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hello it's Matt's aunt channel it's math science channel it's Mad Science Channel it's Matt st. Channel and today we will show you a meeting between a manís and a Hornet the video is an informative one and does not call for violence the video demonstrates the features of keeping and feeding Matt is at home if such scenes are not pleasant for you please stop watching this video the area of this issue came to our mind quite a long time ago at least a few years ago but we could not begin to implement it the main reason was where to get a live Hornet attention in no case do not repeat what you saw Hornets are deadly insects do not try to catch them without proper medical care a person can die even from one or more bites we were very lucky to be able to catch the Hornet without any consequences later we'll learn that it if the area one person had already died from the bites of this insects while he was stung only twice we think that there is no point in telling a lot about praying mantises so let's talk about Hornets who are they Hornets are the Janice of the largest representatives of the so-called public wasps that live in colonies some species of Hornets reach the size of six centimeters despite their reputation Hornets I use phul insects that feed on tests of God and forest crops in particular they actively hunt F feeds and teats they eat locusts flies wasps that attack Beast during the honey harvest season it turns out that Hornets are as skillful hunters praying mantises ordinary Hornet can easily cope even with the large locusts who'd cut this Hornet on the trace of our summer house as you have already noticed the Hornet is quite aggressive towards the Manas therefore we decided to place two managers in the Insectarium instead of one but the Hornet and the Mantis take each other exclusively as a hunter victim but what role each of them will get is still unclear at first the Hornets show aggression but the mandis didn't remain in depth and also tagged the enemy pay attention to what happened when the mande saw another representative of its species they both rolled head over heels to the side after which they parted a little and began to study each other intently with the clear intention of attacking again this process that it is impossible to keep mandus together while the praying mantises sorted out relations between of themselves a hornet crept up to them heaven attacked one of them this surprised us very much because we could not even imagine that the Hornet would intervene in a fight between two other insects now there is a battle between a Hornet and one of the Manas let's talk a little about Hornet venom Hornets bites are more painful for humans than bites from regular wasps as their venom contains large amounts of acetylcholine people who have been stunned by Hornets can have alleged reactions up to anaphylactic shock if a person is not provided with time and medical care he will die it is noteworthy that from the point of view of toxicity venom is in Farah two beasts when Hornets bite they do not live a sting in a wound like bees so they do not die and can sting several times at once as a result a large amount of poison can enter the human body which will curse serious inflammation the risk is especially great when he accidentally or intentionally disturbed a hornet's nest in this case insect attack would entire colony in short 300 spartans how the meaning of the Hornet and the man is ends you can perfectly see on the screen it can be concluded that these two predators are worth and weevils and when they meet under natural conditions a serious confrontation may will arise between them each of which has a chance to win finally we will tell you a little more about the life of Hornets some people think that if Hornets are bigger than their bite is more painful than that of a bee but this is not true pain will be approximately the same the Hornet is aggressive even towards the land mantis they grappled again while visually the Hornet clearly loose to eat supper yet by the way Hornets are able to see no danger through pheromones of anxiety a special substance that gives the common to other members of the colony to attack the source of a potential threat therefore it is extremely undesirable to kill the Hornets near their nest because this will provoke insect to attack sometimes Hornets can react aggressively to other of things for example a banana peel this is due to the content of c5 alcohols and c10 Easter's in them substances that easily come into contact with the above-mentioned and sided pheromone a few hours later we'll return to the Insectarium and saw the following the meaning of the mandus will be horrid and it in victory for the first of the two Honda's the Hornet became a prey he had already completely stopped resisting after a few hours there were only small parts of the Hornet that's all for today if you are interested do not forget like the video one more videos about wildlife subscribe to the channel share the video with your friends and press the bell so as not to miss new releases it was maxim's channel thanks for watching and see you soon
Channel: MAD SCIENCEen
Views: 2,207,068
Rating: 4.6774783 out of 5
Keywords: mad science, animal, crocodille, turtle, piranha, insects, Scorpio, attack, feeding, aquarium, terrarium, aquaterrarium, bite, maintenance, care, howto, howto made
Id: 5A6pM9yvkEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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