces is it normal no generational case did you guys come to a meeting that when you marry you with divorce no you are living in one city your siblings are living in another city but you realize that what is happening to you is the same thing happening to them generation archers divorces people are dying prematurely they have children no father they have children their mother leaves the children to the father everybody smart intelligent brilliant have degrees but all of you are not entities with your degrees it's just a display on the wall the same sickness is killing everybody the same disease is killing everybody everybody everybody your grandfather went to jail your father went to jail you two you have gone it has become a home your children also are going that is the school you go to i'm talking about generational classes when you guys get married when it comes to conception it's a problem everybody it's a problem you see the best of the best of doctors they look at you examine you check everything they said you are medically sound there is no reason there is no medical explanation or logical explanation or rationale for you not to conceive and have your own children but yet to no i feel the mail everybody low spend count in the family everybody have started their business but the business collapsed anything you try in the beginning it will be going well get into the middle everything falls apart when you start anything it goes great when it is time for harvest to enjoy the fruit of your labor everything scatters you lose every investment not only you it's in the bloodline it's in the dna it's in the genes generational gases generational cases i want to show you a scripture tell your bibles to john chapter nine the verse number two we have read this scripture so many times but today i will explain it to you as it relates to generational cases and so this is jesus disciples they were walking with jesus and they saw a blind man and then there was an argument among the disciples the apostles they were arguing and what was the purpose of the argument the purpose of the argument was that they wanted to know the cause of the blindness of the man because to them the blindness cannot just happen with our cause there must be a reason for the blindness there must be a cause for the blindness and so i want us to study their thought patterns and mind settings why they thought that there must be a cause so listen and watch this and his disciples asked him saying why the reason why they are asking jesus because they argued among themselves and there was no conclusion there was no consensus they didn't get the salt the solution the reason for the blindness and so they took the matter to jesus for jesus to give them the answer so watch this he says and his disciples asked him saying rabbi who sinned and his disciples asked him saying rubber who sinned this man is referring to the man that is blind all his parents oh his parents said that with me all his parents and so right there i want you to think he said all his parents that he was born blind now i want you to think about it if the parents sin why should their son be blind if the parents have committed sin why should the disciples think that the iniquity the sin of the parent can affect their son to cause blindness when the son has not sinned why generational cases bloodline genes dna and so the boy or the man may not have seen but if the parent have seen the punishment can come upon him i am telling you what generational cases are i don't want to bombard you a lot i will continue with this message tomorrow part two of what is generational case and i will start going into it deeper and deeper this evening i'm just giving you the basis the introduction the definition of what a generational case is tomorrow by the grace of god i will continue part two of what a generational test is and we start going into it deeper and deeper wherever you are rise up we are going to pray by now i know that i got you thinking having heard the word by now i know that you are examining yourself and that of your family what is going on by now you know the generation that kisses that is at work in your bloodline i want you to open your mouth and begin to pray and confront that generation i guess open your mouth and begin to prayer papaya my foreign foreign papaya foreign fire [Music] foreign [Applause] fire i'm fire fire fire please [Music] i [Music] come [Applause] ah fire [Applause] foreign fire fire [Applause] foreign fire ah play fire fire [Music] foreign [Music] foreign in the name of jesus i declare that that case in your bloodline that case in your jeans may it be flashed out by the blood of jesus may you see the glory of god and the goodness of the lord like you have never seen before in the name of jesus somebody shout amen or somebody shout amen hallelujah amen well it is time for offering i want you to give generously i want you to donate bountifully hallelujah let's pray heavenly father i pray in the name of jesus as your children give and your servants give let everything they want from you they desire from you father grant it unto them unfillingly let them be in all of you this week do the unthinkable do the unimaginable do that which only you can do in their lives in jesus name amen thank you so much for giving and please don't forget to tune in tomorrow i will be teaching on the part two of what is a generational case and i'm telling you it's going to be more stronger deeper revelational expose than what you just heard this evening this evening was just an introduction to what a generational case is tomorrow i'm going to go into it deeper and please don't miss it for anything and like i've been saying get your family involved let them hear the message let them listen to the message hallelujah tag everybody share the message on your social media platform hallelujah encourage them to subscribe to our channel hallelujah and i'm telling you god is going to bless you tremendously and please again make your way here on friday friday the all-night service june 4th this coming friday this very friday from 9 00 pm to 3 a.m reversing the test listen if you live in florida alabama you live in north carolina not south carolina virginia tennessee make your way here drive and come those of you that cannot drive it doesn't matter where you are whether in the caribbean wherever you are i want you to fly in for this all night because this all night it's an all night of reversing the test extreme warfare we are going to war we are going to battle we are going to come up against this generation of cases that is in our bloodline that is in our dreams we will flush it out by the blood of jesus christ so that we can walk in generational blessings you got to be here get friends drive together get a hotel checking into the hotel that friday if you know somebody here in georgia plead with them tell them you want to stay with them over the weekend and you don't care where you sleep whether on the floor or in the couch all you need is a roof over your head to get to this all night it's a life-changing destiny transforming all night june 4th this friday we will cry out unto heaven we will cry out unto god we will hold the homes of the altar the cast will be reversed believe me it will be reversed the yolk will break the stronghold will be demolished and dismantled the strong man will be blind tied thrown somewhere you will see the hand and the glory of god like you have never seen before it is going to be extreme deliverance powerful unbelievable mind-boggling and mind-blowing prophetic we are going to the source anything designed to kill you and to kill your destiny to disgrace humiliate and battle you we will go to that source and reveal it by the power of the holy spirit the presence of god will be heavy that is why you cannot miss this friday all night from 9 p.m eastern time to 3 a.m eastern time where you got to be is right here this auditorium this edifice this sanctuary priority you got to be here come with your family come with your friends come with your co-workers and come in your numbers believing god for the unusual believing god for the unprecedented believing god for your deliverance and your miracle hallelujah and again don't forget i need you as you are hearing these messages and listening to these messages i believe that the holy spirit is is giving you insight and and and enlightening you and illuminating you concerning the cases that are in the family and in the bloodline i will need you to write them down type them the media department will print it out and they put it at the altar like we have it some of them here at the altar hallelujah please i want you to send it send it before you get here friday let those kisses be at the order let it be at the order at this commission and watch what god is going to do on that friday i will lay hands on it pray over it anoint it and declare that the cases are reversed hallelujah and so don't forget to send in those cases that you think or you have been able to decode that is going on in your life that of your children the family and let it be here at the altar hallelujah amen and amen well tomorrow i'm coming your way again at the same time 7 30 p.m eastern time and like i said earlier on i will be teaching the part two of what is a generational case i will be going deeper and it is going to be stronger and more powerful and revelational than what you just heard tonight that is why you cannot miss it for any course or for any reason let's say the grace the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and the sweet fellowship of the holy spirit be with us now and forever more surely goodness and message shall follow us all the days of our lives and we shall dwell in the house of the lord forever and ever amen and amen please don't turn it off don't touch the dial stay tuned for this announcement because there are other other upcoming programs and i want you to take note of it and incorporate it into your schedule and so watch this announcement god bless you hi i'm pastor rafael grant the lead pastor of prayer cd eagles chapel i want to personally invite you to our back to sender conference back to sender conference june 18th through 20th june 18th through 20th i have a special guest that is going to be with me archbishop ken magnet hello this is archbishop ken mcnatt from cathedral of hope and global harvest international fellowship and i am so excited to be with my dear friend pastor rafael grant we're going to be having a great time and you need to be there the glory of god will fill the house and the spirit of god will touch you at your point of need so be there as we share the unadulterated word of god it's going to be glorious anointed gifted powerful seasoned teacher and preacher and prophet will be joining me for the back to sender conference i will also be speaking in this back to center conference the time is going to be 7 p.m on friday 7 00 p.m eastern time on saturday sunday is going to be two services the morning is going to be 10 a.m eastern time and then in the evening it's going to be 7 p.m eastern time it's going to be powerful it's going to be explosive it's going to be prophetic galore it's going to be deliverance galore it's going to be powerful worship and praises and spiritual warfare i am telling you as the conference tag names goes back to sender it is going to be bad to say that whatever the enemy has thrown at you it will return back into his own bosom don't miss it for anything come with your family come with your friends come with your loved ones come with your co-workers where it is happening june 18 through 20th is prayer city where the action is god bless you hi i'm pastor rafael grant the lead pastor of prayer city eagles chapel i want to personally invite you to our friends and family event july 10th july 10th from 12 noon is going to be awesome it's going to be fun there is going to be all kinds of games there is going to be a lot of food drinking barbecuing listen if you want to have fun and enjoy that day july 10th listen the place you got to be is prayer city eagles chapel to light it you don't want to miss it come with your family and friends let's come and let's just have fun let's have a ball and let's enjoy ourselves and socialize god bless you hi i'm pastor rafael grant the lead pastor of prayer city eagles chapel i want to invite you to our annual shabbat worship experience our annual shabbat worship experience let me tell you i always look forward to this particular program is explosive it is cataclysmic it is heaven on earth shall back worship a spirit it is going to be happening in prayer city eagles chapel the time is from 7 p.m eastern time to 11 p.m eastern time four hours of non-stop praise and worship let me tell you you don't want to miss it we just want to be in the presence of god and enjoy his presence and magnify his name and worship him and praise him and dance at his feet and thank him for all that he has done for us and all that he is doing and all that he is about to do shabbat worship experience july 9th july 9th from 7 00 pm to 11 p.m you don't want to miss it incorporate it into your schedule and listen where you got to be july 9 it's prayer city where the action is god bless you
Channel: Eagles Chapel
Views: 2,445
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: what is generational curse, generational curse, curse, pastor grant, pastor raphael grant, prophet raphael grant, prayer city, eagles chapel, prayer city eagles chapel, bible study, curses, prophet grant
Id: XFmNZEhj2cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 49sec (7009 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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