What If The Village Knew Naruto Was Minato's Son?

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[Music] you know me I'll never let a chance go by without ripping on Herz and Sarat toi the third Hoag of the leaf was about as useful as a freaking paper bag for real if there was a right answer here Isen was like nah let me cook and indeed he did cook he nearly burned the whole village down with this cooking and of all the victims he messed up Naruto is pretty high on that list his own predecessor leaves behind an orphan expecting him to be cared for and loved and heroin's like neglect is a parent's greatest tool to be honest I kind of want to make a what if one day called what if her isin didn't suck but until that time I guess we're going to have to start small let's fix the one mistake that should have been easiest to avoid let's have him make sure that Naruto is actually cared for Welcome to the imagi before we begin only 25% of our viewers are subscribed so if you're a fan of the video please like and double check if you are sub subscribed and with that out of the way let's get into the video as the village cried out in agony herizen was there to hear it standing in the wreckage a giant paw print below his feet hin looked up into the cloudless skies as a Halo appeared around the Moon it was as if the weather itself had decided to Crown the Dead with the rewards they were to receive in heaven but for those still living he heard screaming crying some out of loss some from Agony by the edge of the road was a young boy battered bruised and bloody reaching reaching out for his leg that had been crushed by a falling building his guttural screaming being one of the most heart-wrenching sounds heroin had ever heard such scenes filled konoha everywhere one of the greatest episodes of Devastation to ever hit konoha since the era of the First Hokage and it was possibly even an accident well heroin had suspected it was more than that after all there were rumors that the Beast possessed the shine of a shingon in its eyes that mixed with the fact that hiroin refused to believe that Mito could have failed to close the seal left hin wondering what really happened who really was behind this at about that time enma showed up behind heroin the proud and Noble Monkey King and the closest friend the Hokage had enma stood there the sensory unit believes they locked on mino's chakra the battle seems to be continuing in the distance about 5 miles from The Village Center heroin turned back grab a unit we're going to head in that direction already ahead of you andma said presenting a small group of Shinobi the team began to rush off toward the direction of the purported battle but as they closed in they found themselves suddenly locked out hin looked around the chakra chains had formed a gritted dome over the location they were meant to travel to kushina's adamantine chains hin said are the chains to keep the beast in or to keep others out enma asked heroin couldn't answer this question he didn't know but by the looks of it the Dome extended well below ground possibly as a full sphere heroin standing there could only wait and hop that Mito had this well under control it didn't take much longer for the Dome to drop as soon as it did the group ran toward the center of it where they found it kusina and Mino both deceased but nearby wailing into the night was a little infant this infant was sitting upon a small altar like some sacrifice to an ancient and malevolent deity upon its tummy was a little swirling Mark that herzen identified as the uzamaki style 8 trigram seal taking it all in hin could only guess what this meant he lifted the child up into his arms inform the council the Hokage is dead heisen said enmo was shocked and what of the ninetail here isin looked back it has been sealed and thus the elderly man and the baby went to the hospital it was jam-packed there were so many wounded that there was no place to put them at all despite that there was still peace in the niku various babies from different parts of the village were brought here after birth to protect and heal them some of them were still here from being born premature and others were here to be cared for after wounds sustained in the attack and now the newborn named Naruto was among them as the nurses cared for Naruto a special council meeting was called up and hin was summoned as hin walked into the council chambers they sat him down and began to discuss the crisis at hand where do we even begin koharo utatane said obviously with the death of the Hokage danzo stated of all the things of great importance that is what needs to be dealt with a message was already sent to the Dao Hamato said we've been given cart blanch to determine our next KAG it was everything danzo could do to resist a smile I think it should be someone from the council given our experience we can better decide had amend the village after this tragedy ham agreed koharu then spoke then I suppose it's decided hin will reclaim his position as third Hokage danzo's eyes almost fell out of his head with all due respect to you councilwoman as well as to Dear HZ in here would it not be best to select another member of this Council hin was the first hok who was forced to resign due to the negative approval ratings it would be best to choose another who is as experienced in the position but has less public outcry against him again with all due respect to heroin the last thing konoha needs right now is a weak leader danzo continued I disagree koharu said not about the weak leader part but about it being better to select another hiroin despite his troubled tenure as Hokage was well received and was a kind face that protected the village longer than any other KAG he's become synonymous with the title as well as with the will of fire itself he might give the village some peace I think we would do best to return him to service and In This Moment In Time I think the village could use some peace but what about the other nations the other villages will they not attempt to capitalize Upon Our weakness and destroy us danzo asked I think they'll likely attempt to do this anyway ham said regardless of who we choose as a leader we're likely to see follow from this attack we need to be ready regardless and all in all heroin did navigate us through two Shinobi world wars even if the last one was problematic that should offer more warning to the others ham stated I see no issue with reinstating heroin so long as we're kept in the loop for any major decisions koharu stated I agree said ham what do you say hirin they asked hin sat there and looked down my Village needs me what more can I do I accept danzo seemed a little unhappy about this situation but they then moved on what is the state of the village koharu asked one of the Shinobi nearby then spoke up severe damage to infrastructure casualties have yet to be calculated but are believed to be quadruple digits search and rescue is out now and we've sent officers to evaluate the damage to our combat prowess hin then spoke up we managed to save the Ninetales and reeal it again into a vessel but there's no guarantee that it can be useful to us anytime soon it's been sealed into an infant then we remove it and seal it into another danzo said herzen looked over we shall not it's the orphan child of moto namazi the council was silent for a moment I understand that the ninet tales is important to the leaf but we do not yet need it there's no reason to remove it from the child perhaps but you need to figure in training time it will take a while to train a new Shinobi to utilize the Ninetails correctly without that we're outgunned by the other nations the other Council thought about it to be frank we've never really controlled the Ninetales as much as we've just kept it locked up ham said kaharu nodded the first chiniki Mito uzamaki never utilized the beast in battle our second Kusha couldn't even leave the village without the Beast dominating her will and breaking out kind of makes a poor weapon when it can't be controlled then let the child hold on to it he's the son of the previous Chui as well as the fourth okag there's a chance he might be capable of utilizing the Ninetales to its fullest potential but even if not we lose nothing the mere fact that we have the Ninetales at all is a deterrent to the other nations koharu and ham began to whisper about it trying to decide whether it was proper or not to take the beast from the infant we've decided koharu said the child may keep the Ninetales but must be kept under strict supervision of course herizen said I will keep him with me in the hokage's manner my wife and I know how to take care of a child we've done it twice before a third will be no different the meeting was then convened and hezin was allowed to leave that said he did not yet know that his wife had died having been killed by the one who had let the Beast out of kusina he was in the office of the Hokage getting set up to work when he was told he acknowledged the Shinobi and excused her before going back to his paperwork it was an emergency budget request to be sent to the Dao there were a lot of zeros on the paper but as he signed off beside his name small Circles of water fell his eyes were dripping tears his grip on the pen was so tight that he crushed it between his fingers spilling in all over himself and the piece of paper damn it all he stood and made his way to the bathroom where he wasn't quite sure how he would clean the ink off tonight had to be one of the worst nights of his life it wasn't long until he heard a knock on the door dad heisen dried off his hands and opened the bathroom door to see ASA there ASA looked at the stain on his vesture are you okay heroin took a breath your mother is dead ASA stood there silent for a moment as herzen walked by he turned around and followed him back to the hokage's office hin went about cleaning the area up a bit ASA pulled up a seat and sat down are you all right hereis and looked over the desk are you ASA took a deep breath besides hearing about Mom I guess watched a couple people get splatted and was almost toppled in a tower by the ninet tales' tail Awesome's hand was shaking as he pulled up a box of cigarettes he was maintaining his composure well the only sign of him falling to pieces internally was his tremble he put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it he then offered heroin the same normally heroin was more one for a pipe where he could load the type of tobacco he preferred but he felt in this moment that it didn't matter what he smoked so long as it settled him he took one of the cigarettes and let awesome Al light it here Isen sat back in his chair and took one long drag from it Asus sat there I'm glad you're all right Dad hin nodded to return the compliment I heard your Hokage again the news is traveling slow through the village too many voices too much Discord I didn't even hear Moto died until after I was told you were Hokage again there's so much confusion that if the world ended we probably wouldn't have known about it until 5es minutes after the Earth exploded out from under us heroin then spoke the Ninetales was sealed into the only suitable vessel at the moment which was a little infant the son of Mino and Kushina both dead at its feet ASA scoffed damn that's rough is the baby okay herizen nodded it's in the nicku now being checked over I'm going to personally take care of it can you really do that when you're running the village Dad here isn't Shrugged I was planning to do it with bio but now I'm on my own awesome a thought about it well when I'm not on Mission I can swing by and help here is in shook his head we have nannies on call there are plenty of women who would give a left arm to be paid to watch the child of the fourth okag wait you're going to keep calling it the son of Mito here is and nodded ASA thought about it for a moment isn't that dangerous though calling the child by the namazi name what if mino's enemies come after it he isn't Shrugged he lives with the Hokage he'll get the same treatment as the hok's air normally would I'm not going to leave this child defend for itself what kind of monster do you think I am ASA took another drag of his cigarette well if you're sure I trust you Dad and I'm here as well if you need me to do anything you have the whole village behind you as support the rest of the village was supportive of heroin despite everything from his past his presence was like having your grandpa in the Oval Office kind of made you feel cozy and with the trauma The Village had just gone through having someone they could trust in the office of Hokage seemed to help time passed by in a Flash and Naruto Grew Older and more curious as Naruto was allowed out of the hokage's manner with a secret enu escort it came to hz's attention that various others in the village weren't treating Nar with the proper respect he deserved and so heroin decided to address this he stood before the village and began to explain to them Naruto is the son of the fourth Hokage Mito namazi as well as his wife Kushina uzamaki it was these two that pulled the Ninetales out of the village and in the process they were killed but before they died they wished to continue protecting the village so they sealed the Ninetails into their infant child Naruto is a living human sacrifice aent Chui it's because of his sacrifice and taking the Ninetails into his body that you are all safe it is he who stands as the last line of defense against the Ninetales if you hate the Ninetales then that's up to you but do not let your anger spill onto the one who is giving his very life daily to protect you this child deserves respect and veneration so please treat Naruto with respect and believe it or not the village actually understood all it took from irisin was an acknowledgement of what Naruto was and what he was doing to get him the proper respect that he deserved that and having the namazi name attached to him probably didn't hurt very much but just as danzo and his Council predicted the rest of the world wished to pounce upon the weakness and though the third Shinobi World War had mostly wrapped up Kumo gaka in general seemed interested in trying to get what they wanted out of the village with this the war heated up against them but with heroin's help the defeat of Kumo was closing in it was then that Kumo decided to use the only thing they knew could defeat hiroin and that was his kindness and peaceful disposition so they decided to send some ambassadors with the intent to commit perfect once there they tried to Strongarm konaha into being overly kind and servile to them in exchange for continuing peace talks hiroin didn't like it but in the end it saved lives and he felt it was worth the cost little did he know that treachery was a foot and Kumo's ambassadors were its shoe in the middle of the night as Naruto slept peacefully in his bed he dreamt of sailing Among the Stars in a little Schooner as if he were on the high seas as he leaned out into the universe his hand dragged across the Stardust and threw up into the sky the sparkling Mass Freedom was the main theme of this dream when he woke though his hands were bound his mouth gagged he was dragged out the window into W more shenobi as the others met a bag was placed over his head he tried to scream and cry but he was held too tightly he felt the shaking of the Shinobi carrying him as they ran he felt the jostling feeling of them jumping from rooftop to Rooftop or perhaps tree limbs he eventually heard the sound of a waterfall he then heard the sound of crickets and a fireplace no a campfire he was set down on something hard and Cold Stone the bag was removed from his face and he saw the others there were four men one obviously in charge with the other three subservient but what caught His Eye Is that there was another prisoner they removed the bag from her head and exposed her face as well as her beautiful strawberry white eyes it was he not a Huga he'd only met her once during a meeting between hiroin and hiashi Huga she looked up at the men with the most terrified look upon her face the bald man the one in charge looked at Naruto you got something strong in you boy and I plan to take it from you then Kumo will be the most powerful Village in the world he then turned to hinat and as for you your pretty little eyes will look wonderful when we put him in the head of our strongest Warriors this terrified Hinata so much that she began to whine and cry the men proceeded to have a meal together and sleep for the night Naruto didn't sleep however he sat there and watched hinat cry in the darkness he would pull his Jawbone back a bit to try and push the cloth gag out with his tongue once this was done he laid over on his side and managed to pull his arms under his legs to get free he proceeded to untie the the knot keeping his legs bound and crawled over to hinat he looked at her tear stained face sh he said as he untied her gag he then untied her hands and feet and offered his hands to be untied she did so he stood up slowly keeping his eyes on the sleeping Ben he took her hand and tried to sneak out staying close to the wall on the side where most of them weren't facing nor where any light was shining in from hoping to keep their presence hidden they managed to get to the mouth of the cave they began to exit when he KN his gown caught on a stone and caused her to stub her toe against another rock she let her a cry that Naruto muffled with his hand he looked back fearing that her cry had awoken one of the Shinobi Naruto saw one of them raise their head run he said as he grabbed her hand and ran off into the forest he then heard a loud voice they're escaping Naruto and Hinata as small as they were ran as fast as they could where do we go Hinata asked we got to find the fast water sound that's where we came from if we go there we can get home so they ran through the trees and grass their path illuminated by stars and fireflies Naruto's hand gripped tightly to Hinata's she looked back and saw torch light behind them they're coming I don't want them to steal my eyes she said as she began to cry again Naruto LED them to the river they stopped for a moment it looks fast I'm scared we won't make it she said Naruto shook his head it's better than staying here he began to cross it with her a couple of times they lost their footing but they stood up again they continued to cross when the baldheaded man and his goons appeared at the bank of the river behind them Naruto saw this and tried to increase their speed but the baldheaded man had no issue with the current due to his size and was catching up fast Naruto proceeded to push Hinata ahead go what about you Hinata asked Naruto blinked a couple times I'll make sure they don't take away your pretty eyes she couldn't help but stand there in awe of him that was when he flung his arms violently go she stood and began to make her way across the river without him the bald-headed man approached Naruto how Noble but I don't think it'll help much he grabbed Naruto's hand tightly so Naruto turned around and punched the dude in the nuts as hard as he possibly could causing the baldheaded man to crumple like a used napkin Naruto began to follow after heada but didn't get very far before the bald headed man caught up to him again you little he lifted him into the air he then shoved Naruto's head down below the water colliding his face with the stones underneath he pulled Naruto up to see The Boy bleeding from his lip and nose I was ordered to bring you back alive I was never told you had to be in good condition he shoved Naruto back underwater and looked back at the other three what are you morons waiting for go get the girl if you can't bring her back alive that's fine just get those byaku Gan the three of them began to move and as Naruto felt his short life ebbing away under the Rushing Water he thought he heard a howl and a roar his free hand suddenly struck up against the Rocks below the waves and began to push despite the man having a firm grip on his neck Naruto began pushing himself out of the water the baldheaded man looked down in surprise to see a feral four-year-old's head arise from the river's surface before he could snap Naruto's neck Naruto pulled his hand to the side and proceeded to bite the man's Thumb off freeing his hand the bald-headed man let out a shill scream as blood gushed from the wound Naruto Rose to his feet as the chuckling of a deep voice voiced Fox could be heard what do we have here another prospective Master it'll take a lot to chain me up fool nothing less than a Hokage could dare control me the man began to panic knowing that the boy he was torturing only moments earlier was gone replaced with a vengeful god of nature no stay back he shouted at Kodama what's the matter I thought you wanted me all to yourself as he Noom made it to the other side of the river she ran into the forest the men weren't far behind she ran and found a notch at the Bas of a tree likely the entrance to an old rabbit's waren she being small enough managed to climb inside she hid there and waited quietly she watched as the pair of Shinobi sandals bearing the feet of her asants rushed past she covered her mouth to remain quiet as she desperately wanted to scream as the feet passed her by she crawled back out and ran in another Direction she managed to get out ahead of the pursuers but not by much she saw their torch lights once more and panicked she continued to run looking back only for a moment suddenly she collided with something and fell down looking up a figure shrouded and Moonlight was in her gaze Bigfoot a gorilla she screamed bloody murder terrified that she'd just fallen into the hands of a wild animal but as the men with their torches entered the clearing the monkey pulled from its back a staff and stepped over her to engage with them she heard them screaming she opened her eyes and looked only to see enma fighting against them suddenly another man stepped past her carrying a pair of knuckle duster trench knives he made his way toward the men suddenly she's raised into the air by The Loving Arms of her father hiashi and by his side hirz in she begins a ball in his arms from Terror where is Naruto hin asks she points back toward the river hin takes off in a Flash please Naruto be okay he prays he dashes through the forest until he reached the end there he saw Naruto standing there in the Moonlight his breath cold and sending a slight fog into the air laying there in the river before him is the body of a bald-headed man the man's stomach and chest cavity ripped open contents spilled into the river Naruto suddenly the boy's hairs Spike up a little he slowly turns to face heroin red eyes glowing in the night looking back at him well if it isn't Lord third he said in a voice deeper than any child could ever hope to achieve her Isen in shock takes a step back where are you going grandfather don't you want to check on me see if I'm okay heisen reached into his pocket and found himself a tag that tag possessed on it a seal that would suppress the Ninetails but he had to get close enough to use it it might have seemed like an easy feat but the truth was Naruto's power was not dictated by his size but instead by his tailed beast if anything his smaller size made him all the more dangerous as he was little enough to weasel through defenses and his speed was well beyond anything to be found in an adult the lower body mass gave the fox ease of use against windrag hin needed to be careful he knew that with Naruto's short stature he would likely attack low and given the hatred in the heart of the fox chances were the first attack would be debilitating likely an attack to the midsection given the appearance of his previous victim he needed to be ready when Naruto stopped taunting or perhaps seeing that hin wasn't even listening anymore Naruto or or should we say Kurama leted out a growl that evolved into a roar before rushing at him with Incredible speed hin could hardly keep up with it as he dashed across the surface of the water Naruto reached hin and prepared to strike but hin brandished a staff to catch Naruto he then pressed the tag into the boy's forehead Kurama leted a cry as slowly he was suppressed Naruto seemed to pass out the water's Force began to slowly start carrying him Downstream until heroin reached down and picked up the limp child into his arms he brought him to Shore and laid him down where he proceeded to check him for wounds thankfully he was okay and the previous resealing of the Ninetales hadn't caused his heart to stop so everything seemed all right he said a quick prayer of thanks and then lifted Naruto up into a hug the boy almost seemed to wake up for a moment as his eyes opened and his body moved a bit but it seemed that the situation had left him completely tuckered he carried him back over to the group as soon as Hinata saw she wrestled out of her father's arms and ran over Naruto she stopped at hen's knees is he okay hin knelt down to show her he's okay he beat the bad guy he's just very tired now Hinata let out a sigh of relief as she also let out a single Shake she had been so worried for him she hugged Naruto thank you so much Naruto I was so scared but you were so cool slowly his arms wrapped up around her as well no biggie he ASI then picked up his daughter I say we head back home and that's exactly what they did but this was not the end of their troubles by any means upon getting home the Kumo gaka Shinobi declared that their peacekeeping group had been attacked by an aggressive konoha and threatened to return to to war but due to the fact that Kumo had attacked first herzen declared that there would be no punishment or reparations made and that Kumo had committed a war crime to which their ambassadors had paid for with their lives War continued a bit longer but eventually when it seemed that Kumo would not make any more Headway they eventually calmed down and agreed to a peace treaty this little Affair was not the last to occur due to the way that the OA had been treated before they had begun plans to cause an uprising this was caught early thanks to Itachi and as heroin was considering what best to do about it the issue was suddenly solved when danzo without heison nor the council's authority sent Itachi in to kill every uchia Clan member this resulted in danzo being ejected from his seat in the konoha council and being removed from his position as the head of ano with the destruction of the UA the fighting abilities of the leaf had dropped significantly but the war did not yet come heroin let out a sigh of relief as life continued on as the years passed however Naruto would be allowed to join the konaha academy in hopes of becoming a ninja during his time off he would receive extra tutoring from special teachers requisitioned by hiroin everything seemed to be going well but after he failed at his chance to capture Orochi Maru it began to become obvious that trouble was on the horizon with the culprit of the Ninetales attack still on the loose and Orochimaru in the wind hiroin began to feel a storm brewing and now he felt that there was nothing konoha could do but weather it and that's the end of the story for now I plan to release a second part sooner than later but I'm interested to know what you thought about it did you enjoy it if so click that like button and tell us all about it down in the comments and if you haven't yet subscribed be sure to do that and ring the bell to be notified when more videos like this drop and while you wait try out these videos here I highly recommend them anyway until next time peace out
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 122,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Kurama, What if, Died, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata, Jinchuriki, Scroll, Yin, Yang
Id: zOD7CW1cjtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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