The Life of Thorin Oakenshield | Tolkien Explained - Dwarves of Erebor

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Thorin the second son of Thrain ii was born in 27:46 of the Third Age in the Lonely Mountain he is born grandson to throw her the king of Erebor and is the eldest sibling to his brother Ferran and his sister dese Thorin is 24 years old when Smaug sacks heir boar and drives the doors from their home while his father and grandfather escaped using the secret backdoor Thorne was one of the fortunate few dwarves who were not inside the mountain at the time of the attack Thorin goes into exile with the rest of his people they flee to the south and end up settling in done 'land after 20 years of exile having lost his kingdom in his home throwerw becomes despondent he gives Thrain his ring of power and leaves with just one other dwarf gnar and travels north hoping to see the Dwarven city of Casas doom they come to the east gate of Moria finding it open ignoring his companions please to beware thrower goes through the gates gnar hides nearby for many days until throwers body is flung down the steps his head severed an orc tells gnar to carry a message if any of y'all people poke their foul beards and here again they were fair the saram go and tell them so but if his family wish to know who is now King here the name is written on this face I wrote it I killed him I am the master then are turned the head and saw branded on the brow into warf runes so that he could read it the name azog that name was branded in his head and in the hearts of all the dwarfs afterwards gnar stooped to take the head but the voice of azog said crap it be off yes all free bag out beard a small bag strikes gnar containing a few coins of little worth weeping gnar flees down the silver lode looking back he sees the orcs hacking up throwers body feeding the pieces to the crows the war of the dwarves and orcs now returns to dun hland and upon hearing of the events Thrain now king of his people declares war upon the orcs he calls all seven houses of the dwarves together to enact their vengeance in 2793 three years after throwers death the Dwarven host departs for war and over the next six years they assail and sack all the orc strongholds they can find one by one from mount gundabad in the north to the gladden in the south little is known about the war aside from the fact that most of it has fought underground in the great minds and tunnels of the Misty Mountains the war comes to its climax in 2799 when the Battle of is anibal's r is fought in the dim Rodale below the east gate of Moria during the battle Thrain and Thorin are both wounded and thorns brother Ferran is killed when thorns shield breaks he uses an oak branch to block the blows of his foes the battle is a famously bloody one which the dwarves are victorious in thanks to the late arrival of the dwarves from the iron hills Dayne ironfoot kills azog avenging thorns grandfather they place a Zoggs head on a pike and put in his mouth a small bag of coins despite their victory no dwarf dared to re-enter Moria out of fear of Durin's bane in memory of the battle Thorin swears to always bear a plain Shield of oak with no device until he should be hailed as king earning him the name Oakenshield the Blue Mountains after the war thorn and Thrain along with the other survivors of Durin's folk returned to dun 'land soon afterwards they begin to wander through area door finally settling in the Blue Mountains the arid lewin there they would prosper like they had not done in years they Forge objects out of iron and slowly increase their numbers all the while they still longed to return to the lonely during this time saurons power grows it's possible that as his power grew so too did the Rings influence over Thrain his burning desire for gold and to return to Erebor becomes too great and in 2841 he sets out on an expedition to return Thorin now 95 years old would never see his father again drain is separated from the rest of his dwarves and Souren captures and imprisons him in dongle door Thorin now becomes the king of Durin's folk in the appendices of The Lord of the Rings it is said that during this time the years lengthened the embers in the heart of thorn grew hot again as he brooded on the wrongs of his house and the vengeance upon the Dragon he had inherited he thought of weapons and armies and alliances and his great hammer rang in his Forge but the armies were dispersed and the alliance is broken and the axes of his people were few and the great anger without hope burned him as he smote the red iron on the anvil [Music] the quest of Erebor 100 years after Thrain left the Blue Mountains Thorin meets Gandalf by chance in bree they proceeded to go to thorns halls where they discussed their mutual interest in removing Smaug Gandalf advises Thorin to take with him a company of dwarves as well as the Hobbit Bilbo Baggins Gandalf invites the dwarves to Hobbiton instructing them to look for a smile whose door was marked with the sign of the thief Thorne was only convinced that the quest would be profitable to him when Gandalf revealed throwers map and key they'd just given to me by Oh father that's right just yours [Music] the morning the company departs Gandalf finally convinces Thorin to take Bilbo along on the quest after their encounter with the trolls they find in the trolls cave a hoard of treasure including blades made in the ancient elf city of Gondolin Thorin finds a sword that Elrond determines to be or 'christ Dorne pledges to honor the sword in hopes it will be used to cleave goblins once again which it does later in goblin town while the company is in Rivendell Elrond also reads the moon letters on throwers map instructing Thorin to stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks and that the Setting Sun with the last light of Durin's day will shine upon the keyhole later when the dwarves are captured by the elves of Mirkwood orc wrist is taken from Thorin not to be returned while the dwarf lived King under the mountain when the company reaches as Gareth Thorne is greeted warmly by the men of the lake they hail the return of the king under the mountain after Smaug is slain by bard the Bowman thorn is able to officially take control of Erebor once again after hearing the news of smaug's demise thorn fortifies the main entrance of the mountain Thorin now succumbing to dragon-sickness refuses bards claim to a share of the treasure until the elven hosts had withdrawn it gone bard refusing to send the elves away declares the mountain under siege until Thorin gives them their share of the treasure Thorin sends for his cousin Dain ironfoot via raven messenger Bilbo seeking to end the dispute secretly gives the Arkenstone - bård and Thranduil to use to make a deal with Thorin upon hearing of this perceived treachery thorn is furious and casts Bilbo out of the company Dain brings over five hundred dwarves from the iron hills to aid his cousin all disputes among men and elves and dwarves were set aside when the army of bulk the son of azog suddenly attacks the three armies of elves men and dwarves unite against the armies of goblins and wargs in the Battle of five armies during the battle thorn is gravely wounded Cillian fili rushed to protect their uncle a deed that would result in their own deaths after Bilbo is found alive he is brought to Thorin on his deathbed Thorin apologizes to Bilbo for his angry words and deeds he praises Bilbo's good character courage and friendship saying if more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold it would be a merrier world with these final words Thorin dies in the presence of his friend Bilbo Baggins thorn is laid to rest deep within the Lonely Mountain bard places the Arkenstone on thorns chest and Thranduil lays or crest upon his tomb it is said that ever after the sword gleamed if foes approached Erebor the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain would forever afterward be warned of coming enemies thanks to the sword of Thorin the King under the mountain who had reclaimed their home thanks so much for watching if you liked this video please be sure to subscribe and share that helps a lot and we'll see you next time on nerd of the Rings
Channel: Nerd of the Rings
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Keywords: tolkien, lord of the rings, lotr, hobbit, the hobbit, nerd of the rings, silmarillion, thorin, thorin oakenshield, thrain, thror, king under the mountain, battle of five armies, richard armitage, hobbit botfa, botfa, dwarves, 13 dwarves, thorins company, thorin king, thorin death, history of middle earth, men of the west, geekzone, appendices lotr, return king appendices, tolkien appendices, erebor, king erebor, king dain, dain ironfoot, bilbo baggins, gandalf, smaug, dwarves of erebor
Id: 72MP0D4UsMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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