What If a Different Hashira Went To The Entertainment District?

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we all know tenen went beast mode in order to protect his six moons however what if another hashira went to the Entertainment District instead well after a ton of research I prepared eight different scenarios of each hashira and here's how I think each one would play out starting off we got the water hashira gu Tomoka gu is one of the more chill hashiras but his skills and swordsmanship are no joke he can no diff a lower Moon and even show us the viewers that he's a badass if gu was the one sent to the Entertainment District he would show no emotion but still comply with the task gu would be accompanied by tanjiro and itsu inos the battle would start and gu and tanjiro are quick to respond they arrive at the scene with zenitsu and inosuke struggling against daki tanjiro goes to save zenitsu and inosuke but daki can't fend off tanjiro as well after seeing this gu Wass zero time and goes to kilaki and he succeeds in cutting her head off and just like normal Garo comes out and attacks gu catching him off guard but gu manages to block the attack just in time but guaro wouldn't go crazy and be jealous of him because he clearly doesn't have Riz like tenen both gu and guaro are evenly matched tanero tries to interrupt their 1 V one and ends up distracting guu giving guaro the perfect time to strike guaro ends up hitting guu with his poison sights it isn't a fatal hit but it brings gu's performance down to the point where he can't fight guaro alone tanero fights guaro and even though guaro can overpower tanjiro in terms of strength tanero can level the battle with his Sun breathing technique guu re-enters the fight to help Tano beat Garo together they overpower Garo with an amazing Showcase of their water and Sun breathing techniques at the same time zenitsu and inos are able to cut down dhi's head and together with tanjiro and guu they can kill the upper Moon six next up we got the flame hashira Roku showed his amazing set of skills when he fought akaza on the M Train Arc he even managed to put up a good fight against the upper Moon 3 even without the Demon Slayer Mark until he became a donut so how would he do in this situation well like normal when they arrive in the Entertainment District tanero would encounter Dy first rokku would sense the danger that DHI brings with him and would directly go to tanjiro for backup Dy is about to land a hit on tanjiro but renku can stop her attack just in time while also slashing her head off with his fire breathing technique rengoku is proud that he's able to save tanjiro disregarding the fact that daki still hasn't died even though he slashed her head off which is why you always double tap suddenly rengoku gets hit with guo's poison sights but he manages to hit Aro as well tanjiro and the others join the battle and keep daki busy while rengoku and guaro square off as the fight goes on they would still be able to defeat the two upper moons but this time tanira probably wouldn't awaken his Demon Slayer Mark as the fight would be easier seeing as Ren Goku is stronger than ten next up is the wind hashira Sami hates demons this is a non-negotiable for him but when he faces one he makes sure that the demon is killed making his blood lust the strongest out of all theas if Cami was the one sent to the Entertainment District he would be more than happy to go but it would cause an issue for him if Tano nzo zenitsu and inos would tag along especially because tanjiro and Sami didn't see eye to eye when they first met on the hashira meeting also For Cami having a demon as a companion or an ally is just unacceptable so what would he do well Cami would go to the Entertainment District alone he would wait for the perfect time to get the chance to meet daky and execute here as quickly as he could when Cami finally gets the chance he goes for the kill immediately just like how it happened in the original story however Cami is confused as to why she still hasn't died yet and would try to cut her again but then is stopped by guaro the other upper rank Six Demon which surprises him this is where the story changes from the original timeline Cami is clearly stronger than tenen in terms of combat skills after exchanging blows with guaro he realizes that he needs to cut both guaro and doi's heads in order to beat them and decides to go all out on them not because he's struggling but because he finds it fun and challenging to have to kill two demons at once proving one for all that he's a total Maniac in the end Cami defeats the two upper ranked Demons by showcasing the nine forms of his wind breathing technique he cuts off both their heads killing them both in the process but what's interesting here is that cami would be so overconfident that he might die because of guo's poison as nezel isn't there to heal him the demons might have lost two upper moons but the demon Slayers also lost to hashira now here's where things get really interesting gilme is arguably the strongest out of all the hashiras having been praised by the upper Moon won kashiba in their fight in the infinity Castle Ark with his strength how would Gom perform in this Arc Gom would go alone since in the original story tenen only bought tanjiro and the others because they went as the substitutes for the girls in the butterfly Mansion but seeing as G isn't a Shinobi like tenen he'd have no reason to bring them after arriving at the Entertainment District at night G is immediately seen through the crowd because of his big figure but Gil doesn't mind the attention he immediately finds Dy and confronts her doy has no choice but to fight back and reveal herself as the upper Moon six G wastes no time and immediately tries to kill DHI Garo sees the intent to kill in gom's presence and comes out to help DHI then the demon attempts to hit Gom with his poison sighte but gum manages to block his attack like a true blind Sigma male G's speed might not be the best but he is not to be messed with in terms of strength G can easily overpower guaro and dak's combined abilities with e seeing as he was not able to lose any limbs against kokushibo G hits Garo with a powerful blow and blasts him away Garo realizes that g is way more powerful than he is and plans to retreat with daki in order to survive because he knows that Gil is the true monster here daki starts to attack Gil but Kutaro tries to stop her it's too late though because Gom manages to hit daki with a fatal blow that blows her head off with his Stone breathing kotaro comes to help DHI and G takes the chance to hit Garo killing both of them in the process now have you ever wondered what would happen if shinobu arrived well shinobu is a special kind of Demon Slayer because her nichirin blade isn't exactly a blade she has a stinger Katana which has a thing ofama jig at the tip of her sword that can inject poison from Mysteria flowers which are harmful to Demons if shinobu was the one sent to the Entertainment District she'd accept the task and go with Cana since they're both girls and can disguise themselves as oans really pretty ones too after shinobu arrives at the Entertainment District she tries to find information regarding the demons there when she finds DOI she'll want to inject her with enough poison to kill her immediately so she can avoid combat because she knows she'll be at a disadvantage she finds doy and plans to go through with her plan and just as she is about to inject daki with the poison she notices shinobu and stops her revealing that she's the upper Moon six shinobu has no choice but to fight doy she has no problem in fighting doy but she can't seem to get the killing shot on the upper Moon that's where Cana tries to close the gap between her and DOI in order for shinobu to get an opportunity after she gets close and is about to inject her with the Wisteria poison gilaro comes out to save his sister Garo is envious of shinobu's beauty and plans to kill her as quickly as he can how insecure can this guy be anyway shinobu is overwhelmed by Garo speed and strength however Canal would have to use her Vermilion eye to be able to fight daki alone shinobu successfully inserts her poison into Garo after losing an arm while Cana decapitates Taki at the cost of her one eye in the eye though shoba will die as she's lost too much blood and they can't make an antidote for guo's poison in time get ready for some love because here's mitsuri mitsui is arguably the strongest female character in Demon Slayer literally her looks might deceive you but she packs A Punch If mitsui was the one sent to the Entertainment District she'd be more than happy to go she'd be even happier if tanero and the others went with her after arriving at the Entertainment District mitsuri and the others start exploring to scout the area first they get separated in the process mitsuri is alone while tanjiro zenitsu and inos are together I would stick with mitsuri not going to lie tanjiro and the Gang eventually encounter daki and mitsui soon follows mitsuri arrives at the scene with daki fighting tanero and the others she immediately steps into the battle and easily overpowers daki with her unique nishin sword and strength suddenly guaro comes out and Comforts her mitsuri and the others are confused about what's happening but still decide to attack guaro fights back and they are overwhelmed by his power mitsuri and Garo are an even match but daki is slowly losing to tanero zitsu inuk tanero and the others are able to behead DHI but she still won't die they realize that they have to cut off both their heads at the same time so tangero decides to go help mitsuri and leaves daki to zenitsu and inos tanjiro arrives at the scene where mitsuri is being overpowered by guaro tanero enters the fight and guaro focuses on tanjiro guaro is able to hit tanjiro with a heavy blow as he is about to finish him mitsuri then re-enters the fight and unlocks her Demon Slayer Mark mitsuri strength overpowers guaro and now guaro is at a disadvantage with a newly awakened mitsuri and tanjiro fighting him meanwhile zenitsu and inosuke are having a hard time against daki until nzuko shows up at the at the same time mitsuri and tanjiro are trying their best to defeat guaro mitsuri is able to land a good hit on guaro and tanjiro is able to slice off his head so far only two hashiras have fallen to the upper Moon Duo so how would muo do muo is an airhead but his status as a hashira makes his presence known to everyone and even though he's the youngest of the hashiras he clearly showed that he can carry his weight when he fought gilko the upper Moon 5 when he receives the order to exterminate a demon in the Entertainment District Tano and the others won't be comping him because he wouldn't ask for it and they didn't really get along during the hashira meeting Moira was just staring into the air the whole time too after muichiro arrives at the Entertainment District muichiro Blends into the crowd and because he has a neutral appearance he can be mistaken for either a boy or a girl sometimes this gives him the advantage because doy won't see him coming after muichiro gets the chance to get to doy he tries to execute her right away doy fights back but muichiro quickly counters and cuts her head off yotaro senses that muichiro is a threat and decides to come out to help his sister sister muo is surprised that there are two demons that have the upper Moon six title but it doesn't phase him so how would he do in a fight well muo continues the attack hoping to also kill guaro quickly but guaro blocks his attack like it's nothing showing that his strength is way better than daki muo plans to take the fight seriously and go all out because he's at the numbers disadvantage Taki and guaro both go at muichiro and he can't do anything but defend muichiro also can't unlock his Demon Slayer mark because he isn't fulfilling one of the conditions which is to have been in contact with a marked use which was supposed to be tanjiro so what happens next muichiro is hit badly and his poison but he isn't stopping he manages to Counterattack and hit nakaki slicing her head off Garo tries to land another hit but he's able to slice off guo's head however Dy is back again it became a battle of attrition but as you expected if muichiro doesn't unlock his Demon Slayer Mark he would lose as the two would be able to stop him from taking off both their heads at the same time last but not least we have the serpent hashira obanai is portrayed as a harsh person even as a Aira it's understandable though because he's had a rough pass and his attitude might be because of that but also because of his past he had to force himself to be strong in order to survive under those circumstances if obai was the one sent to the Entertainment District he would follow the order but he would not let tanero and the others go with him it was made clear that he and tanjiro didn't get along at the hashira meeting and even in the original story obanai was surprised to hear from tenen that tanjiro survived the battle at the Entertainment District against DHI and guaro because this guy clearly hates everyone except mitsuri after obanai arrives at the Entertainment District he's clearly seen through the crowd because he stands out and just doesn't care he aims to find doy as quickly as possible so that he can complete the mission after he finally finds doy he wastes no time trying to kill her doy blocks the attack revealing herself as the upper Moon six this time Dy counters but obanai is able to dodge the attack and is able to slice off dy's head as always guaro arrives and launches a surprise attack on obanai Yara continues to attack him but he's able to block yara's attacks OB I plans to fight back but Dy enters the fight as well making it a 2V1 situation in the long run obanai is slowly getting overwhelmed by the two demons what makes this interesting is that unlike the other hashiras obanai based on his attitude might even consider retreating and to make things more interesting I think he'll do that so how does it happen well alanai would be on a defensive stance and slowly Retreat away from the Entertainment District he would Target the Demon's limbs to immobilize them and use every means necessary to make an escape there's a 50/50 chance that he'll succeed seeing as the upper moons do have some insane regeneration before you leave click the video on the screen for more what if Demon Slayer videos take a look at the next video to find out make sure to like And subscribe and I'll see you there
Channel: Anime Facade
Views: 306,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demon slayer, demon slayer what if, what if demon slayer, what if a different hashira went to the entertainment district, what if a different hashira, what if another hashira went to the entertainment district, demon slayer entertainment district, entertainment district demon slayer, what if tengen didn't go to the entertainment district, tanjiro, demon slayer a different hashira, different hashira, demon slayer season 4, demon slayer season 5, demon slayer training arc
Id: KjdW45PLkU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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