What if Sleeping Beauty Never Woke Up? A Diorama

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what if Sleeping Beauty never woke up let's build a diarama to answer that question what always captivated me most about Sleeping Beauty is the idea of a kingdom left to time where nature and mystery take over I want to bring that Vision to life on a small scale a 112th miniature every fairy tale has rules and this diarama is no different one it must use materials available to anyone two the budget is limited $21.89 to be exact because that's how much cash I have and three it must be interesting otherwise what's the point okay here's the plan we'll build a book base make a bed Fit For A Princess add an arch and plant elements from nature and something interesting in this corner and also over here I don't have all the answers yet let's go shopping here's the list I started with which actually looked like this but I thought you might want something legible bonus plan sketch though I blow my 2189 budget at the local dollar store all but 3 pennies but I got most everything on the list per rule two I am only using these materials to create the diarama they don't have any white paint so I get a yellowy brown called Fawn hopefully it works out the paper pack has a nice assortment I do extract and throw away the glitter piece because I know it will end up in my eyes I'm also using a few basic tools I have for cutting and measuring okay let's get creating before I can begin a fairy glue mother appears a single gift she says no more no less I wish to use my own craft glue for this project okay now we can get back to building the first step is to destroy stuff the demolition strategy involves breaking a material down into the smallest components and rebuilding it in a new form inexpensive acrylic yarn can be used to make moss and plant textures earthy Brown is a good versatile color cut and pull it apart to make mosses Vines and foliage or these weird pill buug shapes that scare you when found on the floor here is the smallest form I use for this yarn it doesn't look like much until you gather the piles all together then you really start to see possibilities in the textures it also kind of looks like I just clean the shower drain but let's add some color glue the fibers to your surface and allow to to dry then mix acrylic paints to color the Moss let's stop to admire this tiny Dollar Store paint brush working so hard and here is the yarn Moss dry and ready to use you can always lighten or darken it with more paint this single floral pick was probably my biggest surprise in this project it separated into five stems no surprise there but as I pulled it apart I realized the flowers were connected in a chain that simply wrapped around these creepy plastic stems no messy glue the stem wires separated easily and the leaves were also completely usable no glue Globs anywhere these flowers will make perfect leafy Vines they just need a little paint the tiny paintbrush gets to work using a mix of the Fawn and green colors I put a green piece of paper below to catch any interesting marks a skewer helps me reduce the wriggling as I bounce between the shades I finish painting The Vines but then get a bit distracted dappling the piece of paper Tada Vines complete let's see what we can do with the creepy stem pieces the first thing I notice is the little heart-shaped prongs along the top I cut away the rest and paint the stems black then add red for the flowers five stems stems makes five little plants cut a few slivers of the science fair foam and paint them green then poke a bunch of holes I then chop up some leaves and a few of the white flowers I saved now I make a cheap material Mosaic to resemble small patches of leaves and flowers I glue on a yarn Moss ring and painted green with a ridiculously small brush these turn out pretty good if you don't look too closely still not sure what to do with the creepy bits I set those aside for now now we need our book base this foam board looks ready start by tracing a real book cut it out make a total of four book chunks glue three chunks together and weigh them down to dry these fragments are all that remain of the foam board I split the fourth book chunk and raised the edges using two smaller pieces I shave into wedges with my craft knife then I glue the spine at the center to form the cover shave the edges of the slab at an angle to make the illusion of pages which is actually much messier than my demo looks form the center page bumps with two more foam strips then use foil to shape the center of the spine spackle can fill these unsightly gaps this spackle looks like stale marshmallow fluff but it is forbidden for your safety I cut the scenes of my finger dancing through this stuff like it's frosting it says PL ly on the back do not touch gloves are recommended while I'm painting the book cover with this tiny brush I start thinking again about how I might represent a princess in this diarama then once I'm literally watching paint dry a possible solution arrives this is a book books usually have writing I can make title text to collage into the scene but here I hit a wall pen was not part of the material budget I feel so clever when I improvise with black paint and a skewer 2 minutes later when I've written just two letters I no longer feel clever best to speed things up well this is not going to win any penmanship Awards but we have a title book dry I decopage on some paper to look like paper I only have small pieces from the paper pack but that will work I use a separate strip of paper to spread the collage glue faster on the front and back sides the next logical step is a stone floor peel away paper to expose more foam the skewer Stone carving process goes a bit smoother once I remember what rocks look like paint the stone floor sections black I have three colors to work with mixing as many muddy colors as you can with three paints is actually pretty fun I brush on the lightest color first then add layers of color to resemble stones and I go back to black to add more depth at the end paint the foam edges Fawn and we're ready to move on you might have noticed the top of the book isn't exactly book-shaped right now the foam Supply has dwindled so I smooth out the page curves using a little burlap Fabric and a bit more paper seal it all up with more collage medium and we have our book base the chameleon technique involves taking everyday materials and camouflaging them with new purpose paper and paint is a great place to start painting both sides will reduce warping and make the colors more saturated tearing the paper will will give it a softer more organic look pulling the paper straight apart makes a smaller deckled Edge pull up on one side while tearing for more dramatic deing now we make the most elegant of roses the spitball Rose paint the paper first or use the color you want tear a small piece pinch and fold up the edges as you compress the paper your exact technique can be non-committal like my use of the treadmill roll it into a ball using your fingers look for a flowerlike front side cut a square then make it a circle and curve it using a ball stylus or whatever you have on hand this will be the base of your rose it takes about 20 seconds to make this flower and you can skip cutting hundreds of tiny petals just one thing a warning do not get these wet in a matter of seconds the Roses will uncurl like straw wrapper worms and become demo Gorgons fortify your spitballs with a fixative like collage medium paint or glue we're going with glue since that's in the materials budget the easiest way to hand cut a circle is to start with a square then trim it down it also helps to do this at 200% speed shape the paper caps with a blunt tool over a squishy surface a ball stylist works best for this but a paintbrush handle does okay these stems are skewers and threads from the burlap fabric assemble with a dab of glue make lots of mushrooms stiffen any wimpy burlap stems with a bit of glue our paper parade continues with furled Ferns and curled grass ferns start as skimpy triangles add a paint Landing Strip up the center crease the center of the other side with a blunt tool now snip as fast and straight as you can without cutting the guideline you painted make it a game I Believe In You furl the blades around a thin handle like a skewer then attack the frond with said skewer to fluff it up a bit grass is similar only you start with the block shape taper a few blades and instead of furled it gets curled leaves are critical for an abandoned look fold the paper or not leaves won't judge I like a mix of both cut a whole lot of leaf shapes from your painted Pages out of all the leaves I made for this diarama this set is the worst looking but you get the idea we've been working with a lot of paper let's change it up a bit with some foil roll a foil ball glue on bits of torn paper then add a skewer handle mixing green and fawn gave me this nice Sage color to coat the lumpy shrubs and we have cake pops but we need bushes add more glue and roll the ball in minced leaves from your floral pick you could easily stack these on a skewer to make a pretty convincing topiary later I'll patch up some of the bald spots and brush on darker paint so they look less like lettuce it's bedtime this wood box just happens to be the same Dimension as a 112 size queen bed perfect for a princess with my tiny brush I paint it black from the inside out the paper pack came with a small stack of pink so we're going to make it Pink two paper treatments will help give the paper a fabric look for the first crumple the paper into a ball unfold it and crumple it again this weakens the paper fibers and removes stiffness the second paper treatment is a sloppy accordion fold with extra squish to give the appearance of Ruffles tearing away hard edges will also make the paper more blanket like apply a squiggly layer of glue spread it out evenly then affix your bedside Ruffles finish your faux fabric look by pinning the top creases with more glue perhaps if I added a few more Ruffles modern cheap tool is the twinkie of fabric made of plastic and will definitely outlive a all tie into little bundles to make tidy Ruffles then glue in place at strategic intervals this tool packaging is the perfect size to make a bed top which I strengthen with skewers on both sides then paint the bottom side red to seal the paper we're coming closer to the part where we must decide what is on the bed yes we could do this but it doesn't feel right I switched to the headboard I colored these skewers with leftover paint from the stone floor at the time they had no purpose but I decide now to use them for the headboard okay this is going to sound a bit harsh but stick with me of all the princesses the one in sleep Beauty has the most useless least autonomous story arc cursed as a baby hidden through childhood curse fulfilled and then sleep the princess is more plot device than character a fairy tale Helen of Troy the story is driven by the fairies and the decisions they make we are accustomed to princesses fully shaping their Destinies before they're old enough to drive but the princess in Sleeping Beauty mostly just exists in fact her total screen time in the 75-minute animation is just under 18 minutes this tiny paintbrush has more screen time but what if you view her story through a reality lens most of us have very little control over our lives before we're adults we don't choose where we move who our parents love what we'll eat where we'll sleep whether we can buy cute stuff at the book fair we have very few choices and many of the choices we do make are shaped by small moments like someone saying hey you are really good at that which plants a seed of purpose within us so in some ways the princess in Sleeping Beauty is all of us in many versions she connects with someone or something in the animated version she connects with the forest and the animals with so much trust and openness it allows you the viewer to also connect with her in just a few brief moments that deep connection to Nature is how I want to remember her but a question still plagues me how do we actually make this scen say princess the answer smacks me in the forehead a crown we need a crown what does her crown look like I have a little silver but I see now her ciret is gold we need gold H too muddy Why Can't This Be a trash challenge I even have a little copper left over but no gold but then I remember it the glitter that I threw away and I run to the trash bin to find it's still there and now we have a CR Brown the princess in Sleeping Beauty goes by many names now that I have this gold glitter I get inspired to make a little crest for her using the last of the foam a sun for Aurora blue Waves for Talia which means Heaven's do Brier Rose and Rose are other names she goes by and for that I've made many many rose-like flowers using the spitball technique for the top of the bed we'll form a tapestry of Decay and Beauty but first we start humbly with mysterious foil lumps and crumpled paper if this room is so old how have the Linens survived this long perhaps they were woven by fairies maybe there is Magic lingering in this space speaking of magic let's work in a little montage here [Music] let's build a Regal rounded Arch using wire we pilfered from this floral pick Bend five wires into similar C- shapes then lay some skewers down as if they'll assemble themselves don't let the transparency fool you this tool is strong beef up your arch with yarn wrapping for a 70s interior Vibe then add a little paint to graduate to the 80s leg warmer look now deploy the white flowers you transformed into variegated Vines wrap and glue and keep a few extras for bald spots add many spitball roses sew so many as I'm assembling the arch I realize I don't have very many tall items to go in the diarama if only I had something with a little height that I could use to make bushes an arch is a tidy way to represent the encroachment of nature while still maintaining a castle aesthetic let's finally do something with these poor stem skeletons like paint them black give them little coats made of glue adorn with yarn flick away any excess fibers adding more yarn if needed then brush on some color to mimic foliage flesh highlight with a lighter color to attract bees apply some skewer dots to represent berries adorable we've made a lot of bits and it's finally build time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] chop down the lofty Arch to better fit the scene strips of tulle form a thin veil then read the arch in a whole new location if you pull strips of tul tightly you can make a cord trim to bury your unsightly edges or cut tulle into a triangular blob and glue on some yarn strands add leaves and spitball roses to make a creeping Vine for more finishing touches fill in any holes mix a little of every paint you have just one t add water then dab the goopy wash liberally in every crack time has claimed and finally a crown to wear in grace and beauty let's tell her story [Music] once upon a time in a kingdom far away a beautiful princess is born to celebrate her the king and queen invite fairies to bestow blessings upon the baby one dark fairy curses the princess to prick her finger on a spindle and die before her 16th birthday The Last Fairy softens the curse so instead of death the princess would sleep until awakened by true love's kiss the king orders all spindles in the Kingdom to be destroyed despite precautions the princess finds a hidden spindle and pricks her finger fulfilling the curse the young princess falls into a deep Slumber for 200 years she sleeps the castle passes from from memory the fairy magic Fades she dreams of roots and mosses reaching out to caress her gently an invitation I am ready she tells them she sigh one last breath and slips into a forever Slumber a thousand more years pass if you listen closely you might still hear a whisper I am here [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Tiny Urchin
Views: 376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniatures, mini making, tiny things, dollhouse
Id: CFmPMpjgvFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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