Fascinating 3D Journey to the Ocean Depths

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have you ever wanted to take a dive into the deepest parts of the ocean well today you're gonna have this opportunity now how good are you at holding your breath not that good well not to worry hop aboard my submersible craft and join me in the voyage to the depths ready let's dive right now just below the surface you see that life is thriving here fish and marine animals abound and hey there swimmers are waving at us but we won't be staying here for long bye-bye at 65 feet there's a whole new world opening before your eyes shallow coral reefs are standing beautifully not far from the shore and hey there are people here again it's scuba divers this time though water pressure isn't kind to divers without special equipment 130 feet is the depths where we say goodbye even to recreational scuba divers it's the maximum allowed for them take care guys 200 feet and here's the first orca these whales inhabit the relatively shallow waters of almost every sea and ocean in the world did you know that they're the apex predators by the way it means they have no natural enemies and no one can take them down at 230 feet we meet whale sharks the largest known fish species weighing up to 60 tons and they're also quite long livers well yeah i guess their livers are long at that but actually it's about their life expectancy they can live about 130 years now look outside if you're a scuba diver it's a real pro because at 330 feet they'll have to be very cautious not to get decompression sickness it occurs if you rise too quickly to the surface and if you're lucky you can also see a giant pacific octopus it dwells in cool water starting this deep and going down as far as 6 600 feet and now we're entering the dark part of the ocean at 490 feet just one percent of the light from the surface reaches us all the rest is absorbed by water everything that's deeper will get darker and darker still oh look at about 660 feet there's a giant oar fish circling our submersible these creatures are believed to be the source of all sea serpent sightings and also a lot of alliteration sometimes they swim up to the surface and freak out sailors and swimmers no wonder these fish can reach 36 feet in length enough to scare the heck out of me for example okay now we're at 980 feet and wait what's that huge and gangling thing out there oh i get it it's a japanese spider crab why a spider you ask well just look at those legs and the answer will come to you without further prompts by the way there's almost nothing more to them than legs the body of such a crab is normally just one and a half feet across going deeper now and at 1 640 feet you're going to see the last of the blue whales no not really the last of them i mean that's the deepest they can swim they don't really need to dive that deep for food which they have in abundance in shallower waters but they still can i guess it's just for the sake of showing how awesome they are after all they're the largest creatures in the history of earth both in the sea and on land shh you hear this these are the sounds fin whales are making to talk to their friends many miles away they can do this thanks to the sofar channel or deep sea channel that generally starts at 1970 feet but can vary in depth it's a layer of water where the speed of sound is at its minimum and sound waves can go thousands of miles before disappearing at the depth of 2723 feet we have reached the point where the burj khalifa the tallest building in the world would not even show its tip on the surface if it were put under water hey let's try that now we're entering the really interesting part of the ocean where no sunlight reaches us and strange creatures dwell one of those is the giant squid yes that legendary type it inhabits the depths of 2950 feet just imagine the creature with eyes the size of frisbees sperm whales hunt down these beasts but they certainly can fight back what a sight it would be to see such an encounter and that's where pitch darkness finally falls on us the midnight zone the pressure here is so huge that if you somehow end up being here without a submersible well you'll simply be crushed in a couple of seconds and that without seeing a thing too not the best of prospects anyway at 3600 feet there's west mata one of the deepest ocean volcanoes in the world its last eruption was in 2009 and it was even filmed by a remotely operated vehicle four thousand two hundred feet down below and we see the ferocious great white sharks these ultimate predators feel great at such a depth their eyesight is rather poor and they navigate by scent so they really don't need sunlight to hunt down their prey i don't see you but i'll still eat you also the leatherback turtles the largest turtles in the world dive at the same depth i wonder if they'd do it to tease the great whites oh see those huge nets that's because we're now at the depth of 4900 feet where the catch-all fishing method is used the nets are here to be dragged along the ocean floor catching everything unfortunate enough to be caught i'll let you decide how detrimental this is to the ocean life here at six thousand feet if we were in the grand canyon we'd be sitting at its lowest and deepest point imagine that all the crevasses have been thoroughly filled with water and you'll get the perfect picture now if we're really careful then at the depth of 6600 feet we'll be able to see the black dragon fish a nightmarish creature that dwells in the deep and dark parts of the ocean and trust me it's better off staying right here it looks like something from a horror movie and i'd rather it never crossed my path at 7 400 feet we'll be saying goodbye to sperm whales this is the deepest point they can dive and frankly they have no real business at such a depth maybe they hunt the black dragon fish of course or it hunts them nah the difference in size is too big sperm whales can reach 62 feet in length which makes them the largest toothed whales in the world not many creatures can counter that it's good that our submersible has a powerful floodlight without it we wouldn't have been able to see the astonishing beauty of the deep sea coral reefs located at the depth of 9900 feet they can be found in every ocean and it's a pity they can't be seen without special deep-sea diving equipment okay going deeper still and at 12 100 feet we reach the average depth of the world ocean from now on the journey into the real depths begins the general ocean floor has been passed so now it's time to delve into the abyss now at 15 000 feet the monsters out of your worst nightmares pop up anglerfish for example will scare the heck out of anyone its long and crooked teeth along with a growth on its head that lures the prey is enough to instill fear even in the bravest but perhaps even more terrible is the creature called the black swallower it's an eel-like beast that has a very stretchy stomach and it can swallow prey that's twice its size look down below and you're going to see the deepest shipwreck ever found ss rio grande in the south atlantic sunk in 1941 and went as low as 18 900 feet no wonder it was only found 55 years later and now the deepest and darkest part of the ocean begins we're diving into the mariana trench officially it begins at about 19 700 feet deep it's both the least explored and the most fascinating area for the scientists and adventurers alike what lies at the bottom of it well we're about to see but while we're not there yet i'll show you something else for example here's the deepest fish ever found it's called a snail fish and it dwells at 26 000 feet its body is translucent so you can actually see right through its skin well i must say i'm glad we didn't turn off the lights after all this little guy is surprisingly cute for a creature that can withstand such pressure going lower and deeper you won't see any other kind of fish or vertebrate animal whatsoever the pressure is just too much for such creatures but there are shrimps and other invertebrates not to mention microbes that can dwell even in the deepest part of the ocean and that part is the challenger deep it's the bottom of the mariana trench and its depth is 35 853 feet yes we've arrived at the very bottom of the earth few people have been here and very little is known about it yet but scientists aren't going to stop and there's hope we'll soon find out what secrets the depths of the ocean hold
Views: 2,227,990
Rating: 4.8933854 out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, Mariana Trench, sharks, weird animals, sea creatures, sea monsters, prehistoric animals, scary creatures, creepy creatures, predators, deepest water, deepest fish, mariana trench sounds, mariana trench truth, mariana trench mystery, facts about marina trench, scientists reveal, facts about Earth, mystery, mariana trench creatures, marine creatures, marine life, deep sea creatures, marine animals
Id: -j4eTCk5XJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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