What If Each Planet Replaced Our Moon?

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imagine if one day you looked up into the night sky and saw mars or saturn where the moon was supposed to be that would sure turn our earth into an alien world and not just because of the new view how would replacing the moon change the earth's orbit what planet could we safely replace our moon with and what planet would be the most disastrous this is what if and here's what would happen if another planet replaced our moon we can thank the moon for predictable weather ocean currents and the circulation of important nutrients the moon also helps stabilize the earth's tilt take away the moon and the earth would go wobbling all over the place and it would cause what i can only describe as climate change on steroids but we wouldn't just let the moon take a day off we would find it a replacement from another part of our solar system so what would happen if we swapped our moon with a planet that is 41 times its size before we get to that dramatic part let's talk about pluto pluto wouldn't look much different than our current moon it would be smaller though and this wouldn't be good for earth that's because pluto's gravitational pull would be weaker than that of the moon earth would begin wobbling all over the place and it would result in dramatic climate change all sorts of natural disasters ruining your day the moon's gravitational pull is responsible for our daily ocean tides because pluto is smaller than our moon our ocean tides would become weaker this would devastate important ecosystems i know all this sounds stressful but you know what could help ease the stress our friends and sponsors of this episode caliper cbd they've got a better way to consume cbd did you know that calipers powder was found to deliver cbd 30 times faster than cbd oil in the first 30 minutes that means you don't have to wait for two hours for your cbd oil to fully absorb with caliper cbd you can feel calm and less sore in just 10 minutes and caliper cbd is completely tasteless you can mix it 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red planet in our night sky would be quite a sight all the iron oxide on its surface would glow red no more white moonlight shining through your window at night instead everything would be bathed in an eerie red mars's stronger gravitational pull would make tsunamis smaller but it would make normal waves massive and because mars would create stronger tidal forces earth's rotation would slow down the days on earth would become longer i hope we'd still keep a 40-hour work week because a 16-hour work day doesn't sound that great [Music] moving on with venus in our night sky we might never experience darkness venus is the brightest planet in our solar system it would reflect 60 percent more light than the moon and because it's three and a half times the size of the moon it would force the earth into a binary system earth and venus would rotate each other huh it would be beautiful and disastrous simulations of a binary system usually end up with planets colliding or merging neptune and uranus are both ice giants and are similar in size a huge portion of our sky would be taken up with a blue green planet only uranus would also stink horribly no wonder this fart smelling planet got such a name since both uranus and neptune are 14 to 15 times the size of the moon their impact on earth's rotation and tidal systems would be drastic beach houses would have to be built up on cliffs far enough away from the reach of enormous waves now seeing saturn up in the night sky has to be my favorite its pale yellow color and ring system would be stunning but there would be some complications because saturn is so large the earth would quickly become its moon and if earth orbited around saturn it simply wouldn't be the earth as we know today finally moving on to the big guy jupiter at 41 times the size of the moon you wouldn't even be able to see the north and south poles of the gas giant similar to the deal with saturn earth would become jupiter's moon only it would get worse because jupiter is so massive the side of the earth that's closest to jupiter would experience a stronger gravitational pull than the opposite side this would distort the shape of the earth all this pulling apart would create frequent volcanic eruptions and violent earthquakes jupiter's gravitational pull would tear the earth apart so enjoy the view while it lasts this is not how i pictured my day remind me of that time we made earth collide with uranus oh that was a stinky story but we'll save that for another what if
Channel: What If
Views: 3,243,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what if, what happens if, scifi, science documentary, what if scenario, mysteries, what if cosmos, hypothetical, hypothetical scenario, Moon, predictable weather, ocean currents, important nutrients, earth's tilt and seasons, stabilize, climate change, night sky, mars, saturn, alien world, alien worlds, orbit, solar system, pluto, jupiter, astrophysics, astronomy, ocean tides, ecosystem, mercury, asteroid craters, tidal systems, iron oxide, white moonlight, tsunami, venus, binary system
Id: jOQ1shrpz9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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