What If We Built a Wall Between People and Wildlife

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[Music] one day the earth was divided into two equal parts as a last resort to save the planet one half was where people live and the other was for nature it seemed wildlife and plants were saved but how did it change our civilization as the legend goes after first dividing the globe humanity realized the environment was still in danger everything they did in their part of the world influenced the other and since they kept burning fuel polluting the atmosphere and throwing plastic into the ocean wind and water currents spread this poison all over the planet so they built a huge wall to finish the job the wall started deep underground and soared high in the sky hundreds of years have passed since the wall was completed now nobody remembers when exactly the builders as they're referred to put it up the only thing we know crossing the great separator is strictly prohibited and since the wall isn't transparent no one has any idea what's happening on the other side a lack of free space on the human half forced us to invent flying cars and build cities vertically high into the air and deep below the ground natural foods have almost disappeared because there's no territory or conditions for agriculture scientists have created artificial food not that tasty or healthy but very cheap real meat wheat vegetables and fruit have become luxuries in this new world almost all natural resources have run out because of the overpopulation people are still trying their best to save what little nature we have on our side there are waste recycling plants in every city but they don't help much Society has also divided itself into social classes with the rich living in the air cities and the middle class and poor living on and hello the ground but there's one thing all these citizens have in common they want to get to the other forbidden part nobody knows how the planet has transformed on the other side because no one has ever been able to get there no one except you you were born in a world where half of it is a total mystery every day mesmerised you watch all documentaries and read about wildlife you live near the wall and work at a water purifying plant one day during lunch break you go outside to stretch your legs that's when you notice a little green lizard it's the first time in your life you've ever seen such a creature it can't live on your side of the planet because of the environmental problems yet it can't be from the nature side because of the huge wall in the way unless an idea pops up in your mind the lizard must have snuck in here from the other side but it's impossible the wall goes deep underground you watch the thing rush toward the wall and scurry into a little hole in the ground it looks as if there's a passage somewhere in the wall a passage leading to the Otherworld you start digging a tunnel in that place hoping to find a hole in the wall you do it at night and keep the whole thing a secret if you get caught the consequences will be dramatic you finally find a passage you keep digging and soon enough you're in before you can see anything you hear the sound of birds chirping you get out of the tunnel and find yourself in the middle of a green Glade colorful flowers grow all over the place and the air smells so fresh you see bees and butterflies flying around off in the distance there's an outline of an old city the concrete jungle has long turned into the real one with skyscrapers covered in moss and vines roads lost in thick grass and trees growing everywhere it looks as if any human traces will disappear completely in a few decades naturally you decide to go check it out on your way you notice that many animal species endangered in the old world have survived rhinos elephants and deer are no longer threatened by poachers marine inhabitants don't swallow plastic or get stuck in fishing nets the planet's other side looks like paradise but even in such a breathtaking place you may be in danger you'll hear leaves rustling behind you and then a grizzly bear those old nature videos immediately flood your mind if you've crossed paths with a brown bear lie down on the ground and don't move you do just with the host set and it saves your life the bear loses interest and moves on then you stumble across an apple tree with ripe fruit on it you've never tasted anything so delicious these apples would cost hundreds for just one on the other side of the wall you put a couple in your pockets it's getting dark and you see a stunning sky peppered with stars in your city light pollution doesn't let you enjoy such views now you're in awe but your starry gaze is interrupted by the sight of smoke something's burning you run in that direction and are almost knocked to your feet by what you see lights all of the sudden your phone starts buzzing and vibrating it's connected to an unknown Wi-Fi work what you come closer and hear voices and the sounds of music you hide behind a bush and watch several people having fun around a campfire the music is coming from a speaker it's almost as if a native tribe has just left the jungle and started to discover the benefits of civilization you later learned that some isolated groups living far from big cities didn't leave their homes when the planet was divided in half they didn't feel the need since they never caused any harm to the environment and now these small tribes live in empty cities but how have they managed to restore electricity and keep the internet they'd need massive numbers an entire workforce to maintain these services there's something going on here but before you can start coming up with theories to explain this unexplainable sight a bright spotlight from the nearest building shines on you and an alarm goes on you've been detected the people around the fire rush to grab you they shout something in a language you don't understand and drag you somewhere you try to break free but they are too strong the group brings you to the top floor of a skyscraper and leave you alone in an empty room there's a computer in the center of the room it clicks on and startles you a pleasant voice introduces itself as artificial intelligence the voice tells you humans created it centuries ago to help make their lives easier but the AI learned to study our species and at one point realized we were the biggest danger to earth it didn't get rid of humanity like every sci-fi movie would have you assume no it was the AI who decided to create the wall and this plan worked thanks to the divider nature started to recover the voice offers you a choice you can go back to your old life in a dirty overpopulated city but with your flying cars and modern conveniences or you can start a new life here in a clean beautiful but wild paradise what will you choose sounds like an interesting conversation to start down in the comments and if you learn something new today then give the video a like and share it with a friend just click to the left or right to check out these other cool videos and remember stay on the bright side of life
Views: 552,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, good news, what if, what would happen if, future of the Earth, future civilization, future technology, urbanization and industrialization, urbanization problems, urbanization and the future of cities, urbanization and the environment, artificial food, overpopulation, overpopulation animation, overpopulation and the environment, social classes, light pollution and wildlife, artificial intelligence, AI, future of the planet
Id: Q46-ErJiHEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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