What if Vader Didn't Burn? (FULL STORY) – Star Wars Elseworlds

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[Music] i hope you're all doing well and welcome back to another fan fiction today's star wars elseworld story is going to cover a common premise anakin was destined to be the most powerful jedi or sith as stated by the maker himself george lucas but we know how that played out in the original timeline losing his limbs was a tremendous loss but it was his burn injuries that caused him the most damage as mentioned in the revenge of the sith novel anakin's burn injuries diminished his force potential to just 80 percent of the emperor's power as the book stated but what if he didn't burn what if vader still lost to obi-wan but his body never caught on fire how would anakin be perceived by the public the rebels and the senate since he wouldn't be confined in the darth vader suit how different would palpatine use him within the empire and how would this affect key moments in the original trilogy such as obi-wan's conversation with luke in a new hope when talking about a jedi named darth vader who betrayed and murdered luke's father for this fan fiction i'm going to delve into a possible variant of this what-if scenario but before we begin this story here's a message from our sponsor this video is sponsored by rage shadow legends if you're not familiar with raid shadow legends it's a turn-based mmorpg where you collect a roster of over 600 interesting champions upgrade them and fight tons of unique bosses rage shadow legends just celebrated their 3rd anniversary as one of the top rpg games out there use the qr code on the screen or the links below to download raid on your phone or pc the new edition of doom tower is a game mode that introduced a whole new world of new and terrifying bosses to slay expanding over 120 levels the doom tower brought new challenges for seasoned players of which you could be won eventually and they're always adding new bosses and champions for you to collect and if adding new characters wasn't enough last year raid added a whole new faction 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obi wan and anakin exchange words kenobi walked away leaving anakin to succumb to his own failure and arrogance the obvious change in this timeline is that anakin didn't land close enough to the lava so he doesn't light up in flames he remained on the ground attempting to drag himself up with his last remaining arm shortly after the emperor arrived with two [Music] he is still clones get a miracle immediately as sidious made his way down he and anakin exchange a few words in the main universe he likely couldn't speak to palpatine at the riverbank due to being incredibly weak and hurt from his burns his voice box had likely been burned severely which didn't allow him to speak until placed in the suit without suffering the horrifying fate of being burned to a crisp anakin was able to look up at his new master and exchange a few words he angrily stated that kenobi had gotten away and that padme needed help sidious acknowledged this but didn't say anything back as anakin then slowly passed away from the pain of being cut down we cut to this scene on coruscant anakin or more accurately vader is brought here to palpatine's surgical reconstruction center shortly after being laid down vader was given a new cybernetic arm and legs the operating table slowly rose up vader glanced over to palpatine with a look of concern it's here where he said where is padme is she safe is she all right palpatine replied with the same line of dialogue he told vader in the film it seems in your anger you killed her vader had his meltdown and broke the binds that held his hands he crushed the droids around him and yelled out no as sidious smiled sadistically a few days after revenge of the sith vader had made his full transition into dark lord of the sith he donned all black robes and chest armor his appearance would look similar to the battlefront 4 concept art of a darth vader that was never burned on mustafar in the nights following the formation of the galactic empire palpatine held a hearing in the senate that was broadcasted throughout the entire galaxy when he introduced anakin skywalker secretly darth vader hissed apprentice the senators in the audience gasped some were shocked to see a jedi standing by their new emperor by this point the jedi were seen as traitors to the empire who attempted to murder the chancellor and overthrow the senate palpatine had introduced anakin to the senate and galaxy as his personal bodyguard and second in command essentially his enforcer who commanded the armies of the empire as a general still much like he did during the clone wars the emperor made a short speech which that basically propped up anakin as his savior the man who saved him and stopped the jedi uprising against the republic he mentioned that right as the jedi were going to murder him in his office anakin came to his rescue saving his life doctored recordings of this would be shown to the public like in legends that made the chancellor seem like the victim once palpatine had finished he gave the floor to vader in his speech vader voiced every frustration he had with the jedi order especially the jedi council he didn't lie but he told things from a certain point of view that made the jedi look even worse to the public it's likely he could have blamed padme's death on the jedi specifically obi-wan he could manipulate a narrative by stating the jedi forced her to turn against him when speaking to the public vader mentioned that leading into the formation of the empire just a while ago the council had assigned him on a mission to spy on the chancellor so here they pushed the narrative of the jedi wanting to overthrow him which did not sit well with the newly founded imperial senate and citizens of coruscant what truly swayed the people to vader's side is when he detailed the encounter with mace windu in the chancellor's office stating that he went there to kill him without any mercy and he almost did until he stepped in and stopped the jedi master vader vowed to the public that he would hunt down any remaining jedi for their crimes against the republic without remorse the senate roared with a thunderous applause and cheers from every corner of the building this made anakin extremely popular he was held as the hero who not only saved the chancellor and stopped the treasons jedi but the man who slained the evil separatist leaders palpatine made sure that this narrative was pumped throughout the various imperial propaganda broadcasts during the early days of the galactic empire his face and name would be plastered everywhere throughout hollow transmissions in every corner of the galaxy he inspired millions of normal citizens to join the empire a lot of the stormtrooper recruits were inspired by anakin directly now since anakin wouldn't be covered in a black mask it wouldn't take long for people like ahsoka rex and obi-wan to see what he had become an enforcer for the emperor and hero of the empire he essentially became the poster child for the newly founded empire to the public he was the heroic anakin skywalker between imperials such as the inquisitors behind closed doors he was the ruthless and intimidating darth vader since anakin wasn't burned and consumed by the injuries of the main timeline vader palpatine was able to use him as a propaganda tool like he was during the clone wars in legends he wouldn't be the mysterious boogeyman that vader was in the original timeline this made justifying and legitimizing the empire that much easier for the emperor now vader wouldn't be as intimidating to imperials and rebels without the elevated boots black mask and scary voice but he still commanded a level of respect and fear many people who followed and admired anakin throughout the clone wars believed the empire was good since the hero of that war was right beside the emperor which to some meant the formation of the empire was fully justified arguably a vader that hadn't gotten burned would be far more dangerous not because of his immense force powers and potential but because of his physical appearance to others a vader with anakin's face and heroic deeds behind his past would most definitely wield more political sway and power than a faceless masked enforcer vader at any moment could be sneaky and charming whenever he pleased while using his public image of anakin to do such the public wouldn't know that the once kind man he was as a jedi died along with the republic in the order a vader with charm as we've seen in the clone wars and subtlety could have been a far more lethal version compared to his original timeline counterpart because he wouldn't need to rely on fear alone to sway others to his cause he would be more like a dark prince rather than some angry monster behind a mask this could be a possibility i also believe there is a possibility that this specific version of vader wouldn't be as hateful and self-loathing due to not being burned in canon vader was always in a constant state of suffering due to the mechanical suit both physically and mentally the sith lord harnessed this very same pain and anger to fall deeper into the abyss of the dark side which made him detached from his humanity until the events of return of the jedi as mentioned earlier vader's force potential was diminished due to his burn injuries but since he was never burned in this timeline he was able to reach his full potential in the force what held him back in the main universe was those same injuries he suffered on mustafar which resulted in him being restricted to the painful black suit palpatine made his suit extremely vulnerable to force lightning in case he ever stepped out of line because all vader was deciduous was a tool that could be disposed of at any moment we can go with a popular narrative in which vader overthrows sidious in the early years of the empire some time before the original trilogy as he would technically be far more powerful than the emperor but that would be too predictable and i don't want to drastically change the timeline this early in the story and in my opinion i still don't believe that vader would overthrow palpatine even after reaching his full potential within the context of this timeline in which he still lost padme my explanation and thought process from this choice comes from the legends novel dark lord the rise of darth vader vader wouldn't turn on his master early on because sidious was all that he had left palpatine held a psychological hold on him anakin still lost padme in this universe so to him the emperor is all that he had left no one else would accept him or see him for who he was until luke attempted to turn him back to the light i believe vader would only challenge sidious in a scenario where he killed obi-wan and padme lived but that's a story for another time there can be a version of this where vader does overthrow palpatine early on but i want to go with another narrative instead as the timeline further advances darth vader trained and grew his power in the force becoming the embodiment of the chosen one his raw power and strength grew by the day his connection with the force became insanely powerful over the years his abilities would mirror that of what starkiller had done in the force unleashed games at any moment he could kill his master and claim the throne for himself but palpatine was the only person he had in his life that knew him vader knew he'd be even more empty ruling a galaxy alone with no one by his side the death of padme mentally broke him and resulted in him being a constant slave to the emperor on a mental level at some point obi-wan would learn what had happened to anakin via a hollow broadcast somewhere in a cantina and most eisley this is how he found out that anakin survived and was the ruthless enforcer known as vader in legends the same happens here due to anakin skywalker being the face of the galactic empire by being promoted front and center amongst imperial propaganda throughout the galaxy luke's last name would be changed to lars as in this timeline it would be very difficult and dangerous for luke to hold the skywalker name when we arrived to the events of rebels by now rex had known what happened to anakin as his longtime friend the clone would be heartbroken once vader confronted ahsoka on malachor there would be a slightly different emotional weight because right off the bat ahsoka had been hurt for a long time due to the knowledge of what had happened to her master she isn't finding out who he is under the black mask like in the main timeline the duel between vader and ahsoka played out the same but she is overpowered a bit more since vader is at his full potential the events of the original trilogy mostly stay intact but with some various differences starting with a new hope the duration of that story doesn't change that much the only major difference is that since luke doesn't know that his real father was a man named anakin it wouldn't benefit obi-wan to tell him such as this could create some conflict within the young boy when obi-wan spoke of anakin to luke regarding the comment of him being a good friend and that he was murdered by vader in the main timeline this doesn't occur during the events of a new hope sometime after the events of a new hope vader found out that the pilot who blew up the death star is indeed his son as we enter the events of the empire strikes back we settle on the moment here where vader had just cut luke's hand off he then revealed to the young boy that he was his father luke was even more shocked as his whole life he believed that owen was his father since he practically raised him luke jumped down and left vader alone he was saddened and upset he wanted luke to join him so they both may confront and kill the emperor he wanted his son by his side as we fast forward to return the jedi on dagobah luke approached obi-wan as he appeared before him he asked obi-wan if he knew that vader was his father it's here where kenobi revealed the truth he stated that the reason this was kept from him was to prevent any possible confliction luke might have which could risk in him joining vader as in this timeline anakin was a charming and heroic figure who helped swayed millions of people to believe in the empire afterwards obi-wan then explained to luke who anakin truly was this next exchange is reminiscent of what obi-wan told luke in a new hope hearing that his father was once a kind man and a jedi really resonated with luke he had a hard time believing that vader was once this individual when luke and the rebels had arrived on endor vader confronted palpatine in his throne room aboard the death star he slowly marched with purpose to his master sidious spoke up i've told you to remain on the command ship a small rib of forces penetrated the shield and landed on endor yes i know my son is with them are you sure i have felt him [Music] strange that i have not i wonder if your feelings on this matter are clear lord vader they are clear more than ever vader proceeded to ignite his crimson red lightsaber the royal guards standing at the entrance motioned their pikes for combat but their heads were immediately twisted in a grotesque form vader did not hesitate to kill them palpatine glared in vader as he slowly stood up from his seat i see that you have made your decision so be it sidious ignited his lightsaber and lunged towards vader spinning in the air like he did to mace windu the two clashed in heated combat dueling throughout the throne room as powerful as sidious was he was no match for vader in this universe as by this point in time he had already surpassed and reached his full potential in the force no matter how fast sidious was with his lightsaber strikes and movement vader was simply five times faster and much more powerful with his heavy strikes the fight between the two sith would last as long as the duel between palpatine and mace windu vader was far superior to his master when it came to lightsaber dueling he eventually was able to disarm sidious his lightsaber flew out of his hand rolling away down into the reactor shaft palpatine had no choice but to unleash his unlimited power of forced lightning vader deflected it with ease using his lightsaber and hand as he steps closer he broke sidious's focus and held him in the air with the force he pulled him towards his lightsaber and killing the emperor through the chest he wheezed as the life force left his body vader then grabbed him with one arm and threw him down the reactor shaft and so died darth sidious vader was now the new emperor later into the film luke surrendered himself to vader he had arrived to endor because he foresaw that his son would surrender himself into his custody in this universe vader maintained the ability to see things into the future since his connection to the force was at a hundred percent that scene on endor played out mostly the same way we cut to the death star the elevator to the throne room opened vader and luke walked together up the steps were the former emperor once sat luke paused in confusion as he noticed the seat was empty vader continued to walk as he removed luke's spines with the force he took a seat on his new throne and stated that he is now the emperor and that his former master was a weak old man vader sat with the sadistic smirk locking eyes with his son as he told him that he will look forward to completing his training luke responded telling vader that he won't convert him to the dark side vader immediately replied as he stood up from his seat to walk towards him saying that perhaps luke will change his mind once the imminent attack on his rebel fleet begun the young jedi visibly showed a look of concern it is pointless to resist my son said vader with a cold look as he returned to his seat from here vader explained to luke that everything that has transpired has happened so by his design and that his friends on the moon of endor will be walking into a trap as well as his rebel fleet vader was attempting every form of manipulation to get his son to join him so that they may finally rule the galaxy together as father and son just as he told him on cloud city vader proceeded to tell luke to come see for himself luke stood in front of the window as he witnessed the rebel fleet be attacked luke turned to his father after he added that this is where luke will see the end of his insignificant rebellion young skywalker looked to his lightsaber that laid on vader's seat he sensed that his son wanted to strike him the temptation grew in luke as vader monologued more about the situation at hand without a second of hesitation luke grabbed his lightsaber with the force and attacked his father the crimson red blade of vader clashed with luke's emerald green one vader smirk his goal was to get his son to give into the dark side and turn him he doesn't intend on killing luke so he held back on purpose the intensity of their back and forth clashing reminded vader of his duel with obi-wan on mustafar many years ago luke got the slight upper hand and kicked vader down the steps as he flipped through the air and landed below good use your aggressive feelings luke let the hate flow through you i will not fight you father so you have taken my offer then to rule the galaxy at my side make things the way we want them to be no father i don't want that i want us to be on the same side but the only way that will happen is if you come back to the light you're solely mistaken luke i decide when we stop fighting and if you're not with me then you're my enemy as vader then slowly walked up the steps with his lightsaber in hand he attacked luke adding on that he is unwise to lower his defenses the intense fight continued throughout the throne room luke could feel the raw power of his father he avoided him and jumped upwards your thoughts the conflict said luke with the utmost of confidence vader continued to tell him that there is no conflict within him and that he must join him he needed his son to join him by his side so that he wouldn't be alone anymore in the scene under the throne room vader continued to force luke to give in to the dark side and join him it isn't until he threatened him with turning leia to the dark side that luke jumped out and begun to attack him luke tapped into the dark side for a brief moment managing to overpower his father and cut his hand off vader fell to the ground he was happy rather than sad that his son was falling victim to the same manipulation he did he beat luke for a slight moment realizing what he had done luke became a true jedi by ditching his lightsaber throwing it away and states that he will never turn to the dark side i'll never turn to the dark side luke told his father that he is a jedi i am a jedi as he once was as anakin skywalker vader instantly became frustrated as he viewed this as some sort of personal betrayal all this did was remind him of when padme obi-wan refused to join him which angered the sith lord then and now he stopped holding back and now decided to unleash his full power unto his son to show luke the true power of the dark side with one hand vader begun to force choke luke as he stared at him with a terrifying scowl the yellow sith eyes glowed in pure rage vader shouted at his son telling him that he must join him and if he does not he will share the same fate as everyone who betrayed him as he harmed luke vader begun to rant about how the jedi were weak and that the only valid path is the dark side as that is where the true power lied luke begged his father to stop he pleaded and cried out like in the original scene when palpatine attacked him with force lightning vader became angrier he began to see flashes of the past of padme luke having his hands wrapped around his neck from the pain of the force choke instantly brought vader back to that horrible day on mustafar luke's pain so obviously mirrored padme's final moments in front of vader when she was choked in the exact same way the conflict became unstable with vader as each second passed by seeing his son's distraught face in pain reminded him so much of his dead wife the woman that he wanted to save from certain death for a split second he saw padme there in front of him standing where luke was he was harming her again this brought back so many dark memories of pain and regret that was anakin's biggest regret in his whole life the flashes of padme begging anakin with her eyes and then luke doing the same suddenly snapped vader out of existence completely he let go of his grip luke fell to the ground coughing painfully anakin had returned it was the realization that he had been hurting a loved one that brought him back to the light he couldn't hurt luke anymore the way he heard padme luke's stubbornness to not join vader reminded him so much of her she was just as brave and stubborn in her own way once he let go anakin fell to his knees as he cried out what have i done he couldn't believe that he had almost murdered his own son but not just that he was the only one who believed that he could turn back to the light back to the man he once was luke limped towards anakin he kneeled in front of him and told him that he knew he'd come back anakin's eyes met luke's relieved face the two shared a warm moment as anakin smiled now go my son leave me said the now redeemed anakin as he limped towards the seat of the throne room no you're coming with me i'll not leave you here i've got to save you responded luke with much worry and pain anakin looked to luke with a tear in his eye you already have luke you were right you were right about me tell your sister you were right as anakin got closer and finally sat on the seat luke walked up to him he begged his father to come with him father i won't leave you explosions and alarms blasted in the distance luke continued to beg he beckoned telling him that if he stayed the station will be destroyed and that he will die anakin one last time told luke that he can't go with him he explained that he must atone and that he is already a dead man and that nothing could change that now he told luke to go and be the man that he never could have been to be the jedi he always wanted to be the explosions aboard the death star became more violent luke eventually did leave the last thing he saw before the elevator door closed was his father smiling back to him luke then boarded the imperial shuttle and escaped the space station anakin looked into the stars through the window from his seat just as he sensed the imminent explosion he closed his eyes to now finally die in peace the endor celebration played out luke saw his father one last time as a ghost before joining his friends and this is where our story ends [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Star Wars Elseworlds
Views: 254,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars Elseworlds, Darth Vader, Vader, Anakin, Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars What if, Star Wars fan fiction, what if anakin didn't burn, what if vader didn't burn, what if anakin never burned on mustafar, what if darth vader never burned on mustafar, star wars, What if Anakin DIDN'T Burn? FULL, star wars theory fan fic, star wars elseworlds what if, what if darth vader didn't burn, star wars theory, star wars explained, star wars what if
Id: EKNniLnWyOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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