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you hallelujah well i want to thank you so much for tuning in and don't touch this dial because something awesome something spectacular is about to happen starting from tonight starting from tonight from tonight i'm going to be teaching every night on uh into the all night which is june 4th i will be teaching every night into the all night and so seven days into uh the all night which is uh on the fourth which is next week uh friday next week uh friday next week friday on the 4th it is going to be from 9 p.m to 3 00 a.m but i needed to do um these teachings into their own night so that you can pray with understanding when you come here you can pray with revelation and get results hallelujah and that is the reason why i'm teaching seven days into uh the all night and so every night i want you to tune in and these teachings are extremely important reversing the case reversing the case they are extremely extremely important and i believe that these are some of the teachings and the messages that you shouldn't be watching it alone you should watch it with your family you should watch it with your friends you should listen to it with your co-workers is very very very important and so tonight is the first day tonight is the first day on the series of reversing the case but tonight i want to teach on a subject of entitled what is a case what is a case what is a case because often times we hear of the word cases or you are case but we don't actually mean we don't actually know what it means and that is what i will be trying to expound on to especially to bring you to the place of comprehension to bring you to the place of understanding let's pray heavenly father i pray in the name of jesus use me to bless your people use me to impart your people father as we start oh god this series into the all night next week friday i declare oh god that you will illuminate the understanding of your people i declare oh god the father through the entrance of your word let cases be broken let yokes be broken let bad things be lifted let your people be liberated let your people be set free further through the teaching and the preaching of your word father let somebody that is watching me that needs answers let them receive answers let somebody that is watching me that needs remedies father let them receive remedies through the teaching and the preaching of your world let somebody that is watching me that needs solutions through the teaching and the preaching of your word let them receive solutions father i thank you i yield myself to you holy spirit use me as you please i yield my soul my body my spirit my mind my heart my vocal cords my intuition every fiber of my being i yield it to you use me as your mouthpiece use me as a conduit use me as a divine umbilical cord further to declare the totality of your council tonight father let it not be my voice but let it be your voice use me as an instrument and a vessel of honor to bless your people in jesus name and everybody shout amen everybody shout amen now first i want you to say this with me what is a test or say it again what is a case or say it like you mean it what is a case and that is what i will be teaching on again the topic of the message or the topic of the teaching tonight is what is a case what is a case what is a case now i want you to understand under the sound of my voice before i begin to zero in and start defining what a case is i want us to look at a scripture very important isaiah chapter 5 the verse number 13 isaiah chapter 5 the verse number 13. he said therefore my people have gone into captivity therefore my people have gone into captivity because they have no knowledge they have no knowledge i want you to take note of that they have no knowledge the purpose of the captivity is lack of knowledge they are honorable men are famished they are hungry they are suffering and they are dry up with tests they are multitude dry up with tests so why is the lord leading us this week to teach on this particular subject of cases why because there are so many that are ignorant about it there are so many that lack the knowledge lack the understanding lack the apprehension of this particular subject and because they lack the knowledge and the understanding and the comprehension of it they find themselves in bondage they find themselves in captivity you see in the course of my teaching i'm going to make you understand that some of the cases that has come upon us some of the cases that we are walking in is as a result of self-inflicted they are self-inflicted cases and how did that happen it happened as a result of ignorance as a is the result of ignorance as a result of youthful exuberance and so there are some of us we have inflicted cases upon ourselves because we lack the knowledge we lack the understanding we lack the revelation that is why i am praying that in this dispensation and in this time and in this season that we are in god will raise people that will become a custodian of the revelatory power of god my people have gone into captivity projected taken from he said therefore my people you must understand that not the world it didn't say unbelievers he didn't say that he didn't god said my people my people referring to you and i we have gone into bondage we have gone into captivity we are operating and that a case a test is pursuing us a guest has faced our life has ravaged our destiny has ravaged our family has ravaged our career has raffled our children has ravaged our businesses has ravaged our finances as raving and ravaged our progress as a result of ignorance ignorance lack of knowledge lack of information lack of revelation lack of precision we have gone into bondage we have gone into captivity and anytime you walk in ignorance the devil takes advantage of your ignorance to destroy you that is why the maintenance of ignorant is the stronghold of the enemy the maintenance of ignorance is the stronghold of the enemy believe you me i've been waiting for this day to preach on these things i let me tell you god will blow your mind by the power of the holy spirit as you listen to these teachings before you even get here on the fourth next week friday all night some of the yolks will be broken the bad things will be broken the text will be broken why because before then you would have received revelation you would have received knowledge you would have received understanding to deal with some of these cases efficiently and effectively and completely eradicate and extinct them from your life and that of your family whenever there is ignorance great people go into captivity watch what the bible says project it again from watch this very carefully he said therefore my people have gone into captivity because they have no knowledge i have explained that and he said they are honorable men are famished not dishonorable unravel me in other words they are great men are hungry they are important they are great but they are not experiencing greatness they are mighty but they are not experiencing the mightiness of the almighty in their lives why because of ignorance and he says and they are multitude dried up with pests multitude of them are dying of tests because when there is no revelation where there is no understanding where there is no illumination where there is no light that will be test you cannot pray in a vacuum when you pray you must pray with understanding you must pray with revelation you must pray with illumination enlightenment knowing what you are dealing with and confront it effectively and that is the purpose why i am teaching this series you cannot miss it and all night if you miss it you have missed the whole night of your life the bible says that we have been redeemed from the curse we have been redeemed from the case so oftentimes you hear believers saying that no i'm not under any case because christ has redeemed me from the curse yes it's true christ has redeemed us from the test but i want to teach you some things tonight that will blow your mind he said christ has redeemed galatians 33 he said christ has redeemed us from the test of the law yes he has redeemed us from the test of the law literally having become a text for us for it is written case is everyone who hangs on a tree so you must understand so somebody will say that can a believer can a christian be under a test the answer is no but spiritually yes legally no expiration yes somebody will say pastor grant what do you mean by legally yes and experientially legally no and spiritually yes what do you mean by that now we have been redeemed from the case of the law we have been redeemed we have been redeemed it means that literally we have been taken out we have been exempted we have been removed christ became a test so that we might become a blessing and so that is our legitimate right our legal rights we are not supposed to be working in a test we are supposed to be working in the blessing but how come that we experience cases in our lives how come one you must understand that the bible says that by the stripes of jesus we are healed now we are already healed by the stripes of jesus we are already healed it is part of the package of our redemption which means that literally we are not supposed to be sick because he became sick so that we might be healed he was afflicted with infirmity so that we can work in divine health so how come that we have been legally redeemed from it but yet we experience sickness the bible says that healing is the bread for his children but yet we experience sickness and infirmity afflictions in our body and so can a believer work under a case no legally but experientially yes and they are things that warrant it and i will be teaching it in the course of the week when i start teaching on courses of cases so there are so many that are quoting this scripture but they don't have the understanding and the revelation of it so they are just quoting instead of them confronting the guests and confronting the demonic powers confronting the satanic powers that is using the cases as legal entry point into their family into their life into their businesses into their household and they are perpetuating their wickedness they are they are in full devices instead of them confronting them with revelation with understanding with the power of scriptures and with the power of prayer they are just quoting the scripture without any form of revelation cases are real if you feel like i am working in failure your life is filled with failure frustration it has become like like like the lot of your life your life is characterized with all kinds of setbacks and shame and limitations restrictions and inhibitions you must understand that you are operating under a case you are operating and directly especially when you are a believer and a lover of god but yet nothing is working for you and it doesn't matter how hard you work you always miss the blessing or you never get to the blessing or you never attain the blessing or you never come into the favor of god i want you to understand that you are operating under a test and cases are real they are real it is not a joke to function and directors it is not gains to function and dieters so i am going to be defining what a case is and i want you to pay attention to this definition a test a case one i'm going to give you a couple of definitions a case simply means programmed to fail programmed to fail that is what it means a test means you have been programmed to fail so if a case is programmed to fail then it means that it doesn't matter how hot you work it doesn't matter how intelligent you are it doesn't matter your brilliance it doesn't matter your degrees and your credentials it doesn't matter your background it doesn't matter your status in life it doesn't matter your weight if you are under a case you have been programmed to fail which means that all the things that i've mentioned cannot cannot work for you it will rather work against you it means that you will see your colleagues and your peers and your contemporary advancing forward moving forward progressing but when a test is at work in your life instead of advancing and progressing and moving forward you begin to experience delay and setback and retrogression and when we talk about delay we are talking about time and when somebody when an entity when powers when evil spirit when agents of the devil when demonic spirit have dominion over your time they have control over your life delay got to do with time whoever have dominion over your time controls your life that is why just progressing is not enough you must progress fast because you can be progressing but at a slow pace as a result of a case when you have been programmed to fail it doesn't matter you as a lady how sweet you are how beautiful you are in and out if you have been programmed not to marry i'm telling you no man will see your beauty they will not even see your character even though you are pretty in and out you are vectors well-raised well-mannered well-caughted respectful homily you fear god but if you are operating undirected let me tell you men will not even see you you don't even exist in the sight of me if you have been programmed to fail it doesn't matter what kind of school you attended you can go to all the ivy league schools and yet be jobless and yet be a nobody you can have all the degrees and the phd and yet be a non-entity why because you have been programmed to fail as a result of a test there are so many people that are frustrated highly frustrated and depressed and oppressed and the reason is because they look at their life and they have everything that it takes to achieve the height and to attain the height of life and to work in the scenic and in the pinnacle of life but yet nothing is happening for them why because they have been programmed to fail a case is being programmed to fail that is why you will see people your friends your family they introduce you to a business and the business that they introduce you to they are making it big they are progressing great things are happening for them through the business they are established through the business they are established through that investment and they are making it big great and they are excelling in life progressing in life advancing in life attaining heights and depths in life they introduced you to the same business you invested the same money they caught you they mentored you as it relates to what they are doing to make them successful they implemented and success is in their life success characterize their life progress blessing prosperity characterize your life you use the same procedure you use the same methodology you use the same skill you use the same weight but yet failure nothing is working in fact you have lost all your investments what you even put in you can get it back the reason is because you are operating under a test you have been programmed to fail programmed to fail a friend of yours to introduce you to a business and the reason for the introduction is because he is in the business oh she is in the business so many clients he can handle all the clients and so he admonishes you to get into that business invest into that business so that the clients that he cannot handle because they are so numerous he will refer them to you so you don't need to struggle looking for clienteles you establish the business all of a sudden there are no clients you have been programmed to fail programmed to fail programmed to fail a test simply means program to fail another definition of a test is a case is an opposition to god's divine plan an opposition to god's divine plan an opposition to god's divine plan now if it is an opposition to god's divine plan then what it means is that whatever that is the agenda of god the purpose of god the will of god the plan of god what have been written of you in the announce of eternity what have been written of you in the scrolls of heaven that is supposed to be manifesting in your life because you must understand that there are things that have been written of your destiny of your life here on earth jesus said i have come to fulfill what have been written of me in the volumes of the book so you must understand that your destinies have been written in the announce of eternity your destiny have been written on the scrolls of heaven and so you are supposed to be manifesting and exhibiting what have been written of you in the analysis of infinity and on the scrolls of heaven but when you are operating under a test instead of you manifesting blessing you manifest the case instead of you manifesting success you manifest failure instead of you manifesting advancement and progress you manifest delay and setback and retrogression instead of you manifesting the glory of god you manifest sin and so a case is an opposition it is a resistance against the divine will and purpose and agenda of god concerning your life the plan of god concerning your life is for you to enjoy your marriage be satisfied be fulfilled in your marriage if that is not happening in your relationship and in your marriage you must understand you are operating undiagnosed if the people that you went to college with that are your mates and some of them you even taught them some of them actually you even wrote their exams for them you did their homeworks and class work and other things for them but today they are far above you and you are marking time and you are still at where you are and you are stationary and you are stagnant and you are static in life i want you to understand that a case is working against your life a guest is opposing resisting the will of god the divine agenda of god the divine programming of god the divine will of god concerning your life and your destiny you are under a test you are under a case you are in their case that case got to be broken it got to be broken cases there are so many people that are powerful tongue speakers there are so many people that have been baptized in water and in fire they are 18 pounds king james bible careers they speak in the king james language but yet they have nothing to show you have lived in this life for 40 years what do you have to show 45 50 60 65 70 there is nothing to show there is nothing to your name in fact right now god forbid if you die there is no legacy not because you are sluggish not because you are lazy but because a chaos is working against you opposing the divine agenda and will of god and the divine purpose of god concerning your life there is a case that is resisting the blueprint of the almighty concerning your destiny so nothing is working for you your your life is filled with misery your life is filled with struggle and pain because you are operating under a guess i want to give you another definition of a curse a case is a a case is god's reconvenes in the life of a person and the descendants of the person as a result of iniquity i want to say that again a test is god's recompense in the life of a person and the descendants as a result of iniquity as a result of iniquity god's recomplains god's recompense to a person and his descendants as a result of iniquity now before i talk about recompense and also talk about iniquity for you to have the understanding of what i am talking about let's turn our bibles to lamentation chapter 3 the verse number 64 and 65 lamentation chapter 3 the verse number 64 and 65. and i want you to watch this very carefully he said repay them repay them i i want you to hear this again reward pay them oh lord according to the work of their hands let me repeat that again project it i'm going to repeat it three times i need you to get it he said repay them repay what them oh lord according to the work of their hands according to the work of the earth this is the definition of recompense it simply means reward and oftentimes when we think about reward we think in terms of only doing good and receiving a reward but you must understand that when you do good you receive a reward and when you do evil also you receive a reward when you do good you receive a reward when you do evil also you receive a reward so recompense simply means god repaying you at the measure of your work god is repaying you at the measure of your work and so recompense is reward or payment reward your payment and i said a test is god's recompense in the life of a person and the descendants as a result of iniquity so what is the real campaigns god is rewarding them and repaying them because of their iniquity sin sin recompense is a reward recompense is a payment [Music] is god's reward for sin god's reward for seeing god's reward for iniquity when you do evil you receive reward when you kick against the will of god you receive a reward when you walk in disobedient you receive a reward when you act trash your sleep you receive a reward so reward doesn't come to you only as a result of the good things that you have done reward also comes to you as a result of the evil and the bad things that you have done that is why the bible says that whatsoever a man saw it so shall he reap your harvest will not be different from what you sold your harvest is in direct correlation of what you sowed in the ground a test is god's reconvenes in the life of a person and the descendants as a result of iniquity as a result of iniquity iniquity and i want you to watch re campaigns i want to talk about do you know that recompensive simply means equivalent somebody say equivalent somebody say equivalent you see equivalent or a return for something done or repeat equivalent or a retain of something done or repeat it means that the cases comes in proportion to your iniquity the cases you walk in is in direct correlation and conjunction with the magnitude of the sin and the iniquity and the disobedience you cannot work for an hour when you are supposed to be paying 15 dollars and be and they give you hundred dollars you are paid according to the hours that you work according to the hours that you put in into the work equivalent so whatever detestable that you have done and abominable that you have done you receive a corresponding equivalent retain of a test let me finish reading it now let me start from the system okay he said great decade he said render unto them and recompense the old king james render unto them and recompense oh lord according to the work of their hands rent out unto them every campaign write down to them give them reward them repay them give them an equivalent of they are disobedient of the evil of their wickedness of their mischievousness repay them according to the measure of the iniquity and you must understand that there are some iniquities that the punishment is death and i will be coming into that in the course of the week as i teach especially when you when you entangle yourself into witchcraft where you get yourself into food yes that recompense the reward is death the bible says that suffer not a witch to live that is the reward death redeployment from the surface of the earth being extinct from the earth that is the recompense project the scripture for me let me finish it this is this one you need to you need to pay attention to this verse he said give them sorrow of heart give them sorrow of heart die curse unto them give them sorrow of heart you see when you are operating under a case your life is filled with sorrow when you are operating under a case when you are operating under a case you cannot have satisfaction you cannot have fulfillment you cannot be happy you cannot enjoy peace you cannot enjoy tranquility you cannot enjoy blessing you cannot enjoy favor you cannot enjoy open door you cannot enjoy the goodness and the kindness and the message of god your life is always filled with misery with sorrow with grief with pain with tears and with lamentation i'm talking about cases what a case is you must understand that the only way that satan can come into your life and come into your family and and try to alter your destiny and try to alter your life and alter your family and alter your ministry and alter your calling and your mandate and your mission and your assignment is through a test because the test becomes the legal entry point for them to perpetuate they are evil devices against your life the test becomes the legal entry point for them to bring you down for them to shame you for them to to to to drown you for them to bring you to nothingness you always have a heart of sorrow and pain and let me tell you a heart of sorrow as a result of a kiss it is characterized with failure failure tragedy frustration death destruction family problems marital problems sickness disease mental illness suicide miscarriages accident depression sadness sorrow grief vessation torment hopelessness despair poverty lack business failure confusion pain besetting scenes stumbling block guilt shame contamination lamentation suffering misery bitter experiences ill-fortune setbacks travails groanings hard times reverses distress calamity mishaps and recessions just to name a few your heart is filled with sorrow and pain that is what a test gives you give them a heart of sorrow he said give them sorrow of heart die curse unto them give them a sorrow of heart die curse unto them nothing makes you happy nothing makes you joyful nothing excites you it doesn't matter how many people surround you it doesn't matter the multitudes of people that you find yourself among them you still feel lonely and sad and sorrowful you are comfortless nobody can comfort you there is a place at work in your life there is a case at work in your life somebody shout a test work in my life it must go that is what i'm bringing you to this understanding and bringing you to this illumination so that you can deal with these cases effectively so that you can walk in the fullness of the blessings of god in the fullness of the favor of god in the fullness of the glory of god i want to show you give me the versus disease lamentation 366. let me show you something in the verse sis disease watch this as a result of the case he said in your anger pursue and destroy them from under the heavens of the lord pursue destroy them from under the heavens of the lord so you realize that it is not the lord that is doing this because he said under the heavens of the lord so it is somebody that is being instructed to afflict you somebody that is being instructed to make sure that you are esteemed and you are changed out of life you are chased out of your destiny you are changed out of your greatness you are chased out of your blessing you are changed out of your prosperity you are changed out of your colorful life let me read it again let me read it again he said in your anger bless you go after them destroy them from under the heavens of the lord look at your family everybody is being destroyed because of the test everybody has been destroyed look at the lives of your siblings look at your life look at the lives of your children look at the lives of your family members their lives is nothing to be written about why because a case is pursuing them and the case is destroying you and each and every one in the family this is not your destiny this is not the will of god for your life this is not the plan of god for your life this is not the agenda of god for your life that is why this week we would deal with it vehemently we will go after it with every weaponry in our asda we will tell the devil we have received illumination we have received revelation and we are disentangling ourselves we are disengaging ourselves from any case from any case so i talk about recompense so what is iniquity iniquity so iniquity in the hebrew is [Music] a vowel simply means perversity it also means moral evil it also means misdirecting sorry misdirecting it also means stubbornness it also means obstinacy to what is right obstinacy to obedience which means that walking in disobedience now that is what it means iniquity now tomorrow i will be explaining what diversity is because there is physical perversity there is moral perversity there is what we call spiritual perversity there is what we also call familiar epidemicity all these can warrant cases and all of these things are abomination unto the lord anytime something become an abomination unto the lord anytime something becomes detestable unto the lord it warrant cases the recompense comes the reward comes bigly in the form of a case i want to show you a scripture turn your bibles to a guy chapter two the verse number five through seven give it to me in the niv a guy chapter two the verse number five through seven this is what here very carefully this is what i convented this is what i covenanted somebody said this is what i covenanted somebody said this is what i covenanted this is what i covenanted with you when you came out of egypt and my spirit remains among you do not fear do not fear you see god covenanted with the children of the israelites and admonished them and empowered them not to fear why as long as his presence is in their life there is nothing to fear in other words as long as my presence is in your life a case cannot be at work in your life this is the covenant as long as you maintain my presence a case cannot work and they prove pronouncement of misfortune over your life it cannot work because that is another definition of a test pronouncement of ill-fortune pronouncement of ill-fortune when somebody speak negativity over you you we will see what will become of you you will see if you are going to succeed you you are going to struggle in life you your life will be filled with trouble you your marriage will not work the men will leave you the women will leave you you you will work so hard but you will have nothing to show of real fortune it's a test so i want to show you in the same book of hagar if you don't maintain the presence of god in your life if you don't maintain it in your life what happens so let's look at hey guy chapter one the verse number five through seven watch this carefully he said now this is what the lord now this is what the lord almighty says give careful thoughts to your ways give careful thought to your ways because those are the things that warrant cases that brings about cases that causes us to function and to operate and direct us our ways our ways and i will explode more on it when i start talking about causes of cases you have plenty you have planted much you have planted what much but harvested little i'm talking about the case if this is happening to you you are in there guys you have planted much but harvested little you eat but never have enough never underline the word never have enough why never because of the case you drink but never have your feel so you drink all right but you are never satisfied why a test you put on clothes but are not warm and otherwise you put on cloth to cover your nakedness for you to be warm but yet it feels like winter in your life you end wages listen to this very carefully you ain't wages only to put them in the pace with holes in it you ain't wages in other words you are working i told you cases doesn't mean that you are sluggish guess it doesn't mean that you are not hard working cases doesn't mean that you are lazy but what it means is this you are working so hard hours working overtime and they reward you for your work they pay you for your weight they give you your salary they give you your wages but the bible says that when you receive the wages and your salary when you take them it is like a purse with holes in it it is like a purse with holes in it it means that it comes into your hands but you don't get to enjoy it that is why there are some of you that you are watching me money comes into your hands it never stays a pace with holes money comes into your hands but there is a hole in your palm when it touches your hand it feels it falls off through your palms because they are holes why because of the test because of the case that's why you are working so hard over time but yet you have nothing to show there is nothing in your account there is nothing to your name because there are holes in your pets they are holes in your palms as a result of the test this is what the lord almighty says give carefully give careful thoughts to your ways i am talking about a case what it is and what we just read that is a case if that is happening to you you are under a case a case is at work in your life there is a pronouncement of ill fortune over your life there is an opposition to the divine will of god concerning your life and it needs to be dealt with i want to show you something in jeremiah 32 with the verse number 18. jeremiah 32 the verse number 18. watch this it says you show loving kindness to thousands you show loving kindness to thousands and repay the iniquity and repay the iniquity of the farthest into the bosom of their children after them you didn't get it i will read it again and repay the iniquity of the fat deaths into the bosom of their children after them the great the mighty god whose name is the lord of hosts so the case that i'm defining to you some of the cases is not necessarily those that are self-inflicted it is not also those that have come upon you as a result of ignorance but you are working and operating under a case as a result of the iniquity of the fathers because the bible says god repaid the fathers into their bosom and repaid their children and pay also their children children and so right there you are talking about generational case of which i will be talking also about in the course of the week as one of the topics i want to show you another scripture romans chapter 32 with the verse number 18. romans 32 the verse number 18. oh romans romans chapter give me romans chapter 12 the verse number 18. if it is possible as much as depends on you live peacefully with all men i will read this again if it is possible as much as depends on you live peacefully with all men this is what the bible is telling us but when you are under a case you cannot live peaceably with all men when the test is at work in your life you you cannot live pcb with all men why because cases will tend people against you cases it will tend people against you cassis will cost people the least likely the unassuming the unexpected to revolt against you to kick against you to oppose you to resist you why because when you are undiagnosed peace is usually far away from you so you cannot live peaceably with all men it is one trouble after the other one disaster after the other one pain after the other one trouble after the other i am talking about cases what is a case a cases anything that brings you to tears tears of pain is a curse anything that makes you feel inferior it's a case because cases will make you feel inferior even though you are superior when the test is at work in your life it has a way of covering your gifts and so people don't see your gift you are gifted but nobody sees it many years ago there was this radio commercial that i had and it never left me as a child growing up and the radio station was advertising and admonishing business people to advertise on their radio station and this is what they said they said having business without advertising it is like working in the dark having business without advertising it is like working in the dark in other words having business without showcasing it is like working in the dark nobody knows what you are doing except you when the case is at work in your life nobody sees your gifts you are the only one that knows that you are gifted when the case is at work in your life beloved no body sees the oil that is upon your life they only see your weaknesses and your flaws when the case is at work in your life that is why the press got to be broken the test got to be removed the tears got to be pushed backward the case must return back to where it's coming from the test must be reversed the test must be overruled over right the test must be terminated and aborted the test must be grounded into powder through the precious blood of jesus christ this case can no longer prevail in your life you can give room for these classes all your life is filled with tears why you love jesus you love god you walk in the ways of god but yet your experiences are awful painful tragedy lamentation shame reproach characterized with disgrace and humiliation the chaos got to be reversed the test got to be renounced that is why you need the understanding that is why you need the enlightenment that is why you need the illumination to understand what a case is because there cannot be recovery without discovery recovery comes as a result of discovery when you know what a test is you can reverse it if you don't know it's impossible to reverse it when you are going to a battle you must know the strength and the weaknesses of your enemy if you are going to defeat the enemy there cannot be recovery without discovery your depth begat your height that is why this week i trust god that you will come to the place of understanding enlightenment as it relates to cases that the truth will be unveiled and unraveled to you through scriptures that you would take a stand and say that god in my family i have seen cases but these cases ends with me it ends with me i know where it's coming from and i'm going to confront it i understand now why i am going through what i am going through and experiencing what i'm experiencing and i am willing to take a stand and fight it the bible says fight a good fight of faith the same thing if you have to fight a test you must fight a good fight to fight the case let me tell you this week don't miss any night don't miss any night because it's going to be explosive it's going to be powerful it's going to be revolutional each and every night tomorrow i will be teaching about the perfection as it relates to cases and i will be explaining it to you one by one you will be amazed while you are working under a case why your life is connected to a case your marriage your relationship your career your destiny everything is in direct alignment with the cases that are operational in your life and in your family and that of your siblings and your children and we will refresh them one by one you can't miss it wherever you are i want you to stand and i want you to begin to open your mouth and begin to pray i want you to declare that god let the kiss be reversed open your mouth and pray that god let this kiss in my marriage let it be reversed let this case in my relationship let it be reversed let this kiss in the life of my children let it be revealed let this cast in my ministry let it be reversed the test let it be reversed open your mouth and begin to pray mata pahata rank refresh the case concerning your family reverse the case concerning your marriage reverse the case concerning yourself your siblings your children refresh the cancer concerning your career reverse the cancer concerning your education refresh the cancer concerning your ministry your calling your destiny your finances reverse the cancer reverse the cancer reverse the cancer overturn the cancer her i cancel her every case that is operational in my life every case that is awake in my life in the name of jesus i overthink it i overrule it i override it i super impose the blood of jesus upon every negative activities of the kingdom of darkness that is affecting my life that is sinking me that is drowning me that will not allow me to rise up that will not allow me to excel i declare in the name of jesus and by the hammer of the world i smash it into pieces i ground it into powder in the name of jesus i break out from every test i break out from every failure i break out from every misfortune i break out from every calamity i break out from every humiliation i break out from every shame and reproach i break out from the test of death i break out from the case of diseases and afflictions and infirmities i declare in the name of jesus that the blessings of god is coming upon me the glory of god is coming upon me the favor of god is coming upon me in the name of jesus hallelujah amen and amen now i want you to understand tomorrow at the same time 7 30 pm i want you to tune in tomorrow i will be teaching on courses of cases causes of cases causes of cases causes of cases that cannot be a case with our cause so i will be teaching about the courses what warrants the case hallelujah and i don't want you to miss it for anything i'm telling you this week you will be loaded with revelation and information and insight and i'm telling you tomorrow is going to be more stronger heavier more revelation and more powerful than even today so you don't want to miss it for anything and like i said this series of teachings you cannot just listen to it or watch it by yourself you need your family the entire family to watch and to listen to this message so that when deliverance is coming it will not just be delete individual deliverances but it will be corporate deliverance family deliverance hallelujah and so please admonish encourage other people your family members let them subscribe to our channel and please i want you to to to to to to link uh uh uh uh uh the the the our our message and uh and the services to all your friends on social media hallelujah amen link it up with them hallelujah make sure that all your followers they are listening to the messages hallelujah it's very very important it's a form of outreach and it's a form of evangelism and i'm telling you by the time we got that here on the fourth next week friday i am telling you i am believing god for some unusual deliverances that will be taking place here that the case will be broken the yoke will be broken i am believing god for personal prophetic word and corporate prophetic word and i'm believing god that ancestral cases and yokes will be broken generational cases will be broken off of your life i am believing god for their stream hallelujah amen uh come on friday next week friday hallelujah and and and you must understand that this all night is in person all night it means that you got to be here you got to be here you got to come here friday from 9 00 p.m to 3 a.m next week friday from 9 p.m to 3 a.m but before then don't forget to tune in every night 7 30 p.m eastern time and like i said tomorrow i will be teaching on courses of cases courses of cases hallelujah it is time for offering it is time for offering it's blessing time hallelujah i want you to give generously and i want you to give bountifully unto the lord hallelujah father i pray in the name of jesus as your people give i ask o jehovah that you will bless them you will increase them you will expound and broaden their tentacles let there be no luck within their walls let there be no poverty within their coast let them experience extreme prosperity and abundance and plenty in jesus name amen and amen again don't forget tomorrow 7 30 shop 7 30 p.m eastern time i will be coming your way teaching on the topic causes of curses god bless you thank you so much for tuning in let's say the grace the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and the sweet fellowship of the holy spirit be with us now and forever more surely goodness and message shall follow us all the days of our lives and we shall dwell in the house of the lord forever and ever amen and amen thank you so much for tuning in i'm looking forward to coming your way again tomorrow at the same time 7 30 p.m eastern time and don't forget the topic again causes of cases that will be the topic for tomorrow as we study the entire the broader topic of reversing the case god bless you and i love you and bye you
Channel: Eagles Chapel
Views: 2,592
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: what is a curse, pastor grant, prophet grant, pastor raphael grant, prophet Raphael grant, eagles chapel, prayer city, prayer city eagles chapel, may 28 2021, bible study, friday service
Id: 6_6CaOB6Os4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 12sec (5652 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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