What If You Traveled Into The Future

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Fuzzy's and nuts have been on an incredible journey through time showing us the largest animals to ever walk the earth the greatest natural disasters in history and the worst wars ever waged but their journey is finally coming to an end and that end is not in our past but in our future for most of humanity's history mankind has lived a rural lifestyle here but starting in the 1950s a mass exodus from the countryside to growing cities began to take place by 2020 more people will live in cities then will live in the countryside for the first time in history and that figure will only continue to grow this will create some serious challenges for cities who will need to become more self-reliant already in practice in some places around the world future city buildings may be constructed with layers of vegetation surrounding their outer shell this will help keep the building warm in winter and cool in the summer but will also allow high-rise citizens to grow their own fruits and crops as well as combat pollution by sucking in millions of tons of co2 directly from the air this will save a fortune in energy costs making future cities not just nicer places to live but much more energy-efficient - in the future medicine will be revolutionized by nanotechnology that's technology that works on a molecular or even atomic level robots the size of blood cells will cruise your body looking for infections or diseases to eradicate even before you start feeling sick they'll also help you heal from roots by stitching you together from the inside out going even smaller by directly editing our own DNA willy Radek eight common diseases like cancer and even hack our DNA to increase our lifespans make us smarter stronger and more resistant to getting sick gene editing will allow us to ensure that babies are born without genetic diseases common today and you'll even be able to customize the hair and eye color of your child if you wanted to but that's not all technology will eventually make itself as natural a part of our bodies as our own flesh and blood starting with wearables that can monitor our skin and taste our sweat to warn us of high stress levels or low blood sugar for diabetics all kinds of gizmos and gadgets will eventually make their way into our bodies to help us stay healthy even connect our brains directly to our technology so you can control it by thought alone in the future calling a friend to wish them a happy birthday will be as simple as picturing their face the ultimate in hands-free dialing mankind was born to explore and eventually will take to the stars though nothing can move faster than the speed of light scientists today haven't already figured out a way to cheat that cosmic speed limit via something they call a warp drive by warping space around itself a warp drive will create a wave of space-time directly ahead of it which would contract space in front of it and expand it at its rear effectively letting the ship its installed on surf this wave to its destination and because the ship wouldn't actually be moving only space-time around it would be it could go much faster than the speed of light without violating the laws of physics this incredible technology could let man get to the nearest stars to us in a matter of days and open up the rest of the galaxy to exploration and colonization and who knows what we'll find out there in the reaches of space or the surfaces of the wonderfully strange new alien worlds fuzzy and nuns have been on a long long trip through time and space and we're grateful to them along the way we've learned all about some of the amazing history of our planet as well as our own ancient past as a species from events that nearly wiped all life from the earth to the times we almost wiped ourselves out and after all that we think it's time for a well-deserved break well at least for now
Channel: Fuzzy & Nutz
Views: 470,880
Rating: 4.8672791 out of 5
Keywords: funny, funny animation, comedy, entertainment, animated, animation, animations, fun, challenge, fuzzy nutty, Cartoons, funny cartoon, cartoon shorts funny, Cartoon, Funny Cartoon, animated cartoon, full episodes, full episode, fuzzy and nutty, what if, story, craziest, tech, technology, hacking, dna, nano, nanotechnology, space, space travel, alien, alien planet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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