Deadly Spider Vs Giant Praying Mantis Part 1 Educational Spider Study

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if you could smell fear it'd be emanating from mrs. red back right now come on oh my goodness I don't know what the sigh I'm shaving with deathy watching this warning this video contains graphic images of deadly spiders and a very large and menacing praying mantis the video contains scenes that some viewers may find distressing so if you're triggered by seeing the way nature plays out this video is not for you well hello there we're going to move into a video which is possibly one of the most requested I've ever seen on my channel I've been extremely lucky and I found a beautiful and very large praying mantis of course I have my beautiful red back spider home full of deadly death but I didn't want to pull the spider out of here so I went down with a garden and found a spider in an infested area I use my magic tool that's going to make me me there I actually pulled that more than I expected but I have got one female bed back there and I think the male is hiding out under the lid here oh there is I hope that's a mile nasty little boy when I use my magical tool to pull the spider out it was most effective or pulled out an egg sack as you can see but what is really nice to see and to prove a point there is a dead female Redback spider right there and I'm glad I'm saying this because it does prove that out in the open and away from my tank the red backs are very keen on killing themselves what I'm going to do is pull the exact way that can go into the spider tank probably just become food for the groundhog things in there and also the carcass here of the dead female and that will just become food and the spider tank so down into the wonderment of the tank and I'll put it in front of top of Styria so he's got summer to ponder in the next couple of days and what I might also do is move the mail over to the tank I like the males then ask me why and he can live in the spider Kingdom that is my tank without me getting a bite the spider tank is a very very messed up place the Millennium Falcon is just about being totally bury you in fact you can barely see it Thomas the tank is looking like a total train wreck but overall in there there was actually lots and lots of spires lots of red backs which are maturing from the exact switch etched in there but lots of this spiderlings have sadly passed away but this video isn't about my red back spider tank I've got something a little bit different the show in this video what you're looking at down there is around about week 15 totally messed up isn't it let's move on to the main event okay down on the jar there and we've seen lots above my house a one beautiful female red back spider and in the other tank I have got one beautiful and one very large praying mantis isn't she or he beautiful I don't know whether it's male or female I know the audience will work that out for me well I can tell you this is about the praying mantis it is an expert escape artist it is very smart and so many people taught me it is the perfect thing to clean up Redback spiders and we're going to find out in this video I hope just as a trivial site that I have put vaseline on the roof of this enclosure like I do with my red back spider one but obviously misses praying mantis loves the core on the wire and the Vaseline most stopper okay if we go down and grab mrs. red back by one of her legs nice and gently and get her in with the praying mantis so it begins a little game of sit and wait and watch what happens with the insects and I can tell you brought from the start this is action packed I wonder if mrs. red Beck fully understands how dangerous it is in there with that praying mantis I think where mrs. mantis makes a move it's going to be hard it's going to be fast and this is red back isn't gonna have a chance in fact I'd say mrs. red back is frozen in fright mrs. mantis has moved to the ground here she's looking carefully around if I was mrs. red back I would keep so still it wouldn't be funny so many people have asked for this style of ear from me I can tell you I was just a chance find the find that beautiful prime manners and it is a stunner man they are menacing looking out they the way they move around just amazing I know when the time comes it's going to happen so hard and fast it's going to be pretty tricky to get on camera it's quite eerie seeing mrs. roat back so quite and still not only when they're in a new environment that run around like mad trying to work out what's going on she must know she's in trouble the praying mantis is perfectly camouflaged for the environment where she hides she hides in like grassy sticky stuff and that's exactly what she looks like man a man I would be so scared if I was that red back right now look who's mooch it around on the deck there hey no I mean I just keep saying isn't she just I need to look at so big and just so beautiful that's the distance between them at the moment I'm sure the praying mantis knows what's in there we'll put this way there's any couple things in there as a stick there's a bit of Blu TAC there's some glass and a red back spider and she's probably thinking there's some dork of a camera they keep spoken but lens at me one of those things I don't want to turn the camera on or off it's a crisis they've been now hello are you my friend or foe hmm she must know what's there that read-back is so still man I've got goose bumps just looking at this I just don't know what's gonna happen it is petrifying to watch this and nature is super scary in this mode like I said yeah she's cleaning her feet on something there maybe she likes that Todd he said his shoes before she kills oh man a man what is gonna happen here eh she's right above the red bag but she's still cleaning his shoes not a movement for mrs. red back you know why because just there is mrs. praying mantis I'm gonna call it a girl I'm calling it okay I don't care what you say and she's still tidying up a little feet they're probably from the Vaseline idea so I've just worked it up myself a bit slow aren't I I'm just keeping my camera on this that's one of those things I know when they go for the pants and the capture it happens super fast she must know what's there because put it this way is basically nothing else in the tape it looks like food to her hmm what you gonna do she seems a little bit indecisive and she moving away who read back spoiler has just got a massive sigh of relief well if insects have body language I'm saying the body language from the read back is saying it knows it's in trouble it knows it's got a major predator nearby but the praying mantis is going to do what it does in time I can't force nature the work in front of us I've just got a patience out myself man that's the situation at the moment they've read back hasn't moved an inch and the praying mantis is still cleaning it shoes laughter there's a bit of a nice view of her mouth area which is perfectly designed to devour things she captures like I said that looks like something from aliens doesn't it looks very evil she's still very eagerly cleaning yourself up I'm pretty sure she knows so there's a nice meal in there for her there's a nice close-up view of underneath of her I'm calling it a herd maybe can tell me if I'm wrong and there is the bumsicle part and it's all gone wrong on me because she's moved it's just hanging from a bit of stick there and still cleaning herself that's such a beautiful critter you can't keep your eyes off a Kenyan very easy to pick up the very gentle critters unless you're an insect about the bee Aiden and they've got wings and they can fly just amazing the same fly mrs. Rebecca's down there and she still hasn't been moving around and of course up in the foreground here is mrs. mantis busily cleaning missus Redbacks made a move it there but she's not really scampering about luck I'd expect and there she is in a relationship - mrs. mantis mrs. manases made some moves there and mrs. Webb back as well keeping very very still and balled up isn't she that's not the aggressive nature I've seen from those buyers other times when is insects about if you could smell fear it'd be emanating from mrs. read-back right now that's how it looks at the moment mrs. prime Manus trawling the glass out of the back this is red back being extremely careful well those things you just don't know what's going to happen next a frightful videos free to make because I've got no way of predicting what these critters are gonna do they sort of have a critter minded themselves and you can't say hey and rolling an action and mantis ate spider unfortunately it doesn't happen like that I'll tell you one thing that's not happening as fast as what I mean people say oh you put a manĂ­s of road back and bang it's gone it's over all over a drover mine too oh my goodness me whoa what was that oh the red back is on the move and it doesn't like to move in here because it's very fearful that's scampering up the back there there you go do the spotters climb glass well they can if I've given a bit of time they do struggle if there's no web set up in their tank can mantises climb glass yes with these there are amazing acrobats they can escape in an instant if they want mrs. red back is there is camping around and checking out our own reflection and there might be another time here when they get very close okay they say the Menace if it can't see that there's something seriously wrong of its eyesight needs to go to Specsavers right it's um as if they don't know each other's there I think the spotter knows what's there but there you go there manases gone at the back of the tank well mrs. manases again just zoom by mrs. red back there that's about the third time that come in close contact and nothing much has happened now of course in this equation there's always a chance the red back market abide in ever thought of that ever thought of that hey it's funny people often just make up their mind that something will win over another I've seen time and time again the red back spider is a very capable killer okay I've put them very close together now I've not seen mrs. red back do the things she does when there's things that she wants to eat around she's just keeping totally still misses prey menace whoa hello hello Lavigne you want a beer for dinner I don't think mrs. rip Beck is Bonnie to be part of the game now I'll be quite honest here I thought mrs. pro manners would have done her capturing and munch then but I'm not saying it while mrs. Pratt masses like that you can see the barbs under those arms there someone she snatches something he gets caught the barbs and there's well basically no escape mrs. prime Manus is just all sort of in a way hovering next to mrs. read back and this is a read back doesn't do much moving she's very cautious I just wonder what mrs. crane manases thinking here all I know is she must be a bit of a OC DS type person when it comes to cleaning she just never stops cleaning herself was it at four or five times I've seen the two come very close but no snatch-and-grab yet sometimes she does like a swaying thing that is mrs. praying mantis isn't that part of the little trick before they're gonna kill something I think the white dots the middle of screen there is poop from mrs. red back you know why because she had a brush with mrs. prime Addis this is Rebecca's just an a strategic move there she's also laid out some sticky web so maybe she's on the fighting mode now I'm not sure whether you can see it she's got a little bit of lip between her front legs they were hanging in the air there okay so she laid web begins to stick there with little globules along the way like bits the sticky area and maybe she's got a little trap laid out for mrs. mantis don't give up a mrs. red back spider there you know now she's got some web out I'm starting to think she's got a plan I know they are completely skilled at killing things even themselves I've seen it over and over my spider tank yeah the Redback spider as one of its main tricks is as web well lots of spiders use web that Bay but it's got this really really sticky web then it uses the captured prey and what you can see there is just at the front claws of the praying mantis there's a piece of web there I hope you can see that it's very very thin but certainly run up against that timber there in fact I think the back leg here mrs. Maris is stuck on some sticky web at the read-back lay down when it went up to the top there I'm sure mrs. read-back has good a plane and she's just waiting for the right time to execute a final act okay so the Mantis is bit of trouble at the moment it's back leg there is stuck with some sticky web on the twig and all of a sudden the chances of the read-back being taken out has swung the other way now mrs. Rebecca's poised at the road into this beast because swell the nasty bit is up the front if she can get a bite into the back leg well it's good night sister to missus praying mantis oh when she's coming in from move here oh man I'm getting massive tingles I can tell you I'm just gonna try and get in closer I have to be very careful here the focus and everything sorry to talk boring camera talk but I've got to really be careful here I would say mrs. Rebecca's going to come in for a bite on the back leg and I would say mrs. prime ministers gonna really react to that so she's gonna have to be very careful what she does next man I personally I never thought it was gonna swing this way but then again in the back of my mind I've always got confidence than the Redback spider and I've shown that over and over and over in my videos hang will it play out in the rib Beck's way this is going to really bust up some myths that I've been told about these spiders and praying mantises I can tell you got it reframed and refocused again and I would say the Redback spider is just waiting for the time to come in and bite that back leg get some venom in because I'm pretty sure it's stuck with a sticky web on that twig Wow I am I don't know what to say I'm quite astonished that this is playing out like this just notice how tensed up the read-back is that's that position that Attack Position they get okay maybe the Mantis knows it's in a bit of trouble there for the fact that hasn't moved its leg off that twig I thought it may want to pull itself away but I think the red backs just waiting for a striped I'm just getting my breath there it's very very tense in this tank at the moment very tense that red back is just waiting for the right moment the camera has been rolling on this for quite a few minutes now obviously I going to edit it right down and I'm sure it's going to come in for the strike I sort of know the way these evil girls work I can just see those movements she's got there and it's one of these things it's one of these critters is going to die okay and all sudden well if you had your money on the praying mantis you looks like you may be losing it I'll be honestly I think the Redbacks gonna win this but who knows it may swing the other way it is just so knife edge in there at the moment it's not funny the Mantis is doing some more boobers to the front there but I'm just staying on the red back because I think that's the money shot Wow I just don't know what to say it is caught me completely by surprise for the way the read-back has set up a plan to basically capture this praying mantis right back just reach forward then it's basically got its legs they've got two legs on the praying mantises leg and it's just probably just feeling out for the right time to pounce it's like the Mad Max line too shall enter and one shall leave hope I remembered it correctly so if I've got it roll ooh big movements there from the prime mattes still hasn't been able to free its leg there I mean this is all dependent on the capture that leg really if it frees its leg well the balance goes well anyway doesn't it sort of evens up the odds of who's gonna get killed the Mantis has been moving around I would say it knows it may be in trouble for the fact that hasn't moved been able to move the back leg and that red back spider is just waiting for the right moment to strike it would know if it gets it wrong it's going to be in trouble itself it's just so tense it's not funny I may be the mez gonna make a move here I would have thought of it by this time it would have made some grand effort to move I just don't know which way it's gonna swing and I'm so frightful to turn the camera off it's one of those things you just you know who knows which way though the leg is just free there so the power play of what I thought was going to happen isn't going to happen now the read-back is just sitting under there it could have the opportunity to strike and bite of it once it's in the position I've send them in before they do something troublesome legs sprung probably got a grab a backside of sikhi web but it ready to deploy and noticing that back legs are sort of in the air a bit there and I use the back legs really well to deploy web and fling the sticky web as well yeah I'm sure that read-back has got a brand plan to pull it her way Oh big moves now bow mrs. read-back has done that big move there she's sort of protected underneath the branch and the prime mattes wow she would have had an opportunity to get a bite in there I'm sure if she's there it's gonna be very hard for the manners to grab a seat grab hold of her oh man these critters are so close to each other at the mo all my goodness my goodness me and the Menace may being a pouncing strike there now I'm thinking back it's the manases opportunity and mrs. red back is very much fonder than pal well that like when the manness pulls its arms back like that that's menacing isn't it more oh my goodness I don't know what the sigh I'm shaving with deadly watching this and I think the read-back might understand it's in a lot of peril is just swarming around completely the other way now then I'm trying to keep this footage as non wonky as possible part it's so exciting oh well I don't know what to say it's just gonna be I just feel it's gonna be very close to the end now the Matis is in prime position to take that red back my job haven't seen a sticky web is over the red bag does normally be spraying without trying to capture things the madness must be close to taking a strike it's got to be so in fact I think it's got one of the back legs there oh let's just swung around so fast Oh oh my goodness the red back is just sitting there that madness is actually just backing away for a bit okay there's mrs. Menace or wonder if she got a button or something oh yeah I just don't know which way the swings you know it just it's just like a roundabout of death isn't it he's don't know who's going to get on who's gonna get off now from what I saw then that was a grand opportunity to take out mrs. red back but it didn't happen I'll tell you what I've seen this is read back have her opportunities as well I'm simply worried about mrs. mattes there I'm she's doing some very strange movements with front arms there he's constantly cleaning wish he'd stopped that she's not isn't she but I don't like the fact she's doing some very strange shivering moves and that can sometimes mean there's a sign of a spider bite well I gotta say this is one of the most tense videos I've ever made for YouTube I just been mortified in watching this and seen the way it swings from Krita the critter I'm a little bit worried about mrs. menaces health she's not sprightly like she was before she sort of hanging and dangling there and she has these shivers that I don't like look I've often I've seen things get shivers after they get read back bite this is read back guy she strung that little web system there that's they comfort salmon there in the web and I'll tell you what the moment she's looking like the Victor mrs. mantis isn't herself I think that's the best word could describe it and if she has landed a bite from mrs. read back she's gonna be in a lot of pain and that's in a sense very very sad oh yeah is it time to rewrite the nature history books say if I had asked people who would win in the battle between these two before the video I think 99% of people say Oh leo the prey matters for sure but is that actually the case we're really well really I want to say that the read-back coming to do its final act before I'm calling this one I just noticing some strange spasms from the rear end of the maddest there I mean to me it's got all the hallmarks of venom taking of fate like I'm not an expert on this just sort of trying to put two and two together from what I've been watching the tank yeah that spider got a body and it must happen very fast I hopefully I've caught it on video that they go back and have a very careful look at what went on we will go back and we will study this section of the fight here I can slow the video up in some parts I can return to normal speed and others the Redback spider has acted very fast I feel because there's a twig there there are some things that we can't see so there are times when I can't see all the praying mantis and I can't see the Redback spiders fangs but I've got a sneaky suspicion this is the time and the Redback spider gets a partial bite into the praying mantis but don't discount the praying mantis because it is not down and out for the fight yet there's still a ton of fight left in this venom affected praying mantis but maybe in this battle it's a classic example of missed opportunity sometimes you get one chance to take out your opponent if you miss that well then you're gonna be taking out yourself because there were lots of edits in this video and I kept recording at the time when the praying mantis had its leg stuck on the twig and then moved its leg it was a good 20 minutes the Redback spider was prepared to wade out its time and not rush in i'm sure expired and euros up against something which was really deadly watch very carefully this bit of video here I think the Redback spider gets a bite into like the front claw of the praying mantis and I'll go over this again that will go in closer but I think this is the time it's happened like you know behind the twig and everything else but I think the spiders in the right position the leg is in the right position the fangs would be in that area and the Redback spider if it gets an opportunity at a place like that it's gonna take it I think it's taken it at that point there please correct me if I'm wrong I know there'll be some people they'll say leo these videos are far too long we just want to see the kill but you need to see the strategy behind the kill I think that's really important to see yeah about 10 minutes has gone by since the scuffle on the branch and the Mantis is looking very very poor I'd say it's gone those backs just moved down and a bit of a taste of what's going on or whatever it does of his legs that's right near the mantises legs which hang from the branch oh when the read-back is coming down on the web now it's right above the head of the Mantis dude mantis if that makes any sense I don't want to take my frame off this I want to see what the spiders up to whoa Rebekah's being pushed over he was back there to be an unusual isn't it sort of maybe it's feeling threatened that is a perfect opportunity to get a bite in but just sort of sat there it's very cautious around that matters it's one thing I would say very cautious it's been epic to watch there's been plenty of chances for both critters to land a good punch and the read-back is in that strange ball that it does is like the threatened when they're threatened there goes like a ball or getting their backs but it's fried near a leg there it's got a perfect chance for bite yes missus manases I lost a lot of her zing I can tell you mind you there are moments when she looks like she's okay but I really think I really think she's had a bite from mrs. red back well this is starting to feel like about half an hour after what I think was the bite in - mrs. mattes she's just not going anywhere she's sort of in the same zone mrs. red backers coming up just underneath our there I think there's one word I'd like to use with what I've witnessed and that's the word strategy I think we would have seen each critter here play out that strong card and then the the shrunk able to get passed from critter the critter I think the red back advantage is when it's working on the rear end or the rear end of the praying mantis away from those nasty claws I'm pretty sure for a short time there one leg was caught in the claw but if Mike gets into a leg well there's not much hope for mrs. mattis now if you ask me mrs. red backs in that strike position again they get sort of frozen one thing I haven't really scented it was spin out the whip from the backside and like string things up maybe she deals with frame manases a little bit differently again I see mrs. red back right in the danger zone of the praying mantis but I'm not seeing that frame manners do the praying mantis II sort of things it's it's extremely slow the venom effect on the Mantis I mean I haven't sent it climb all I've seen is like spasms from the legs and I'm not seen it do its classic sort of capture anything that manases are so good at it's funny it goes through motions where you think mantis is going to do something very menacing but it just seems like it's got no strength it must be finding the venom effects inside it so ryback's got control situation and it's worked there and just down below it mrs. Manus with the inability to take control of anything at the moment as a life whisks away from her I'm seeing some strange movements up the back end of mrs. mantis I don't know whether that's spasms from the spider venom I'm sure some expert out there can explain to me exactly what's going on here mrs. Madison the perfect place to strike there but unfortunately she hasn't got the strength to do so my son's come down he's looking the spider tank here he was very curious to see what would go on because he saw deadly catch the Mantis who do you thinks gonna win the battle oh I think the Mantis is what if I told you that the Redback spider is gonna win what would you do I'll punch you in the face that's that's one way they fix up a Redback spider I think that would knock it out I think got a punch in the bum there's a trick where the web's maid isn't it yeah the web's are dangerous thing isn't it yeah yeah like the red backs no you have to be very careful and I got in Dontae especially round the Tonka toys yeah hmm I'm still in shock about how that played out um I'm sure you know all the experts online I would have said brain Madison's gonna take out that bread back really fast well it didn't happen like that did it read back it's another stripe versus one of its major predators mrs. red back who is doing a walking around in a menacing way and if I go down here we'll see that mrs. Pro Menace is enough final legs I dare say it has been quite troublesome to see how slowly she's been dying when I say that one can only imagine there's more pain headed mrs. mitosis way well I think we've seen enough of this it has been a very stressful video for me to make cause it's taken many hours for this to plant in fact about four hours but you won't know that but watch the v8 course it will all be condensed in time it was a great strategy game here both critters in there had fantastic opportunities to make a strike and a win I think from memory at the start there the Redback spider was very still an idol but I think it was summing up exactly who I was up against I'm pretty sure it knew it was in a lot of parallel it also had no web app now one of the great strengths of the rib back spider is its web once that web was that in a funny way the game started to change that praying mantis had plenty of opportunities to basically grab that red back spider like take control of his legs and once you've done that you've taken control of its web as well because it uses the back legs to spray out it's very danger where I'm not surprised probably as you are but in a funny way in the back of my mind I do have faith than road backs water because I've just seen so much of their evil activity going on in my red back spider tank I know there's going to be people who won't understand this video because I say oh but Leo that was terrible you know you should have come in and as soon as you saw the madness was in a lot of trouble you should have knocked the madness on the head but hey I want to see nature plant as nature does and people going to say but Leo this won't happen in nature like this well who knows maybe it does with the skink I'm pretty sure it proved to you that yes the Redback spiders can take our skinks in fact there's been videos up on line of Redback spiders taking out small red-bellied black snakes the Redback spider is totally awesome don't underestimate it it is an amazing killing machine and that has been the whole idea of these redback spider videos I've learned tons watching these videos but this one here I think is the one where I learnt the most don't believe what everyone says online saying all the praying mantis will be the no-brainer and all this it'll take out the red back in an instant it didn't happen like that and I've got the video to prove it maybe I've decided the fate of the praying mantis far too soon and about putting a time-lapse camera over the venom affected praying mantis because I was curious to see the effects of the venom on this very large critter I was also curious to see if the Redback spider would come down and take advantage and get more than and bites into the praying mantis one thing that Redback spiders tend to do once I've taken a bite of something is they'll put some of their web around it and basically catch it as something to eat but for some strange reason the Redback spider was very standoffish with this praying mantis so maybe it knew something that I didn't know and this is where this critter battle takes a huge bender into the unknown maybe this large prey madness has got a way of diminishing the effect of the Redback spiders deadly venom but there's one thing that I can assure you is that this bug battle is not over yet this is the next day and the praying mantis has got a huge second wind going on I've got no idea how this has happened I've thought it was gone and it's looking extremely menacing talk about a second wind this is amazing the witness so if you're gambling on the result of the first battle and you were back in the red back spider you thought you win didn't you who's gonna win in the second battle can the deadly Australian red back spider set up the same trap again against a very very angry giant praying mantis
Channel: leokimvideo
Views: 1,820,060
Rating: 4.1612015 out of 5
Keywords: spider, mantis, spider vs mantis, black widow, spider bite, redback spider, praying mantis, predator, monster bug war, battle, spiders, spider web, giant mantis, spider study, deadly spider, killer, spider venom, leokimvideo, insects, critter, bugs, bug battle, scary, nature
Id: X0yrkaPQung
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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