What If There Is Only One Road in the World

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[Music] there are nearly 200 countries in the world imagine you can visit each of them by car because people have built a huge road connecting every corner of the planet wait before you go on the trip you need to be prepared the earth's equator is about 25 000 miles long on a jet plane flying at the speed of sound you would travel around the earth in 33 hours unfortunately you don't have such a plane and what you do have is an old but reliable minivan if you drive it at a speed of 65 miles per hour you'll finish the journey in about two weeks but let's not forget the necessary stops to sleep eat see the sights and stand in traffic oh and one more thing you won't be able to drive in a straight line it's a single road and it'll be winding even going in circles sometimes on the world map it looks like an unpredictable mess so it's better to leave your minivan and buy a mobile home a trailer with all the amenities also you'll have to spend a lot on fuel gas-powered cars aren't allowed on the world road only electric ones can drive there so be prepared to recharge and pay for it ready fasten your seat belts and here we go at first you need to get to the nearest city built along the world road upon arrival you see a highway a hundred lanes wide a lot of cars drive along brandishing flags of their countries everyone honks at each other and shouts in different languages but it's not only the road that's surprising the city next to it is equally astonishing imagine thousands of tourists and commuters pass by your city every day normally they'd stay in roadside motels but on the world road they prefer to stay within city limits every country wants to look presentable in the eyes of foreign citizens so the so-called world cities are decorated with grand monuments beautiful architecture and parks and of course real estate in these cities is very expensive in some countries the road passes near the capitals the world road is fenced with a tall transparent wall if you want to stay in some city you have to leave the road and drive through the security checkpoint this is really convenient since you don't have to wait in lines at the borders between countries the road connects the entire planet without restrictions beneath the road electric sensors are built in to regulate traffic and stop violators if a driver exceeds a speed limit these sensors send an electric impulse and disable the driver's car since all the cars are electric charging stations pepper the roadside so if you run out of power you can recharge at any time the first few days are quiet for you you drive enjoying the beautiful view getting stuck in traffic sometimes but not for long you eat food you buy at supermarkets or stop at roadside restaurants with the world road bustling roadside eateries have turned into real restaurants where famous talented chefs cook fortunately the food there generally isn't very expensive if you started the trip in north america your first destination is south america you drive by amazingly beautiful cities get acquainted with the culture of different countries and look forward to the most interesting stage of your journey transition to another continent you have to cross the ocean many countries spent huge amounts of money and decades to build a long bridge connecting africa and south america you climb upon a road that has no end inside it's a long bridge that rises dozens of feet above the water huge pillars extend from the ocean floor and support the bridge throughout the way the ocean merges with the sky on the horizon and you feel as if you're flying through the air and best of all there are no transparent walls to the sides not to block the view even though the longest straight section of the route begins there's a high speed limit for the first few dozen miles a driver can't get used to the amazing scenery and sometimes gets distracted from the road electric sensors don't allow you to accelerate more than 65 miles per hour to reduce the risk of an accident you drive in the leftmost lane and can look at the ocean you see a group of dolphins leaping out of the water and greeting the drivers and a huge whale swimming on the horizon you keep driving and soon the sun descends upon the horizon the landscape becomes fantastic many cars pull over at the side of the road and people get out of their vehicles to take pictures of the beautiful orange red sunset at night a powerful storm begins the ocean is raging huge waves crash into the pillars and droplets reach the cars lightning flashes but drivers aren't afraid lightning rods are installed all along the road soon the storm subsides you continue on your way overcoming ships that also sail to africa you think you'll arrive there much faster but then you get into a big traffic jam the road passes by small islands among which is tristan de cunha a group of volcanic islands that are the most remote pieces of land in the world ocean the road branches into dozens of directions that lead to the islands hundreds of cars swerve there and create traffic jams after a few hours you return to the normal speed a full day has passed you need rest so you stop by the side of the road and sleep inside the trailer in the morning a seagull wakes you up by knocking on your window this means the mainland is close a cool breeze gives way to sultry hot air the blue ocean is replaced with yellow savannas you travel all across africa enjoy the company of lions elephants and giraffes and get nicely tanned you find yourself back on the water bridge and drive to the island of madagascar here you make a stop to enjoy the unique nature that's unlike anywhere else in the world you go back to africa and from there you start on a very long journey through eurasia you visit all the european countries then go to the east and reach india you stay for a while in almost every country you've managed to sell your trailer and bought yourself a new one you no longer remember the exact number of days you've spent on the road but you know for sure that more than a year has passed you're heading to australia past thailand vietnam and indonesia after that you visit new zealand here the road makes a big circle and you return to eurasia through papua new guinea and the philippines you've had a great time on the sandy beach swum in the ocean a lot made friends with the locals and felt like a citizen of not one country but the whole world still you want some change of scenery and the road obliges you're going north you pass through the eastern part of the continent and reach your next destination here the road winds through snow fields and winter forests every day a large amount of snow falls on the road it would have disappeared under this white shroud but fortunately there are heaters installed beneath the road so you're driving on wet asphalt instead because of the bitter cold people rarely stop here so you quickly reach the chukchi sea you reach another bridge and drive above the water for a couple of hours ahead you can see the coast of alaska you think you'll arrive to north america soon but the road turns towards greenland instead you reach the most amazing point in your journey you pass through a valley of icebergs some of them are so big that the road is cut right through them you're driving inside an ice tunnel and get a little scared when the tunnel ends you're back on the long bridge over the water this bridge is the last one on your journey it takes you back to north america after more than a year abroad your trip is finally over
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Keywords: best what if questions, multi-country trip, visiting multiple countries in one trip, craziest what if questions, strange what if questions, how many countries in the world, longest road train, bright side, traveling to every country, round the world trip, what would happen if, hypothetical questions, traveling around the world, longest road trip, longest road in the world, longest trip by car, brightside, bright side what if, longest trip in the world, funny what if questions
Id: qqh-Xx6aNgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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