What If You Were Born Old and Grew Younger

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well hello there my dear who's ever listening to this my name is energizer uh no aggravator no wait dagnabbit i'll get myself together and remember my name correctly oh ebenezer yeah that's how my mom pot called me i ain't nothing special but it's only yet i just been born a year after all my mom's a beautiful lady she's in her mid-40s now just the age to have seniors like me my paw is a big and kindly fella listening to my blabbering with a smile on his bearded face i saw their pictures of yore before my time and paul was a boldy back then but now his hair is so thick ma's hands get lost in it they keep telling me i'll be a good lad when i grow young i love them so much well i'm tired now need some beauty sleep here every gays are out hey there it's been a while since i recorded something here i'm 10 now and it's an awful good time to be alive you know i go to school have lots of friends there it's a lot of fun to study and during breaks we play bridge i love math and literature you have to make your gears turn to understand those numbers and analyze books i read a lot too so i'm the best in my class can't stand p e though my joints aren't saying no thank you exactly for making them run and pump iron billy's good at that he says he's going to be an athlete when he's young looking at his physique i kind of believe him okay the break's over time to get back to my studies ebenezer out i'm 20 now and life's becoming a virtue i just graduated from college been here for close to five years a big deal i'm officially a master of science now i'm thinking of becoming a doctor but i'm not sure my mom and paul will be all right without me they're already growing too young now and i'm afraid they'll get in trouble if i'm not there once paul went to a party and didn't come back for three days got my worried sick she gave him a huge slap when he finally turned up they made up real soon though youth is passionate you know i used to hate pe at school but i love it now every chance i get i go running in the nearby park and even ask my parents to get me a gym membership for my birthday it's so good to feel those old bones creak less and less with each passing day oh incidentally gotta go for another run now see in 10 years i guess ebenezer out [Music] hey you know what a pain it is to care for 270-somethings all they want to do is throw loud parties at home have sleepovers every weekend and fight with each other over some petty stuff every time i leave for work i'm terrified of what i'll see when i get back in the evening once i came home and couldn't even open the front door because one of their friends decided to take a nap right on the porch and whenever i tried to bring this topic up with mom or dad they chide me for being insensitive insensitive they say they brought me up as a good man but they deserve to have the time of their lives after so many years of hard work okay i surrender [Music] the only person who understands me is felicity i'm a civil engineer and we met at a construction site she's a bit younger than me but that's fine she also has to put up with her parents who are moody all the time she thinks they've joined some sort of goth subculture or something and they keep telling her that she's wrong for taking up such a mundane job as a construction supervisor when we started dating we decided we give our parents some space so we often leave for long vacations together while they demolish our houses oh there she comes well time for me to go then ebenezer out [Music] hey remember me these past 10 years have been grand felicity and i got married and now we take care of our parents together and it's awesome they're all in their 80s now and having fun at kindergarten while we're at work and we take them for barbecues bubble parties and theme parks afterwards they get their retirement benefits all right and leave them for us to take care of they say we're the best kids they could wish for and i've never been so proud in my life after hearing this it's actually mom's birthday today and she and dad invited all their friends from the kindergarten and from her previous job my personal favorite's jenny she's a little mischief all right she spooked both me and felicity hiding under the table when we were cooking dinner and then jumping out at us from there and felicity adores donny that old boy seems really serious at first glance but that little grin of his speaks volumes about him and i've got the best news ever for dessert last year we got our very own senior can you believe that we named her cecilia after her grandma hey cece say hi to this thing here uh she's shy sitting all day in that rocking chair of hers and trying to knit can't walk by herself yet so we move her around the house in that thing she loves it always cackles with that toothless laugh of hers felicity is now running after donny around the backyard with a broom i think he stole a piece of the birthday cake from the kitchen gotta go help her i guess cheers ebenezer out hey we uh we've been living without our parents for three years now the last year was the toughest i guess i never thought babies needed so many diapers it was hard to prevent them from falling wherever they crawl too but cece helped us a lot by the way she was only seven and just started going to school but she loved cooing over them and rocking their cradles we showed cece their pictures when they were seniors just like her she didn't recognize them of course they were so old and gray meanwhile felicity and i are on our way to retirement and we're so looking forward to it i'm 51 and she's 54 which means we're entering our prime now we decide to let cece live on her own when she's young enough and have been looking at various holiday homes in the country i'm rooting for the wind in the mountains we've been doing a lot of mountain climbing lately and i feel felicity is with me in that well i'll keep you updated in a decade ebenezer out hey yeah it's ben again yeah i discarded that awfully boring name so i go with ben now what can i say being over 60 is no piece of cake oh lizzy is always pounding about something and i think she's jealous of me for hanging out with lana but she also keeps saying dan this dan that as if dan is everything she can think of we had lots of fights about that and once i even spent most of my retirement benefits on a rented apartment and stayed there for two weeks when i got back we promised each other never to speak with lana or dan ever again cece seemed frustrated with us way too often come on give me a break can a married couple get some life after retirement she calls us every evening and friends to come to our place if we don't behave since when has that old girl become so adult i wonder huh okay anyway will says the zip line from the top of the mountain is ready we're going for a flight of our lifetime ben out how do you use this oh yeah hey hey it's ben ebenezer i'm 72 today did you know that cece says i have to record something to come come commemorate this date i don't know what to say but i want my cake already cece where's my cake well hello there it's franklin speaking my grandpop's ebenezer left this device for posterity which i guess i am he's 84 now and mostly lying around in his little bed but mom tells me lots of stories about him and grandma i think i'll take up his tradition and let his legacy live on oops little benny soiled as nappy gotta go now franklin out
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Keywords: best what if questions, what if people aged backwards, amazing what if stories, craziest what if questions, strange what if questions, what if we were born old, aging backwards, baby born old man, born old and ages backwards, bright side, unusual phenomena, best what if stories, what would happen if, human physiology, hypothetical questions, im aging backwards, brightside, bright side what if, phenomena of physiology, physiological phenomenon, funny what if questions
Id: 9PvkwrIglY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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