How You'd Look Living on Different Planets

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Abandon humanity, become monke

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Bradley-Blya 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Trump would blend right in right away

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mourgolikos 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
why do we look the way we look most of it's down to dear old planet earth it's atmosphere gravity that kind of stuff when you go on a week-long beach getaway you get a tan basic but what about living on a whole other planet one astronaut spent a whole year living on the international space station zero gravity means no healthy pressure on your body so his bones got weaker so did his muscles it also gave him more space between his vertebrae so he got a bit taller and that's only a year the more time you spend at the beach the darker your tan gets so what if we move to mars the first major change you might notice after a couple hundred years is your brand new skeleton gravity on mars is much lower than on earth so your muscles and bones would probably shrink not great for surviving on a new planet gravity would make us feel our weight differently if you weighed 150 pounds on earth you'd only feel like you weighed about 50 pounds on mars you'd need to eat more to get stronger and bigger to make up for mars's weak gravity sweet time to grow some larger and stronger bones organs muscles everything there'd be one more dramatic change your largest organ your skin it's the most important barrier that protects you from everything germs wind uv light looking totally creepy you name it it does it you might just need a whole new skin how do you feel about orange sorry people green skin is totally sci-fi here's the deal carotenoids offer quite a nice protection against uv light that's the stuff you find in carrots sweet potatoes bell peppers tomatoes pumpkins a mars farmer's market could make a fortune the more of these veggies you eat the more orange your skin's going to get if you followed a special diet and wore high-tech gear chances are one day living on mars might be totally normal living on mercury would be really tough it's the closest planet to the sun and it's definitely hotter than earth but weirdly not hotter than venus it's really hot during the day about 800 degrees but at night it drops to negative 290. days on mercury are kind of crazy you know when you finish the day but you didn't really get a lot done problem solved move to mercury a day on this planet lasts about 58 earth days that means you'd have a lot of time to get ready for bed my guess though you'd probably get kind of bored one excellent solution somehow become made of metal like titanium nickel or platinum those guys can handle extreme conditions life on venus would be way worse than mercury or mars pressure might be a tiny issue you'd probably have one long never-ending headache standing on venus is like being 3000 feet under water oh and that thing we need every moment of the day chocolate i mean air there's not a lot of that floating around on venus there's carbon dioxide everywhere and the planet's surface is completely dry that means it's going to be hot 870 degrees hot there are a few species on earth that can survive the boiling point of water and maybe if they mutated somehow they'd survive venus's crazy heat 266 degrees is the record so far set by a species of microbes so get ready for an epic body transformation want to live on venus you'd probably have to turn into a tiny microbe just to survive luckily venus's atmosphere has phosphine which isn't great for humans but microbes just love it but since you're not a microbe not yet anyway you'd need to wear special gear to control the pressure and feed you air it's not looking good [Music] maybe it'd be easier on jupiter yeah no it's got no solid land this planet's made of hydrogen and helium and is known as a gas giant unlike saturn you'd probably end up just floating around on it it's like a giant cloud and if you ever managed to land it'd be like walking through a super thick fog temperatures fluctuate a lot here it's freezing on the surface and the atmosphere can be super hot below the surface we don't really even know if you lived on jupiter there'd be no spoken languages the gas planet absorbs radio waves so even if you could speak no one would hear you anyway and there'd be no music so no dance parties what's the point people would have to communicate in sign language great but it's not the atmosphere on jupiter is wild all kinds of winds and gas clouds you probably wouldn't even be able to see anything so that's not gonna happen still jupiter is awesome to look at it's so big that it can fit all the other planets in our solar system inside it with room to spare a trip to saturn will set you back about a decade and it'd be a big old waste of time saturn's mostly made up of layers of gas it has no solid surface so farming building or any other normal earth activities are out of the question before landing on saturn itself you'd probably want to explore those iconic rings around it you'd fail though because the rings are made of millions of ice sprinkles floating in space that's pretty hard to walk on you might have thought that saturn was going to be a good fit for you some layers of this gas giant sphere actually have quite a nice temperature if you dive into saturn you'll get to a layer with liquid molecules and a cool 32 degrees that's like northern canada alaska sweden except that you can't walk on it anyway it's only one minor layer and the rest of the planet is insanely cold so i guess if you still want to live on saturn you've got some work to do no biggie and just gotta turn into a snowball or something [Music] what about uranus time is kind of weird on uranus so if you're out that way looking for a nice vacation spot definitely choose this planet a two-week getaway on earth lasts three years on uranus there's even a c if you're up for a beach vacation the only problem is that it's made of ammonia that gross smelling stuff they use for cleaning but watch out where you land if you get it wrong you might end up spending a whole year without any sun how would you change if you had to spend a whole year in the freezing dark uranus winter we'd need bigger eyes to see in the dark plus more of that thicker skin to keep the cold out we might even develop a new hearing system like dolphins have neptune it's another gas planet but scientists think there's probably a dense core inside if you took the plunge to live on neptune you'd probably turn into a space reptile or cosmic fish endlessly floating around on the surface gravity on neptune is just a little bit stronger than on earth still it'd be really hard to stay in one place the wind there is super strong you'd have to be much heavier to resist it time to eat again but this planet's really impossible to live on scientists don't even want to send another spacecraft there welcome to pluto freezing cold tiny and super far away doesn't sound too exciting it's even smaller than our moon it would be so hard to stay on the planet no more trampoline parks people you'd probably have to build yourself a huge machine that would spin you around sort of a fake gravity machine still you try spinning around all day you'd need a brand new nervous system to avoid feeling queasy all the time but pluto's not all bad there's a liquid water ocean beneath the surface and ice mountains if you got yourself a highly trained crew and a bunch of expensive gear and regular supplies from earth nah too much hassle spaghettification wonder if you can choose your own sauce it's actually something you might experience if you ever tried to live in a black hole it's the process of squeezing objects like you into long thin cosmic strips so good news you'll get much taller bad news you'll be thinner than a single human hair you
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Rating: 4.8230023 out of 5
Keywords: facts about solar system, facts about space, facts about space and stars, what if, spaghettification, recent space discoveries, what other planets look like, bright side, strangest planets in space, mind blowing facts about space, bright side space facts, facts about space and planets, black holes, can we live on other planets, facts about space bright side, brightside, facts about space and the solar system, beautiful facts about space, facts about the universe
Id: GwM4Jg9ChvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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