What If We Didn't Have Bones?

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[Music] looking to get your beach body into shape ready to lose that excess weight well our new patented diet plan is for you today we're going to get rid of your skeleton you don't need your bones right what would your boneless lifestyle be like how would you eat without jaw jawbones and is your skeleton still evolving this is what if and here's what would happen if we didn't have any bones okay brace yourself we just got the results in and we're sorry to report that you've got a spooky scary skeleton inside of you your skeletal system is made up of bones tendons ligaments and cartilage it produces blood cells stores and releases fats and minerals and you know supports the structure of your body but don't worry we're gonna take that sucker right out in fact we're taking everyone's bones out you don't need to thank us we're just trying to do our part wanna know something i'm a bad doctor so what would your new boneless life be like well you wouldn't be able to move for starters have you ever wanted to spend the whole day in bed well now you can every day don't worry it's perfectly fine just take a breath just take a deep breath but not too deeply because without a rib cage your lungs wouldn't be able to expand without bones you would need to be hooked up to a ventilator 24 7. this means you would be subject to more infections because your airways are always open [Music] this would let all sorts of nasty germs in for example a common cold would quickly become pneumonia but as long as you eat healthy you should be okay well when i said eat i meant we'd give you a feeding tube you can't chew without your jaw bones on the bright side you wouldn't have any bone related diseases like osteoporosis plus you'd never have to worry about wearing a cast but what if our bones weren't removed what if we never had them in the first place if we had evolved without bones that might mean that we would never have left the ocean and we lived our lives like human jellyfish maybe we would evolve to have an exoskeleton [Music] then we would need to mold and grow bigger exoskeletons as we grew okay i'll be honest that sounds pretty gross but the good news is is that you wouldn't have to deal with it for long yeah your lifespan would decrease significantly since your skeleton provides much needed protection for your organs your brain would be left without its helmet making your noggin extremely vulnerable okay maybe this wasn't the best idea our bones do more than we give them credit for we already know that our bones grow with us as we get older but did you know that modern life is actually causing our bones to change for example feel the back of your head on the back of your skull is a spike-like feature called the external occipital protuberance but it wasn't always there in fact it used to be so rare that we didn't start investigating it until 1885. so where did it come from well get this the spike is most common in younger people the reason technology the constant use of smartphones and tablets has led to this spike since we're hunched over our devices it causes strain on our necks this protuberance helps the skull cope with the extra stress because it spreads the weight over a wider area so basically your skeleton is looking out for you ah thanks bones but you don't have to worry about it chances are that if you're watching this video you have a skeleton but that isn't necessarily the case there's a rare genetic disorder called hypophosphatasia that affects one out of every 100 000 babies it's a disorder that causes your bones to disappear patients with this disorder lack an enzyme called alkaline phosphatase this causes their bones to be extremely fragile so they break down easily thankfully as of today doctors are working on special enzyme treatments these allow the bones to slowly grow back so patients can move again so to sum it all up your bones are extremely important without bones in your body you wouldn't live long at all and to be honest you should make an effort to take care of that skeleton of yours get it tibia honest is a bone joke like the tibia whatever but with all this talk about short life spans what if that was the norm what if you went from being a newborn to your deathbed in a day what if you only lived for 24 hours well that's a story for another what if [Music] you
Channel: What If
Views: 996,735
Rating: 4.9071732 out of 5
Keywords: what if, what happens if, scifi, science documentary, what if scenario, mysteries, what if your body, hypothetical, hypothetical scenario, skeleton, bones, skeletal system, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, blood cells, producing blood cells, stores fat in body, minerals, supports the structure, structure of the body, jawbones, ribcage, lungs, lungs anatomy, without bones, get sick easily, pneumonia, feeding tube, osteoporosis, exoskeleton, lifespan decreasing, skeleton anatomy, hypophosphatasia
Id: UbIN5ZQac4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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