What If Tanjiro and Nezuko Both Became Demons?

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have you ever wondered what would happen if both tanjiro and nezo became demons how would this affect Demon Slayer story as we know it well for starters during the original plot we see tanero heading out to town to sell charcoal but in this alternate timeline as tanero is about to leave for the town a strange and ominous man stands in his way covered with the scent of blood as muan locked eyes with the young man in front of him rage started to Bubble Up From Within seeing the earings tanjiro war made the Demon King remember some traumatizing memories and like a soldier with PTSD Lan instinctively kills everyone inside the household except for Tano and nezo as an act of Revenge for the original owner of the earrings muan decides to turn their siblings into demons forcing them to consume his blood nzo and tanjiro lose their Consciousness unable to Bear the strain of transformation now as tanjiro awakes he is greeted by the scent of his family's dead bodies with only naso left breathing completely unaware of his current situation all he could remember was that a strange man attacked him and his family and so as quickly as he could Tano carried nzo and headed out to ask for help while traveling Tano slips falls off a cliff causes him to lose Consciousness again arriving late to the scene gu finds himself in front of the kamado household with dead bodies spread across the floor upon careful observation he notices Footprints leading away from the house eventually guu comes across the siblings passed out in the snow and covered in blood with nzo barely breathing when tanjiro comes back to his senses for the second time he sees guu helping nzo recover patching up her wounds as best he could but this is where everything starts to go sideways with tanjiro gaining Consciousness again and guu rushing to his Aid the young man noticed that something weird was happening inside his body slowly but surely the effects of manan's blood were consuming him right then and there nzo opened her eyes and slowly stood up busy helping tanjiro like a wolf silently stalking its prey nezo carefully approached the hashira who was completely unaware of her presence and in one swift motion nzo lunged and sank her teeth into gu's neck as death flashed before gu's eyes he panicked and pushed nzo away from him drawing his sword gu collected himself and focused on the demon that stood in front of him as gu and nzo stared at each other waiting to make their moves tanero caught wind of the scent of blood coming from gu's neck the smell of fresh blood triggered Tano's demonic instincts almost instantly as gu poured all his focus into gaining his composure stopping the bleeding from his neck and as well as fending off nesso's Swift and heavy attacks He was unaware that yet another danger was swiftly approaching him in the blink of an eye as gu was about to behead nzo his arms went flying away only then did he notice that Tano also became a demon overcome by fear with all his strength guu ran as fast as he could in hopes that he would survive the kamado siblings but this only gave excitement to the newly formed demons giving them the thrill of the hunt losing huge amounts of blood as he ran gu's fate was already sealed and in the end the siblings caught up to him and devoured him leaving only his torn clothes and parts of his body as evidence as news of the water hash's death shook the Demon Slayer core down to its very core shinobu COA took it upon herself to hunt down the kamado siblings and bring Justice to gu's death not long after the siblings murdered guu they started regaining their rationality and memories thereby recalling the strange man that appeared on their doorstep the death of their family and them being forced to consume blood flooded their Minds as well as the guilt after committing murder with all this new information tanjiro and nezo were now fueled with anger and swore that they would take revenge on the man who turned them into monsters as all these events unfolded kibutsuji muan the man responsible for the kamado siblings despair noticed a weird anomaly try as he might he could never feel any connection toward the siblings unlike other demons this left the Demon King puzzled big time now I know you're wondering why this is happening and to answer your curiosity the reason why muan cannot feel any connection towards the siblings and how tanjiro and nezo were able to regain their nationality is because of their connection with the creator of the sun breathing technique now that the siblings regained their rationality tanjiro and nezo would avoid contact with humans and maybe even start hunting animals to quench their thirst for human blood yeah I know what you're thinking and yes I completely ripped off that hunting animals as a substitute for humans idea from Twilight but whatever as the siblings travel through the forest they come across lady tamayo's Clinic when they notice that something is terribly wrong tanjiro and nezo feel uneasy with the place burying their anxiousness they proceed to enter the clinic and meet lady Tamayo herself as well as yushiro lady tamayo's Apprentice after learning about the kamado sibling suffering lady Tamayo tells her story and reveals to them the identity of the man responsible for their current situation through this an alliance was made between them born from their shared hatred for kibutsuji musan the Demon King as lady Tamayo yiro Tano and nzo where discussing their plans moving forward susum Mario and yahaba tried to Ambush them but failed aware of their enemy presence and intent as well as who ordered them to assassinate lady Tayo escaping was no longer an option and the only way to resolve this conflict was to kill suzumaru and yahaba now what's interesting here is that during their Voyage through the forest nzo and Tano actually encountered other demons which they took care of without a problem this served as their training and through their continuous battles with these demons nzo and tanjiro were able to master their new demonic Powers recalling the hinokami kagura that his father taught him tanjiro fused its movements with his demonic Powers therefore enhancing his skills by a lot while nzo liken the original plot was already strong enough to contend with suzumaru with her strength alone needless to say susamaru and yaba's defeat was inevitable and by the hand of kamado's siblings and Lady Tayo their once proud bodies turned into Ash well in a nutshell all the arcs and events in the original story story would never happen and the flow of the Demon Slayer story would shift drastically for example the death of gu Tomoka would shift the balance of power between the hashira and 12 demon moons all in favor of muzan's company another significant consequence of this is that if tanjiro does become a demon at the beginning of the series during the final selection Arc only zenitsu gya inos and Cana would make it through and go on to become official demon Slayers this would mean that gya zenitsu and inos could emerge as the new Trio which would not make sense in my opinion because inos and gya would probably constantly argue because of their explosive personalities the next major change would be the mount nakakuma Arc since I mentioned earlier that gya would be the one replacing tanero in the trio the chances of him losing his life against ruie the lower Moon 5 would be possible because well as we all know tanjiro barely and I mean barely survived against ruie and it was all thanks to gu who arrived just in time that he survived but remember in this alternate storyline gu is dead so not unless Sami or maybe Gom would arrive in the scene just like gu did in the original plot genya's death is practically sealed but for the most part everything would flow as intended with only gya and his possible savior against ruy becoming the major change in this Arc another Arc that would be subjected to a major change would be the mugan train Arch nezo and tanjiro's absence I highly think that enmu plan would go without a hitch so in this Arc not only Ren Goku but also zenitsu inos and gya would die an end move with all the bodies in the train would possibly grow stronger and maybe even become an upper Moon after the mugan train Arc with zenitsu inos and gya out of the picture we proceed to the Entertainment District Arc where tenen is left with only Canal to assist him in his Rescue Mission which needless to say would become a tragedy ending with the sound hashira and Canal's death by the hands of Kutaro and daki I mean seriously this wtif plot is just dark and I don't know why but yeah now we know how valuable Tano is as a Demon Slayer Al also without tanero becoming a Demon Slayer the Demon Slayer mark would be forever lost apart from the fact that you have to survive a life or death situation to unlock it you must also be exposed to someone who already has it so no tanero means bye-bye Demon Slayer Mark which also means that during the swordsmith village AR mitsuri and muichiro would never be exposed to tanjiro and with gya and nzo out of the picture henu and gyoku would become successful in destroying the village and eliminating two hashiras killing two birds with one stone indeed also the discovery of nzo being able to conquer the sun would still happen but this time Lan would be unaware of this fact because he has no established connection with the kamado siblings now the hashira training Arc would be the highlight of the story because in this part of the plot tanjiro and nzo would have grown exponentially thanks to Lady tamayo's help also in this part of the story it is revealed that the kamado siblings have already perfected their Blood Demon ARs and that they have reached the levels of the upper moons not by consuming humans but by consuming demons during this time lady Tamayo decides that the best course of action to defeat muan would be to work with the Demon Slayer core with their ability to walk under broad daylight tanjiro nzo lady Tamayo and yushiro visit the Demon Slayer core upon meeting with the hashiras and kagaya ubuyashiki they instantly revealed the fact that they were demons which was met with hostility of course especially since nzo and tanjiro are the ones responsible for gu's death now I won't go into full detail on what happens next but eventually they all come to an agreement to form an alliance in exchange for the kamato siblings heads as soon as they defeat muan to which tanjiro and nzo agree moving fast forward in time after a thorough investigation they managed to pinpoint manan's exact location but lady to Mayo's knowledge they first Target nakime whose blood demon art is the most Troublesome after taking care of their greatest obstacle the remaining hashira TMI gilme shinobu and obanai along with Hiro Nazo and Lady Tamayo storm mu's dwelling effectively cornering the demon king without nakim and the upper moons to help him muan was put in a tough spot dealing with all these opponents by himself without any choice muan tried to put up a fight but with tanjiro and ne's help the hashiras were able to fight without a problem muan who was clearly exhausted from constantly regenerating his wounds was frustrated by the fact that he could not deal any significant damage to the hashiras because nzo and tanjiro acting as their Vanguard blocking all his hits and pinning him down when they got the chance with his stamina depleted The Demon King was exhausted to the point where he could no longer fight back watching muan in a helpless State tanero picked up a nishir in Blade and walked towards the man responsible for all this Bloodshed without saying a word tanero who saw all of manan's seven hearts and five brains swiftly ended the Demon King's tyranny ending the war between humans and demons once and for all unfortunately a deal is a deal so to atone for their sins nzo and tanero accepted death with arms if you like this video smash 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Channel: Anime Facade
Views: 151,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demon slayer, demon slayer what if, what if demon slayer, what if tanjiro became a demon, what if tanjiro and nezuko became demons, what if tanjiro, what if tanjiro and nezuko both became demons, what if nezuko, demon king tanjiro, tanjiro, nezuko, muzan, giyu, what if muzan turned tanjiro into a demon in episode 1, what if muzan also turned tanjiro into a demon, what if muzan, what if demon king tanjiro, demon tanjiro, demon king tanjiro vs muzan, demon tanjiro vs muzan
Id: ESivaj1WIko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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