What if You Stopped Thinking All the Time? – Wim Hof, The Iceman

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many books i've been reading many esoteric disciplines i went in because i felt there is more between heaven and the earth but i couldn't find it and i had this feeling inside and after years i found myself in the park in sunday morning everybody's still sleeping and was pondering within once again like always because it doesn't stop you know that brain doesn't stop if you really search for something and you haven't found it your brain just keeps on yeah you're into your mind so this sunday morning i was walking through the park and i just felt this attraction to this thin layer of ice on the water i looked around there was somebody and just the idea came up i go into that water once again i looked around i undressed myself when they entered the water and i fell i fell deeply inside it silenced me i felt this is it without thinking later i began to know yes the whole brings you in a deeper connection with the deeper parts of the brain which is the adrenaline the reptilian mode the primitive brain the reactionary brain which is not thinking but only feeling this is what i was looking for something beyond religion be beyond concepts of philosophy or if you do this this happens all kinds of disciplines but never this depth in my brain connected with the depth of my body and that moment it just it made me feel really good just one minute it was the first time i played a little bit with the eyes and i was witnessing i had no i didn't feel the cold whatsoever i felt power power just internal power which is connection and this connection if you feel it and you get out then you have triggered something inside something deep and it makes you feel good because feeling good is deep connection and i took it home i wasn't thinking about it i was just into this feeling gave me a rush so the other day came back and did the same thing i had the same feel and i came back every day and i lengthened in time because i felt i was able to do that at a certain moment i began to become aware i was breathing more deeper deeper and there's deeper breathing brought about in oxygenation in my body tingling and all kinds of sensations and i could after like 25 of these breaths in the ice water stay five minutes six minutes seven minutes no problem no force just feeling underneath the eyes silence pure silence from within and out connection it brought this deeper feeling connection about and uh from there i was totally convinced within and always went back always when i went back because people thought of me as a crazy man who was going to sit in the freezing waters like 35 years ago and he i mean he must be crazy and what people think it affects in a certain way i just kept it secluded i was always going into the park where i lived in the south over in amsterdam just between two trees nobody could see me there i just did my thing because i've just felt very peaceful powerful silence and that's the way it all started and from there i became aware that it was a deeper power and i challenged it and at certain moments i could sit all night long in the shorts outside in freezing temperatures that's power that's something beyond the what we think it's just feeling pure feeling and it may be they were all kinds of things like snow okay you go walk barefoot for hours and hours no problem feeling good just that because i've always been looking for what is life about what is the real sense of life and you cannot find it in the books you are the book you got to open up and begin to read to be conscious of what you have inside and that's my conviction we are made to be happy strong and healthy and right now making a big step we got it into the science that we are able everybody to tap into the autonomic nervous system in two days i found this shortcut the key to the depth of our physiology the way nature has meant to be and that brings about the ability to tap into the deepest layers which is the endocrine systems immune systems and what is endocrine systems all that makes you happy or those are hormones happy hormones all that makes you powerful those are adrenaline hormones and what is health is just tapping in all the layers of the immune system and we got it and now it's in the books you know after 30 years of mockery which i endured it's belief a man is not able to endure 30 years of mockery if he hasn't got this belief what i felt was there nobody could say hey you don't what you do is craziness no i felt a whole lot better than ever before so that was my conviction and i stayed in it and this belief finally got through the wall of both ignorance and the way we think we can handle our physiology my conviction is once again we are meant to be able to tap in any time into our system to make us happy strong healthy we alienated from that and i'm gonna bring it back because what does a mother want for her child and the mother is the one who gives the birth to our existence she wants it to be happy strong and healthy and if there is a lack you compensate with possession with money security because you cannot guarantee health happiness and strength i respect the cold very much it's my teacher it is merciless but righteous this quarreling of the mind is is still in you just survive and not only survive you find out if you are relaxed that you are able to endure and this power within begins to grow which is dealing with the impact of this force called the cold and then afterwards you feel wow i'm filled up with power breathing brings about it changes the chemistry toward the way nature has meant us to be or like did you ever see a rabbit going to a psychiatrist or a pharmacy or a hospital one day before a rabbit is dying it's still able to flee fight eat and to do it all they fear real fears flea fight predators and all that we are really down because we think we are superior to nature we dress up all the time we actually disconnect ourselves from nature because there is no stimulation it's a neutral zone so the body gets weakened the brain body connection gets weakened oxygen is less because there is no stimulation if it would be colder here you would breathe deeper naturally and that activates all the veins we got 125 000 kilometers which is about 80 000 miles of capillaries arteries veins and all channels of blood and blood transport oxygen nature did a perfect job until we began to screw it up sometimes you gotta go back to the way the nature has meant us to be if we are able to make iphones that's the fruit of our mind okay we are there we got all the technology we cannot have control over our happiness strength and health it's time we take this intelligence and go within this video is sponsored by blinkist reading books is great but i've talked about this many times before many books are written very inefficiently and should be much much shorter than they are not only that sometimes you just don't have the time to read a whole book or you might want to just go back and review the main ideas without reading the whole thing again this is why i use and recommend blinkist it's a great app that takes information from the best books and condenses it to 15 minutes that you can read or listen to for someone looking to learn i really think this might be one of the best apps out there right now i recommend starting with a summary for any book on the fight mediocrity beginners reading list or any of the books that are in my blinkist library right now if that sounds good head over to blinkist.com fightmediocrity or click the link in the description below you can give it a try for seven days completely free and if you don't want to continue you can cancel at any time as a fight mediocrity viewer you'll also get 25 off if you decide you want the full membership thanks for watching
Channel: FightMediocrity
Views: 1,124,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wim hof, wim hof breathing technique, wim hof joe rogan, wim hof cold shower, wim hof iceman, wim hof method, wim hof interview, ice man, superhuman, wim hof tutorial, neuroscience, psychology, mental health
Id: NI4IV0M3lOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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