14 Strange Rains Happened Once on Earth

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july 1957 an ordinary day in the state of kerala india people walk down the streets doing their business and it begins to rain suddenly people start to shout and run away in fear everything turns into a kind of horror movie because the raindrops that fall from the sky are bright red and this is not a horror movie it's all happening for real imagine the familiar view outside your window what if you saw it gradually turn red the clothes of people caught in the rain would change to pink now my first thought would be hey i should have prepared for the apocalypse but there's a logical explanation for the red rain at first scientists believe the rainwater was painted red by a meteorite burst but the next study came up with a different theory the rain is dyed with spores of algae carried by the wind the spores mix with rain clouds and as a result we see a beautiful but very frightening picture red rain you may be surprised but now people are used to this phenomenon the red rain is common for this region another type of rain that scared the locals occurred near washington in oregon called milky rain because of its white color this phenomenon stumped scientists and even when they analyzed the rain water they couldn't figure out where it came from after scratching their heads they came up with two theories the wind could bring ash from an active volcano in russia mixed with the water it colored the rain white or maybe it was caused by dust from a lake in south central oregon what other rain colors are there well a green rain fell near calcutta in the summer of 2002 it sort of looked like a kind of acid or dangerous liquid but this rain was harmless it was composed of flowers and mango pollen oh and there was also one not so great ingredient bee droppings similar rain occurred in moscow russia only this time the pollen was from birches now if i went outside and saw it raining black i'd think the end of the world was coming but black rain is harmless too unless you're the man who just washed his car black rain is caused by a mix of volcanic or even cosmic dust in the water so now your car is covered in either dust particles that have been inside our planet for millions of years or dust that's been flying through space and may be older than our entire solar system well you're still going to have to pay for the car wash though one day a brown rain fell in southern russia the locals were very worried and suspected factories were polluting the air with harmful substances but after researching the brown rainwater it turned out that dust was again to blame this time it had traveled a really long distance all the way from africa but it's not just colorful rains that can be scary we've all dreamed that money would just fall from the sky and it actually happened in a russian city in 1940 more than one thousand silver coins from a buried treasure were lifted into the air by a strong tornado and then scattered in the small town the coins date back to the 16th century now it's hard to calculate the total value of this treasure but it was definitely the most expensive rain in history hey did i say there's a change in the weather as in coins probably better not then but what if diamonds fell from the sky instead of coins it's not a fantasy it's reality just not on our planet diamond rain is quite common on jupiter and saturn scientists say that large drops could be half an inch in diameter that's a pretty big stone for a ring diamonds form at great height because of the atmospheric composition and thunderstorms but these planets are gas giants so when the diamonds fall they reach the hot core of the planet melt and evaporate upwards the process starts again sometimes rain can consist of oats rye flowers and other plants for example in 1869 in the city of otrick france it rained oak leaves the locals were extremely surprised as the weather was quite clear and sunny but the leaves appeared high in the sky and fell to the ground for some time the reason for this was a strong tornado that took place in the area six days earlier that ripped the leaves off of oak trees for those six days the wind drove the leaves through the air and raised them higher and higher until they fell back to the ground in a leaf ring arachnophobia is the second most common fear in the world so this rain might scare a huge number of people because instead of water spiders fell from the sky oh boy now how did the spiders get into the air well they have a habit of climbing to high points be it a fence or just a tall plant when they reach the top they start to release their web this web is so light that air currents lift the web and spider into the sky they're like spidery skydivers possibly scary skydivers if you don't like spiders if you're a friend of spiders though don't worry the spiders aren't injured in this unusual rain they land softly and then they go about their way looking to scare you around 1982 to 1986 several homes in evans colorado were covered with corn one of the locals claimed that at least a few tons of corn kernels fell on his yard more strangely there were no cornfields in the area that could cause this phenomenon in 2001 it rained corn husks in kansas the local news reported that 20 to 30 inches of corn leaves covered the main streets of the town of vecita fruit rain it sounds strange but the people from a small town in england complain that apples fell from the sky for a few minutes the apples were quite large but nobody was hurt except for a couple of cars naturally the locals demanded an explanation from meteorologists they agreed that a powerful wind picked up the apples from a nearby orchard and then dropped them on the town though some locals were sure the apples had fallen from a passing plank what about non-food rain in 1969 a very unusual hail storm hit the florida coast not only was the hail the size of golf balls they were literally golf balls as reported in the news dozens and dozens and dozens of golf balls fell from the sky such hail can cause serious injuries and damage but fortunately no one was hurt this phenomenon was not a mystery the area is full of golf courses as well as strong winds that could lift the balls up and then scatter them back to the ground but it's possible the most beautiful rain you can see is a meteor shower despite its name it's completely harmless these rains happen very often and you can see them at a certain point in the night sky there are about 112 meteor showers in total over the year like the alpha centaurids meteor shower with a peak of about three meteors an hour but the most prolific of these phenomenon is the orionids meteor shower it's associated with haley's comet and usually occurs in october or early november in some years meteors may occur at rates of 50 to 70 per hour and hey it's not just rain that can be unusual snow falls from the sky too and it can be strange like watermelon snow you can find it high in the mountains and coastal polar areas of our planet it's a type of cold weather algae that gives the snow its pink color finally just remember not to eat the yellow kind of snow really
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, natural phenomena compilation, natural phenomena in the world, natural phenomena caught on camera, natural phenomena documentary, extraordinary things in the world, world extraordinary things, amazing earth phenomena, amazing natural phenomena around the world, red rain, milky rain, black rain, green rain, brown rain, diamond rain, meteor shower, pink snow, spider rain, arachnophobia, coin rain, most beautiful natural phenomena
Id: oT3L79sf5HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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